SOCIAL THERAPY FOR ADOLESCENTS WITH DEVIANT BEHAVIOR Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Isaeva Anastasia Yuryevna

The article is focused on the analysis of social therapy for adolescents. Social therapy is non-diagnostic and non-problem-oriented therapy. As proponents and practitioners of non-medical model understandings and practices, social therapists take an approach more cultural than scientific, more philosophical than psychological, and more dialectical than dynamic.

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Социальная терапия подростков с девиантным поведением Social therapy for adolescents with deviant behavior

Исаева Анастасия Юрьевна

Бакалавр социальной работы Самарский Национальный Исследовательский Университет,

РФ, Самара e-mail: iau24@mail.ru

Isaeva Anastasia Yuryevna

Bachelor of Social work Samara National Research University, Russia, Samara e-mail: iau24@mail.ru


Статья посвящена анализу социальной терапии подростков. Социальная терапия-это недиагностическая и не проблемно-ориентированная терапия. Как сторонники и практики немедицинских моделей понимания и практики, социальные терапевты используют подход более культурный, чем научный, более философский, чем психологический, и более диалектический, чем динамический.


The article is focused on the analysis of social therapy for adolescents. Social therapy is non-diagnostic and non-problem-oriented therapy. As proponents and practitioners of non-medical model understandings and practices, social therapists take an approach more cultural than scientific, more philosophical than psychological, and more dialectical than dynamic.

Ключевые слова: социальная терапия, психология, терапия, социальная работа, девиантное поведение, подростки.

Key words: social therapy, psychology, therapy, social work, deviant behavior, adolescents.

Features of adolescents with deviant behavior

The current trend in the development of society is based primarily on the situation in the country. Socio-psychological and socio-economic changes in society lead to an increase in various deviations from the norm, especially among adolescents, since they are the most sensitive to psychological and social changes. In the works of many psychologists, sociologists, and educators, the term "deviant behavior "is introduced and equated with the term "deviant behavior".

A teenager seeks to participate in sports, music, academic, or informal groups to find respect and recognition for their independence. An informal subculture is not something particular. It incorporates various features of the traditional teen "street" subculture, being a social initiative group, an interest club, and a teen gang.

Modern research shows difficulties in the relationship between adolescents and adults [5]. The distance between a teenager and parents, which is manifested in quarrels, the appearance of conflict situations, is a risk factor for mental disorders in the child and behavioral abnormalities, which are one of the causes of delinquency.

Thus, the adolescent's deviant behavior, rejected by society, begins to manifest itself: weak ties with family and schools contribute to the fact that young people proceed to focus on peer groups, which are most often the source of deviant norms and attitudes.

A deviation reaction may occur in a teenager if there is a conflict situation in the family. This reaction is directed against the parents who, in the opinion of the teenager, are to blame for him. Protest behavior may occur in adolescents in response to resentment, hurt self-esteem, dissatisfaction with the requirements or relationships of loved ones. The

reason for the protest may be conflicts between parents or their indifferent attitude to the teenager, unfair or painful punishment for his self-esteem or a ban on something significant for the teenager.

Thus, deviant behavior is a normal reaction to the abnormal conditions in which a teenager or group of teenagers finds themselves, and at the same time, it is a particular language of communication with society, when other socially acceptable means of communication are unsuitable or unavailable. And the basis of deviant adolescent behavior is the underdevelopment of social and cultural needs, the poverty of the spiritual world, and detachment.

Thus, deviant behavior of adolescents is a stable behavior of an individual that deviates from the most important social norms, harms society or the adolescent himself, and is accompanied by his social maladaptation.

The problem of deviant behavior in adolescents is a complex social reality that requires conventional actions on the part of both theorists and practitioners. Currently, social self - therapy is one of the major technologies in working with adolescents with deviant behavior.

Content of social therapy for adolescents with deviant behavior

Since ancient times, to cure the human body, a variety of methods and methods of therapy have been used. Some of them have lost their meaning, while others, on the contrary, have become widely used in practice.

Therapy is a branch of practical medicine that studies the causes, mechanisms of development, and course of various diseases of internal organs. Therapeutic science diagnoses these diseases and develops numerous methods for their treatment and prevention [6]. Currently, 26 therapy is a very multi-faceted concept. So, in applied psychology, therapy is a psychological first aid [7].

