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Ключевые слова
legal linguistics / innovation / legal vocabulary / legal education / systematic review / Scopus.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zhanzhigitov Syrym Zhanmuratovich

The relevance of the article liesin the need to improve legal education and communicationin legal practice. The purpose of the work is to analyze current trends and problemsin the field of legal linguistics, identify gapsin knowledge, and propose promising areas for future research. The research methodologyincluded a review of the literature on the Scopus and Web of Science databases, as well as a systematic descriptive analysis to identify key trends and gapsin the field of legal linguistics. The scientific novelty of the article liesin its comprehensive analysis of publications on legal linguistics and its proposal of new research directions. The theoretical significance of the work is demonstrated by its deepening of the understanding of modern methods and approachesin legal vocabulary, while its practical significance liesin providing recommendations for improving the teaching of legal vocabulary and training students.

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PhD, senior lecturer at the "Department of Social and Pedagogical Disciplines", A. Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, Kokshetau, Republic of Kazakhstan

Abstract. The relevance of the article liesin the need to improve legal education and communicationin legal practice. The purpose of the work is to analyze current trends and problemsin the field of legal linguistics, identify gapsin knowledge, and propose promising areas for future research. The research methodologyincluded a review of the literature on the Scopus and Web of Science databases, as well as a systematic descriptive analysis to identify key trends and gapsin the field of legal linguistics. The scientific novelty of the article liesin its comprehensive analysis of publications on legal linguistics and its proposal of new research directions. The theoretical significance of the work is demonstrated by its deepening of the understanding of modern methods and approachesin legal vocabulary, while its practical significance liesin providing recommendations for improving the teaching of legal vocabulary and training students.

Key words: legal linguistics,innovation, legal vocabulary, legal education, systematic review, Scopus.


In the context of the rapid development of digital technologies and the growing role of theinternetin everyday life, the problem of legal education of the population is becoming particularly relevant.in Kazakhstan, asin other post-Soviet countries, there is a significant gapin the level of legal literacy among different groups of the population, which creates prerequisites for legal nihilism and socialinequality. Online resources offering access to legalinformation are becoming an important tool for raising legal awareness, but their effectiveness directly depends on the quality and accessibility of the content.in this context, the linguistic analysis of legal texts presented on such resources makes it possible to assess how they meet the needs and peculiarities ofinformation perception by different audiences, which,in turn, contributes to the improvement of legal educationin Kazakhstan.

In today's world, online legal education resources play a key role in providing access to legal knowledge, especially in regions such as Kazakhstan, where traditional legal education may be limited. Research shows that linguistic analysis of the content of these online resources makes it possible to identify their effectiveness in meeting the needs of the population [1]. Such an analysis helps to understand the structure of the content, the use of vocabulary, and the level of literacy necessary for effective perception of materials, which, in turn, is critical for successful legal education [1]. In addition, linguistic analysis makes it possible to assess the quality of the information provided and the degree of development of critical thinking among users [2], which is crucial for legal literacy. This approach also helps to identify factors influencing the preferences of users of different age and social groups [3]. In the context of legal education in Kazakhstan, linguistic analysis helps to improve the accessibility and accuracy of information, which makes online resources more useful and trusted [4]. It is also important to note that linguistic analysis allows taking into account the cultural and linguistic features of the materials, which is especially important in the multilingual environment of Kazakhstan [5]. Thus, the application of linguistic analysis to the assessment of online legal resources contributes to improving their quality and effectiveness, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of a more informed and legally literate society in Kazakhstan.

Our study "The effectiveness of online legal education resources: Linguistic content analysis for the population of Kazakhstan" aims to thoroughly assess the quality and accessibility of legal information presented on various internet platforms in Kazakhstan. We strive to explore how these

ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"

resources contribute to improving legal literacy among various social groups of the population by analyzing their linguistic characteristics, text structure, and terminology. The tasks include the selection and analysis of popular online resources, the use of linguistic analysis methods to assess the clarity and accuracy of content in Russian and Kazakh, as well as comparing the effectiveness of various types of legal platforms. This will help identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing resources, identify areas that need improvement, and offer recommendations for optimizing legal content, which will ultimately contribute to increasing legal awareness and literacy of the population of Kazakhstan.

