Научная статья на тему 'The effect of balance on improving the accuracy of aims in players football (cubs)'

The effect of balance on improving the accuracy of aims in players football (cubs) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Mazari Fatah, Bounadj Meziane, Hamani Ibrahim

Целью данного исследования является определение эффективности учебной программы по развитию равновесия у футболистов. Эта тема была выбрана для того, чтобы подчеркнуть значимость предлагаемых учебных программ, основанных на достоверных научных фактах повышения уровня мастерства игроков. Материалы. В ходе исследования была подчеркнута роль тренера в отборе лучших учебных программ, используемых для достижения требуемого уровня мастерства, и ознакомления с особенностями подготовки небольших футбольных команд в штате "Буира", выявления их сильных и слабых сторон. Исследовательская методика. Выборка представлена 36 игроками, разделенными на две группы: экспериментальную 18 игроков из любительского спортивного клуба муниципального образования Кадирийи, занимавшихся по экспериментальной программе обучения, и контрольную 18 игроков из Федерации Ahdhariyah, которые прошли обучение по обычным программам. На основе дистанционных тестов как инструмента для изучения выяснить эффективность предложенной программы развития базовых навыков. Авторы использовали следующие статистические средства: Программу статистического пакета (spss18), включающую определение среднего арифметического, стандартного отклонения, коэффициента корреляции Пирсона (T и TT). Результаты. Предложенная экспериментальная программа тренировок способствовала повышению функции равновесия и точности целей, что позволило добиться обоснованности гипотезы исследователей: экспериментальная программа позволяет улучшить стабильность, моторный баланс, повысить точность коррекции у футболистов. Группы имели значительные различия в тестах измерения равновесной мощности, статического и динамического равновесия. Заключение. Экспериментальная и контрольная группы имеют существенные различия в результатах, что предполагает необходимость проведения дополнительных исследований. Полученные нами данные могут быть использованы в качестве отправной точки для более широкого и масштабного исследования с учетом всех факторов.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The effect of balance on improving the accuracy of aims in players football (cubs)»

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-8-14



Mazari Fatah1, Bounadj Meziane1, Hamani Ibrahim1

institute of Sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities Algéria, University of Bouira mazarifatah@yahoo.fr, dr_b.mizou@yahoo.fr, hamani_staps@outlook.fr

Аннотация. Целью данного исследования является определение эффективности учебной программы по развитию равновесия у футболистов. Эта тема была выбрана для того, чтобы подчеркнуть значимость предлагаемых учебных программ, основанных на достоверных научных фактах повышения уровня мастерства игроков. Материалы. В ходе исследования была подчеркнута роль тренера в отборе лучших учебных программ, используемых для достижения требуемого уровня мастерства, и ознакомления с особенностями подготовки небольших футбольных команд в штате "Буира", выявления их сильных и слабых сторон. Исследовательская методика. Выборка представлена 36 игроками, разделенными на две группы: экспериментальную - 18 игроков из любительского спортивного клуба муниципального образования Кадирийи, занимавшихся по экспериментальной программе обучения, и контрольную - 18 игроков из Федерации Ahdhariyah, которые прошли обучение по обычным программам. На основе дистанционных тестов как инструмента для изучения выяснить эффективность предложенной программы развития базовых навыков. Авторы использовали следующие статистические средства: Программу статистического пакета (spss18), включающую определение среднего арифметического, стандартного отклонения, коэффициента корреляции Пирсона (T и TT). Результаты. Предложенная экспериментальная программа тренировок способствовала повышению функции равновесия и точности целей, что позволило добиться обоснованности гипотезы исследователей: экспериментальная программа позволяет улучшить стабильность, моторный баланс, повысить точность коррекции у футболистов. Группы имели значительные различия в тестах измерения равновесной мощности, статического и динамического равновесия. Заключение. Экспериментальная и контрольная группы имеют существенные различия в результатах, что предполагает необходимость проведения дополнительных исследований. Полученные нами данные могут быть использованы в качестве отправной точки для более широкого и масштабного исследования с учетом всех факторов.

