Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1-2 (2017)"^^« Pedagogy
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- ISSN 2310-5593 (Print) / ISSN 2519-1209 (Online) -
UDC 378.14 DOI:
N. А.Sayko1
1 Poltava National Pedagogical University named after Y.G. Korolenko, Poltava, Ukraine
Objective: a system of professional preparation of social workers in the United States is considered. Methods: comparison, generalization, observation, systemic analysis, theoretical cognition, the method of anal-
Results: based on the analysis of the content of social workers preparation in institutions of higher education, basic skills of social workers, the content of social work in schools in the United States as the main institution of socialization of rising generation, positive aspects which may be used in the higher education system of Ukraine were identified, which is now at the stage of intensive changes and innovations; attention to the main stages of social workers preparation in the USA, tasks of the school system and on the specifics of the functioning of a social worker in the education system; the increased focus in the work of the social worker in the educational system to help in the socialization children of teenage age is emphasized, the integration and individual approach in solving their problems are analyzed; especially important for the social workers preparation in Ukraine should be orientation of higher education on the therapeutic aspects of social work, that gives an opportunity to social workers in Ukraine to be more active in society and organize private practices.
Scientific novelty: At the first time on the basis of methods pointed in the article the consent of social workers preparation in the United States to socialized function in the educational system is explored.
Practical significance: the main points and conclusions of the article can be used in the system of professional preparation of social workers in Ukraine.
Keywords: professional preparation, levels and content of social worker's preparation, aim of social work, functions of social worker.
Social work in any country has unique national specifics caused by socio-economical, political conditions, historical, spirit-moral, cultural and political peculiarities. Studying the specifics of social work in one or another country, the system ofpreparation for professional work, it is possible to define particular positive moments, which help to improve preparation system of social workers in Ukraine. Taking into account that at that moment there are cardinal changes in the higher education system of Ukraine, the social pedagogues' preparation is transforming smoothly into preparation of social workers, plans, programs are developing, the analysis of the system of professional preparations of social workers in other countries is essential.
research findings
In literature devoted to the exploration of international experience, practical social work is divided into
general profile and specialized work. Social work of general profile provides three sphere of realization:
1) Social therapy individual, personal and family levels, the main aim of which is social adaptation and rehabilitation of the person
2) Social work with groups that are classified according to various criteria: age (children, youth, adulthood, retirement), by interests or problems (the group of former prisoners, alcoholics, drug addicts and others);
3) Social work in a society by place of residence, which is focused on enlargement the list of services, strengthening public relations, creating a psychological climate, as well as contributing to the manifestation different kinds of local initiatives, organization of mutual help, etc. [10].
The specialized social work which are practiced by specialists sphere of employment, health protection, medical and rehabilitation services, educational institu-
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tions, nursing homes, prison services, the armed forces.
America is considered to be a pioneer in the development of social work as a profession and science. Social work in the USA is an activity providing a social morality of society [19].
National Association of Social Workers (NASW), which is a professional organization of social work in the United States, accepted a definition of "social work"- a professional activity, providing assistance to individuals, groups and particular collectives in the improvement or renewal of their abilities to social functioning, and creation of a favorable social situation for them (NASW, 1973) [6].
National Association of Social Workers determines as the main goal of social work the help and resumption mutually advantageous interaction between the individual and society to improve the quality of life of everyone. The social worker should act according with the situation, contribute to (social, physical, organizational) maximal realization of capabilities, the resources of each person and help them to satisfy human interests. The interaction of the individual with environment should build up dignity, individuality and self-determination for everyone. When people are vulnerable, poverty or loss makes them weak, their behavior is characterized by bad habits, isolation, disability, society stops respecting them, social workers should actively impact on such situations [25].
Significant contribution to the development of the social work in the USA has made a research ofAmerican scientists M. Richmond on the topic: "Social diagnosis", which proved the necessity enter into the structure of social assistance educational influence, develop a methodology for group work with the aim of self-help and the effective socialization of the individual [23].
Today America's social work services cover various areas- organization and health care centres, schools, business and industry, agencies for protection of the family and the child, mental health centres, correction centres and private practice. Social workers serve children and adults of all races, ethnic groups, socio-economic status and religion [13].
The research of social work system in the USA was made by a number of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, among them are such authors as the S.V. Melnik, L.A. Kozlov, G.A. Kudryavtseva, F.A. Mustaeva, O.L. Potri-keev, M. Doel, S. Shadlou, A.A. Ostapchuk, Y.N. Panov and others.
Works of Ukrainian scientists O. Bespal'ko, Z. P. Ki-yanitsa, V. A. Kuzminsky, I. V. Brother, V. N. Timenko, L. T. Tyupli, etc. play an important role in integration of international experience in the Ukrainian system of future social workers preparation.
Peculiarities of formation American social workers professionalism are reviewed in N. E. Koroleva dissertation "The content of social workers preparation for educational institutions in the United States and the United Kingdom." Author discloses the specifics of solutions of social and educational problems of youth by US experts. Her research confirmed that in the world today US preparation model of specialist in the social sphere is mostly used as it is the most general and satisfies the expectations of society and the capabilities of the profession [8].
