Научная статья на тему 'The Gods Themselves as a unique Asimov’s novel'

The Gods Themselves as a unique Asimov’s novel Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ахмедов Р. Ш.

В статье рассматриваются отличительные черты структуры и тематики романа «Сами Боги» Айзека Азимова.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The Gods Themselves as a unique Asimov’s novel»



УДК 82

Р.Ш. Ахмедов

преподаватель, ГулГУ г. Гулистан, Узбекистан



В статье рассматриваются отличительные черты структуры и тематики романа

«Сами Боги» Айзека Азимова.

Ключевые слова Трилогия, три, интертекстуальность, хронология, декорации.

Analyzing Isaac Asimov's science fiction novel "Gods Themselves" it becomes clear that this is the most unusual literary experience of the writer. It differs from other works by Asimov in respect of both structure and theme. Structure as well as theme is associated with a number "3". There are 3 chapters, 3 titles, 3 locations, 3 main heroes in each location, and 3 points of view in the novel. Nevertheless, the most unusual thing with the novel is that only here Asimov turns his attention to the aliens theme and tries to depict their life. Thematic direction of the novel is rather enthusiastic. The problem is this: structurally, the novel is not so much a single novel as a trilogy of novellas. The middle third is absolutely brilliant and without a doubt one of Asimov's best half-dozen pieces of writing. The other 2 are of a low opinion of critics. Their opinion is that there was no need to create 3 worlds in order to develop the same idea three times. However, Asimov tried to show a global character of the problem, and to intricate the plot by 3 different solutions. In addition, the novel has some connections with "Foundation and Empire", "Second Foundation", "Last Question", "Ugly Little Boy", and "Bicentennial Man". Thus, we can speak about an intertextual character of the novel. Thematic content of the novel is also highly distinctive. For the 1st time men no longer stand alone in the universe of Asimov. Now there are other worlds, other living beings. Asimov creates alien beings that mate in threes and live on pure energy; new breeds of humans who have created their own environment. It is the future of new worlds, ever-changing worlds. But yet among them there is still Earth. It is rather classical for Asimov to write about the Earth, where Man still strives to be the best to advance beyond all other beings and their worlds. And this final, glorious step in mankind's technical progress has been achieved: the discovery of an unlimited, non-polluting energy source. But what seems to be progress may, in reality, end in complete tragedy. Earth's unlimited energy source is about to trigger unlimited destruction - and the end of a universe. It would be easy to praise the second section of the novel [1, 173] - the characters are well-drawn and unforgettable, particularly Dua, the aliens are fascinating and, well, alien. Now, of course, the aliens still seem rather human psychologically, which is considered as a weakness by some critics. But it is a trivial weakness, on the whole. The 1st [1, 3] and 3rd [1, 289] sections of the book differ from the 2nd one. Asimov likes to avoid telling a story in a straightforward chronological order and in few places the chronological structure is too complicated, as it is in the 1st section, named "Against Stupidity". The chronological structure leaves one with the feeling that one is not reading the story but background to the story, which sometimes makes readers feel that the actual story is weaker, especially compared with the background that explains it. But, at the same time, it creates specific atmosphere making us be absorbed in reading. According to Asimov there are 2 aspects of writing science fiction: first, there is plot, the complications of events; that's the same as in a mystery novel; but, secondly, it is building a new society, if someone wants to write a good science fiction story. "This society should be just as interesting as the plot itself; in other words, the reader should be just as eager to read about the society and to picture it as to see the development of the plot. But you don't want to subordinate one to the other: you don't want the plot to be so intricate and so dense that you can never see the background through it; on the other hand, you don't want the background to become so prominent that you lose sight of the plot taking place in front of it" [2, 17]. And only in the Gods Themselves, specifically in the 1st and 3rd chapters,


Asimov purposely makes background more powerful then the plot of the story. The author depict aliens' life, their laws and traditions, while the plot is lost between the lines. As for the 3 rd section, named "Contend in Vain?", it feels rather like a dénouement, but it is less memorable than what proceeds it. It lacks most of the faults of the first section - the characters, the storytelling, the situations and plot, are all reasonable good and engaging in general. It is, in fact, distinctly better than the "Against Stupidity", and is a good, solid Asimov story. The main fault with this section is that it resembles a lunar travelogue.

The "Gods Themselves" is Asimov's personal favorite of all his novels. The novel has complicated structure with the elements of intertextuality. It was his 1st "real" science fiction novel in nearly 20 years, it proved that not only could he still write 1st-rate science fiction, but he could even write it about aliens. It even won both a Hugo and a Nebula. The brilliance of the "Gods Themselves" boosts enormously the impression of the entire novel that is offset to a large extent by the unevenness itself.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Asimov, I. The Gods Themselves. 4th Edition. -New York: Bantam, 2016.

2. Ingersoll, E. A Conversation with I.Asimov. //SFS, №14(1). -LA: SFS, 1987.

© Ахмедов Р. Ш., 2018

УДК 001.891.32

Н. И. Башилов

ФГКУ «321 ВКГ» МО РФ г. Чита, РФ E-mail: nikita.bashilov@gmail.com



Работа по написанию обзорных рефератов имеет место на каждом этапе обучения специалистов различного профиля. Развитие практических навыков создания вторичных научных текстов необходимо основывать на опыте передовых технологий. Данный обзор посвящен этапам реферирования, включает практические советы по работе с литературой, созданию вторичных научных текстов.

Ключевые слова обзор, реферат, библиография, картотека, конспект

Создание научных текстов является неотъемлемой частью деятельности каждого обучающегося, научного работника. По мнению Колесниковой: «научный текст - это результат творческого мыслительного процесса, ...» [2, с. 212]. Данный процесс подчиняется определенным «...правилам... <...> требованиям нормативных документов» [2, с. 172], соблюдение которых позволяет автору создать последовательный и связный текст, на основе переосмысления информации первоисточника. Вместе с тем, реферат не должен представлять собой совокупность выдержек из источника [3]. Следовательно, приобретение навыков реферирования жизненно необходимо для думающего и создающего представителя вида «человек разумный», чтобы уметь - как метко заметил Эко Умберт, - «.сделать достойную работу, даже стартовав со слабых позиций...»[5, с. 15].

Процесс создания обзорного реферата является многостадийным. В настоящий момент, существует несколько подходов к разделению реферирования на этапы. Однако в большинстве работ нейролингвистов, филологов, посвященных этой теме, можно найти общие позиции. Все авторы рекомендуют начинать реферирование с выбора темы, формулирования цели исследования, так как «именно они определяют критерии отбора источников для анализа.» [3, с. 128]. Трапезников И.В., обучая курсантов и следуя

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