DEPRIVATION AND VIOLATIONS OF SOCIAL ADAPTATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
deprivation / social norms / culture / social adaptation / депривация / социальные нормы / культура / социальная адаптация

Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — S.V. Persiyantseva

The article defines the concepts of "deprivation", "adaptation" and "socio-psychological adaptation". The characteristic features of a person with deprivation syndrome are listed. Data on psychological maladaptation and successful social adaptation of the individual in society are presented. Methods for correcting the social maladjustment of a person are determined. It is considered how openness to social experience and the accumulation of cultural experience affect the adaptive capabilities of the individual.

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В статье определены понятия «депривация», «адаптация» и «социально-психологическая адаптация». Перечислены характерные черты личности с депривационным синдромом. Представлены данные о психологической дезадаптации и об успешной социальной адаптации личности в обществе. Определены способы коррекции социальной дезадаптации человека. В статье рассмотрено, как открытость к социальному опыту и накопление культурного опыта влияют на адаптационные возможности личности.




S.V. Persiyantseva, Candidate of Psychology Sciences Russian State University for the Humanities Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education (Russia, Moscow)


Abstract. The article defines the concepts of "deprivation", "adaptation" and "socio-psychological adaptation". The characteristic features of a person with deprivation syndrome are listed. Data on psychological maladaptation and successful social adaptation of the individual in society are presented. Methods for correcting the social maladjustment of a person are determined. It is considered how openness to social experience and the accumulation of cultural experience affect the adaptive capabilities of the individual.

Keywords: deprivation, social norms, culture, social adaptation.

Introduction. An individual, after his birth, finds himself in a certain social environment. L.S. Vygotsky noted that the social environment is the main source of development of the child's psyche. Accumulating cultural experience, the child masters a number of forms of behavior. "The very type of cultural development of human behavior, arising from the complex interaction of the organic maturation of the child and the cultural environment" [1, p. 390]. "The general sequence of a child's cultural development is as follows: first, other people act in relation to the child, then the child interacts with others, and finally, he begins to act on others, and only at the end does he begin to act in relation to himself" [2, p. 255]. Any cultural development is social and for successful interaction in society it is necessary to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions.

The presence of deprivation hinders the mental development of the child. Deprivation, loss, limitation of the ability to satisfy vital needs reduces the adaptive resource [3].

The concept of adaptation is one of the main ones in the scientific study of a person, since it is precisely the mechanisms of adaptation developed in the process of ontogenesis that ensure the possibility of a person's existence in a changing environment. Studies of human adaptation have recently become of particular importance due to the increase in intensity and the increase in the number of factors that increase the variability of the rela-

tionship between a person and his environment.

F.B. Berezin wrote about adaptation "...the process of establishing an optimal correspondence between the individual and the environment in the course of carrying out human activities, which (process) allows the individual to satisfy actual needs and realize the significant goals associated with them (while maintaining mental and physical health), while at the same time providing time the correspondence of a person's mental activity, his behavior to the requirements of the environment" [4].

Socio-psychological adaptation is the process of including a person in interaction with the social environment in order to harmonize their relations. The process involves, in particular, orientation in society, awareness of the problems that arise in the course of interaction with it, finding ways to resolve them, choosing the most appropriate activity and forms of behavior in given conditions in order to achieve compliance with each other (with their interests, needs, capabilities) and social environment.

The most successful adaptation of a person occurs when his needs, values, attitudes and other personality traits coincide with the needs and values of the social groups in which the person is included.

Deprivation leads to psychological maladjustment. This is a violation of the process of interaction between the individual and socie-

ty, the impossibility of establishing an optimal relationship with the environment by the individual. A deprivation person does not understand the requirements and rules adopted in a particular social group, respectively, the group does not include it in its community, which increases the social isolation of the individual (social deprivation) [5].

A person adapted in society is able to creatively express himself and develop. The process of adaptation depends on the adaptive capacity, the adaptive potential of a person. These include the content aspects of the psyche - the cognitive sphere, character traits, motivations, attitudes, values, needs, and formal-dynamic features of their implementation.

The modern world is undergoing massive and rapid changes. The accumulation of cultural experience for an adapted personality also requires acceleration.

Initially, the accumulation of cultural experience occurs in the social environment in which the child found himself after his birth. This experience is invariably linked to the values and traditions of that environment. It follows then that culture can be defined as "a group's common beliefs including shared traditions, language, styles, values and agreement about norms for living" [6]. In many ways, culture identifies what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. It provides the markers by which behaviors are judged and group membership is cemented. Overall, culture defines one's thinking and behavior [6].

A high level of adaptation is guaranteed to people who understand acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the social environment and are able to be open to the accumulation of cultural experience.

Openness to cultural experience is a multi-faceted personality dimension that is generally associated with a willingness to engage with complex and novel environmental stimuli including ideas, individuals, cultures, sensations, as well as other experiences.