According L. Vinnikova work "The system preparation of social workers in the US higher education institutions" a distinctive feature of the social and pedagogical work in the United States is determined by its orientation to help to a particular person, group of people with the aim improvement or renewal of social functioning. Status and purpose of social work matches a preparation process of specialists in the institutions of higher education social system [2].
The profession of social worker in United States can be got in schools of social work, which are departments of universities. The curriculum provides three levels of education: for Bachelor, Master and Doctor Degree of social work. Education plans for bachelors (term of studying 4 years) includes five basic professional topics: practical methods of social work, politics and social services, human behavior and the environment, research and field practice. The content of each topic is filled with educational courses of humanitarian disciplines, key point among them are social and biological sciences (sociology, biology, physiology, psychology, philosophy, political science, economics, anthropology, history, etc.). These courses provide students with knowledge about the people, the family, society, teach to find interrelation between biological, social, psychological and cultural systems. The students need to know the history and development of social work, its institutions, structures and principles of functioning of social services, social and economic policy of the state [9].
Studying for Master Degree continues two years. In the first year of education students take a general course aimed at in advanced studying of the theory and practice of social work, students take courses such as theory of
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human behavior, the dynamic psychiatry, socio-cultural concepts, social stratification, ethnic systems, methods of social work practice, research methods.
The second year of master degree is aimed at specialization and improvement of the training level in the course of practice. The most common is the specialization in the work with disabled people, families and groups. You can also choose a specialization, which provides work in a certain sphere of activity: work with elderly people, work in health centers, family services, social services in factories, with mentally disabled people in the centres of behavioural or criminally punished persons and others.
The final stage of preparation of social work experts is studying for Doctor Degree, peculiarity of which is preparation not of patricians of social work, but scientists-theorists [20].
The main employment spheres of social workers in USA are following:
- Social workers in health care institutions that offer psychosocial services to individual and group level. It can be psychological consultations, assistance to families who are caring for sick relatives;
- Social workers who work with people suffering from mental illness and different kinds of additions. The main functions in this sphere there is a psychological assistance, the assessment of its effectiveness, as well as holding consultations in crisis situations, individual and group therapy, psycho-social rehabilitation institution;
- Social workers who work with children, families and schools, help children in academic, social and emotional problems [16].
The most important center of the socialization of the younger generation remains a school and it is still one of the traditional places of activity for social worker. The main purpose of his work in the school is to create appropriate conditions for the successful development of children, their free functioning, as well as timely response to problems which disrupt social functioning of children and teenagers. The functions of the social worker in the US educational institutions performs "guidance advisor", with tasks which can be determined as follows:
1 ) gathering, systematization, evaluation and analysis all the information about the child, on the basis of which it is forecast for the development; 2) informing students and parents on actual issues; 3) counselling; 4) the formation of the individual plan of education and upbringing; 5) The students get a job or further edu-
cation; 6) control of educational outcomes, evaluation of the achievements of graduates in the further life. The main forms of social work at the school are individual, group, family, a set of preventive measures and consultations, the organization of cooperation with teachers, staff, other humanitarian agencies, welfare agencies, assessments and research based on social responsibility. Social Worker, offering such services must be competent in matters of personal development, psychotherapeutic techniques, welfare policies, political trends and scientific research activity [5, 7]. The immediate task of the school social worker in the USA is to ensure that assistance in situations where the social, psychological, economic, cultural barriers prevent the student to realize their potential in education. These tasks are implemented through interaction with students, family, school and society and provide for the development of social workers such skills, as how to analyze the situation, to provide direct assistance in social rehabilitation, psychological recovery, in the dynamics of personal growth of children, conduct counselling, provide a positive dynamic support for pupils, teachers and parents, to use the methods of social therapy, to adjust the learning process for students to achieve competence and confidence [22].
Special attention in American schools, as well as schools in the UK, Canada, Norway, Finland, is paid to the prevention of bullying and the creation a safe environment. Bullying (with English bully -. a hooligan, ruffian, rapist, teaser) - is an international phenomenon, repeated intentional behaviour aimed to cause a harm to another person, and to humiliate of the victim [17]. With this aim, a gathering of important information is done, on the basis of which it would be possible to understand normal or anomalous development of a particular child, to learn a psycho-social history of the child, to diagnose attitudes of parents, teachers and students to the victim of bullying. The social worker uses a variety of methods: home visits, individual and group counselling, child supervision, his defence, mobilization and coordination of resources of society [15].
