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Ключевые слова
physical training / tactical methods / training / training process / modeling / optimization / wrestling. / physical training / tactical methods / training / training process / modeling / optimization / wrestling.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Azizjon Xolmatov

Development of physical culture and sports. The article represent technical methods of training and optimization of the types of wrestling. The modeling method of teaching technical methods was studied in wrestling classes. A survey questionnaire was used among the trainers about the effective use of modeling methods of training processes. In the types of wrestling, it differs from other sports due to the many and varied technical movements of the athlete. The classification, system and terminology of wrestling techniques have been developed in order to regulate the technical actions the types of wrestling and to create an opportunity for communication between experts in this field. It is recognized that the sports industry itself is a model. physical and technical-tactical training of young athletes. When using the modeling method in the preparation of young athletes as a practical recommendation, it is necessary to comprehensively study and take into account the shortcomings of the object obtained as a model.

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Development of physical culture and sports. The article represent technical methods of training and optimization of the types of wrestling. The modeling method of teaching technical methods was studied in wrestling classes. A survey questionnaire was used among the trainers about the effective use of modeling methods of training processes. In the types of wrestling, it differs from other sports due to the many and varied technical movements of the athlete. The classification, system and terminology of wrestling techniques have been developed in order to regulate the technical actions the types of wrestling and to create an opportunity for communication between experts in this field. It is recognized that the sports industry itself is a model. physical and technical-tactical training of young athletes. When using the modeling method in the preparation of young athletes as a practical recommendation, it is necessary to comprehensively study and take into account the shortcomings of the object obtained as a model.




Senior teacher: Azizjon XOLMATOV ALFRAGANUS UNIVERSITY ORCID: 0009-0002-1276-2849

Abstract Development of physical culture and sports. The article represent technical methods of training and optimization of the types of wrestling. The modeling method of teaching technical methods was studied in wrestling classes. A survey questionnaire was used among the trainers about the effective use of modeling methods of training processes. In the types of wrestling, it differs from other sports due to the many and varied technical movements of the athlete. The classification, system and terminology of wrestling techniques have been developed in order to regulate the technical actions the types of wrestling and to create an opportunity for communication between experts in this field. It is recognized that the sports industry itself is a model. physical and technical-tactical training of young athletes. When using the modeling method in the preparation of young athletes as a practical recommendation, it is necessary to comprehensively study and take into account the shortcomings of the object obtained as a model.

Keywords, physical training, tactical methods, training, training process, modeling, optimization, wrestling.


All types of physical education and sports serve as an important tool for maintaining and strengthening human health. The importance of physical education and sports is great in the multi'faceted process of developing a person's physical qualities, strengthening health, increasing working capacity, and creating the necessary mental environment for athletes. Various types of wrestling occupy an important place in the system of physical education. That contribute to the education of healthy people. In addition, wrestling has its place in the physical education system.


V.N Platonov developed a three-part model for physical education professionals in his researches.

The first part is taken into account morality, idealism, spirituality and other qualities, functions of the level of intelligence and spiritual development.

The second part (summary of all types of work and the main work and tasks of the specialist.

In the third part, you are informed the skill, knowledge, qualifications, and level of knowledge of a human in performing certain tasks of the profession.

Researchers (V.N Platonov and others., 1984) proposed a partial form of characterization of the wrestler model. They consist of three levels.

The first: the result of the actions of players and teams when attacking or defending in a group.

The second is equipment, special and tactical physical training, mental stability.

The third is the characteristics of functional training, morphological features, age of sports experience.

In wrestlers, it differs from other sports in that the technical movements of the athlete are numerous and diverse. The classification, system and terms of wrestling techniques are designed to regulate the technical actions of wrestlers and create the possibility of communication between specialists in this field. Technical training of wrestlers is characterized by the possession of a system of actions that ensures the achievement of high sports results by an athlete.

There are general and special technical training of a athlete. General technical training is aimed at acquiring various motor skills and skills in auxiliary sports, and special technical training is aimed at achieving technical skills in wrestling.

Technical training in wrestlers is aimed at solving a number of complex tasks:

- increase the efficiency of using the maximum voltage;

- save operating voltage;

- to increase the speed and accuracy of movements in the changing conditions of competitive activity.

