Научная статья на тему 'The globalization like impulse to the society of the information through public policy'

The globalization like impulse to the society of the information through public policy Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Douglas A., Suárez R.

Many critics o specialists concur that the world is passing through economy and energetic crisis but it is not just a simple crisis, it is one of the greatest crisis of the last years and it is necessary to understand the new world order that puts a man in the center of cares, that makes universal the society inside the concept of social development through transcendental facts. The technologic transformations are not separate movements they are determined by cultural, social, economic and political contexts where they develop. The society of the information has the most significant characteristics like: the globalization of the economy, the exponentiation of capitalistic system, the appearance of new labor sectors and disappearance of others. It is not only a technologic question but also a politic, cultural, ideological and economic one having direct effects in the society in general. The new order is a tangible reality, it is undeniable, that is why it is necessary to the States or Governments of the world to realize that they have to generate public policy and to participate in what allows to push society of the information and to lead the development in the sectories of the education and the sanity, to work to preserve cultural riches and different identities of the human race.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The globalization like impulse to the society of the information through public policy»



УДК 316.4.06

Douglas A. Suarez R.

PhD Student of the Engineering Faculty Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow.

E-mail: douglas170667@gmail.com




Many critics o specialists concur that the world is passing through economy and energetic crisis but it is not just a simple crisis, it is one of the greatest crisis of the last years and it is necessary to understand the new world order that puts a man in the center of cares, that makes universal the society inside the concept of social development through transcendental facts.

The technologic transformations are not separate movements they are determined by cultural, social, economic and political contexts where they develop. The society of the information has the most significant characteristics like: the globalization of the economy, the exponentiation of capitalistic system, the appearance of new labor sectors and disappearance of others. It is not only a technologic question but also a politic, cultural, ideological and economic one having direct effects in the society in general.

The new order is a tangible reality, it is undeniable, that is why it is necessary to the States or Governments of the world to realize that they have to generate public policy and to participate in what allows to push society of the information and to lead the development in the sectories of the education and the sanity, to work to preserve cultural riches and different identities of the human race.

Key words

Globalization, society of the information, world order, public politics, technologic

breach and social development.

Before I start my analysis, I would like to make clear what it is understood by public policy. Public policy is a complex of activities of the institutions of government that act directly through functionaries and lead to have a determined influence to the life of citizens. The public policy has to be considered like a process of taking decisions. In other words is a complex of decisions that are realizing during long time. These decisions tend to have rational consequences. A public policy may consist of what does not happen. To consider a policy a public one it has to be generated or at least processed till certain point as part of procedures, institutions and government organizations [2, p. 243-265].

The actual society of information has some different characteristics regarding the models of former societies. From here we can say without any intention to make the text shorter that have more significant characteristics: the globalization of the economy, the exponentiation of the informative capitalism, appearance of new labor sectors and disappearance of others, the estimation of the rate of changes, the exponentiation of a technologic infrastructure, the substitution of the systems of mechanic production social and technical, the interactivity, immediate results, the flexibility, the unstable work, the rate for the progress and efficiency and a circle round ways of communication and more particularly of the new technologies of the information and communication.

Every time we tend to hear that we are living in the global village or that the waving of butterfly effect of Lorenz it is like a relation of cause-effect.

It is more clear the ever that the decisions and events happen in any place of the planet and they affect us fast [1, p. 46-56]. If the first steps of the globalization had been on the economy and financial field because it responded to the model of business administration, next steps were on the communication field with strong


orientation to the culture.

In this new social frame the technological infrastructure will be very significant so the countries are different by their level of technology that is capable to design, produce and consume. From this perspective the societies may not incorporate in their different sectors their referred instruments in medium not to tell in short term. So they will be rejected relatively to the rested may be in the level of separation what had not occur among the countries that were developing in agricultural society and in consequence new technologies may not connect the countries but separate them and the differences among the developed countries and the developing countries, instead of reducing they are persisting and with time they are becoming more extensive and hopeless.

The automation in other words the realization of activities without the direct intervention of the man is converting in one of the most significant characteristic of the machines [3, p. 472-484]. The new technological instruments are fitted up with more resources that allow the execution of some tasks, actions and movements by themselves; from the simple record of a program of television at certain time to maintain an adjustment. The technological systems tend to incorporate mechanisms of regulation, control and taking decisions.

Clearly one of the basic characteristic that defines the society of the future is the interactivity that may be expanded from different perspectives. We can highlight two of them: the non existence of unique centers the generate information and dispersion among them, their connection to get the products and the facility to change the role of receiver to a sender of messages [4, p. 122-136]. At the end to indicate that the interactivity has to be perceived not only in connection with the means but to the space, people and processes too.