Ключевые слова: баланс, точность целей, футбол, подростки.

Для цитирования: Mazari Fatah, Bounadj Meziane, Hamani Ibrahim. The effect of balance on improving the accuracy of aims in players Football (Cubs). Педагогико-психологические и медико-биологические проблемы физической культуры и спорта. 2018; 13(3): 8-14. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-8-14


Sport has been known since its inception as a significant development. This development in the general form can be divided and diversified. Perhaps the most popular sport in the world is the game of football in terms of collective games. This popularity allowed and motivated countries

and officials to take care of them and develop them through the establishment of specialized schools and all this in order to be able to appear and highlight their potential, and thus play the roles of prestigious and first at the level of national teams or clubs.

In Algeria, as an integral part of the world, it is affected by what is going on in it.

This influence allowed it to be the number one sport. This led the authorities to build institutes and form committees that help improve performance and play football in our country and develop it.

But despite all this attention, in the field, especially at the international level, there is a weakness in clubs of competition for continental titles, and this deficiency results in the weakness of the national team. After counting a thousand accounts in the 1980s and early 1990s, we became a bad example of continental championships In the last decade, the Algerian player was characterized by many shortcomings. The national championship showed these shortcomings, especially the technical ones such as the goal. This lack of precision made us try to find out the reasons for the absence of this accuracy. In this context it is necessary in football to develop this constant and dynamic balance. On the other hand, all body members participate during implementation. (Turpin bernard 1990, P. 20)

Problem. Balance is one of the important factors involved in improving and determining the accuracy of the football player correction. This factor made us think about this subject and ask the following question:

- Does it have any effect on improving the accuracy of football players correction?

Here we ask the following questions:

- Does the training program improve stability?

- Does the training program improve motor balance?

- Does the training program improve the accuracy of the aims?

General Hypothesis. Balance has the effect of improving the correctness of football players correction.

- Partial hypotheses:

- The training program improves stability.

- The training program improves motor balance.

- The training program improves the accuracy of the aims.

Objectives of the study:

- Solve the problem of Algerian football players correction.

- Emphasize that the balance of motor and static has an important role in improving the accuracy of correction in the absence of Algerian football.

- Integrate training modules for balance to facilitate improved accuracy of aims.

Definition of concepts and terminology:

-Goal Oriented: Procedural: is to correct the player for the ball to enter into the goal of the opposing team

A convention: the player tries to insert it by hitting the ball whether using speed. (Mufti Ibrahim, 2010; p160)

Football: The game lasts 90 minutes. It is divided into two halves, every 45 minutes. There is a period of rest lasting 15 minutes. Each team tries to score goals in the network of the opponent and keep a clean sheet. Formula: is the most popular game in the world practice and mass play on a rectangular floor, play through two teams consisting of 11 players per team on the pitch for 90 minutes in two halves can be extended to 120 minutes, National, regional and national championships and courses State. (Romy Jamil: 1986 - p. 6)

Balance: The procedure requires that the individual has the ability to maintain the weight of the body in the stability or movement, and this requires full control of the organic organs from the muscular and nervous, and balance requires the ability to sense the place and dimensions, whether using the sight or without the nerve or mental and muscular and the safety of the device Nervous is one of the important factors achieved balance. The process of synergy between the musculoskeletal and nervous system has a role to be shown in maintaining the balance of the body or movement of the person walking and running and jump ... etc., Sports movement takes place over a narrow space, such as walking on the bar or stand On the comb on One of the feet All this movement depends on the extent of the

individual control on the organs of muscle and nervous in order to maintain the status of the body without losing weight.

The possibility of the individual to control the physiological and anatomical capabilities that regulate the effect on balance with the ability to sense the place, both musically and nervously. From a biomechanical perspective, equilibrium occurs when the vertical axis of the body passes on the center of the body's weight and the forces in the body are equal to zero in its outcome.

