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Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Nurgazinov Bagdat Kabylkadyrovich, Ospanova Aidana Nurgalievna

The scientific article presents a comprehensive study and analysis of scientific approaches to the study of the phenomenon of legal culture in the process of the formation of society. The methodological basis of this work is a set of general scientific and methodological methods of cognition. The presented scientific approaches to the study of legal culture as social phenomena provided a well-grounded position based on the achievements of researchers in the field of the nature and essence of the legal culture of civil society. On the basis of the domestic approach and research methods, to analyze the outcomes of the study of legal culture, to determine the main factors that can form the basis for the development of the level of culture of the population, and a number of measures have been developed that will form the legal consciousness of citizens and their legal literacy. The process of forming the legal culture of the population is quite complex and multifaceted, since it affects the relationship between society and the state and has its own characteristics.

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UDC 340.11:316


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Nurgazinov Bagdat Kabylkadyrovich

Head of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative Legislation and State Administration of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ph.D., Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: nurgazinov.b@zqai.kz

Ospanova Aidana Nurgalievna1

Senior Researcher of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative Legislation and Public Administration of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctoral student of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: ospanova.a@zqai.kz

Abstract. The scientific article presents a comprehensive study and analysis of scientific approaches to the study of the phenomenon of legal culture in the process of the formation of society. The methodological basis of this work is a set of general scientific and methodological methods of cognition. The presented scientific approaches to the study of legal culture as social phenomena provided a well-grounded position based on the achievements of researchers in the field of the nature and essence of the legal culture of civil society. On the basis of the domestic approach and research methods, to analyze the outcomes of the study of legal culture, to determine the main factors that can form the basisfor the development of the level ofculture of the population, and a number of measures have been developed that will form the legal consciousness of citizens and their legal literacy. The process of forming the legal culture of the population is quite complex and multifaceted, since it affects the relationship between society and the state and has its own characteristics.

Key words: law, legislation, legal culture, civil society, legal consciousness, legal state, legal literacy, youth.



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< H^pFa3HHOB БаFдат ^абылкадыр^лы

Цазацстан Республикасы Зацнама жэне цуцыцтыц аппарат

< институты конституциялыц, эюмштк зацнама жэне (З мемлекеттт басцару бвлiмiнiц басшысы, з.г.к.,

^ Нур-Султан цаласы, Цазацстан Республикасы, e-mail: nurgazinov.b@zqai.kz

g Оспанова Айдана H¥рFалик;ызы

Цазацстан Республикасы Зацнама жэне цуцыцтыц ацпарат

о х о

< институты конституциялыц,, экiмшiлiк зацнама жэне

< мемлекеттiк басцару бвлiмiнiц ага гылыми цызметкерi,

Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттыцуниверситету докторанты, Нур-Султан цаласы, Цазацстан Республикасы, e-mail: ospanova.a@zqai.kz



1 Correspondence author 20

Аннотация. FbmbiMU мацалада азаматтыц цогамныц цалыптасу процестде цуцыцтыц мэдениет феномешн зерттеудщ цаз1рг1 гылыми тэсыдерт кешенд1 зерттеу жэне талдау усынылган, сондай-ац азаматтардыц цщыцтыц мэдениеттщ децгешн арттыру бойын-ша белгш бгр усынымдар эзгрлендг. Бул жумыстыц эдгснамалыц неггзг танымныц жалпы гылыми жэне арнайы цуцыцтыц эдттертщ жиынтыгы болып табылады. Куцыцтыц мэ-дениетт1 элеуметтт цубылыс реттде зерттеудщ усынылган гылыми тэс1лдер1 зертте-ушшердщ азаматтыц цогамныц цуцыцтыц мэдениеттщ табигаты мен мэш саласындагы жет1ст1ктер1 нег1з1нде нег1зделген устаным жасауга мYмкiндiк берд1. Отандыц жэне ше-телдт дереккоздердщ негiзiнде зерттеу цуцыцтыц мэдениеттi зерделеудщ цазiргi тэсыдерт талдауга, халыцтыц цуцыцтыц мэдениетi децгешнщ дамуына негiз болатын негiзгi факторларды аныцтауга, сондай-ац азаматтардыц цуцыцтыц санасын цалыптастыруга жэне олардыц цуцыцтыц сауаттылыгын арттыруга ыцпал ететт бiрцатар w-шаралар-ды эзiрлеуге мYмкiндiк бердi. Халыцтыц цуцыцтыц мэдениетт цалыптастыру процеЫ оте кYрделi жэне жан-жацты, ойткеш ол цогам мен мемлекеттщ царым-цатынасына эсер етедi жэне озтдт сипаттамаларга ие.

