Научная статья на тему 'Main issues concerning to a problem of corruption and its generating basics in modern society'

Main issues concerning to a problem of corruption and its generating basics in modern society Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
corruption / promote / enterprises / economy / development / strategy. / коррупция / способствовать / предприятия / экономика / стратегия

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — A. Alimova, D. Yunusova, S. Numonov

In article we considered crucial issues of a concept corruption and its main types and classification. Further in details provided analysis of economic and social problems which promote an emergence and a high level of corruption with its consequences in society in present conditions. Additionally we highlighted some indicators and acts concerning corruption and fight against its fundamental basics. As conclusion we gave some recommendations to reduce a corruption level to minimum in economic conditions of Uzbekistan.

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В статье рассматривается некоторые вопросы понятия коррупция и её основные виды, классификация. Детально приводится анализ экономических и социальных проблем, способствующих появлению и распространению коррупции с её последствиями в стране в нынешних условиях. А также, авторы приводят некоторые показатели и законодательные акты касающихся коррупции и борьбы с её основополагающими элементами. В качестве заключения приведены рекомендации приведения к минимуму уровня коррупции в Узбекистане.

Текст научной работы на тему «Main issues concerning to a problem of corruption and its generating basics in modern society»


A.Alimova7, student D. Yunusova , student S.Numonov , student

1 Riga technical university

2 Fergana polytechnic institute 1(Latvia, Riga) 2(Uzbekistan, Fergana)

DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2019-10813

Abstract. In article we considered crucial issues of a concept corruption and its main types and classification. Further in details provided analysis of economic and social problems which promote an emergence and a high level of corruption with its consequences in society in present conditions. Additionally we highlighted some indicators and acts concerning corruption and fight against its fundamental basics. As conclusion we gave some recommendations to reduce a corruption level to minimum in economic conditions of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: corruption, promote, enterprises, economy, development, strategy.

Corruption is socially dangerous illegal phenomenon which is characterized by mercenary use by civil officers in private or other interests of powers of office and also the related official authority. It is obviously important to allocate kinds of corruption in public administration. Division on types promotes their deeper knowledge, identification at them some specific, special signs distinguishing them from each other. It is possible to allocate following types of corruption. Depending on initiator of corruption relations experts allocate local and topmost corruption [1, 2, 3].

Between them often there are relations of interdependence and community. «Corruption from below» - corruption from citizens, enterprises. It arises and exists as one of the accompanying elements of a hidden economy. About two thirds of the efficient population are involved in such type of corruption [4].

"Corruption from above" - corruption from political power in the state. Its reason is in impossibility to pass decisions within open democratic procedures at domination of political opposition strengthening aspiration to bribe, than to convince certain deputies, fraction, party.

Besides, on the same basis corruption can be subdivided into bureaucratic and political;

compulsory and coordinated; centralized and decentralized.

Also in theory allocate such special type of corruption which is shown in state sphere as political corruption which represents corruption forms of political opposition and race for power of ruling or oppositional elite, political parties and individuals. Corruption is one of global problems of present, substantially interfering implementation of social and economic and political strategy of development for any country and interfering its effective forward development [5, 6].

The eighth United Nations Congress on crime prevention and treatment of offenders (Havana, 1990) in the resolution «Corruption in the sphere of public administration», noted that corruption problems in public administration have general character and their harmful influence is felt around the world. By estimates of the World Bank, corruption leads to decrease in annual economic growth almost by 1% while the IMF reports that investments in corrupted countries decrease at least by 5% in comparison with countries which are rather free from corruption. Undoubtedly, corruption threatens fact of existence of the state, acts as main obstacle for development of national economy, increase in a level of living of her citizens, formation and development of civil society, institutes of democracy. For the

same reasons corruption is considered by foreign experts as one of main barriers on the way of attraction of foreign investments and technologies to industry and also formations of favorable economic conditions for development of business climate in country.

Negative consequences of corruption, allow to state with evidence need of development of effective measures for implementation of rigid fight against it, and efficiency of such counteraction has to consist in implementation of radical restructurings not, only in state, but also in society in general [7].

At present stage of development of society it is accepted to note a variety of reasons of emergence and existence of corruption:

- economic crisis generating economic decline owing to and decrease in real income of civil officers having powers to influence activity of separate organizations and citizens;

- imperfection of anti-corruption legislation, existence of legislative gaps, weakness of precepts of law regulating responsibility for non declaration of income and property considerable defect of ways of prevention of conflict situations and arising mutual interests demands adequate measures of legal regulation;

- backwardness of power institutes and institutes of civil society, insufficient informational content of citizens about activity of power structures, public passivity to corruption manifestations;

- weak personnel policy of the state allowing possibilities of career development and advance on an office ladder of persons, possessing poor moral and business qualities for lack of any significant results in work.

- low legal culture of society, insufficient level of legal knowledge and legal nihilism, considerable number of citizens of the country.

