Ученые записки Крымского федерального университета имени В. И. Вернадского Социология. Педагогика. Психология. Том 7 (73). 2021. № 2. С. 109-118.
UDC 159.9:316.6
Evdokimova J. A.1, Tverdostup K. G.2
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation
2Crimean Republic Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea,
Russian Federation
E-mail:yaptiza@nbox.ru1, kris-ya@yandex.ru2
The situation of migration, as well as innovation, requires the skill of orientation in a new information space, a new space of values and meanings associated with a new sociocultural environment, the ability to meet cognitive, emotional needs, the skill of innovative interaction with a new environment or avoiding it at the stage of choosing the environment itself. Of course, the obstacles faced while solving the problems of migrants can be associated not only with changes in the situation itself, but also with unproductive social attitudes. Also, the aim of the article is to study the innovative potential of the individual as an internal motive of labor migration. The article analyzes the problem of socio-psychological adaptation of future migrant workers in terms of their innovative resource. Adaptation is understood as human adaptation to changing external conditions. Therefore, as a marker of the probable success of the psychological adaptation of a migrant worker, the authors propose to analyze the features of the innovative potential of the individual before the person who made the decision on labor migration left for the country in which he is going to realize his professional activity. The authors consider it necessary to consider the innovative potential of the personality of future labor migrants, revealing the internal structure of the innovative potential in unity with the external characteristics of the situation of life of the individual (economic situation, political situation, cultural, etc.). Human interaction with the world in the migration situation, the authors consider a special case of the innovation situation as a process that has logical phases, conditions, relationships, dynamics. Keywords: innovative potential of the individual, internal motive of labor migration, the psychological adaptation of a migrant.
The situation of migration, as well as innovation, requires the skill of orientation in a new information space, a new space of values and meanings associated with a new sociocultural environment, the ability to meet cognitive, emotional needs, the skill of innovative interaction with a new environment or avoiding it at the stage of choosing the environment itself. Of course, the obstacles faced while solving the problems of migrants can be associated not only with changes in the situation itself, but also with unproductive social attitudes.
In this article we want to focus on the psychological problem of labor migration, which can help current or future labor migrants successfully adapt to the new sociocultural environment. It is internal factors, which primarily include factors of internal motivation, largely determine the effectiveness of adaptation of a migrant. We believe that the innovative potential of the individual can be considered as a leading factor by which one can judge the degree of further successful adaptation of a labor migrant in the new socio-
economic and cultural conditions. The socio-psychological aspects of labor migration have not been studied enough at the moment, but there is a huge social request for research in this area.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the idea of studying the innovative potential of the individual as an indicator of a person's internal motive for labor migration. The aim of the article was to show that a migrant in a new sociocultural environment finds himself in an innovative situation in which he needs to fill in the gaps - informational (lack of relevant information), value-semantic (when faced with new values that must somehow be built into his semantic space), practical-activity (when there is a need to use new skills and methods of activity). Moreover, these gaps can arise at any level of human interaction with the world-natural, social, cultural, self-organization of life. Some of the problems may be a priority at the moment, thus building a unique relief of the innovative situation in the life of a migrant, in which the socio-psychological adaptation of a person to a new socio-cultural environment unfolds. Justification of the need to study these features of the migration situation, as an innovational one, was the main objective of this article. The process of socio-psychological adaptation of migrants is quite stressful and can lead to mental and somatic health disorders, if a person has significant problems while deciding in a particular situation.
The migrant finds himself in a new social, cultural and even natural environment. The environment affects a person through changing the conditions of his life, causing fatigue and emotional exhaustion. The developed innovative potential allows to minimize the process of spending personal resources, coordinating cognitive, emotional, behavioral mechanisms and the installation on innovative behavior, which forms the innovative potential, changes the impact of the environment. A person begins not only to resist the influence of the changing environment but to look for new content in the process of his life, new meanings, new images of interaction with the environment. If they are able to find balance (both internal and with the environment) then discomfort and neurotization are reduced, the innovative resource is replenished, the efficiency of interaction with the world increases.
