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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zhang Chao

The article reflects the peculiarities of the study of the development of strategic priorities for the coordination of the interests of the state and financial risks insurance in the manifestation of non-psychotic depressive disorders in adolescents. Due to the violation of normal communication, a child with hearing and intellectual disabilities has significant difficulties with the assimilation of social experience. And the significant cognitive material that is acquired by a hearing child spontaneously, naturally and relatively easily is given to them under the special training and considerable volitional efforts. Memory ensures the continuity of a person's mental life by the fact that he constantly remains himself internally, accumulating all kinds of knowledge and all kinds of forms of learning. It is based on the brain's ability to retain traces of external influences (as well as influences coming from inside the body). We can remember what happened a minute ago, yesterday's events, and almost everything that we learned (or what happened to us) in the distant past. In primary school age, memory is one of the main, key mental functions, depending on which all other functions are built. The purpose of this study is to determine strategic priorities for coordinating the interests of the state and insuring financial risks for families of adolescents with hearing and developmental disabilities. The relevance and novelty of the research is determined by the need to consider the topic under study and the unprecedented impact of researching the theoretical aspects of the study of the stability of the national insurance system in the conditions of transformations of financial risk insurance on the subject under study. We carried out this work using such methods of scientific research as observation, statistical grouping, system analysis, synthesis, generalization and comparison. The results obtained in the course of the study clearly indicate global trends in the research of strategic priorities for coordinating the interests of the state and financial risk insurance in the modern healthcare system.

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15. Solodkaya, E.V. On the problem of depressive disorders in adolescents / E.V. Solodkaya, I.P. Loginov // Far Eastern Medical Journal. - 2014. - No. 2. - Pp.127-133.

16. Tatuev, A.A. Identification and alignment of regional typological differences by the lever of development of the banking industry and the intensity of its interaction with the non-financial sector of the economy of territories / A.A. Tatuev, I.V.Taranova, T.V.Kasaeva. - Pyatigorsk: PGLU, 2018. - 125 p.

17. Taranova, I.V. Features of the application of economic, mathematical and economic methods in psychological research / I.V. Taranova // Management of Economic Systems: Electronic Scientific Journal. - 2020. - № 5. - Pp. 50-59.

18. Taranova, I.V. Instrumentation organizational and economic support of labor motivation of employees / D.I. Mamycheva, A.V. Melnichuk, I.V. Taranova // International Review of Management and Marketing. - 2016. - Vol. 6. - No. 1. - Pp. 142-147.

19. Tkachenko, O.I. Actual problems of children and adolescents. Collection of scientific articles for the 85th anniversary of FESMU / O.I. Tkachenko, E.V. Geiker. - Khabarovsk. - 2015. - P. 40-45.


UDC 159.9

postgraduate student of the faculty of psychology and pedagogy Zhang Chao

Smolensk State University (Smolensk)


Annotation. The article reflects the peculiarities of the study of the development of strategic priorities for the coordination of the interests of the state and financial risks insurance in the manifestation of non-psychotic depressive disorders in adolescents. Due to the violation of normal communication, a child with hearing and intellectual disabilities has significant difficulties with the assimilation of social experience. And the significant cognitive material that is acquired by a hearing child spontaneously, naturally and relatively easily is given to them under the special training and considerable volitional efforts. Memory ensures the continuity of a person's mental life by the fact that he constantly remains himself internally, accumulating all kinds of knowledge and all kinds of forms of learning. It is based on the brain's ability to retain traces of external influences (as well as influences coming from inside the body). We can remember what happened a minute ago, yesterday's events, and almost everything that we learned (or what happened to us) in the distant past. In primary school age, memory is one of the main, key mental functions, depending on which all other functions are built. The purpose of this study is to determine strategic priorities for coordinating the interests of the state and insuring financial risks for families of adolescents with hearing and developmental disabilities. The relevance and novelty of the research is determined by the need to consider the topic under study and the unprecedented impact of researching the theoretical aspects of the study of the stability of the national insurance system in the conditions of transformations of financial risk insurance on the subject under study. We carried out this work using such methods of scientific research as observation, statistical grouping, system analysis, synthesis, generalization and comparison. The results obtained in the course of the study clearly indicate global trends in the research of strategic priorities for coordinating the interests of the state and financial risk insurance in the modern healthcare system.