Also a social worker aims to solve other school problems, such as behaviour and missing lessons; family difficulties which negatively affect the quality of education (poverty, discrimination, lack of conditions for the normal development of the child, violence, alcohol, drugs); juvenile pregnant, suicidal tendencies, loss of interest in the world around them and others, suicidal tendencies, loss of interest in the world around them and others. Dur-
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ing individual work with students social worker conducts preventive work toward unreasonable omissions of lessons, social maladjustment of teenagers, their increased aggressiveness and early pregnancy of girls. For this purpose a group to discuss problems that concern the students are created, family are supported, their attitudes toward school personnel is analyzed, attracting parents to actively participate in the educational process [5, 21]. As a consultant, social worker in the school the school cooperates with the administration and teaching staff concerning questions ofstudents attitude to school policies, practices of structures ofpower. Consultations regarding the home conditions, cultural and social environment that affects the style ofbehaviour ofpupils are held. Also, social workers are actively involved in the scheduling ofthe school life of the students, in the choice of school strategies on issues such as student discipline, their mental health, social skills training and family life [12].
Constructive approach requires working with teenagers risk groups. Regarding them there are a number of programs, some of which are initiated the governments of states or communities, and some are realized by private organizations. Program of states, as a rule, contribute to the creation of small open correctional institutions and services that give children the opportunity to change the behaviour without leaving the family. The activities of social workers in such conditions, aims to integrate the educational methods of the institution with family conditions for re-upbringing of teenager. The main task of such institutions - to snatch from the formal juvenile court system and pass it under the care of local organizations, protecting the child from the private boarding schools, colonies and prisons. This approach prevents the appearance of negative complexes suggestive offender in juvenile offender [14].
Among main social works groups of clients in the USA stands out as an independent - lonely, pedagogi-cally difficult teenagers, which are characterized by personality dysfunction as a result of the impact of negative external conditions. The main goal of the work with this group is to increase the personal competence, formation of skills to solve problems, development opportunities, assistance in establishing the relationship between adolescents and the surrounding social environment, between organizations and institutions, harmonization of these relations [3].
The specifics of the educational system of America is in functioning of the additional structures that are
engaged in the socialization of children, helping to the educational institutions. One of these services of children's socialization and adolescents is a service "Gaydens", which was organized in 1908 by Frank Parsons. This service is obligatory in the structure of US education, and in almost every high school, in many primary and secondary schools the pedagogical support professionals are invited to a full-time. Professional training of these specialists takes place in higher education institutions within 1-2 years on the base of higher pedagogical education.
There are three directions in work of service "Gaydens": economic (professional orientation), training (selection of training programs), social (the study of the student's personality and leadership of his development). Children and adolescents are assisting in solving different life issues, such as parental divorce, death of loved ones, conflicts with classmates, and others [11; 4].
If we analyze the overall atmosphere of American schools, we can talk about a strong emphasis on the formation of leadership skills in children. Also, a lot of US scientific works are devoted to the problem of leadership. T. Gould, J. B. Kretti, R.S. Weinberg note that leaders tend to hold "potentials" appreciated by their peers (successful learning, demonstration of a special erudition in certain fields of knowledge, communication skills, physical perfection, the possession of the abilities of a singer, an artist, the willingness to protect the friend etc.).
D. Kounin developed a technique and strategy of the discipline restoration through its influence on the leader. Fixing the behavior of a leader, we correct a behavior of the whole class [24].
American psychologist and consultant K. Sloan reveals features of leaders' formation and leading qualities of a person - not the amount of information but the ability to manage and use it makes the leader smarter [18].
Just such principle uses modern American school, directing the educational process on the development of students skills to present themselves, to communicate effectively, to retain their individuality and independence.
The Association of US school Social Workers notes that for more effective solving of problems of social work at school it is necessary to unite efforts of the American Bar Association (ASCA), the National Association of School Psychologists (NAPS), Social Association of American School Workers (SSWAA) and to organize the school social work on the base of intersubject connections [1].
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Summing up, we can note that the particularly important in the system of US social workers' training for organization of such training in Ukraine is the emphasis on the psychological, therapeutic and social rehabilitative functions of a social worker, which makes it possible to him to be more active in the professional activities. By mastering the therapeutic and rehabilitative techniques in the process ofprofessional training, the social workers in Ukraine will be able to organize a private practice that will attract additional resources into the system of social work and improve the material and economic position of specialists. Actual issue in the system of professional
training of social workers in Ukraine is the experience of practical training of American specialists. Also it is necessary to pay attention to the tendency of educational process of schools in the USA - orientation not on the amount of knowledges but on skills to use them. In modern Ukrainian schools are implemented approaches to the educational process, in which there is a race for knowledge thus leaving on the second plan the child's personality with its needs and level of satisfaction with his own life, so valuable is the experience of American schools, where attention is focused on the formation of self-realization skills, forming of leadership qualities and the personality independence.
Association of Social Workers of US schools. Access: URL: http:
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Information about the authors
Sayko Natalia Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Science, docent, Docent of the Chair of Special Education and Social
Work, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after Y.G. Korolenko.
Address: 2 Ostrogradskiy Str., 36000, Poltava, Ukraine, tel.: +38 (053) 56-43-06
ORCID: org/0000-0002-8459-6301