Since the migration situation in its characteristics is an innovative situation for the individual, then it should be considered in accordance with a similar scheme for the analysis of the innovative situation. Determination of the migration situation (exogenous or endogenous) that indicates the reasons for decision on migration (changes in a person's life) is forced to make this decision on the basis of external circumstances, adapt to new environmental conditions (passive position), or the causes of migratory behavior (changes in life), that describe the personal activity and its transformations are determined internally (man is the subject of his own life and activity, author of the events). Thus, analyzing the innovative potential of the individual can indirectly judge the active-transformative or passive-adaptive migration strategy.
The situation of migration and innovation situation in life of the individual are regular for a particular person. They allow to highlight a kind of specialization of information, a method of identifying a new information and the specifics of the
assessment of it in the interaction with the world. We are talking about the meaningfulness or formality, generalization or differentiation of new information for the migrant's personality in an innovative situation. J. A. Evdokimova, the individual's innovative potential (IPL) is defined as a "dynamic multifunctional complex system that characterizes the individual's ability to differentiated, meaningful, transformative activity in interaction with the world at different levels of this interaction - with nature as a medium, with society, within the framework of culture, and at the highest level - man's organization of his own life" [1, 2]. It is at the level of organization of life that the manifestation of innovative potential is most closely associated with the choice of strategies for migration behavior.
Innovation potential determines the actualization of the potential capabilities of the individual to discover new information, to an adequate assessment of a new phenomenon, to productive innovative activity. In the process of updating the innovative potential, its innovative resource is realized, which includes the results of all previous types of innovative activity. "An innovative resource includes subject-phenomenological and potential areas. The first is expressed mainly in the symbolic form generated by the experience of culture and human activity. The second is consistently reproducible grounds for highlighting the innovation space, the principles, types, mechanisms that determine the ways and directions of innovative activity. Thus, an innovative resource includes objective and subjective results, which are a condition for the further expansion of the resource. Assessing the quality of achieving the target state of an individual's innovative potential is achieved by identifying the preference (by the principle of effectiveness) of one or another type of realization of innovative potential in a specific problem situation" [2].
The same analogy applies to the analysis of the migration situation. Does a person realize all the nuances of the information available to him from different sources about migration to a new place? Doesn't he think about the dual poles "good" or "bad"? Is he able to see all the shades of new knowledge and a new image of the world into which he will get?
Let us present the phenomenological space of innovative interaction of a migrant with the world in the table 1.
Of course, all our arguments relate primarily to the analysis of the initial situation of adaptation of the individual to the new environment. The further process will be greatly influenced by many other factors that a person will face in the new conditions, including those that cannot be controlled by him (changes in legislation, health, personal life, which will develop in another country). Therefore, we also pay attention to the ideas about the procedural characteristics of the innovation process, which in particular are related to the understanding of the mental as a process.
Human interaction with the world in the migration situation as a special case of the innovation situation is a process that has logical phases, conditions, relations, dynamics. It is connected with a number of abilities and personal potentials of the person, possibility or impossibility of their realization in concrete social, cultural and political conditions.
Factors affecting the specifics of the migration situation as an innovation in the life of an individual. The most obvious impact of pre-migration factors, which primarily include biographical determinants of innovative activity of the individual. The personal
world of a person is not a linear, clearly drawn trajectory. The world is multivariate. It is simultaneously created by man himself, it creates a man, who already interpreted by others. To understand the motivation of human migration, his decisions about changes in his own life, it is necessary to take into account the biographical situation of human development, his upbringing, beliefs, religious and cultural attitudes. The biographical component of the life world of a person is the natural, climatic, geographical features of the environment in which a person was born and lived, cultural, architectural features of his living environment. And a person often universalizes the world as a whole, gives it those characteristics that he faced during his individual life, in his personal life experience, not always distinguishing what lies in the zone of his control or can be in it, what is the space of unlimited realization of the innovative potential of a person, and what is beyond personal control. Therefore, age characteristics especially affect the assessment of the situation and the world as a whole, are associated with the real experience of success or failure in different life circumstances, formed by this stage of life attitudes and stereotypes, life recipes.