TyrnHdi свздер. Куцыц, зацнама, цуцыцтыц мэдениет, азаматтыц цогам, цуцыцтыц сана, цуцыцтыц мемлекет, цуцыцтыц сауаттылыц, жастар.




Нургазинов Багдат Кабылкадырович

Руководитель отдела конституционного, административного законодательства и государственного управления Института законодательства и правовой информации Республики Казахстан, к.ю.н., г. Нур-Султан, Республика Казахстан, e-mail: nurgazinov.b@zqai.kz

Оспанова Айдана Нургалиевна

Старший научный сотрудник отдела конституционного, административного законодательства и государственного управления Института законодательства и правовой информации Республики Казахстан, докторант Евразийского национального университета им. Л.Н. Гумилева, г. Нур-Султан, Республика Казахстан, e-mail: ospanova.a@zqai.kz

ы >

Аннотация. В научной статье представлено комплексное исследование и анализ су- g

ществующих научных подходов к изучению феномена правовой культуры в процессе ста- о

новления гражданского общества, а также разработаны определенные рекомендации по ^

повышению уровня правовой культуры граждан. Методологическую основу данной рабо- Ь

ты составляет совокупность общенаучных и специальных правовых методов познания. В

Представленные научные подходы к изучению правовой культуры как социального явления И

позволили разработать обоснованную позицию на основе имеющихся достижений иссле- р

дователей в области природы и сущности правовой культуры гражданского общества. ш

На основе отечественных и зарубежных источников исследование позволило проанали- g

зировать существующие подходы к изучению правовой культуры, определить основные И

факторы, которые могут лечь в основу развития уровня правовой культуры населения, а ф

также разработать ряд мероприятий, которые будут способствовать формированию М

правосознания граждан и повышению их правовой грамотности. Процесс формирования Ц

правовой культуры населения достаточно сложен и многогранен, поскольку влияет на вза- 1

имоотношения общества и государства и имеет свои особенности. 1

Ключевые слова: право, законодательство, правовая культура, гражданское общество, 3

правовое сознание, правовое государство, правовая грамотность, молодежь. 7



It is impossible to work, achieve success, and even just exist quietly in modern society without knowledge of the laws. The theoretical and legal analysis of such categories as "legal culture of society" is very relevant, since this concept is one of the key in the process of building a modern legal state, overcoming the problem of legal nihilism.

In today's world, when people talk about legal literacy and culture, the first association that many people have is the protection of human rights, stories about discrimination based on race, gender and other grounds. Someone will remember how his employer violated his rights by not giving out the required salary or depriving him of vacation, someone will talk about bullying at school. But the influence of low legal culture is much wider. Legal nihilism breeds corruption and, as a consequence, the shadow economy. All this interferes with the normal functioning of the state. Let's say more, the problem of ignorance of laws and rights changes the fate of countries and entire regions, allows thousands of people to be used in the political games of certain influential groups, leads to armed conflicts and other tragic cm consequences.

8 Ignorance of the laws and disrespect for them

0 become a serious obstacle to building a state ^ of law, the formation of a normal civil society.

1 Therefore, more and more attention is paid to El the issues of social science and legal education 1 all over the world. Experts today talk about

< legal culture as an important component of

0 society's immunity to the influence of harmful

1 destructive ideas.

At present, hardly anyone in our society g doubts the urgent need for a significant increase in the level of culture in general, and legal £ culture in particular. But in order to understand

< the true role of legal culture, the depth of its ^ greatness and the main directions for raising £ its level in the context of the formation of a

social legal state and a legal civil society, it is o necessary, firstly, to proceed from the nature o of general culture and the specifics of legal culture; secondly, from the most significant ¡5 factors causing it; thirdly, from the essence of E: law, its principles, the principles of the rule of b law and civil society; fourthly, from the global s tasks facing the state and society.



b Materials and methods

The methodological basis of the study is

DOI: 10.52026/2788-5291_2022_70_3_20

the dialectical method of cognition, general scientific and special methods of legal research.