Literature review

The introduction of online resources into legal education has significantly changed the process of learning and providing legal information, especially given the global changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Modern research emphasizes that online resources provide unique opportunities to improve legal literacy by providing access to educational materials to a wide range of the population, including remote regions and vulnerable groups [6; 7]. The importance of these resources is especially noticeable in an environment where traditional forms of education face limitations, which is confirmed by numerous studies aimed at studying the impact of online education on the legal sector, including improving practical training and supporting students' mental health [8]. In Kazakhstan, as in other post-Soviet countries, the transition to online education requires taking into account historical and cultural characteristics, which further complicates the task of integrating digital resources into the legal education system [9]. Despite the numerous challenges associated with the transition to distance learning, researchers continue to emphasize the need to develop effective strategies for the successful implementation of online education in the legal field [10; 11], which is directly related to improving the legal literacy of the population of Kazakhstan.

Linguistic analysis, being an interdisciplinary field, plays a key role in understanding and evaluating legal discourse, which is especially relevant in the context of online resources focused on legal education. The study of the lexical and grammatical features of legal language allows for a deeper understanding of the content of legal texts and their impact on the audience [12; 13]. The use of linguistic methods in forensic examination, such as the analysis of authorship and the identification of plagiarism, also emphasizes the importance of linguistics in legal practice [14]. In Kazakhstan, where a significant part of the population uses the Kazakh and Russian languages, linguistic analysis of translations of legal texts is crucial to ensure the accuracy and accessibility of legal information [15]. This is especially important in the context of legal education, where the ability of the population to make informed decisions depends on the accuracy and comprehensibility of translations [16]. Thus, linguistic analysis not only improves the quality of legal texts but also ensures that they correspond to the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the audience.

Research shows that language features play an important role in the perception and effectiveness of legal content on online platforms, which directly affects user interaction with the information provided. Linguistic elements, such as clarity and accessibility of the language, determine how effectively users assimilate the rules and regulations presented on the platform [17]. At a time when online platforms are becoming the main source of legal information for many people, especially in Kazakhstan, it is important to consider how language characteristics affect the perception and understanding of legal content. Recent research in the field of content moderation highlights that language features play a central role in determining the effectiveness of strategies to combat malicious content and in managing online communities [18; 19]. This is especially important in the context of legal education, where the correct understanding of legal information is directly related to the level of legal literacy of the population. In conclusion, linguistic analysis of legal content on online platforms in Kazakhstan makes it possible to improve the quality and accessibility of legal information, which contributes to increasing general legal awareness and literacy among various population groups.

Materials and methodology

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To study the effectiveness of online legal education resources in Kazakhstan, we employed a comprehensive methodology that included a detailed literature review, linguistic content analysis, and comparative assessment. At the outset, we conducted a literature review using databases such as Scopus and Web of Science to identify existing research and trends related to online legal education. This review provided a foundation for understanding the current landscape and gaps in the field. In the first stage, we selected key online platforms such as Zakon.kz, LegalPro.kz, Kazakhstan Law Review, Kazakhstan Bar Association, and Kazakhstan Legal Forum, based on their popularity and importance for legal education. These resources underwent systematic content analysis, which included assessing the quality and relevance of the materials submitted. We utilized lexico-grammatical analysis to study the language of legal texts, enabling us to identify vocabulary features, sentence structure, and the level of text complexity.

Our analysis methods included evaluating the clarity and accessibility of the information presented on the selected platforms. Content analysis assisted in identifying key topics and content, as well as strengths and weaknesses in the presentation of legal information. Lexical and grammatical analysis provided insight into how well the texts are adapted for a wide audience, and highlighted aspects that could hinder comprehension. This allowed us to understand how different resources meet user needs and how well they fulfill the requirements of clarity and accessibility.