Moreover, in psychology, therapy is considered as providing psychological assistance to people with various psychological difficulties. Depending on which model of development, functioning, and mental disorders are used, several psychotherapeutic approaches are considered: psychoanalytic, cognitive, humanistic, and neuro-linguistic programming [8].

0. N. Vericheva defines social therapy as "a set of forms and methods that provide an impact on an individual to include him in the social environment, develop or compensate for his abilities, activity, equalize or increase his social status" [9, p. 34].

Social therapy shows its usefulness if there is a complex social background for an individual or social group, and the problem that they face is considered to be quite complex, structural, and requires specific, consistent solutions to many issues to eliminate it.

Thus, social therapy is a set of procedures that eliminates undesirable social deviations of an individual through qualitative changes in their social interactions and relationships.

Scientists distinguish the following main stages of social therapy [10]:

1. familiarizing the specialist with the client's problem and inviting them to cooperate. It is at this stage that it is possible to fully prepare for the next activity to solve the problem that has appeared.

An assessment of the client's problem and its significance for him is carried out, and the place that this situation occupies in his life is determined. This stage includes collecting information about the client that is necessary for further work with him, data about his system of connections and relationships with other people and society.

2. Designing follow-up activities and making mutual commitments. At this stage, the client and the social work specialist consider all the possible ways and means of solving the problem, choose the most effective and acceptable ones, determine the responsibility of each party for subsequent actions, and draw up a schedule of joint activities.

3. Implementation of the planned changes. To the extent possible, the client and the social worker fulfill their obligations set out in the third stage of cooperation, i.e., the process of appropriate social and therapeutic intervention and the process of social change takes place.

4. Evaluation of the results and completion of the work. At this stage of social therapy, the effectiveness of the joint activity of the social work specialist and the client to solve their particular problem is analyzed, and appropriate changes are made, if necessary, in this process. We also develop recommendations for the future life of the client.

Social therapy has a goal, namely, the normalization of social relations, the interaction and relationship in different spheres of life and human activity, and social life [11].

In social therapy, the object is not only the client with specific problems and their close friends but also their work, relatives, friends, colleagues.

The main direction of social therapy is to eliminate the socio-psychological diagnosis that would have been made in the context of the diagnosis.

Thus, E.I. Kholostova [12] identifies psychological and pedagogical methods that, first of all, are aimed at solving the problems of both an individual and small social groups. A distinctive feature of such a technique is that they have a perfect effect.

The application of such methods in practice is the impact of an individual's inner world, his system of value ideals, orientations, as well as a system of social relations in small groups. These methods will include psychological correlation, education, persuasion.

Following the volume of impact E. I. Kholostova allocates in ides social therapy [12].

Individual therapy is applied to a person whose problems require confidentiality (for example, sexual violence, family problems, and so on) to those who do not want or cannot participate in group therapy for some reason.

Group therapy is seen as an effort to help people overcome their personality disorders or social unrest through different groups. The main criteria for forming GRU PP are age children's, adult groups), gender (male, female, mixed), GRU PP for social activities, professional, educational, and so on. Each group should consist of people who are interested in solving similar problems and who are ready to receive new information, skills, and knowledge. Usually, psychotherapy procedures and means are used in group therapy.

Family therapy is a form of group therapy that is aimed at systematic work with the family. To provide the necessary assistance in the monitoring of their relationships, in the reduction of family problems, and the resolution of internal family conflicts, the specialist must disclose and discuss the internal roles and responsibilities of the family members; he must encourage them to take a more flexible approach.

Network therapy is one of the most effective ways to restore relations between an individual and his social environment, society. The complete inclusion of the social environment in all therapeutic work is the basis of the new set of methods. This inclusion becomes a pre-test of the location with the client. The task of the specialist is to help all participants in a kit of meetings and find available resources to support and strengthen them. It is significant to treat your neighbors (friends, relatives, friends, teachers). I and others, which is a hard case is used by the self and should be a natural action [13].

The technology of social therapy includes various methods. The main results of using such methods are the restoration of the ability of young people with deviant behavior, their achievement of high consequences in major and significant activities, and the reduction of negative impact concerning small children. The therapeutic environment is the basis for the introduction of social therapy methods, which is developed and supported by the social work specialist.