Discussion and results

Legal culture is an integral part of the general culture, so the category «culture» is of crucial methodological importance for understanding its legal variety. The legal culture is part of the general culture of the individual and society. In this context, the legal culture, like the general culture, has both the material and the spiritual aspects of its content. More than that, she acts as The values and ideas that unite the legal system and therefore determine its position in the culture of society as a whole: It is through the right that the main expression of the purpose of culture, the potential of the accumulated spiritual riches of creativity is realized, designed and able to protect and protect man from the relentless democratic forces of nature and society» [1].

«Legal culture is the quality of legal life of a society and the degree of guarantee by the state and society of human rights and freedoms, as well as knowledge, understanding and observance of the right by each individual member of a society» [2].

Legal culture means «a certain level of legal thinking and feelings, perception of legal reality» [3], as well as «an appropriate degree of knowledge of laws by the population and a high level of respect for the norms of law, their authority» [4]. The legal culture includes «specific ways of legal validity (work of law enforcement agencies, constitutional control, etc.)» [4], laws and systems of legislation, judicial practice as a result of legal activity.

There is an inextricable link between the legal culture and the state and the law, as they are «specific forms of the whole culture, forms of organization of the aggregate cultural life of any state organized people, society» [4].

Some researchers, in particular Roger Cotterrell, argue that the term «legal culture» is too vague and impressionistic a concept to be useful in explaining legal phenomena [5]. Lawrence Friedman is the author of the classic distinction between «internal» and «external» legal culture. On the one hand, the «internal legal culture «refers to the ideas and practice of legal professionals, and the «external legal culture» on the other hand - these are legal opinions, interests, views and pressures exerted on the legal validity by wider social groups [6].

David Nelken argues that legal culture, like culture itself, is who we are, not just what we do

[7]. He is trying to understand the mysterious features of the role and rule of law in individual societies.

Or another example where knowledge of the peculiarities of legal culture can actually save your life. So, in England, you are relatively safe on pedestrian crossings, but much less safe if you try to cross them elsewhere. In Italy, you need to be about the same in both places; but at least motorists will do their best not to actually run over you. On the other hand, in Germany it is safe to cross the zebra. You do not even need to watch the traffic. But if you dare to cross the border elsewhere, you risk simply not being «noticed» [8].

These kinds of studies, in which the idea of a legal culture finds its place, are those aimed at exploring empirical variations in how the law is understood and implemented, rather than at establishing universal truths about the nature of the law. Consequently, the foreign press is more concerned with the effects of the law than with the content of the law itself when it comes to legal culture.

Many factors influence the improvement of the level of the legal culture of society as a whole, including:

Level of educational services;

- Quality of legislation;

- the state of real settlement of social relations;

- the effectiveness of law enforcement activities;

- the level of law and order in society;

- qualitative organization of activities of the state apparatus, capable to ensure realization of interests of the whole society, as well as rights and interests of individual and citizen.

- the effectiveness of interaction between different State bodies, the forms and methods of their activity;

Quality of civil servants;

- the level of anti-corruption consciousness of society.

On the basis of a clear understanding that the development of legal culture in modern Kazakhstan can be considered as a process of increased public importance, we believe it is necessary to develop and approve the State Programme for the Development of Legal Culture for 2021-2030, which will be an organic and independent part of the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On the basis of the future State Programme for the Development of Legal Culture, develop a National Model for the Development and Strengthening of the Legal Culture of the Society as a Whole, the Legal Culture of Civil Servants, etc. social groups. The model is based on support for such structures that influence the formation of legal culture: family institute, pre-school education, secondary education, higher education, postgraduate education, legal education, advanced training and retraining of personnel, public service and others. The national model provides for the development by all State bodies of a media aplan to enhance the legal culture of the population.

Thus, on 24 December 2004, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved, by resolution 1382, a programme for the period 2005-2005 on legal education, the formation of a legal culture, and legal training and the upbringing of citizensThe Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a decree of 29 November 2008, 11162.

