THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON THE HEALTH OF THE POPULATION OF ZARAFSHAN REGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Regional climate / disease types / regions of disease distribution. / Regional climate / disease types / regions of disease distribution.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Ravshanov A.Kh., Otakulov K.F.

In the article, Zarafshan provides information about the causes of climate change in the region, the factors affecting the health of the population of the region, the types of diseases spreading in the region, and their prevention. In this case, it is not a single feature of the region, but a number of factors, such as relief, climate, soil, flora and fauna, as well as, in contrast to natural geographical zoning, the specialization of this region, the main leading sectors in industry or agriculture, medical assessment from a geographical point of view is important.

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In the article, Zarafshan provides information about the causes of climate change in the region, the factors affecting the health of the population of the region, the types of diseases spreading in the region, and their prevention. In this case, it is not a single feature of the region, but a number of factors, such as relief, climate, soil, flora and fauna, as well as, in contrast to natural geographical zoning, the specialization of this region, the main leading sectors in industry or agriculture, medical assessment from a geographical point of view is important.


UDK: 911.3:61

Ravshanov A.Kh.

Teacher of the Samarkand State University

Otakulov K.F.

Teacher of the Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute


Abstract. In the article, Zarafshan provides information about the causes of climate change in the region, the factors affecting the health of the population of the region, the types of diseases spreading in the region, and their prevention. In this case, it is not a single feature of the region, but a number offactors, such as relief, climate, soil, flora and fauna, as well as, in contrast to natural geographical zoning, the specialization of this region, the main leading sectors in industry or agriculture, medical assessment from a geographical point of view is important.

Key words: Regional climate, disease types, regions of disease distribution.

Introduction. The impact of climate change on the health of the population of the Zarafshan region The climate of the Zarafshan region is a continental region, and due to the fact that the region stretches far from west to east and the relief is rising, the temperature regime and the amount of precipitation are different everywhere. Today, climate change is recognized by the world community as the most serious problem facing humanity. Climate change has a great impact on all spheres of human life, including human health, and requires immediate measures to prevent negative consequences of climate change and adapt to new living conditions.

Zarafshan region is one of the main criteria for issues related to public health and socio-economic development. Determining the factors affecting the climate change of the Zarafshan region and preventing them, in turn, restoring the health of the region's population is an important condition and sign of the region's development [4]. At this point, it should be said that in order to clarify the factors influencing the change of the climate of the region and the issues of population morbidity, it is necessary to know the types and composition of diseases. According to the World Health Organization, diseases are divided into two large groups. Including non-infectious and infectious-parasitic diseases.

Today, in the health of the population of the Zarafshan region, due to the specialization in the cultivation and processing of more agricultural products, infectious parasitic, digestive, and endocrine system diseases are the leading diseases in such places, while in areas with dense industrial and transport networks, respiratory, heart, blood- vascular, nervous system diseases are

characteristic [3,6]. As can be seen from the above, structural medical geographic zoning of the climate of the Zarafshan region is one of the main issues, geographic research cannot be imagined without zoning. Another important principle of geographical zoning of Zarafshan region is the approach of complexity. In this case, it is not a single feature of the region, but a number of factors, such as relief, climate, soil, flora and fauna, as well as, in contrast to natural geographical zoning, the specialization of this region, the main leading sectors in industry or agriculture, medical assessment from a geographical point of view is important. The principle of historicity is also taken into account in medical geographic regionalization [4].

This principle can be considered as the main factor in almost all types of zoning. For example, in determining the common diseases among the population, the climatic conditions and external conditions that cause them, it is important to determine whether such diseases existed in the region before, or whether it is the effect of climate change in the region or vice versa. Our scientists N.Komilova, A.Soliyev, A.Ravshanov and many other scientists, who are conducting and continuing scientific research on the factors that cause the spread of diseases among the population and their prevention, have contributed to human health. are conducting research on the scientific-theoretical and practical issues of the mysterious factors [5]. The following principles (principles) were taken as the main criteria for the changes in the health of the population as a result of the change in the climate of the region, as well as the medical division of the region into geographical regions:

- the generality of the geographic location of z arafshan region;

- existence of nosogeographic areas of various diseases ;

- prevalence and specialization of groups of diseases;

- the integrity of the administrative-territorial unit.

- medical geographical assessment of all elements of natural and economic-social factors affecting the emergence and spread of diseases, determining the health of the population of the region;

- study of climatic complexes affecting population health ;

- forecasting the geographical situation of climate change based on the existing indicators based on the future natural location of the regions;

- creation of special medical-geographic maps describing the positive or negative influence of individual elements of natural and economic-social factors.

This article describes the causes and conditions of climate change and its effects on the health of the population of the region. Also, in the study of the climate of the region, work is carried out based on certain methods. In particular, natural geographical description, cartographic analysis, field and stationary research, zoning, and the use of questionnaires in socio-demographic content are of great importance to carry out research in this direction. Among the above, some general methods are also widely used. For example, system-content, statistical, mathematical modeling, historical, comparative methods are widely

used. In the study of the climate of the Zarafshan region, it is determined by determining the health status of the population and its interaction with geographical factors, their connection, consequences and ways to eliminate them. The decisive role of socio-economic factors is especially taken into account. The effect of regional climate on public health is also widely used in the traditional zoning method.

The article examines the impact of climate change on the health of the population of Zarafshan region, as well as geographic and regional features, factors influencing them, and their regional problems and foundations , and develops appropriate scientific recommendations and conclusions.

Conclusion. In conclusion, it should be noted that today, the climate of the Zarafshan region is changing as a result of human economic activities, and as a result, infectious diseases spread among the population of the region and lead to chronic continuation of these diseases. From the above, it can be seen that structural medical geographical regionalization of the climate of the Zarafshan region is one of the main issues. is to identify and develop recommendations for their prevention.


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