A comparative analysis of the content enabled us to identify differences between resources and areas that require improvement. Based on the data obtained, we formulated recommendations to optimize legal content, including proposals to improve the clarity of presentation and consider the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the audience. These recommendations aim to enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of legal information provided through online resources.

Thus, the applied methodology provided a comprehensive assessment of the quality of legal information available on online platforms and allowed us to propose specific measures to improve legal education in Kazakhstan. The integration of linguistic analysis and content analysis has facilitated a better understanding of current issues and the development of strategies to enhance legal literacy among the population.


The study analyzed key online resources that provide legal information and participate in legal education of the population of Kazakhstan. To evaluate their effectiveness and content quality, it is important to take into account the variety of formats and goals of these platforms. The table below contains detailed information about each of the studied resources, including their forms, goals, objectives and main sections, which allows you to visually present their features and areas of activity.

Resourc e Name Descript ion Objectiv es and Tasks Main Sections Link

Zakon.kz Forum A popular forum for discussing various legal issues. Discussi on of legal issues, exchange of experiences. Labor law, real estate, banking law, etc. zakon.kz

LegalPr o.kz Portal with active discussions on legal topics, reviews of lawyers, seminars. Informati on on legal services, training, and development. Reviews of lawyers, seminars, training. legalpro.kz

Kazakhst an Law Review Platform of the Kazakhstan Chamber of Legal Consultants, discussion and publication of articles. Publicati on of scientific articles, discussion of current legal issues. Legal articles, reviews, forums. kazlawrevie w.kz

Kazakhst an Bar Association Forum for professional lawyers, discussion of innovations and obtaining consultations. Professio nal development, experience exchange. Innovatio ns in law, consultations. kazbar.org.k z

Kazakhst an Legal Forum Platform for professional lawyers, conferences, and seminars. Discussi on of legal issues, participation in conferences. Conferen ces, seminars, publications. thelawyer.kz

To conduct an in-depth analysis of the legal content of online forums in Kazakhstan, it is important to familiarize oneself with the features and objectives of each. Forum "Zakon.kz" is an electronic information resource managed by Yurinfo Company LLP, designed to discuss a wide range of legal topics. This forum aims to create a platform for communication and the exchange of views between participants, providing them with the opportunity to discuss various aspects of law and its application. Users can register for active participation or view discussions in guest mode. An important feature of the forum is the moderation system, which ensures control over the content of messages and compliance with the rules. The forum covers topics from labor law to housing issues, offering both general discussions and specialized sections. Thanks to this resource, users can seek advice, share experiences, and find solutions for specific legal issues, making it a useful tool for both professionals and a wide audience.

The second online resource, LegalPro.kz, is a comprehensive legal portal that has been actively operating since 2018. It includes a wide range of information about law firms, lawyers, arbitration courts, bailiffs, notaries, chambers of lawyers, and consultants. In addition, the portal offers analytical articles, scientific publications, as well as information about seminars and trainings for lawyers. LegalPro.kz provides users with up-to-date information on legal issues, simplifying access to information and providing a platform for feedback on legal services. Among the key features of the portal are the search for law firms and specialists, the ability to place advertisements to promote legal services, as well as access to professional seminars and analytics.

Kazakhstan Law Review is a digital magazine that was created on October 1, 2022, based on the Chamber of Legal Consultants "Kazakhstan Bar Association". The project represents an important step in the development of Kazakhstan's legal environment and aims to strengthen the legal system and increase legal literacy among the population. The magazine covers a wide range of topics, including the interaction of law with business, government agencies, and justice. It is intended to become the main tool for discussing and resolving topical legal issues, as well as ensuring transparency and fairness in the country's legal system.The Kazakhstan Bar Association is a self-regulating organization that unites lawyers and legal consultants in Kazakhstan. The main task of the Chamber is to ensure the high quality of legal services and compliance with ethical standards, which is achieved through the development of standards, monitoring their compliance, and organizing the

ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"

professional development of its members. The organization actively cooperates with government agencies and international partners, promoting fair competition and transparency in the legal services market. An important part of the Chamber's activities is providing professional liability insurance, as well as a platform for exchanging opinions and discussing topical legal issues. Analytical reports and information about upcoming events are regularly published on the official website, contributing to maintaining a high level of legal culture in the country.