The establishment of a State based on the rule of law is inseparable from the process of developing a legal culture among the population. This, in turn, contributes to the development of a developed civil society. The attitude to the right as a permanent social value on the basis of social justice, humanism and individual freedom must be established in the public consciousness.

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According to paragraph 4) of the Resolution ofthe Government of the Republic ofKazakhstan «Questions of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan» dated October 28, 2004 11203, The tasks of the judicial authorities include the formulation and implementation of State policy in the area of State registration, the organization and provision of legal assistance and legal advocacy.

In connection with the above, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan are working on citizens' access to up-to-date legal information through the Informationlegal system of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Adilet».

In addition, the Ministry of Justice has established and operates a free 24-hour Legal Information Service on the basis of the Institute for Legislation and Legal Information.




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2 Postanovlenie Pravitelstva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 29 noyabrya 2008 goda № 1116 // https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/ docs/P080001116_#z4 26.08.2022

3 Postanovlenie Pravitelstva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 28 oktyabrya 2004 goda № 1120 // https://online.zakon.kz/ Document/?doc id=1051309 26.08.2022


The Legal Information Service performs the following functions in accordance with the legislation in force and the tasks assigned to it:

- providing information and legal advice to applicants when applying to the Legal Information Service;

Promoting public awareness in the application of legitimate rights and interests;

- ensuring the timely transmission of required information.

In addition, issues of improving legal education and legal awareness among citizens are reflected in the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from 2010 to 2020, approved by Presidential Decree of 24 August 2009,858. Despite the completion of the implementation period, the measures taken for its implementation are still in force.

Similar norms are contained in the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030. Section 7 «Legal education, legal propaganda» of the Concept states that civic activity is a necessary condition for the existence of the rule of law state, which in turn is inextricably conditioned by the level of legal culture of the individual and society. In order to establish a system of up-to-date legal knowledge and lawful social and active behaviour among citizens in accordance with the fundamental £ values established by the Constitution, it is 8 necessary to continue systematic work, Related ° to legal awareness and education.

In view of the fact that, in general, wide-1 ranging measures are being taken to develop * a legal culture in Kazakhstan, it would seem i appropriate, in accordance with the established f procedure, to:

o - continue to systematically provide legal | coverage of the legal policy; >s - to inform about the main provisions g adopted normative legal acts, using various

< forms of legal propaganda;

- improve the usability of information

< systems of state bodies for citizens;

k - Provide legal coverage with broad civil £ sector involvement and enabling environment. ti In addition, the following proposals are o being made for the scientific analysis of the

0 development of a society's legal culture.

1. Legal education and training should be

1 components of the development of a legal E culture.

k 1) knowledge of the law contributes ^ significantly to the development of both legal g culture and legal conviction. In this connection, tj a coherent and continuous system of legal 00 education and training should be established.

The goal of the educational process should be to develop respect for the law and an understanding of the value of the law. The realization of this goal should give citizens knowledge of their rights and freedoms, develop the ability to use them in life situations. It is suggested that emphasis be placed on the study of constitutional, administrative, civil and criminal law.

2) The process of formation of the legal culture of the individual is connected with the socialization of the person, which is of a staging nature, connected with the life cycle (childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age). In this regard, legal education should start from childhood, when basic legal knowledge and behaviour are developed.

At the secondary and senior school age, during this period, legal education and training should be aimed at developing informed respect for the law and the ability to actively use it in life situations. Having covered all stages of schooling, legal education should progressively move to higher education.

The result of legal education and training based on the principles from «simple to complex», and covering pre-school, school and higher education, should be to educate the young generation to respect the law, as well as to understand the value of the law, which is the basis of the legal culture.

Legal knowledge and legal education are prerequisites for the development of legal persuasion, raising the level of legal awareness, the acquisition of skills and abilities to properly use their rights, to fulfill relevant duties, which ultimately contributes to the development of a legal culture in society.

