THE ESSENCE OF THE “SOCIAL MALADAPTATION” CONCEPT AND THE MAIN VIEWS ON THE PROBLEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Rukasova K.S.

The article reveals the essence of the social maladaptation concept, gives the main points of view on the problem of interaction between man and society. In the article the main aspects of social adaptation, its structural components are discussed. The description of the maladaptation types according to S.A. Belicheva - pathogenic, psychological, psychosocial, socio-psychological (or socio-pedagogical) and social is given.

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УДК 316.4

Rukasova K.S.

Third year student of Belgorod State National Research University

(BelSU) Russia, Belgorod


Abstract: The article reveals the essence of the social maladaptation concept, gives the main points of view on the problem of interaction between man and society. In the article the main aspects of social adaptation, its structural components are discussed. The description of the maladaptation types according to S.A. Belicheva - pathogenic, psychological, psychosocial, socio-psychological (or socio-pedagogical) and social is given.

Key words: social maladaptation; socialization process; social adaptation.

Children and adolescents cannot be called personalities in the full sense of the word, since they are still only in the process of socialization, that is, the acquisition and assimilation of the norms that guide the society of adults, fully formed people.

The age when a person can be considered a teenager, various researchers determine differently. G.E. Zborovsky, for example, distinguishes two stages: 1314 years - this is the first stage, and from 14 to 18-25 years - the second stage [7, p. 514]. EM Chernyak, in turn, considers adolescents people from 13 to 19 years old [14, p. 110]. The classification criteria in both cases are psychological and biological factors: behavior, level of self-esteem, intellectual development, puberty, mood swings, as well as a change of authority from intrafamily to extrafamily.

Without the assimilation of social norms, the process of socialization is impossible, since a person is a biosocial creature in which both parties are present in equal proportion, and one cannot exist without the other. The beginning of such a division was laid by the English philosopher Herbert Spencer, who considered society a social organism, and the degree of social adaptation as a criterion for the harmonious state of a person [13, p. 93]. Of the most famous researchers who dealt with the problem of the interaction of man and society, we can distinguish E. Durkheim, T. Parsons and M. Weber.

E. Durkheim considered the inability of the individual to integrate into the surrounding social structure as an individual personality pathology. Since a person is a part of the whole, that is, society as a whole organism, pathology and improper functioning of any one component of the body leads to defeat in general, and that is why he saw social maladaptation as a serious problem, overcoming of which is the task of the whole society [6 , p. 84].

M. Weber considered the issue of social maladaptation as a result of poor compatibility of personal expectations of a person and the expectations of society

as a whole. If a person is not rational, adaptation to society is much more difficult for him, and the existence of a large number of asocial personalities can lead to a significant slowdown in social progress, since there will be no coherence of the human mechanism [5, p. 372].

T. Parsons sees the key to the stability of society and the problem-free coexistence of people in it is the ability to compromise, conclude an agreement between the whole society and each individual individual, since only taking into account the points of view of all elements included in society can achieve the desired balance [12, p. . 119].

The main aspects of social adaptation are, on the one hand, the adaptation of a person to society, when he simply takes over all the norms that exist in it and follows them, and the balance between society and a person, when their interaction is already bilateral, requiring efforts on both sides [ 9, p. 40]. As the structure of social adaptation, we can distinguish the subject of adaptation, the one who implements it, the object, that is, the society that the adaptation process is aimed at, and the goals of adaptation, which may differ among different individuals depending on their individual characteristics, for example, the nature or the level of intelligence, and the nature of the social group to which they seek to adapt.

So, the process of entering a teenager into society, adapting to it, does not always go smoothly, and then a certain disharmonization occurs, which can be external when the teenager and others are in disharmony, and then the teenager does not fit into society, so and internal, when the discord occurs in the spiritual life of a teenager, and he loses his identity and does not understand which social group he can relate to. There is also a complex disharmonization, manifested in the complementary nature of the two types mentioned above [10, p. 116]. Thus, the social maladjustment of a teenager is the result of such disharmonious relations between the teenager and the environment or his discord in relations with himself, or both aspects together.

What could be the reason for this social phenomenon? The family as the main agent of primary socialization has been carrying out the process of instilling in the individual the necessary values and norms from childhood, so the origins of social maladaptation should be sought in it. With the help of this social institution, the child masters the basic ideas about society, about the interaction between people, assimilates the emotional reactions of family members to various factors and adopts their behavior patterns. It is the family that lays the foundation on top of which, as he grows up, the individual will build other social norms that he will receive outside of family relations. As soon as the child reaches the first stage of school education, the role of the family in his life gradually weakens, since from then on he begins to share the socialization function with the school and with the peers of the child, communication with which also determines his direction of development.

Of course, with graduation, the process of socialization does not end, but

continues throughout life, but it is adolescence that becomes the decisive step in determining the human personality, since it is then that the child receives from the outside everything that he could not get from communicating with his family. Compared to the childhood period, a teenager no longer depends on his parents, and often becomes opposed to them. But at the same time he still needs those who would teach him how to interact with society, and the role of these teachers is not friends or other social institutions rarely occupy, and if their influence is malicious, the teenager acquires the wrong values and patterns of behavior in society, and, as a result, becomes socially maladaptive.

S.A. Belicheva also identifies such types of maladaptation as pathogenic, psychological, psychosocial, socio-psychological (or socio-pedagogical) and social [2, p. 37].

Pathogenic maladaptation is caused by various disorders of the teenager's nervous system and is expressed in mental disorders, mental inferiority, and other forms of damage to the psyche's functionality [8, p. 57].

Psychosocial maladaptation is the existence of some psychological characteristics of the individual and is not associated with disorders of the nervous system. As a rule, such adolescents need psychological help in order to facilitate the course of the socialization process and solve problems such as: low self-esteem, difficulty in learning, violations in the field of communication between people, etc. [1, p. 53].

Social maladaptation is characterized by a serious degree of deformation of the individual's value systems. It distinguishes two stages depending on the severity of the violation:

School maladaptation, when a teenager does not keep up with other students at school, rude attitude to peers and students, smoking, drinking alcohol, inability to understand the reasonable arguments of adults, numerous absenteeism. Moreover, this stage is characterized by lesser severity, and with the proper work of teachers and family [11, p. 39] it is possible to attract a child to socially useful work, his involvement in extracurricular activities [3, p. 49].

Socially neglected adolescents - this is the second, more difficult stage, when the adolescent exists completely independently of the institutions that can have a positive impact on him. Their activity is characterized not only by disciplinary misconduct, as in school maladaptation, but completely asocial and even criminal behavior. Unlike the first group, socially neglected adolescents are much more difficult to convince to engage in work for the benefit of society and their family, since the influence of criminogenic layers of society is so great that they consider parasitic existence as the main type of activity [4, p. 117].

Thus, the social maladaptation of adolescents is a complex phenomenon, the methods of dealing with which vary greatly depending on the type of social maladjustment, as well as the severity of the damage to the human person.

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