Section 10. Philosophy
Abdullayev Akmal Nasriddinovich, Teacher, Namangan State University E-mail:
Abstract. In this article are given the importance, role, types of the family in modern society. Its development from ancient times till present is widely described in this article.
Keywords: family, relation, patriarchal family, child- centered family, married family, stability, independence, family members, non- traditional family.
The family in the modern world takes new forms and is significantly modified in comparison with the traditional forms of family relations that were adopted during previous generations. The family structure is being transformed, the nature of relationships between its members is changing, and the system of family relations is being rebuilt.
The family as a collective, as a small group, has been of interest to philosophers since ancient times. And if we say that the family is a small model of society, then the development of the family is very important on the scale of the state. The creative activity of ancient Greek philosophers played a huge role in the formation of philosophy as a science, in which great importance was attached to the family as an object of socio-philosophical understanding. These include Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The state, on the basis that it makes laws, subordinates the individual and the family, but the importance and necessity of the family was not diminished. The Patriarchal theory found its continuation in the middle ages and in the age of Enlightenment, which was reflected in the work of such thinkers as M. Montaigne, J.-J. Rousseau, I. Kant, G. Hegel, L. Feuerbach and many others.
V. A. Borisov, A. I. Antonov, L. E. Darsky are supporters of the concept of "family crisis" and point to the following arguments as confirmation: "substitution of social norms of childbearing (denial of large families), reducing the importance of the family as a necessary form of human social existence and breaking its moral foundations, deforming family production and moving it to secondary means of social economy, etc. In General, the arguments of the" crisis paradigm "of the family are the loss or replacement by public institutions of the main social tasks of the family" [2, P. 345]. Another concept of "family modernization" is held by A. G. Vishnevsky and his associates. Under modernization, they understand "the macro-process of transition from a "traditional society" to a modern society - a modern society in which a modern person increasingly focuses on himself, becomes a person who is unable to sacrifice in the name of any social communities, put common (group) interests above private ones" [2, P. 346]. People have more opportunities to improve themselves professionally, both men and women have become economically independent, and there is no need to create a family, which until recently served as a financial support. "The family is a system of social relations in which almost
all processes occurring in society are focused. Like society, the family has experienced many changes throughout its history. The process of changes taking place in the family and with the family takes place in the conditions and under the influence of a transforming society" [3, P. 64-73].
In the process of studying the family and family relations, scientists try to determine the main types of families. Today, there are three main types: the Patriarchal family; the "child-centered" family; and the married family.
Also, families are classified "in terms of structure, they are: nuclear (consisting of one married couple and its children); multi-generational (including three or more generations living together); full (it includes both spouses with native or adopted children) and incomplete (one of the parents is absent as a result of divorce or at birth by a single mother)" [5, p. 96-100] "in terms ofthe distribution of power and responsibilities, authoritarian families are distinguished (strict subordination to the head of the family) and egalitarian (equal participation of spouses in decision-making, voluntary distribution of responsibilities)" [5, p. 96-100].
Historically, the Patriarchal traditional family was initially presented as a model of a happy family: parents lived for the future of their children, and children in turn had to respect their parents and be helpers. For them, there was only one authority - the authority of the parents. It should be noted that traditional families also differed in number, most often they were large families. But the old Patriarchal family disappeared after the second world war against the background of a significant spread of a new model-the model of a small family [6, p. 189-192].
Also significant changes in the traditional family include the fact that women have become more free both at home and at work. Due to the achievements oftech-nological progress, living conditions improved, which freed her from many responsibilities at home, she began to get a career in the chosen profession. Against this background, she felt her independence from men
and became more confident. "A significant part of the changes occurring in the family in recent years is associated with female emancipation, which has engulfed most industrial countries" [7, p. 150-159].