Key words: medical insurance, financial risks, healthcare system, memory impairment and intellectual disability, adolescents, strategic priorities.

Аннотация. В статье получило свое отражение особенности исследования развития стратегических приоритетов согласования интересов государства и страхования финансовых рисков при непсихотических депрессивных расстройств у подростков. Из-за нарушения нормального общения с миром слышащих, усвоение социального опыта ребенком с нарушениями слуха и интеллекта существенно затруднено, и тот значительный познавательный материал, который приобретается слышащим ребенком спонтанно, естественно и относительно легко, им дается при условии специального обучения и значительных волевых стараний. Память обеспечивает непрерывность психической жизни человека то, что он постоянно остается внутренне самим собой, накапливание им всех видов знаний, всевозможные формы обучения. Она основана на свойстве мозга удерживать следы внешних воздействий.

Ключевые слова: медицинское страхование, финансовые риски, система, стратегические приоритеты.

Introduction. Currently, the healthcare system is one of the unstable financial entities. Depending on the fulfillment of its obligations prescribed in the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation, this entity is also exposed to certain financial and economic risks. In the conditions of the rapidly developing economy of the Russian Federation, the issue of financial risk insurance for families of adolescents with hearing and intellectual disabilities is becoming the most acute. Hence, we need to protect the property interests of an economic entity in an insurance organization, namely from the occurrence of insured events and to take measures to minimize the likelihood of negative and zero results of financial risks. The subject area of scientific research is the consideration of the features of studying the strategic priorities of coordinating the interests of the state and financial risk insurance in the conditions of transformations at the regional and federal levels. The key problems of the study are the lack of knowledge of the possibility of using strategic priorities to coordinate the interests of the state and financial risk insurance in the conditions of transformations of the regional sphere. Next, we describe the sections of this study: Consideration of strategic priorities for coordinating the interests of the state and insuring financial risks in the region. Discussion of the results obtained in the context of published secondary data and literature on this research topic. We indicated the practical significance of the research and the results obtained on the chosen topic. In turn, it is worth noting that conducting thorough and uncompromising control over the activities of the economic and financial sphere of the healthcare system also reduces the likelihood of losing financial resources as the main result when financial risk occurs. In this regard, the importance of the existing internal control mechanism also increases as one of the key factors reflecting the state of financial resource management of the healthcare system, as well as ensuring the protection of legitimate and property interests, rights of insurers and policyholders [1-19].

Presentation of the main material of the article. The subject of the study is a system of measures aimed at researching the theoretical aspects of the study of the strategic priorities sustainability of the coordination of the state interests and financial risks insurance of families of adolescents with non-psychotic depressive disorders. In the course of the research, we used such general scientific and research tools as a systematic approach, methods of induction and synthesis, dialectical, system-functional, comparative analysis, private methods of economic sciences. The methodological apparatus of this study is the research of theoretical aspects of the study of the sustainability of strategic priorities of the coordination of the interests of the state and financial risks insurance of families of adolescents with non-psychotic depressive disorders.

The insurance considers the specifics and features of financial risk insurance of the Russian Federation. We should note the classification of financial risks that are subject to insurance and the conclusion of the contract, respectively (Fig. 1):

Deposit insurance

Figure 1. Classification of financial risk insurance for families of adolescents with non-psychotic depressive disorders

The limit factor on resources for investment directed by the state brings to the fore the need to use alternatives in obtaining financial, cash flows by the economy and obtaining positive results of financial risk. Thus, the importance of financial risk insurance for families of adolescents with non-psychotic depressive disorders consists in raising the quality indicators of the provision of medical services for the treatment of concomitant diseases of various kinds, which economic entities need, activating the development of projects, targeted programs through insurance.