Kazakhstan Legal Forum 2024 (KLF 2024), held on September 26-27 in Almaty, is the leading legal event in Central Asia, providing a platform for law professionals to share experiences and discuss topical issues in the industry. Organized by Lincoln Company, the forum includes four parallel sections covering topics from market regulation and corporate law to digital law and dispute resolution. More than 80 speakers and over 400 participants will discuss important trends and innovations in the field of law, including international and national issues such as M&A, cryptocurrencies, and environmental regulation. The forum will also host an award ceremony for the "Best Legal Departments of Kazakhstan" and a rich evening program called "Lawyers' Night," offering participants unique opportunities for networking and professional growth.


In the course of our research, we focused on assessing the quality and accessibility of legal information provided on various online platforms in Kazakhstan in order to identify their effectiveness in improving the legal literacy of the population. The main tasks included the selection and analysis of popular resources, the use of linguistic analysis methods to assess the clarity and accuracy of content in Russian and Kazakh, as well as comparing the effectiveness of various types of legal platforms. This approach allowed us to gain a deep understanding of how online resources meet the needs of various social groups and how they contribute to legal education.

The results of the study showed that many of the analyzed online resources, such as Zakon.kz and LegalPro.kz, demonstrate high-quality content and active user engagement. However, significant shortcomings have also been identified, including insufficient clarity and accessibility of legal texts, which may make it difficult for different groups of the population to perceive them. In particular, it is noted that there is a need to improve the structure of content and the language used on platforms in order to make it more understandable and accessible to a wide audience.

The implications of this study highlight the importance of improving the quality of legal content on online resources to ensure more effective legal education. Improving the linguistic and structural aspects of content can contribute to a higher level of legal literacy and awareness among the population, which in turn can reduce legal nihilism and increase social justice. It is important to take into account that in the context of Kazakhstan, where linguistic diversity plays a significant role, it is necessary to take into account cultural and linguistic peculiarities when creating legal content.

For future research, it is recommended to focus on the development and implementation of strategies aimed at improving the clarity and accessibility of legal content. It is important to conduct regular linguistic analyses and take into account user feedback in order to continuously improve online resources. It is also worth paying attention to the specific requirements of various social groups and the integration of modern technologies to increase user interaction and involvement in the process of legal education.


In conclusion, it can be noted that online resources play a critical role in the legal education of the population of Kazakhstan by providing access to legal information that might otherwise be unavailable. The results of our linguistic analysis have shown that while many resources provide useful and relevant information, there is significant room for improvement, especially in terms of clarity and accessibility of content. Incorrect or unclear presentation of legal information can make it difficult to understand, thereby reducing the effectiveness of legal education and contributing to the spread of legal nihilism.

The analysis emphasizes the need to optimize the structure and language of legal texts on online platforms. Given the multilingual and culturally diverse society of Kazakhstan, it is particularly important to consider linguistic peculiarities and cultural contexts when creating legal content. This will make the information more accessible and understandable for various segments of the population, thus improving legal literacy and reducing social barriers.

This study opens up prospects for further research in the field of legal education, including the development of more effective content management strategies and the use of new technologies to enhance user interaction. It is also recommended to regularly assess the quality of legal content and take into account user feedback to continuously improve online resources.

Therefore, our study highlights the importance of ongoing efforts to improve the legal content on online platforms and develop strategies aimed at increasing its accessibility and effectiveness. Only through such efforts can we ensure higher legal literacy and awareness among the population, which are key factors in establishing a fair and effective legal society.


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