The final characteristic that could draw attention to the society of information o technology is the idea of the efficiency and the constant progress.

The progress seems to gain the value and sense of itself in a fight to reach the first social, productive, personal positions because of its situation above any ethic and social value, the fight that lead us to compare technological progress with social and moral one.

We live in that time that indicates the transition to the postmodern and that norm does not accept while to the other ones is a progress to societies based on the knowledge and communication. The society of information seems to evolve but at the same time to separate itself and separate the society of our commune groups [5, p. 17-23].

Our generations seem to be programmed genetically already to use technologies of information and communication while the former ones have to be adopted constantly. It is clearer that the technologies that allow more efficient communication with memory are assigned to different utilizations. If all seemed to resolve with information and this tendency is involving all aspects of our everyday live already including government so why we have social problems yet and why we did not improve significantly the quality of life including the societies where the society of information is a reality?. It is necessary to verify the theories, premises and ideals that we have used to put the definition of public policy and the implementation of it. In particular, it is necessary to demystify some of these elements to see them in their entire dimension.


1. - The achievements in the technologies of information and communication transformed the modern societies in every way. In global terms we can say that we are in initial phase yet of so called the Society of the Information and that the potential of this Society will depend on the capacity of the less developed countries to overcome the digital gap.

2. - Every State corresponds to the impulse of the technological changes to a society of information and the problems of the development are the problems that concern entire society nowadays. Public sectors, businessmen, workmen, academy and scientific community and in general all the social agents have a covenant with the progress of their country. The roles of each one of these actors depend on the historical conditions and on goals that are pursued at the defined moment and the scientific, technical and historical conditions to achieve it.


1. CASTELLS, M. The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on Internet, Business and Society, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001.


2. HEEKS, R. & BAILUR, S. Analyzing e-government research: perspectives, philosophies, theories, methods and practice. Government Information Quarterly, 24, 2007.

3. HENDERSON, J. & VENKATRAMAN, N. Strategic alignment: Leveraging information technology for transforming organizations. IBM Systems Journal, 38, 1999.

4. LAYNE, K. & LEE, J. Developing fully functional E-government: A four stage model. Government Information Quarterly, 18, 2001.

5. WEBSTER, F. Theories of the Information Society, London, 2002.

© D A Suârez, 2016.

УДК 316+303.22

Алтемерова Олеся Александровна

магистр социологии, аспирант кафедры социологических наук, старший преподаватель Кемеровского

государственного университета, г. Кемерово E-mail: aoamail@rambler.ru



В работе поднимается проблема измерения социальной дистанции субъектов политики от власти в региональном пространстве. Социальная дистанция рассматривается как инструмент измерения статусно -иерархических отношений субъектов в политическом пространстве региона. С учетом специфики региона, дифференциации интересов населения, их взаимодействия с органами власти определяется необходимость измерения социальной дистанции субъектов в политическом пространстве региона. Предлагается измерительный механизм социальной дистанции в политическом пространстве региона с помощью метода анализа иерархий.

Ключевые слова

Дистанция социальная, измерение, отношения политические, пространство резидентное,

модель социальной дистанции.

Конфигурацию регионального пространства составляют сегменты влияния размещенных в пространстве политических субъектов, имеющих различные статусы и компетенции по отношению к власти (региональной, муниципальной). Меритократический вес и статусно-иерархические возможности этих субъектов, а также отношение к ним со стороны организационных структур и представителей власти отражает социальную дистанцию.

Социальная дистанция упорядочивает позиции субъектов политики от власти, отражая очерченность границ регионального пространства. Процесс дистанцирования характеризуется социальными траекториями перемещения субъектов в политическом пространстве и связей между ними. В иерархически организованном политическом пространстве региона люди, принадлежащие к одинаковым социальным группам и выполняющие практически идентичные функции в пределах каждой из этих групп, находятся, тем не менее, не в одинаковом социальном положении с позиций статусно-иерархического подхода. В кризисных ситуациях изменяется структура пространства, наполненность социальных ролей, а, следовательно, изменяется социальная дистанция между субъектами политики. Остро стоит вопрос о выявлении факторов, влияющих на социальную дистанцию и процесс дистанцирования субъектов политики от власти, с помощью которых возможно измерение социальной дистанции.

В основе резидентного размещения политических субъектов в пространстве региона лежат концепции

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