Considering financial risks in the field of insurance, it is necessary to note the main indicators that relate to this category of interaction of financial risks of the healthcare system, the insurance market and the state.

Financial risk insurance


Figure 2. Dynamics of financial risk insurance 2019-2021, number of contracts, pcs

Financial risk insurance statistics show that in 2018, the largest share of the change in the volume of premiums was 72.11% of Renaissance Insurance Group JSC, and the smallest was 4.32% of BLAGOSOSTOYANIE OS JSC, respectively. Figure 2 shows that, in general, the volume of financial risk insurance has been increasing since 2017. The indicator has increased by 80.6% from 2017 to 2019, which also characterizes an increase in the level of adolescent disease with non-psychotic depressive disorders.

At the moment, many families are in dire need of financial risk insurance in the implementation of insurance development programs to improve infrastructure and social improvement due to the limited ability of the state to provide funds from the budget.

At the heart of ensuring the financial security of adolescent families with non-psychotic depressive disorders is its financial stability and sustainability.

Now, we consider the main measures to ensure financial security (FS) (Figure 3):

Figure 3. Measures to ensure the financial security of families of adolescents with non-psychotic depressive disorders

In order to conduct a complete study on the chosen topic, it is necessary to consider the following methods to identify the following signs of non-psychotic depressive disorders in adolescents:

Method 1. "Semantic memory".

Purpose: to determine the level of semantic memory.

Equipment: 2 groups of words.

Conducting the methodology: we ask the child to memorize 5 pairs of words: table - lunch, bridge - river, forest - bear, nail -board, noise - water. We read these pairs of words to the child. Then the psychologist repeats only the first words from each pair, and the child must remember the second word for each pair. For children with complex disorders (hearing and intelligence), we present all words on visual material.

Evaluation of the results: 5 pairs of words - a high level of semantic memory development. 3-4 pairs of words - the average level of semantic memory development. 1-2 pairs of words - low level of semantic memory development.

Next, we identify the level of logical memory of younger schoolchildren with hearing impairment and intellectual disability using an interval value scale. 20-15 reproduced words - a high level of logical memory. The number of correctly named words increases every next time. They understand the instructions well enough and can arbitrarily memorize words in the specified volume, the word order is mostly preserved. To study the level of development of the leading type of memory, we used the method "Determining the type of memory in younger schoolchildren". When using it, we obtained the following results, presented in Table 1.

Table 1

The results of the methodology "Determining the type of memory in younger schoolchildren"

Type of memory Experimental group

Absolute indicator Relative indicator

Auditory 0 0%

Visual 4 80%

Motor-auditory 0 0%

Combined 1 20%

During the procedure, we found out that the predominant type of memory is visual memory (80%). The combined type of memory prevails in 1 subject of the experimental group (20%). It is associated with memorization, preservation, reproduction and motor perception of words, concepts, judgments.

In turn, the second method in our study was the method of "Memorizing 10 words" (according to A.R. Luria). When using it, we got the following results.

Table 2

The results of the methodology No. 2 "Memorizing 10 words" (according to A.R. Luria)

Level of memorization Experimental group

Absolute indicator Relative indicator

High 0 0%

Average 2 40%

Low 3 60%

When conducting the methodology, we found out that the prevailing level of memorization and mnestic activity is low (60%). Due to these results, 3 subjects' memorization is slow, the chart is zigzag, we need more presentations. Zigzagging also indicates the instability of attention and its fluctuations. The average level of memorization and mnestic activity (40%) was revealed in 2 subjects of the experimental group. The experimental group did not have a high level of memorization and mnestic activity. They do not use logical memorization techniques. The average level of semantic memory development (40%) was revealed in 2 subjects of the experimental group. The subjects try to use mnemic supports. It is characterized by an average ability to generalize the material and highlight the main thoughts in it. They do not always use logical memorization techniques. The experimental group did not have a high level of semantic memory development.

