1Solieva Gulbakhor Ahmadjanovna - Senior Lecturer, PhD;
Abstract: this article is devoted to the complex of Internet marketing. In some sources, this direction is also referred to as electronic marketing, hypermarketing, in which the prefix hyper-emphasizes the hypermedia nature of the Internet environment. All these names are united by the essence that lies at the heart of the global computer network - it is a hyperand multimedia global computer environment that provides unprecedented opportunities for interaction, ranging from simple exchange of information to financial transactions, transactions and the delivery of digital products.
Keywords: internet marketing, complex, electronic marketing, hypermarketing, global computer environment, digital products
1Солиева Гулбахор Ахмаджановна - старший преподаватель, PhD;
2Каримжанова Раьнохон Махмудовна - старший преподаватель, кафедра маркетинга,
Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт, г. Наманган, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья посвящена комплексу интернет-маркетинга. В некоторых источниках это направление также именуется как электронный маркетинг, гипермаркетинг, в котором приставка «гипер» подчеркивает гипермедийный характер среды интернета. Все эти названия объединяет та сущность, которая лежит в основе глобальной компьютерной Сети - это гипер-и мультимедийная глобальная компьютерная среда, предоставляющая невиданные до сих пор возможности взаимодействия, начиная от простого обмена информацией, заканчивая осуществлением финансовых транзакций, заключением сделок и доставкой цифровых продуктов.
Ключевые слова: интернет маркетинг, комплекс, электронный маркетинг, гипермаркетинг, глобальная компьютерная среда.
UDC 338.48
Along with the rapid growth of e-business, one of the important phenomena was the emergence of a new direction in marketing - Internet marketing.
Internet marketing can be divided into two areas. The first is related to the use of Internet tools to expand the marketing system of traditional enterprises: the organization of information interaction between company employees, customers, partners; conducting market research; promotion and sale of goods over the Internet, and in the case of their digital nature, delivery to the buyer; service organization and much more. The second direction is associated with the emergence of new types of business models, the basis of which is the Internet itself and for which it plays a fundamental role, for example, online stores, electronic trading platforms, virtual news agencies, companies providing services for Internet market participants, etc. For these areas, the Internet plays not only the role of a new tool, the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of business processes and reduce costs, its task is to make a profit.
However, as experience has shown, regardless of the direction the basis of successful online activities and the use of its tools in commercial activities remain the key principles of marketing. The new environment only transforms and develops the application of these principles in practice.
It seems that no one needs to explain to anyone that the Internet is a good way to promote a company, the possibility of individual and attentive work with customers, a quick and fairly cheap way to communicate, conduct marketing research and more.
In fact, Internet marketing involves a whole range of subsidiary industries, including not only banner advertising and public relations, but also methods of conducting marketing research on the Internet, in particular, studying demand and the consumer audience, mastering the algorithms for generating and ensuring high efficiency of advertising campaigns, and methods of proper positioning trademark in the market, and much, much more.
In Internet marketing, the same elements of the marketing mix are used - 5P (product, price, channel, promotion, people). But each element has its own characteristics. The Internet is not just a new sales channel or marketing communications, but a new market.
To effectively use the opportunities provided by the electronic market, companies that have decided to enter this market must be ready for certain actions in their marketing activities. Thus, studies have shown that for the successful use of the marketing characteristics of the Internet, companies need to evaluate their attitude to the following factors:
- readiness to "squeeze" business processes and increase the speed of reaction to customer requests;
- working with a large number of partners;
- transition to personalized service;
- availability of flexibility in approach to business.
Using the Internet brings new advantages over traditional technology-based marketing. Here is some of them:
1. The transition of a key role from producers to consumers. One of the most fundamental qualities brought by the Internet to the world of modern commerce is the transition of a key role from manufacturers to consumers. The Internet has made it possible for companies to attract the attention of a new customer in just tens of seconds spent by them in front of a computer screen.
2. Globalization of activities and reduction of transaction costs. The Internet significantly changes the spatial and temporal scale of doing business. It is a global means of communication that does not have any territorial restrictions, and the cost of access to information does not depend on the distance from it, in contrast to traditional means, where this dependence is directly proportional.
3. Personalization of interaction and transition to one-to-one marketing. Using electronic interaction, companies can receive detailed information about the needs of each individual customer and automatically provide products and services that meet individual requirements. One simple example is the personal presentation of a website for each of the company's customers or partners.
4. Reducing transformation costs. Reducing transformation costs can be achieved due to the optimal choice of the structure of the product range, reducing the time to develop and introduce new products, a sound pricing policy, reducing the number of intermediaries, marketing costs, etc.
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