Openness to cultural experience is characterized by a desire to broaden one's sensory and intellectual experience by seeking out novelty and complex information in order to better understand others. Renowned personal-

ity researchers, McCrae and Costa, explain how, "openness is seen in the breadth, depth, and permeability of consciousness, and in the recurrent need to enlarge and examine experience" [7].

A person assimilates culture in the process of interaction with other people, in a certain social group. Social groups play an important role in human development. Social groups contribute to the formation of certain desirable qualities in a person and are condemned for undesirable behavior. The formation of desirable qualities should be considered from the point of view of adaptive benefits.

Personality tends to show a selective attitude to social experience. The degree of its appropriation is individual; it depends on attitudes, motives, values, socio-cultural preferences and other reasons. Personality is a dynamic system with its own consciousness. This means that a person has the ability to consciously judge his personality, its properties, checking them in various situations (everyday and extreme). On this basis, conclusions are drawn about the benefits, the need for certain qualities, or, on the contrary, about their harm or uselessness.

Any act of a person and his behavior as a whole is necessarily carried out on the basis of a conscious choice by a person from a number of opportunities provided to him by the objective and social environment [8].

In psychology, there is an idea that a person is formed under the influence of assimilation of cultural and historical experience accumulated by civilization. This experience is a concentrated expression of the social practice of the past and the functioning of society at the present stage. Society not only introduces certain rules of behavior and ideas into a person's consciousness, but also forms a personality, determining its dominant features, attitudes, needs, motives, and values.

As S.L. Rubinshtein wrote, "only a person is a person who relates in a certain way to the environment, consciously sets this attitude in such a way that it stands out in his entire being" [9].

In the process of adaptation, a person learns the socio-psychological requirements of society. This contributes to understanding one's behavior and understanding, predicting

the behavior of other people, which manifests itself in different environmental conditions. Adaptive personality traits stem from the social nature of a person, from the nature of his relationship with the social environment. The understanding of social rules provides a connection of the individual with the group, with his immediate environment, and through it with the whole society as a whole and at the same time reflect the specifics of the individual's personal experience.

A person in the process of creating himself independently determines the requirements of the environment that must be followed.

Although sometimes there is a false idea that if a person meets the socio-psychological requirements and they are part of the structure of his personality, then this makes the person passive, without his own position in relation to reality.

In the process of accumulating cultural experience, the inner nature of a person is transformed "from being "subjected" to think, act and feel according to certain external conditions, an individual becomes an Actor, who is empowered to change the environment following his purposive plans, desires and visions" [10].

The uniqueness of the individual psyche lies in the combination of the natural characteristics of a person and the society in which he is included.

A high level of adaptation to the social environment is determined by the degree of accumulation of cultural experience and the productivity of assimilation of social norms and rules. In the process of communication, a person relies on the norms and values of the reference group for himself (professional, family, educational). Further, these norms and values acquire individual expression for him.

L.I. Bozhovich writes: ".... the higher the level of personality development, the more

personality is carried out not in conditions of adaptation of the subject to the requirements of the environment, but in the conditions of his constant creative activity aimed at restructuring and the environment. his environment, and himself' [11, p. 356].

A representative with a high level of adaptation is characterized by activity, self-confidence, in his strengths and capabilities. He shows a sincere, active interest in the events and phenomena of the surrounding world. He always has the possibility of personal choice, based on personal preferences, and through personal choice, the realization of personality occurs. A person with a deprivation syndrome, on the contrary, tends to obey and does not seek to be active. She has anxiety and fear. She has low self-esteem, insecurity, indecision, a tendency to self-accusation, isolation, detachment, depressed mood, intellectual disorders [12, 13]. All these features do not contribute to effective adaptation in different environmental conditions and in different social groups.


Methods for correcting social maladaptation depend on the productivity of mastering the norms of the environment and cultural development, and the accumulation of cultural experience. Vygotsky wrote, "Cultural development is the main sphere where compensation for insufficiency is possible" [14]. The internal acceptance of norms depends on the individual experience of a person, on his individual logic, the specifics of the perception and interpretation of environmental prescriptions, their differentiation and analysis. All these features of a person are mediated by his age and level of education, as well as the environment in which the individual finds guidelines for self-determination in the choice of life strategies, behavioral attitudes, desirable personality traits.

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Российский государственный гуманитарный университет Психологический институт Российской академии образования (Россия, г. Москва)

Аннотация. В статье определены понятия «депривация», «адаптация» и «социально-психологическая адаптация». Перечислены характерные черты личности с депривацион-ным синдромом. Представлены данные о психологической дезадаптации и об успешной социальной адаптации личности в обществе. Определены способы коррекции социальной дезадаптации человека. В статье рассмотрено, как открытость к социальному опыту и накопление культурного опыта влияют на адаптационные возможности личности.

Ключевые слова: депривация, социальные нормы, культура, социальная адаптация.

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