The main features of social therapy are such as [14]:

Labor therapy, based on the ability to provide a tonic and motivating impact on the person in the process of work. With the help of occupational therapy, it turns out that it is possible to organize a joint activity, to reveal the hidden reserves of abilities and capabilities of a person, to form a sense of their well-being and usefulness to others, to organize a system of interpersonal relations between the patient and other people and, to expand their circle of communication, to remove the feeling of tension and anxiety.

Labor therapy allows the body to engage in joint activities, while at the same time facilitating the interaction between people, reducing their level of tension and anxiety, and severe stress. Labor therapy is a universal type of socio-psychological development, support, and assistance to various categories of the population.

Self-education therapy. Self-transformation is an active process when a person independently forms himself as a person following a certain goal, based on socially formed ideas about the sample of his own I [13]. The term self-assessment represents the self - knowledge, self-analysis, and self - evaluation of the subject. It includes groups of different techniques:

- self-study; re-evaluation of your past, past mistakes; identification of your psychological barriers; self-analysis; re-evaluation of your personality;

- the use of self-perception, self-persuasion, and self-suggestion by the student, the formation of their ideas and ideal forms of behavior, and the creation of the desired image of the I;

- story-based reproduction of the behavior of the I-image in different situations of activity and behavior, putting the stereotype I-image on the real behavior in the course of everyday life and activity.

The main subject of this type of social therapy is the individual. The task of a specialist is to teach people the above-mentioned activities, to perform the functions of control of the process of self-education to prevent undesirable or irreversible changes in personality, and to organize the completion of the experience gained.

A discussion strategy is a solution to any problem through active discussion between interested parties. At the same time, it is assumed that all participants in this discussion can Express their point of view and put forward their arguments.

Occupation therapy is a therapy of everyday activity, a form of professional social work. This is a necessary form of assistance to people who experience deviations in behavior and interaction. The choice of activities that form the skills of independent functioning and meet the needs of the individual in the context of his social environment is the clue point of rehabilitation therapy.

Art therapy is a set of psycho-correlative methods that have their differences and peculiarities. Creativity in children, according to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, "is a highly distinctive sphere of their spiritual life, with self-expression, and self-affirmation, in which the individual self-existence of each child is revealed" [15, p.51]. Teaching, writing fairy tales, playing games on musical instruments, singing songs, reading literature, according to the teacher - all this is not only the source of the development of physiological and psychotic processes of a teenager but also a peculiar "treatment" of the soul of the child, the prevention of nervous diseases, social and moral shortcomings and deviations in behavior.

Currently, art therapy is the most widely used tool in social therapy, so this method should be studied in more detail. In the practice of temporary art therapy, a number of the following tasks are solved.

Music therapy is also a significant element in art therapy. According to E.N. Kotysheva, music therapy is "the controlled use of music in the treatment, rehabilitation, education, and nutrition of children and adults suffering from somatic and psychological diseases" [17, p. 180].

In the course of the action of the muses on adolescents, a specialist in social work forms in them, first of all, such specific experiences and the life experience that is acquired in the process of m-shaped relationships with the surrounding world and other people and is acquired by the individual, as well as by full members of society [18, p.59]. These

experiences allow people to feel themselves more deeply by introducing them to the world of sounds, harmony, and beauty and form the motivation for more successful integration into society.

Bibliotherapy as a means of social therapy involves the use of specially selected literary material for reading to solve the individual's problems. Literary is the material that is the product of various genres (stories, novels, short stories, poems, lyrical poems) [9].

Fairy-tale therapy in the theory of social therapy is considered to be a method that uses a fairy-tale form for the integration of personality, the development of creative abilities, the expansion of consciousness, and the improvement of interaction with the surrounding world [9]. Taking part in fairy-tale therapy classes, teenagers become more prepared for various life situations, they learn how to solve their problems. In fairy-tale therapy, techniques such as analysis, rewriting, storytelling, writing, and staging are used. Such a technique as the analysis of fairy tales is of great value. It is used for the client to understand and interpret what each fairy-tale situation has behind it, the behavior of the hero, the plot construction, and its development. It is also important that you tell a story from the first person.

Thus, social therapy for adolescents with deviant behavior is a set of procedures that eliminates the deviant behavior of adolescents, which causes damage to the community and the child itself, and which allows them to enter the social environment and solve their social problems and conflicts.

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