Abstract: corruption is a crime related to the personal use of power. Corruption is one of the main types of shadow economy. In most cases, corruption is understood to mean bribery of citizens by the government for the sake of personal gain and for the purpose of enriching themselves, and receiving illegal money. However, in general, not only government officials, but also managers of firms, for example, should be involved in corruption; Bribes can be given in another form, not cash; The initiators of corruption relations are sometimes entrepreneurs, not government officials. Keywords: corruption, factors, development, government.
Thus, corruption is a complex social and political phenomenon that does not diminish with its appearance and shape. At present, corruption is a major threat to national security, and the main obstacle to economic development is the factor that contributes to the preservation and enhancement of social stability, despite government efforts. Corruption limits the free flow of economic laws and undermines the country's image in the international community.
Corruption is extremely flexible, changing and improving the form and exploiting gaps and shortcomings in the social legal system. According to published data, law enforcement agencies detect 1-2% of actual corruption cases, and the number of those charged is even lower. This socially unfavorable phenomenon extends beyond the boundaries of the national state and is gaining global significance. Once its revenues are legalized, it is placed in the international and national financial systems, destroying state and international government and economic institutions. The fight against transnational corruption became more active in the last quarter of the twentieth century, as it was becoming more clearly institutionalized. There are various methodological approaches to understanding the phenomenon of corruption. Several aspects of it are considered: social, political, criminological and legal. In particular, Plato and Aristotle described corruption as a political category; Indicator of the general disease of N. Maciavelli Mr. Monseske said that it was a dysfunctional process and that a good political system or system would be useless. Contemporary scientific, educational, and socialist literature has different definitions of corruption.
The fight against corruption. It is a complex evolutionary way of developing a single concept, which is the basis for determining the universal method. Due to the integral nature of corruption, no single understanding of this phenomenon has been developed. Nevertheless, the first definition of corruption is in the legal field. With regard to the etymology of the word, the Latin is derived from the sorrurtio, which means "to buy," "to bribe." In Roman law, the word "soggumrige" means breaking, damaging, falsifying, purchasing, and implying a wrongful act.
The shortest and most obvious one is "the abuse of public authority for private gain". The Republic of Uzbekistan's Anti-Corruption Act defines "corruption as the unlawful use of a person's official or service position for personal or material benefit, as well as the unlawful provision of such benefits." The essence of corruption is the combination of various actions (inaction or inaction). It is the unlawful acquisition of property, services or privileges by a person authorized to perform public functions
Forms of corruption are manifested in the violation of ethics and law by these persons. Violations of ethical standards include chronic participation in banquets of organizations under supervision, free access to services, and giving loans to friends and relatives. Corruption offenses are actions that are prohibited by law and are punishable by law.
There are four main types of corruption offenses: 1) civil-law delictions; 2) disciplinary misconduct; 3) administrative offenses; 4) crimes. Corruption crimes are socially dangerous acts defined by the criminal code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which are expressed in the unlawful receipt of goods (property, services or privileges) by officials or civil servants or provided for such privileges. directly infringes on their interests. In our view, the main directions of prevention and fight against corruption should be given by the state and the public to the following:
- Special State for the Fight Against Corruption in Permanent Implementation of the State's AntiCorruption Policy organization of the body;
- Establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commissions in the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- appropriate revision of criminal, criminal and procedural law to eliminate all forms of corruption;
- Adoption of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the basics of public and economic management", "On public service", "On the procedure for media coverage of the activities of public authorities", "On the status of civil servant";
- Adoption of normative acts on the social protection of civil servants, reforming their remuneration systems, including benefits for medical care, housing (purchase);
- to continue the improvement of the judicial system, guaranteeing the rule of law and the rights and freedoms of citizens, the work of law enforcement agencies in the fight against corruption;
- to establish special procedures for the identification, investigation and prosecution of corrupt officials;
- secrecy of information about witnesses and persons who provide information on the sources of corruption, delinquency, and improving the security of the institutions;
- Creation of a system of declarations on property and income of civil servants through the study of successful experience of foreign countries and their verification and publicity;
- the provision of full freedom of private entrepreneurship, the elimination of bureaucratic obstacles on the way;
- improvement of legal, legal measures;
- systematic change of positions of employees of all state bodies on the basis of territorial and sectoral principles;
- strengthening public control to ensure transparency in the activities of government agencies;
- the ability of the media to fight corruption;
- Identification of specific causes and conditions of corruption:
-developing a list of "warning signals" about corruption;
-Carrying out of social surveys on the level of corruption in regions (regions, districts) and offices (education, health, etc.).
Elimination of the above-mentioned causes and implementation of the recommendations will help prevent corruption and related crime.
1. Karimov I. "Uzbekistan at the Threshold of the 21st Century: Threats to Security, Conditions for
Stability and Progress Guarantees". T. Uzbekistan, 1997. P. 89.
2. Statement of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev to the Oliy Majlis.
December 29, 2019. Page 4.