Table 1
Phenomenological space of human interaction with the world in an innovative situation
The interaction of migrants with the world Level of interaction with nature as a new environment Level of interaction with the new society Level of interaction with the new culture and human experience Level of interaction with yourself in new living conditions (organization of your own life in a new country)
The epistemological aspect Meaningful and intensive attitude to new information Formal-accumulative assimilation of new information
The axiological aspect Positively differentiated attitude to new values and semantic attitudes Negatively generalized attitude to new values and semantic attitudes
The praxeological aspect Initiatively transformative type of activity in the new environment Forced adaptive type of activity in the new environment
The modern world allows a person to consider himself the author of his own life, able to manipulate circumstances and his living space, although it is often an illusion of subjectivity. These determinants of innovation activity, which will determine the migration behavior of a person, will contribute to the dominance of different components of the functioning of the innovative potential of the individual and his migration strategies in what way a person will assess, interpret, understand the new situations that he will face, as far as he is able to improvise and extrapolate past experience. And all this will happen within the framework of social approval (or without it) of the new environment, new legal moral norms, rules of the new social group into which a person will fall.
The situation will be complicated by the fact that the previously available things can become unavailable ones, those circumstances that previously could control a person will be beyond his control, behavior that was regulated by some rules, will change the rules of norms. The environment will become highly unregulated and, therefore, potentially dangerous, alarming, unstable, emotional discomfort will increase.
The standard functions of social attitudes, which are associated with the adaptation of a person in a new social environment (simplification of knowledge, schematization of information about the world, self-realization) will also affect the effectiveness of adaptation of migrants to the new social and natural environment. And as it was noted by B. Lomov, " the inclusion of personality in the development of the system of social relations can be carried out only as an active process. One of the fundamentally important questions for the psychological study of personality is the question of the way of changing adequacy and development of personality. They express the tendencies of development of society and as a person consciously reflects these trends, organizes his life" [3].
Moreover, there are such changes in the life of a person, determined by social factors, for which, according to K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, "any degree of personal activity is not enough to remove the problems that have arisen, but the others can be solved by any person" [4].
Adaptation of migrants is closely related to acculturation. Cultural determinants are also among the determining factors in the interaction of the individual with the innovative component of the world as a whole. The external world, the world of culture, is organized in the coordinates of space-time, organized as a semiosphere, while being semiotized by a man himself, determining the intentionality of his existence.
Mastering the world of culture, human, according to Y. Lotman, creates a spatial model of the universe, in which the chain of human actions determines the overall plot of human life and is a way of understanding their own lives, with creation of new meanings. Man draws from the semiosphere not only the information already available in it, texts, saves and reproduces them, but also creates new information, thus ensuring the place of immortality in it not as a real object, but as a text of culture [5]. Of course, the nuances will depend on what kind of culture a person will encounter - mobile, dynamic, generating new knowledge, texts, meanings. Or it can be focused on cultural and social stability, receiving, passive, consumer, tuned to the receipt of new information from external sources.
The innovative situation is also a special case of the existential situation. After all, getting into a new situation for himself, a person enters into new relations with the world and himself, establishes the boundaries of these relations, new qualities of the world itself. It is the existential nature of human relations with the world in a new situation that allows us to talk about the existence and disclosure of personal potentials (which, as we have already written, is an important internal motive for deciding on migration). In fact, this corresponds to the essence of existential philosophy, which speaks about the existence of a person who goes beyond the limits of man, a person transforming, potential, transgressing boundaries, circumstances and their own capabilities, organizing the landscape around him, opening the prospects of being, creating the events.
Y. Evdokimova describes the functions of innovative potential of personality, among which, along with responsive, the existential function of the innovation potential is pointed out in her works. "Existential function of the innovative potential of the individual is aimed at the formation of the project of life, on the basis of which a person organizes his being, or in other words, the differentiation and integration of values, goals, motives and meanings of life.... Differentiation is associated with the search for the main and essential things in human life and with the regulation of it. Whereas integration is an ordering and systematization of the significant, an exit to comprehension and reflection, to the project of human life in the world" [1]. These functional features of the manifestation of the innovative potential of the individual are important factors determining the activity of the individual in the situation of migration.
