Научная статья на тему 'The fight against corruption as a priorite condition for the development of civil society'

The fight against corruption as a priorite condition for the development of civil society Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Norboev Tura

The article analyzes the problem of corruption and its manifestation as a global problem. And the article shows the ways of protecting society from corruption.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The fight against corruption as a priorite condition for the development of civil society»

Section 10. Philosophy

https ://doi.org/10.29013/ESR-20-1.2-133-136

Norboev Turn, Candidate of philosophical sciences, docent Department of social science, Tashkent Institute of Finance

E-mail: lider8304@list.ru


Abstract. The article analyzes the problem of corruption and its manifestation as a global problem. And the article shows the ways of protecting society from corruption.

Keywords: Society, democracy, civil society, globalization, corruption, anti-corruption actions, rule of law state, problem.

As a social phenomenon, corruption has existed since ancient times and, like a virus, has spread to all ofhumanity, poisoning the consciousness ofpeople.

And of course, corruption is becoming a national problem. Even Abraham Lincoln said: "The first of civil rights is freedom from fear." Do not be afraid of corruption, it must be defeated. In addition, Karl Marx's statement can describe the essence of corruption: "There must be something rotten in the very core of a social system in which crime grows even faster than the population." Corruption is not just ordinary theft, cheating and fraud, it is a crime that leads the country into complete decline. With certain differences in views on the very concept of corruption expressed by a number of researchers, most authors correlate with corruption abuse of state power, use of official position in selfish, other personal or group purposes [2].

The problem of the difficulty in eradicating is described by the great utterances of Leo Tolstoy, who accurately noted: "One of the usual temptations leading to the greatest misfortunes is the temptation

of the words "everyone does it". The manifestation of corruption can be seen already from an early age, starting from kindergartens and clearly manifesting itself in the system of higher educational institutions.

Corruption is a long-standing disease, therefore it constantly changes its images and manifestations and, together with social, social, economic relations, also evolves, mimics. In this regard, to combat it, it requires not only anti-corruption legislation, but also a study of the causes and conditions that give rise to it, the formation of a social environment for the rejection of corruption in all its manifestations [3].

According to statistics, 70% of the country's population are afraid of those who should protect them - law enforcement officials. It is not necessary to show weak character in the fight against corruption. We need tough, punitive measures, repressive measures against those who abuse their official position, use the benefits illegally. After all, we want to live in a country free from lawlessness, the arbitrariness of officials, and the criminal irresponsibility of the authorities.

Uzbekistan is constantly taking measures to limit corruption, organizing special events and introducing laws and regulations to combat corruption. A vivid example of the manifestation of a serious attitude in the fight against corruption in the country is the adopted reforms. One of these was the reform that was implemented in the framework of the event, organized with the cooperation of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republican Interdepartmental Commission for Combating Corruption, the OSCE Office in Uzbekistan and other partner organizations, an international conference on the topic "Anti-corruption reforms of the Republic of Uzbekistan: achievements and priority tasks." At the opening of the conference, the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan E. Yuldashev emphasized that the fight against corruption in our country has been raised to the level of state policy. Anti-corruption in the field of public service is one of the most important areas in politics, and also acts as the basis for an anti-corruption mechanism that implements the principles of openness and publicity in the functioning of state bodies. Practice shows that public servants are most corrupt. Due to the violation of the law by officials, the quality of state administration of the country decreases, the process of progress of the anti-corruption policy is hindered and the entire state apparatus is compromised. As noted in the report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the solemn meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, we are mobilizing all the forces and opportunities for the widespread introduction in society of the principle "Our priority is law and justice, punishment for crime is inevitable". Along with significant work in this direction, the creation of an integrated anti-corruption system should be noted.

Indeed, in our society, strict measures are envisaged to stop corruption, the commission of various crimes and other cases of offenses, their prevention,

ensuring in practice the requirements of the law that punishment for a crime is inevitable. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Combating Corruption", which entered into force on January 4, 2017, served as an important legal basis in this direction.

The Republic of Uzbekistan in 2008 ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption. In 2010, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development joined the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan:

- "No state in the world can consider itself immune from corruption. Therefore, the fight against this phenomenon should be ongoing," says Ashita Mittal, the regional representative of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime;

- The UN Convention against Corruption is important in this area. It is noteworthy that by joining this convention, Uzbekistan is increasing attention to ensuring the priority of the law, strengthening the judiciary and the rule of law, and most importantly, the prevention of offenses and crimes.

In his report to the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev acquainted the whole world with the ongoing reforms. It is noteworthy that the report emphasizes that it is not the people that serve the government, but the government that should serve the people. Considerable work is being done to put this principle into practice.