The improvement of sports equipment is carried out during the long-term training of athletes and is aimed at improving technical skills in the chosen type of wrestling.

Technical mastery means perfect mastery of the most reasonable movement technique in conditions of intense sports competition (Abdullayev Sh.A., Xolmatov A.I.2014).

In wrestlers, it differs from other sports in that the technical movements of the athlete are numerous and diverse. The classification, system and terms of kurash techniques are designed to regulate the technical actions of the athlete and create the possibility of communication between specialists in this field.

Classification is a system of interdependent concepts (classes, objects, events) in a particular field of knowledge. Classification is made on the basis of taking into account common features of objects and legal relations between them. Classification helps to find the right way in various objects and is a source of knowledge about them.

The distribution of various methods of struggle according to their general characteristics (classification) allows specialists to develop theoretical and practical knowledge of science and at the same time helps to identify gaps in this knowledge (Aliyev I.B, Bakhtiyorovich O. B.2020).

On the basis of systemati'zation, the internal connections between the methods of struggle are considered. Systemati'zation means systemati'zation of combat techniques, placing them in a certain order, establishing a certain sequence.

In systemati'zation, unlike classification (since the objects considered in it belong to one or another department, taking into account their similarity and interdependence), objects are used to determine their sequence compared to one. Systemati'zation reveals the possibilities of this classification scheme and shows its shortcomings.

The task of classifying and systematizing the types of struggle is to reflect the essence of the struggle. Classification and systemati'zation cannot be carried out without preliminary work on the definition of concepts (dropping, transferring, folding, tipping, etc.).

A competently constructed classification is the basis for the creation of scientifically based terms.

The terminology of wrestling is a set of terms used by specialists in their scientific and pedagogical activities.

Effective management of the training process involves the use of various models. The word model is used as a sample (standard, reference). In a broad sense, it is understood as an example (imaginary and conditional) of a subject process or event. When interpreting the word "model", it has the same meaning both in scientific and methodological literature and in sports.

The model is the sum of the results of the achievements of sportsmanship acquired in a particular sport. As a result of using and processing the model, the modeling process is built.

Participation in sports training and competitions helps to study, identify and use the character of the model (Safarova D.D., Pulatova M.D., & Sultanova Yu. A.2017).

Modeling is important as an important factor in the organization, planning of athlete training, creating opportunities to achieve any level of success, the correct solution of tasks, the correct use of useful tools in exercises.

The terms "model" and "modeling" occupy an important place in the theory and practice of sports. For example, in scientific and methodological literature, in articles about sports, this term is used almost 20 times more often than in the 60-70s.

We can see that modeling as a scientific and practical method is widely used in modern theory and sports practice. Theoretical and practical modeling tasks in sports have a different nature (Tastanov N. A. 2017).

The functions that models perform when solving problems in the theory and practice of sports can be of a different nature. First, models are used as a substitute for an object so that research on the model allows one to obtain new information about the object itself. When experimenting with a model, it is possible to obtain new knowledge that represents a reflection of the structure and functions of the model. After testing knowledge about the model from the point of view of its significance for the

object, the resulting theoretical concepts can become an integral part of the theory of the object. Thus, the results of the analysis of the structure of muscle tissue in animals, both under normal conditions and after intense training, based on analogies between the structure of human and animal tissues, were used to improve the theory of sports selection and orientation, the development of speed-strength qualities and endurance. The theoretical concepts obtained as a result of working with this model have been subjected to additional testing and refinement in recent years in the process of biopsychic research in humans.

Secondly, models are used to generalize empirical knowledge and comprehend the natural connections of various processes and phenomena in the field of sports. Empirical knowledge, processed in model representations and implemented in models, contributes to the creation of corresponding theoretical generalizations.

Thirdly, models have a huge impact on the translation of experimentally conducted scientific work into the practical field of sports. In this case, what is important is not the analysis of models as quasi-objects for obtaining theoretical knowledge, but their practical feasibility. This is precisely the role played by numerous morph functional models when solving problems of sports selection and orientation, models of preparedness and competitive activity - when constructing the training process.