The problem of self-determination of personality development is also clearly actualized in the migration situation. The determination of development in principle implies the activity of the individual in the organization of his own life. The prerequisites for the emergence of this process appear at the stage of development when the child, who has already become a subject, begins to realize himself as a subject. Further, at some stage of life, a person begins to consciously organize his life, to plan its prospects, to carry out self-determination. There is a "project of life", inscribed by man in his universe of culture.
There are a number of synonyms of the concept of organization of life - self-disclosure, self-determination, self-realization, etc. They reflect the general desire of a person to realize his opportunities, to show his innovative potential, and therefore it also refers to the internal motivation of migration.
V. Kalin distinguished vital activity, activity and conscious purposeful behavior and organization of one's own life. He connected this allocation with features of self-subjective relations - their depth, range of purposeful orderliness, awareness and foresight of effect of actions in an actual situation which lead to the highest level of interaction of the person with the world - to the self-subjective, organized vital process. As a unit of analysis of self-organization of life, V. Kalin proposed to use "a holistic substructure of the life process and its consequences-new intentions and a new level of organization of life" [6]. At this level, a person consciously and purposefully transforms past experiences when the new problems arise.
Definitely, the potentially possible things can cause the whole spectrum of attitudes to it - anxiety, negativity, anticipation. A person cannot give guarantees of the implementation of the planned, it is rather a process of finding yourself, the process of establishing and expanding borders and opportunities. The social and political world is also incapable of guaranteeing to man the possibility of exact realization of his life projects. But getting into the orbit of opportunity is very important for humans. Y. Lotman believed that "the more human behavior acquires the traits of freedom in relation to the automatism of genetic programs, the more important it is for him to build plots of events and behaviors, creating plot texts, a person has learned to distinguish between plots in life and, thus, interpret this life for himself" [5].
Social adaptation implies the reciprocal activity of the social environment and the individual. A single concept of personality adaptation does not exist, but the high individual variability of human adaptive behavior is recognized.
The concept of adaptation is associated with the concept of acculturation, considering it as part of the adaptation process. The balance of the contribution of acculturation to adaptation depends on the authors' understanding of the culture, the degree of activity of the individual himself, and the characteristics of the host community. The adaptation of migrants is also affected by various factors of pre-migration and post-migration factors (financial stability, marital status, health, etc.).
Since labor migration is associated with the need to change habitual social roles, statuses, value judgments regarding one's behavior, and "the innovative potential of the individual is associated with the general aspects of the functioning of the psyche, which are manifested not only in specific, professional activities or groups of activities, but also in general forms human external activity" [1], we decided to identify the features of innovative potential in people who are motivated or not to carry out labor migration.
By adaptation, we mean the adaptation of a person to changing conditions, considering the desire of a person to realize his innovative potential as the main internal motive for migration. The problem of socio-psychological adaptation of the individual will then be reduced to finding a person in equilibrium with the new socio-cultural environment.
We use the concept of labor migration, because First of all, we were interested in the psychological characteristics of people who decide to migrate based not on family (love, romantic) reasons, not on political priorities, not on religious reasons or on the basis of life safety, but strive to realize themselves professionally and personally in the territory of the country where this implementation seems to them the most possible. Although it's obvious that the decision to migrate is multi-motive, we simply focus on the main motive -labor.
There is an international standard for the definition of the term "labor migrant", which was developed by the UN in 1998. The UN defines labor migrants as "foreigners admitted to the country by the host state for the specific purpose of engaging in economic activities paid from sources located in the host country. The length of stay is usually limited, as is the type of activity in which they can engage. Their dependents, if they are allowed to enter the country, are also included in this category" [7].
The innovative potential of the individual, including potential migrants, must be considered revealing the internal structure of the innovative potential in unity with the external characteristics of the individual's life situation (economic situation, political situation, cultural, etc.), since it is realized as a specially coordinated system on different levels of human interaction with the world, respectively, requires different plans for its analysis.
Feeling the need to change his own life, the need to realize his professional, labor potentials in another country, a person meets the subject of these needs and the possibility of their realization through harnessing his innovative potential, which can be considered as a specific internal motive for migratory behavior, also associated with a person's desire realize their diverse personal potentials.