"In a child-centered family, the main task of parents is to ensure the happiness of the child. The family exists only for the child. The impact is usually from the bottom to up (from the child to the parents). As a result, the child develops a high self-esteem, a sense of self-importance, but the likelihood of conflict with the social environment outside the family increases". Another type of family is married. The goal of a married family is "mutual trust, acceptance and autonomy of members. Educational impact - "horizontal", a dialogue of equals: parents and child. In family life, mutual interests are always taken into account, and the older the child, the more his interests are taken into account. However, these children may lack the skill to comply with social requirements. They do not adapt well in an environment built on the "vertical principle" (i.e., almost all social institutions)". "In a married family, the main thing is the emotional interaction ofthe spouses. In such families, the economy is also maintained, children are brought up, but the emotional field between the spouses comes first" [8, p. 110-138]. However, it should be noted that voluntary marriage, that is, without the intervention of parents to make their own partner choices, and changing social status ofwomen contributed to the formation of the conjugal family type.
It should be emphasized that married families are a type of alternative families. "The concept of non-traditional families or alternative forms of marital relations was introduced by Virginia Satyr, a well-known researcher of family relations" [5, p. 96-100]. According to the author, "alternative forms of family are characterized by: loneliness, unregistered cohabitation; consciously childless marriage; divorce, repeated marital and family relations; equality of men and women in relationships; extramarital sex, exchange of partners, intimate friendship; homosexuality; group marriage, residential communities and collective families" [8].
In the framework of the Strategy five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan to 2017-2021 and the "Concept of strengthening the family institution in the Republic of Uzbekistan" measures aimed at improving the institutional and legal framework for the strengthening and development of the family, promoting the demographic development and improving family welfare, strengthening the educational capacity of families, the preservation in society of traditional family values, improving spiritual and moral atmosphere in families and the creation of an effective system for providing effective methodical, advisory and practical assistance to families. Uzbekistan attaches great importance to the preservation of national traditions and customs, especially those related to family creation. According to the survey, every third resident of the country is a supporter of the traditional approach to family formation. However, the survey revealed that dating with the help of marriage agencies is gaining popularity among the population. Every fifth young person believes that they provide real help in creating a family, contribute to the fact that young people find a decent couple. The stability of marriage and family relations, according to citizens, depends on the level of preparation of young people for family life: 79.9% are convinced of the need to prepare young people for marriage, fatherhood or motherhood. According to citizens, the preparation of young men and women for family life should be carried out not only in families, but also in educational institutions (schools, lyceums, colleges, universities), in the framework of classes where the younger generation should form an attitude to the institution of marriage, ideas about the marriage contract, the rights and obligations of spouses, family planning, household management and budget, ways to prevent conflicts and a culture of communication in the family based on national and universal values.
The study revealed that the ideal family in the view of Uzbek people is associated primarily with mutual understanding, love, support and respect between fam-
ily members. An important component of a stable family life, according to citizens, is financial well-being and material prosperity. According to the results ofthe study, the country is undergoing a process of democratization of family relations. The monitoring revealed an increasing trend in the number of families whose relationships are based on the norms ofequality ofhus-band and wife in the family. In general, the monitoring of public opinion showed that the family remains the main value in life of Uzbek citizens, the moral basis of society, the hearth of spirituality, the Keeper ofnational traditions and customs and most important social institution providing a good education to the generation and transfer of social experience.
Characteristically, the education of the moral qualities of the children in the family will be effective if: a) the education of children in the family is based on the traditions of the people; b) this process uses the personal example of parents to respect for family traditions; c) the activity of children on the formation of moral qualities is carried out systematically and consistently; d) provide the relationship education and self-education of moral qualities of children in the family; d) respect the continuity and interaction of family, school and social education; e) developed the contents, methods and techniques of education contribute to the enrichment of personality [1].
Thus, analyzing the role of the family in society, we can say that it is both the result and, perhaps, even more so, the creator of civilization, as well as the most important source of social and economic development of society. The family produces the main social wealth-the person. No nation, no civilized society has ever been without a family. In this regard, the state coordinates the moral and cultural potential of the family, society and school for the purposeful socialization of the younger generation and its active participation in family and social life; introducing the younger generation to universal values and cultural ideals by introducing it to the national culture.
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