On February 2, 2017, a resolution of the President of our country "On measures to implement the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Combating Corruption" was adopted, in accordance with which the State Program on Combating Corruption for 2017-2018 was approved. Under the leadership of the Prosecutor General, the Republican Interdepartmental Commission on Combating Corruption was formed, its position was approved.

The General Prosecutor General's Office has been identified as the working body of the Republican Interdepartmental Commission for Combating Corruption. The commission included senior officials

of ministries and departments, non-governmental non-profit organizations, scientific institutions - a total of 43 people.

"Over the past period, the interdepartmental commission carried out systematic legal work and practical measures to combat corruption," said Bah-rom Kobilov, deputy head of the Office for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Draft laws have been developed that include anticorruption provisions. A number of departmental legal documents have been adopted. The expected results are achieved by the establishment of cooperation between state bodies, non-governmental nonprofit organizations and civil society institutions in the fight against corruption, ensuring the implementation of legislative documents related to the field.

Another example, which confirms that the fight against corruption is conducted at the state level, is the speech of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the solemn meeting dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Uzbekistan. In his speech, the Head of state proposed to form anticorruption committees in the chambers of the Oliy Majlis. As representative authorities, they should contribute to strengthening the fight against corruption in public institutions at all levels.

In the parliaments of many countries, including the United States, Russia, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Greece, Latvia, Estonia, there are commissions and committees to combat corruption. Now a similar structure is formed in the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis. The Committee on combating corruption and judicial and legal Affairs will exercise parliamentary control over the implementation of internal anti-corruption programs in state bodies, analyze the current legislation to identify the norms that create conditions for corruption, prepare proposals for its improvement.

In our country, especially important are the laws adopted by the Oliy Majlis, which should not contribute to the emergence of corruption. Among the

main tasks, as the Chairman of the Committee on combating corruption and judicial and legal Affairs of the legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis Tulkun Abdusattarov says, are monitoring the implementation of legislative acts in the spheres of state and public construction, combating corruption and judicial and legal issues. In the fight against corruption, a special role belongs to civil society institutions in the systematic study of the identification and disclosure of corrupt authorities, therefore, on the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the organization of parliamentary hearings on the activities of state officials is envisaged. Appeals of individuals and legal entities with the availability of materials on corruption will also be considered. It is believed that in order to combat corruption, it is necessary to develop comprehensive measures with the participation of civil society institutions, especially nongovernmental non-profit organizations at the level of districts, regions and republics.

A weak civil society cannot keep the state apparatus under its control, which ultimately leads to the separation of managers from it and their "privatization" of their posts, due to the lack of staff rotation in the state apparatus. Because of this, the real threat of corruption of democratic institutions is real, which is a political consequence of corruption. As a rule, this entails the expansion of the shadow economy sector. Consequently, the competitive mechanism of the market is violated, since it is not the one who is competitive who wins, but the one who can get advantages for bribes. As a result, the effectiveness of market relations decreases, which discredits the idea of market competition. In addition, corruption in government and officials acts as an obstacle to the development of public administration [5].

At the event, it was stressed that corruption is a great threat to the socio-economic development of the country and destroys the spiritual and moral foundations of society, the idea of reform, negatively affects the participation of citizens in the management of state and society. The purpose of the organi-

zation and holding of this event was not propaganda of the party or another entertaining meeting, but the intention to explain to society, especially to young people, that corruption not only causes damage to daily public relations, but also leads to the internal destruction of entire States. The fight against it will be effective if the majority begins to understand that corruption is a Vice that destroys the constitutional foundations of the state and the spiritual and moral foundations of society.

The analytical material of sociological studies on the problem of corruption shows that the widespread abuse of officials dissuaded people from the possibility of bringing high-ranking criminals to justice. According to the data received, only 10.3% of respondents complained about officials infringing on their legal rights. To the question "Why did not complain?" answered that consider the complaint against the official hopeless. They are convinced that abuse of officials has become the rule, and that higher agencies have no interest in a fair trial. Of all the officials

who complained of abuse, only 2.3% remained fully satisfied with the proceedings, partially-3.3%. Thus, the conceptual idea of the fight against corruption is that it should be fought primarily by the forces of civil society, using such mechanisms as the creation of independent non-governmental public associations, independent media, strengthening the independence of the judiciary, the wide dissemination of local self-government. It is important to emphasize that success in the fight against corruption depends primarily on the active participation of the population in this process. To change the situation, people must realize their legitimate right to control officials, demand from them a report on the expenditure of public funds, check their professionalism and moral qualities, get rid of negligent and dishonest bureaucrats.

Thus, it is necessary to remember that at the present stage of the fight against corruption and the construction of civil society, one of the main conditions is the revival and restoration ofjustice in the state, as well as the protection of human rights and freedoms.


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