To understand the problem of internal motivation of the migration process and the functioning of innovative potential as a factor in the internal motivation of migration behavior, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of the migration process (as
innovative for a person) from the point of view of the individual's ideas about his resource potential as a subject of innovative activity, and not just an object of change.
1. The migration situation is an innovative situation for the individual by its characteristics and it can be considered according to a similar scheme for the analysis of the innovative situation. It is possible to identify a number of determinants that affect the specifics of the migration process as an innovative situation in the life of an individual. These include biographical, social, cultural, existential factors, the factor of self-determination of the life of the individual.
2. The innovative situation acts for a person as a special case of the existential situation. It is the existential nature of human relations with the world in a new situation that allows us to talk about the existence and disclosure of personal potentials (which is an important internal motive for deciding on migration). Functional features of the manifestation of the innovative potential of the individual are important factors that determine the activity of the individual in the situation of migration.
3. The problem of self-determination of personality development is clearly actualized in the migration situation. Analyzing the innovative potential of the individual, one can indirectly judge the active-transformative or passive-adaptive migration strategy.
4. When analyzing the innovative potential of the personality of potential or real migrants, it is necessary to consider the internal structure of the innovative potential in unity with the external characteristics of the life situation of the individual (economic situation, political situation, cultural, etc.), since it is implemented as a system specially coordinated in a special way on different levels of human interaction with the world, respectively, requires different plans for its analysis. At the level of organization of life, the manifestation of innovative potential is most closely associated with the choice of strategies for migration behavior.
5. To understand the problem of internal motivation of the migration process and the functioning of innovative potential as a factor in the internal motivation of migration behavior, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the migration process (as innovative for a person) from the point of view of the personality's ideas about its resource potential as a subject of innovative activity, and not just an object of change.
6. It is necessary to consider the relief of a migrant's innovative situation in its uniqueness related to the need for a migrant to fill in relevant gaps - informational (lack of relevant information), value-semantic (when confronted with new values that need to be somehow built into their semantic space), practical activity (if there is a need to use new skills and methods of activity) at all levels of human interaction with the world - natural, social, cool culture, self-organization of life, considering it as a priority level of organization of life, in which the socio-psychological adaptation of a person to a new sociocultural environment is unfolding [9].
7. The determination of the migration situation (exogenous or endogenous order) indicates the reasons for making decisions on migration (changes in the personality's life) - is a person forced to make such a decision based on external circumstances, adapt to them and new environmental conditions (passive position), or the causes of migratory
behavior (changes in life) characterize personal activity and its transformative activity, are determined internally (a person is a subject of his own life and activity, the author of what is happening). Thus, by analyzing the innovative potential of the individual, one can indirectly judge an active-transformative or passive-adaptive migration strategy. Human interaction with the world in a migration situation as a special case of an innovative situation is a process that has logically regular phases, conditions, relationships, and dynamics. It is associated with a number of abilities and personal potentials of a person, the possibility or impossibility of their implementation in specific social, cultural, political conditions.
8. There are a number of determinants that affect the specifics of the migration process as an innovative situation in the life of an individual. These include biographical, social, cultural, existential factors, the factor of self-determination of a person's life.
1 Evdokimova (Vlasenko) Yu.A., Psikhologicheskiy analiz innovatsionnogo potentsiala lichnosti, dis. ...kand. psikhol. nauk: 19.00.01, 183 s. (Simferopol', 2003).
2 Evdokimova (Vlasenko) Yu.A., Metodologicheskiye osnovy postroyeniya psikhologicheskoy teorii innovatsionnykh protsessov, Sbornik nauchnykh rabot Natsional'nogo Pedagogicheskogo Universiteta im. M.P. Dragomanova, 12, S. 29 (Kiív, 2001).
3 Lomov B.F., Metodologicheskie i teoreticheskie problemy psihologii: monografiya, Otv. red. A.V. Brushlinskij, V.A. Kol'cova, 350 s. (Nauka, М., 1999).
4 Abul'hanova-Slavskaya K.A., Strategiya zhizni: monografiya, 299 s. (Smysl, М., 1991).
5 Lotman Yu.M., Fenomen kul'tury, Semiotika kul'tury. Trudy po znakovym sistemam, Uch. Zap. Tart. unta, 463 (Tartu, 1978).