Models used in sports are divided into two main groups. The first group includes:

1) models characterizing the structure of competitive activity;

2) models characterizing various aspects of an athlete's preparedness;

3) morph functional models, reflecting the morphological characteristics of the body and the capabilities of individual functional systems, ensuring the achievement of a given level of sportsmanship.

The second group of models covers:

1) models reflecting the duration and dynamics of the development of sportsmanship and preparedness in a multi-year cycle, as well as within the training year and macro cycle;

2) models of large structural formations of the training process (stages of long-term training, microcycles, periods);

3) models of training stages, meso- and micro cycle;

4) models of training sessions and their parts;

5) models of individual training exercises and their complexes.

During the modeling process, it is necessary:

1) link the models used with the tasks of operational, current and stage-by-stage control and management, construction of various structural formations of the training process;

2) determine the degree of detail of the model, i.e. the number of parameters included in the model, the nature of the relationship between individual parameters;

3) determine the validity period of the models used, the boundaries of their use, the procedure for clarification, modification and replacement (Shusti'n B.N., 1985, 1995; Platonov V.N., 1986, 1997).

Models used in the practice of training and competitive activities can be divided into three levels: generalized, group and individual.

Generalized models reflect the characteristics of an object or process, identified based on a study of a relatively large group of athletes of a certain gender, age and qualifications involved in a particular sport. Such models may include, for example, models of competitive activity in running or swimming, functional models of basketball or handball players, models of long-term training or the structure of the annual macro cycle in skiing or football, etc. Models at this level are of a general orientation nature and reflect the most general patterns of training and competitive activity in a particular sport.

Group models are built based on studying a specific set of athletes (or teams) that differ in specific characteristics within a particular sport. Examples include models of technical and tactical actions of "fives" in ice hockey, models of competitive activity of wrestlers or swimmers, distinguished by high speed-strength potential and insufficient endurance, etc. Research shows that athletes who achieve outstanding results in various sports can be divided into several relatively independent groups, each of which unites athletes with a related structure of competitive activity and preparedness. For example, swimmers, rowers, and middle-distance runners can be divided into three main groups:

1) athletes who are able to achieve high results due to speed-strength abilities;

2) athletes who achieve high results mainly due to special endurance;

3) athletes who are uniformly prepared (Platonov V.N., 1997).

As a result of studying the structure of competitive activity, outstanding wrestlers are distinguished:

- athletes who achieve success due to a high level of speed and strength qualities, intense conduct of the first half of the fight;

- athletes who achieve high performance as a result of a high level of endurance development and effective fighting at the end of the fight;

- athletes with uniform development of various aspects of preparedness;

- athletes who master individual techniques at the highest level with relatively low physical fitness.

Versatile training of athletes specializing, for example, in modern pentathlon in the early stages of

many years of improvement, ensures a relatively uniform increase in capabilities in various disciplines included in the program of this type. However, in the third stage of multi-year improvement (usually after five years of training), the events in which the athlete has outgrown noticeable progress are determined, and those events in which further serious progress is possible. In particular, the requirements of effective training and competitive activity and the individual adaptive capabilities of individual pent athletes make it possible to divide them into the following groups:

- with the predominant development of coordination abilities, which contributes to the achievement of high sports results in fencing, shooting and horse riding;

- with the prevailing development of endurance, ensuring high athletic results in swimming and running;

- with equal development of coordination abilities and endurance, which predetermines high sports results in swimming or running and in one or two sports belonging to the first group;

- with a proportional average level of development of special physical qualities, which ensures uniform performance in all types of pentathlon (Platonov, 1988).


Teaching in types of wrestlers is a purposefully organized pedagogical process aimed at forming a system of skills and abilities, in which knowledge of the theory of wrestlers and methods of teaching it is considered as the main kind of competitive, judicial, pedagogical, organizational activity of a wrestlers.

The purpose of the training is to form a system of knowledge among students that reflects the idea of the professional activity of the coach. This concept includes the education of knowledge and skills, methods of scientific thinking, conscious and creative attitude to practical activities.