The balance is the possibility of the issuance of muscle activity with neurological control to maintain the status of the body in a stable anatomical state (Korton, 1981, p. 127).

Мethodology. Spatial and spatial domain:

Time domain: The study began in early November 2015 and it was the theoretical study. The tests for the survey sample were as follows:

- The first test: 02 December 2015 the second test: 17 December 2015.

Spatial domain: The first and second tests were carried out on the municipal sample in the municipal stadium of Kadiriyah.

- Adjust the variables of the study:

The independent variable: constant

and kinetic equilibrium.

- Dependent variable: The accuracy of correction in football.

- Research Sample:

The research sample consisted of two football teams selected in the state of Bouira.

A - The first team: the amateur club of the municipality of Qadria.

B- The second team: Al-Akhdaria Municipality Union.

This sample was chosen as a homogeneous sample in terms of age and morphology, and they belong to the Cubs (1517 years old) and have the same potential

- The experimental group: offers a training program for the development of the ability to balance.

The duration of the training program is two months.

- The set: we let it train in a normal way, in the usual way.

- How to test the sample: You chose the sample of the intentional in an equal manner because it gives equal opportunities, the sample consisted of two groups:

(A) The group of control: contains 18


B - for the experimental group: contains (18) player amateur club of the municipality of Qadiriyah.

- Methodology used:

The subject of the study is the study of a set of tests (balance - precision correction) between two teams in football, and revealed the development of physical abilities of both teams by conducting tests of balance qualities and accuracy correction, and this in two stages (tribal - post) and to achieve this we have to follow the curriculum Demo.

- Study Tools:

The step I have taken in my study is to develop means to help distribute the aspects of research, namely, collecting information from various sources and references, in order to understand the theoretical aspect.

It also relied on the stability tests and the accuracy of the correction conducted on both samples (control and experimental) in the form of pre-test and post-test, and the use of training modules in the form of exercises that contribute to the development of static and dynamic balance are subject to the experimental group in question.

Tests used:

- Flamingo fixed equilibrium test.

- Motor equilibrium test.

- Test accuracy accuracy "test cords".

- Test the accuracy of correction "interlaced rectangles".

Statistical means:

Average arithmetic.

-Standard deviation.

- Student distribution test.

-Correlation coefficient of Spearman.


- Presentation and analysis of the results of the study: (taking an example of how to analyze field results):

- Test accuracy measurement correction (test cords).

A - The group of the shadow (tribal - post)

Number of study sample Arithmetic average standard deviation Statistical significance at (0.05) Calculated "T" "T"tables

the test Tribal 18 10.77 1.98 Results are not statistically significant 0.73 1.74

the test Post 18 10.38 2.00

Table (01): Shows the results of the control test for the control group

In Table (01), we observe that in the pre-test we obtained an arithmetic mean of 10.77 points. We also note that the calculated deviation of the standard deviation is estimated at 1.98

This indicates the convergence of the results of the elements of the group and its proximity to the arithmetic average of the group as a whole, which makes the group give homogeneity in its results. We also record in the post test of the same group an average of 10.88 points and a standard deviation of 2.00 points. (18 players). Therefore, the significant differences between the results of the pre and post tests of this group are small. There is no

improvement in the mean values of the two tests. This is indicated by the histogram no. (01) (A close value between both tests).

The result of the group arithmetic average in the tribal and remote tests, shown in table (01), is that the group has achieved a rather weak result, in comparison to the calculated T, calculated 0.73 and T, was estimated at 1.74 at the level of statistical significance (0.05). This is a sign that there are no significant differences between the results of the pre and post tests of the group, and therefore no improvement in the performance of the test.


Recursive gradient (01): Demonstrates the test results of the ropes for the set


In the context of this research topic deals with the "effect of balance" on improving the accuracy of correction in the players of the cubs (15-17 years).