6 Kalin V.K., Analiz samoorganizacii i samodeterminacii aktivnosti lichnosti s pozicij sistemnogo podhoda, Nauka i obrazovanie, 1, 58 (1999).
7 UN Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration (Rev. 1), 51 р. (1998).
8 Evdokimova Yu.A., Introduction of European standards of higher education by the example of opening a new specialization master «Social psychologist in socio-cultural adaptation of migrants» (by TEMPUS LMPSM project «Bachelor and Master degree on Social Psychology for migration in Russia, Ukraine and Kazahstan problem solving»), Gumanítamiy vísnik DVNZ "Pereyaslav-Khmel'nits'kiy derzhavniy pedagogíchniy uníversitet ím.Gr.Skovorodi", Dodatok 1 do Vip. 27, tom 7 (40): Tematichniy vipusk «Vishcha osvíta Ukraíni u kontekstí íntegratsíí do evropeys' kogo osvítn' ogo prostoru», S. 107 (Gnozis, K., 2013).
9 Evdokimova (Vlasenko) Yu.A., Vozrastnye osobennosti preodoleniya krizisa peremen, Psihologiya zhiznennogo krizisa lichnosti: teoriya i praktika, Sbornik nauchnyh rabot Kievskogo instituta social'noj i politicheskojpsihologii APN Ukrainy, S. 71 (Kiev, 2002).
Евдокимова Ю. А.1, Твердоступ К. Г.2
1Таврическая академия (структурное подразделение) ФГАОУ ВО «Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского», Симферополь, Республика Крым, Россия 2ГБОУ ДПО РК «Крымский республиканский институт постдипломного педагогического образования», Симферополь, Республика Крым, Россия E-mail:yaptiza@nbox.ru1, kris-ya@yandex.ru2
Идея анализировать миграционную ситуацию в жизни личности с позиций психологической теории инноваций является достаточно оригинальной. Мигрант, попадая в новую для себя жизненную ситуацию, новое социокультурное пространство, сталкивается с необходимостью ориентации в системе взаимодействия с миром на уровне природы как среды, социума, культуры, организации жизни. На всех этих уровнях он может использовать свой инновационные ресурс, инновационные стратегии, которые были или нет сформированы к данному моменту. Поэтому продуктивным мы считаем использование психологической теории инновационных процессов для анализа степени эффективности мига в новых для него условиях.
По сути, ситуация миграции является разновидностью инновационной ситуации, связана с внутренней мотивацией мигранта к изменениям, она требует навыка, опыта ориентации в новом информационном пространстве - в плане ценностей, смыслов, новых социальных установок и отказа от прежних социальных стереотипов. От инновационных личностных стратегий мигрантов во многом будет зависеть его возможность удовлетворения познавательных и эмоциональных потребностей в новой социокультурной среде, как и выбор самой социокультурной среды для миграции в принципе. Очевидно, что мигрант сталкивается с рядом проблем, препятствий для продуктивной адаптации в новой среде, в частности, непродуктивными социальными установками, сложившимися в его жизни к данному моменту. Многое будет зависеть от возраста мигранта, его профессионального и социального статуса. Но, главное, на наш взгляд, отличие в степени продуктивности адаптации к новым условиям жизни, будет зависеть от характеристик степени инновационности среды пребывания и уровня инновационного потенциала личности мигранта, социально-психологических механизмов его реализации, особенностей инновационных стратегий личности.
Авторы считают, что важным прогностическим маркером успешной адаптации мигранта в новой социокультурной среде, является уровень и специфика проявления инновационного потенциала личности мигранта, его мотивация к изменениям, анализ инновационных стратегий личности мигранта в конкретных условиях взаимодействия его с миром (на природном, социальном, культурном, экономическом, политическом уровнях и, главное - уровне самоорганизации жизни). При этом ситуация миграции (как частный случай инновационной) может быть проанализирована с точки зрения психологической теории инноваций, основные положения которой раскрыты в работах Евдокимовой Ю. А.
Ключевые слова: ситуация миграции, инновационные стратегии личности мигранта, инновационный потенциал мигранта, адаптация в новой социокультурной среде.