It is necessary to pay attention to the list of consequences of corruption:

- violation of the mechanism of the market competition, emergence of monopolistic trends in economy, decrease in efficiency of its functioning;

- inefficient expenditure of the State Budget, failures and delay in implementation of government programs of social and economic development;

- the corruption relations at the expense of other members of society, increase of property inequality among the population, growth of social tension.

- decrease in a role of the right as main instrument of regulation of life of the state and society and as a result formation in the society of "double standards" of morals and behavior, failure of social regulators of behavior of people.

- promotes formation of the environment for development of organized crime and a hidden economy.

Public policy in the sphere of anticorruption is still fragmentary. The reasons of corruption continue to remain the lack of the effective mechanism of control of activity of government officials and local government officers, imperfection of legislation and crisis of moral foundations of society. One of the most serious problems of fight against corruption is loss of trust of population to system of law enforcement agencies. Now law enforcement agencies protect the interests of unfair representatives of an exclusive part of society, and it is the main reason for the fact that level of credibility to these body extremely low. Law enforcement agencies cease to be perceived as the bodies providing legality and law and order regarding anti-corruption. Citizens are afraid to report about the facts of extortion of bribes and about other corruption crimes in law enforcement agencies [8].

It should be noted that at a stage of implementation of anti-corruption policy it is necessary to fight against the corruption reasons, but not consequences of corruption. The special attention is required by the anticorruption policy realized in public, group and individual consciousness. In lack of serious positive changes in rules of conduct of the civil and local government officers and also ordinary citizens, at the population of the country installations of internal rejection of corruption as forms of social behavior in society will not be created.

We believe that anti-corruption public policy has to have a set of legal, administrative by laws the and also political decisions and actions united in the uniform program and realized in three directions. Implementation

of such policy will promote anti-corruption and increase in efficiency of fight against it.

The head of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev pays considerable attention to this topical problem. So, speaking at a ceremony of inauguration of the Republic of Uzbekistan on joint sitting of chambers of The Supreme State he emphasized - «We have to take drastic measures on counteraction and prevention of corruption in our society, various crimes and offenses, to providing in practice of a postulate of the law that punishment for crime is inevitable» [3].

It is obvious that for fight against corruption first of all the accurate legislative base is necessary. For ensuring effective performance of provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan with "About Anti-corruption", the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the Resolution "About measures for implementation of provisions of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of "About Anticorruption".

The anti-corruption reform undertaken in Uzbekistan will allow to improve country positions in the annual rating of the international organization Transparency International. The index which estimates 180 countries and territories on their estimated levels of corruption in a public sector according to the experts and businessmen, uses a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 - very corrupted, and 100 - very clean. More than two thirds of the countries estimate consumer price index this year lower than 50, at the same time the average indicator is only 43. It shows that the proceeding inability of the majority of the countries to considerably control corruption promotes crisis of democracy around the world. Though there are exceptions, data show that, despite some progress, the majority of the countries cannot seriously interfere with fight against corruption.

The international anti-corruption organiza-

annual Index of perception of corruption for 2018. Despite the reforms directed for anticorruption, unfortunately, Republic of Uzbekistan is in the 158th place. Proceeding from the fact that now full-scale efforts in it are necessary for the sphere. As measures we offer the concept which assumes:

1. consecutive increase in efficiency of public administration by realization of political, organizational, legal, economic and ideological actions;

2. development of necessary scientific maintenance to implementation of anticorruption policy with connection to work of independent experts, international experts;

3. stimulation of market progress (favorable investment climate, market mechanism, fair competition and development of private business);

4. active parliamentary procedure examination of bills on corruptibility and also implementation of monitoring of effectiveness of application of initiations of bills in the field of anti-corruption;

5. support of the public organizations increasing the involvement into political activity and public control over the public expenditures, in particular, at the local level.

We believe that the proposed measures will promote anti-corruption and increase in efficiency of fight against it. At citizens installations of internal rejection of corruption as forms of social behavior in society will be created.

In conclusion we will note that fight against corruption has to begin with each certain person, representative of surrounding society now. Establishment of legal, economically developed state in which corruption will be minimized depends on its social activity and responsibility, level of civil, legal, political culture and education and progress of development of democratic society will continue.

tion Transparency International published the

Библиографический список

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А. Алимова7, студент Д. Юнусова2, студент С. Нумонов2, студент

1 Рижский технический университет Ферганский политехнический институт

^Латвия, г. Рига)


(Узбекистан, г. Фергана)

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается некоторые вопросы понятия коррупция и её основные виды, классификация. Детально приводится анализ экономических и социальных проблем, способствующих появлению и распространению коррупции с её последствиями в стране в нынешних условиях. А также, авторы приводят некоторые показатели и законодательные акты касающихся коррупции и борьбы с её основополагающими элементами. В качестве заключения приведены рекомендации приведения к минимуму уровня коррупции в Узбекистане.

Ключевые слова: коррупция, способствовать, предприятия, экономика, стратегия.

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