The results obtained from the technical tests included the test of ropes and the test of

interstitial rectangles, to measure accuracy of the correction and (Flamingo static equilibrium test, kinetic equilibrium test) to measure the equilibrium capacity, used with the control and experimental groups, 02) to (17), we will discuss the results obtained. And the statistical analysis of the latter in an

attempt to highlight some of the main factors have an income in determining the results obtained, which may contribute to understanding the ambiguity that surrounds them. Commercialization (Flamingo static equilibrium test and kinetic equilibrium test). The latter was obtained in the pre-test of the constant balance of Flamingo as a result of 17.33 times as an arithmetic mean and in the post-test of 10.50 times as an arithmetic mean for significant differences in favor of T calculated on T, (7.94> 1.74). In the pre-test of kinetic equilibrium, the result was 17.11 times as an arithmetic average, and in the post-test, 11.22 times as the mean. Which appear to have only a lack of significance in both tests, but on the contrary the results obtained in the remote tests of static and motor equilibrium test showed a deterioration of their equilibrium. The group obtained a score of 8.35 times as an arithmetic average of the Flamingo test for constant equilibrium and 10.72 times as the mean of the post-test without significant differences (1.01 <1.74), as well as 10.61 times as the group's mean in the pre-test for motor equilibrium test and 10.77 times as the mean of the group in the post-test, without causing significant differences in favor of "T" T "(0.32 <1.74), and therefore the uncertainty Indicative of a significant experimental group and control group reversed in the test balance opens the door to integrated training modules to improve the ability to balance and efficiency that have shown this evidence of verification 1 and 2 hypotheses.

This indicates the success of the training program benefited from the experimental group. It showed differences in improving the ability of elements to balance, in contrast to the control aspect. The control aspect showed elements of this attribute the absence, but even more regression compared with the tribal test of the latter, which did not benefit from training modules to improve its ability to balance.

These results obtained in the stability tests led to the accompanying results in the correction test (test cords). Test cords resulted in significant differences between the pre-test

and the past tests in favor of the latter for the experimental group. It is written in table (03). The group obtained a score of 6.88 points in the tribal test, and the result of 11.50 in the post-test by making a significant difference D for calculated T (7.97> 1.70). My account in the post-test without significant difference D (0.73 <1.70) and codified in Table (20), explains the need to obtain the ability to balance during movement (correction) "Good balance ability contributes significantly to the determination of test results".

The observed difference between the two groups in the test of interstitial rectangles due to the results obtained in the previously mentioned stability tests as well as the results recorded in tables 14-15-16 support the correlation of improved accuracy of correction and equilibrium. It is absent in the control group whose elements showed a lack of the moral differences occurrence between the tests tribal and remote and this indicates the achievement of the third hypothesis.

The two groups had a similar level before the program was implemented in the experimental group. In the tribal and remote tests of the experimental group, there were statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-test tests in favor of the post-test.

In the tribal and remote tests of the group (control) it was found that there are no statistically significant differences between the tribal and remote tests in most tests.

The tests of the two groups (control) and (experimental) there are differences of statistical significance and this in all the tests of the two groups and for the benefit of the group (experimental) to which the program was applied.

The results indicate that the training program proposed by the group (experimental) of 18 players from the amateur sports club of the municipality of Qadiriyah has affected the balance and accuracy of correction, which achieved the validity of all hypotheses.

The first hypothesis the training program improves stability.

For the second hypothesis, the training program improves motor balance.

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Hypothesis 3 the training program improves the accuracy of the aims.

-Through all these findings and conclusions, we have achieved the validity of the general hypothesis that balance has an effect on improving the correctness of football players correction in the category of cubs (u17). "


The goal-setting technique in football is one of the most important techniques used. It distinguishes football from other sports, as it is one of the basic means to achieve goals. It requires the combination of several elements of agility during the performance and speed of implementation and strength during the correction.

In order to make the movement more accurate, the balancing factor is very important, as the player keeps the balance during the performance of the movement as accurately achieved from this point of this study was aimed at the development of integrated training modules for balance to see the effect of this attribute, to improve the accuracy of correction , As well as in an attempt to understand the problem surrounding the effectiveness of precision correction due to the ability to balance.