The general tasks reflecting the specific conditions and features of the theory of martial arts and teaching methods are the following:

- to make sure the optimal volume, comprehensiveness and sufficient depth of knowledge on the theory of sports and teaching methods;

- improving the possibilities of creative understanding;

- formation and improvement of general training skills of athletes;

- formation and improvement of execution of combat techniques, means of protection and counteraction;

- formation of the optimal size and variety of technical and tactical actions at competitions;

- formation of skills and qualifications for training, training, supervision, competitions and demonstration competitions;

- formation and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities to analyze the technique of performing fighting techniques;

- acquisition of skills to demonstrate and explain fighting techniques;

- formation and improvement of knowledge, qualifications and skills of teaching and improving the implementation of complex technical and tactical actions;

- formation and improvement of skills of analysis and conducting wrestling classes;

- formation and improvement of knowledge, skills and skills of judging wrestling competitions, as well as the organization and conduct of mass sports events.

There are several other types of models and simulations are presented in the scientific literature.

Despite the fact that there is a huge difference between these types proposed by many scientists, it is appropriate to determine the scope of their application in modeling the reliability of sports activities.

In sports practice, three levels of modeling are being used. The high-level model provides the general direction of sports training and participation in competitions. Creates the basis for the management of competitions and training of an athlete. The effect of using generalizing and grouping model types is especially great in the training process of the youth or adults who have not yet reached their sports peaks. When training world-class athletes, a certain aspect of such models is rarely taken into account. A talented athlete demonstrates bright features, unique abilities and a strong will to master the all-around. It is necessary to take into account the basic laws of sportsmanship during long-term preparation for the development of model stages in training. During the preparatory period, it is necessary to use unique adaptive opportunities to show high-level sports results. As evidenced by the mutual patterns of performing various exercises in training plans, the nature of tiredness processes depends on the characteristics of a high level of performance.

Exercises based on a separate model and their collections are built based on a mechanism of rapid habituation. Also, the function of exercise parameters is focused on improving the types of training (the duration of individual exercises and their complex, work efficiency, stopping and resuming between exercises, the total number of exercises).

We are witnessing that modeling as a scientific and practical method is widely used in modern theory and sports practice. Theoretical and practical modeling tasks in sports have a different nature.

The survey was conducted in order to study the level of knowledge of current trainers about the modeling method and their att'tude to this method. The test questionnaire was prepared on the basis of a mutual conversation between coaches who have been working in the field of wrestling for many years.

At the beginning of the study, there were several fluctuations and conflicting opinions, the questionnaire allowed us to assess knowledge about the role and effectiveness, necessity and other factors of modeling in the field of sports.

When a survey was conducted among the trainers who participated in the study, they said:

Coaches familiar with the model method - 70%.

Among them - from the modeling method in the course of coaching:

- used - 20%

- observers - 12%

- Having read from several books and scientific articles - 10%

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- Attended scientific conferences and lectures - 12%

On the role of modeling in the field of sports, the general opinion of coaches is expressed by "%".

№ Content Percentage "%"

1. Trainers who believe that the method of modeling in wrestlers is "necessary". 80%

2. Trainers who believe that the modeling in wrestlers method is "not necessary" 4%

3. Trainers who believe that the method of modeling in wrestlers is "not interesting" 16%

According to the results of the survey, it is clear that modeling occupies a very large place in the field of sports. Although there is little scientific research in this direction, foreign researchers are engaged in propaganda and study of the modeling method in order to show their wrestlers high results.


The popularization of physical education and sports, the analysis of the product of various opinions and the experience of many scientists explains that the modeling method can be used at any age and

at any level of training. Modeling in physical education and sports is divided by place, time, load, set of exercises, location of the building, etc. Recognizing that the sports industry is a model, the methods and techniques we always use were once a model. So far, we have operated with methods that we unconsciously modeled. In addition, it was noted that the unilateral development of the sports sphere is not typical for the modeling method, the studies we conducted improved the psychological characteristics of young athletes with physical and technical and tactical training. As a practical recommendation when using the modeling method in the training of young athletes, we consider it necessary to carefully study the object taken as a model and take into account its shortcomings. REFERENCES.

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