2. The aim of the development of a legal culture should be the formation of law-abiding behaviour of citizens.

Norms of lawful conduct are not laid down in codes, laws. Such behavior of a person is determined by his culture and moral principles. As a form of social behaviour in relation to the legal norms existing in society, lawful conduct is the basis on which the rule of law functions and will continue to develop. At present, therefore, the problem of formation of law-abiding behaviour is being significantly actualized and conceptually determined by the creation by the State of the basis for the perception of law as a social value necessary for each individual and society as a whole.

The beginning of the formation of law-abiding behavior takes place in the absorption in childhood of norms of social behavior,

communication and interaction of people, social and moral prohibitions and requirements. Later it begins to take on more distinct forms: this happens when a person becomes an adult, becomes a full participant of legal relations and is faced with the need to defend their rights independently, civilized to enter into relations with other people and to fulfill their duties to society.

3. Carrying out work on explaining the provisions of the Constitution, laws and regulations through the use of mass media (TV, radio, newspapers, social networks (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.), messengers (Whatsapp, Telegram) in various forms accessible to society and target groups:

- discussions on legal issues;

- brief professional commentary on the legislation;

- scientific and popular articles in the press and on Internet resources on certain legal topics;

- weekly columns in print and electronic media with answers to readers' questions on legal topics;

- training videos on legal topics;

- short warnings via SMS and messengers about upcoming legal events (elections, referendum, etc.), about the responsibility for violations of the legislation (for example, for the falsification of vaccination passports and their use);

- placement of stands and posters on legal issues in public places;

- mailing of free legal brochures, etc.

We believe that the above-mentioned work should be carried out on a systematic basis in the form of accessible as adults who do not have legal knowledge in the target groups (in the relevant professional environment, persons with disabilities, large and needy families, the unemployed, etc.), and minors in preschool organizations, in the place of study in secondary education organizations, educational organizations, implementing educational programs of technical and professional, postsecondary, higher and postgraduate education.

These measures are important for the prevention of crime, the active use of citizens' rights and their protection, the education of anti-corruption behaviour and the development of the principle of zero tolerance for offences.

4. Stimulation of legal activity of the population:

Wide use of public hearings on bills affecting the rights of citizens in various forums;

- involving representatives of the public in

working groups when working with laws in the Parliament of the country;

- the placement on the site of «Open NPA» of variants of laws taking into account comments of citizens and justifications of proposals, not taken into account on the results of their online discussion.

We believe that it is impossible to improve the legal culture of the population without the active assistance of civil society and the active participation of citizens in legal work.

5. Involvement of representatives of creative professions (workers of national science, culture, literature and art, thinkers, scientists, writers, poets and artists), famous bloggers for legal work among the population on a reimbursable and irrevocable basis.

In this regard, since the above-mentioned persons have a large audience, they can positively influence the mood, emotions and actions of citizens, encouraging them to take certain positive actions and avoid negative ones.

6. It is proposed to define the formation of patriotism, law-abiding, human dignity, respect for the rights of others among the citizens of the country.

The ideas of a state based on the rule of law can be translated into the real practice of statelegal building only if each participant in public E relations clearly knows his rights and duties.

Today, there is an urgent need to conduct K targeted, multidimensional and long-term o programmes for the formation and improvement q of a legal culture in order to counter the rule | of law nihilism and ensure the process of ^ establishing the individual in a State governed K by the rule of law. o

Many reforms have been introduced, while g modern approaches to solving the problems E of legal nihilism are somewhat outdated. ^ With a view to improving the system of g raising the level of legal culture, the solution S to this problem requires the development of p modernized strategies, taking into account g the world globalization of information, taking 0 into account the trends of world evolutionary s< development, taking into account the changes g

and orientations of today. p


Conclusion s

To sum up, we would like to point out that k

the transition to fundamentally new ways of =g

raising the level of legal culture is legal and (

necessary. -

The high level of legal culture is an indicator 2

of legal progress, therefore it is recommended 2

KQHCTHmiHflflbiK; xshe SKIMUI^IK K¥Kbi;_

to use comprehensive measures of the state order for every citizen to be interested in

scale to overcome this situation, to carry out a improving his or her legal culture for the benefit

reasonable and rational policy on formation of of society as a whole, Kazakh society proposes

legal consciousness, development of ideology the implementation of legal awareness-raising

and legal information of the population. In measures.


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