Conclusion. As a result of the study, we considered the causes and consequences of the unexplored theoretical aspects of the topic under study to improve the development of the region's economy. In turn, all the above conclusions testify to the study of the content and features of the transformation processes of the insurance system of Russia. And it is necessary to cite the mechanism of

institutional transformations systematizing the scientific pluralism of approaches to the identification of its transformations and restructurings. The predominant type of memory in the studied adolescents is visual, and the level of semantic memory is low. The subjects do not use mnemic supports. There are difficulties in generalizing the material, the ability to distinguish the main thoughts in it. They do not use logical memorization techniques.

The selection of methods for the purpose of correctional and pedagogical work with a child with complex disorders is determined by a number of factors. Students with simultaneous hearing impairment and intellectual disability have a significantly reduced ability to fully perceive the information offered by the learning situation.

The fulfillment of various new life situations gives the student the opportunity to create their relationships in society most adequately.

The criteria identified as a result of the analysis of theoretical material on a given problem were the leading type of memory, the memory span, the accuracy of reproduction.


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16. Tatuev, A.A. Identification and alignment of regional typological differences by the lever of development of the banking industry and the intensity of its interaction with the non-financial sector of the economy of territories / A.A. Tatuev, I.V.Taranova, T.V. Kasaeva. - Pyatigorsk: PGLU, 2018. - 125 p.

17. Taranova, I.V. Features of the application of economic, mathematical and economic methods in psychological research / I.V. Taranova // Management of Economic Systems: Electronic Scientific Journal. - 2020. - № 5. - Pp. 50-59.

18. Taranova, I.V. Instrumentation organizational and economic support of labor motivation of employees / D.I. Mamycheva, A.V. Melnichuk, I.V. Taranova // International Review of Management and Marketing. - 2016. - Vol. 6. - No.1. - Pp. 142-147.

19. Tkachenko, O.I. Actual problems of children and adolescents. Collection of scientific articles for the 85th anniversary of FESMU / O.I. Tkachenko, E.V. Geiker. - Khabarovsk. - 2015. - P. 40-45.


УДК 159.9

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Щиголева Нина Васильевна

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Воронежский государственный педагогический университет» (г. Воронеж)


Аннотация. Возрождение патриотизма в России возможно через систему образования. В последние десятилетия в стране патриотизм является дискуссионной темой, интенсивно обсуждается в научном знании. Популярность проблемы объясняется новизной подходов, динамичностью и малоизученностью, это вызывает социальную тревожность, катализирующую активность ученых в этой области. Поскольку педагогические вузы - флагманы российского образования, то они могут и должны стать движущей силой развития региона, источником традиций, культуры, образования и прогрессивных изменений. Воспитательно-образовательная работа вуза должна строиться на богатой истории и глубоких традициях России. Формирование патриотизма как воплощения мужества, доблести и героизма, силы русского народа, как необходимого условия единства, величия и могущества государства включает два направления: развитие подсистемы эмоционально-психологической (чувство любви к Родине, гордость за нее и пр.) и рационально-идеологической (осознание идей, действий, ориентированных на укрепление Отечества и т.д.). Именно на эти две составляющие необходимо делать акцент при социализации студентов в культурно-образовательном пространстве вуза.

Ключевые слова: патриотизм, патриотическое воспитание, смысло-творческая деятельность, волонтерство, социализация.

Annоtation. The revival of patriotism in Russia is possible through the education system. In recent decades in Russia patriotism is a debatable topic, intensively discussed in scientific knowledge. The popularity of the topic related to patriotism it is explained by the novelty of approaches, dynamism and little-studied, this causes social anxiety, the catalyzing activity of scientists in this field.

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