These proposed units contributed in increasing the player's balance. It was accompanied by a significant improvement in accuracy in aiming towards the goal, which, despite the distance from the results of the tests of galaxies, but it caused significant differences in the group that benefited from the integration of training modules.

The results in which T was calculated were greater than those between the pre and post tests in this group in the foot-correction tests (rope test, interlocking rectangles test), which were intended to measure the accuracy of the foot correction.

The group also obtained significant differences in the tests of the equilibrium power measurement. The group obtained values for the calculated greater than that of the t-test for both static and dynamic

equilibrium tests, indicating significant differences and improvement The obtained results demonstrate the need to improve the balance in order to improve the accuracy of the player's correction. It opens the way for complementary studies from my research as a starting point for a broader and broader study.


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14. Hammad Mufti, development of muscle strength resistors for children, the Center for Books Publishing Cairo. 2000.

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16. Kuznetsova Z., Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Khalikov G., Zakharova A., 2015. Athletes preparation based on a complex assessment of functional state. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 156-160 (Scopus).

17. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z., 2017. Diagnostics of Functional State and Recerve Capacity of young Athletes' Organizm. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus).

Подано: 09.01.2018

Mazari Fatah - Maitre conference "A", Institute of Sciences and techniques ofphysical and sports activities, University of Bouira, Algeria, e-mail: mazarifatah@yahoo.fr

Bounadj Meziane - Maitre conference "A", Institute of Sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, University of Bouira, Algeria, e-mail: dr_b.mizou@yahoo.fr

Hamani Ibrahim - Institute of Sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, University of Bouira, Algeria, e-mail: hamani_staps@,outlook.fr

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-14-25 УДК 796.422 ББК 75. 711.5


Анисимова Е.А.1, Новикова Е.М.1, Катенков А.Н.1

1ФГБОУ ВО «Ульяновский государственный педагогический университет имени И.Н.

Ульянова» Россия, г. Ульяновск, lena-d-71@mail.ru, elenovik.73@mai.ru, kot-902@mail.ru

Аннотация. Из большого многообразия беговых видов легкой атлетики дистанции 100 и 200 метров являются наиболее сложными, так как увеличение скорости бега - это функция всего организма, совершенствование которой требует глубокого знания всех факторов и условий, обеспечивающих прирост спортивных результатов. Материалы. Разработка модели совершенствования техники бега квалифицированных спринтеров, обеспечивающей восприятие системы спортивной подготовки в целостном виде, что позволяет выявить наиболее эффективные направления совершенствования индивидуальной техники беговых шагов. Методы исследования: анализ и обобщение научной и научно-методической литературы, передового опыта тренеров, высококвалифицированных тренеров, киносъемка, моделирование, педагогический эксперимент, статистическая обработка данных. Результаты. Анализ научной и научно-методической литературы показал, что специалисты основное внимание уделяют развитию скоростно-силовых качеств, усвоению особенностей техники старта и стартового разгона. Недооценка знаний физиологического механизма спринтерского бега и выявления особенностей механизма взаимодействия с опорой являются одной из причин медленного прироста результатов соревновательной деятельности. В данной статье представлена разработанная авторами модель совершенствования индивидуальной техники бега квалифицированных бегуний на короткие дистанции, структурные компоненты которой обеспечивают целостное представление о направленности и содержании тренировочного процесса, способствующего повышению эффективности соревновательной деятельности спринтеров. Целесообразность использования данной модели была доказана в ходе педагогического эксперимента. Было установлено, что бегуньи экспериментальной группы за то же время добились более существенных результатов по сравнению со спортсменками контрольной группы, что подтверждает перспективность подхода к организации и проведению спортивной подготовки бегуний на короткие дистанции путем предварительного моделирования тренировочного процесса. Заключение. В процессе разработки модели совершенствования

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