Научная статья на тему 'The development of the tourist sphere of Ukraine and Zaporizhzha region based on the cluster approach'

The development of the tourist sphere of Ukraine and Zaporizhzha region based on the cluster approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
tourism clusters / tourist clusters / tourist potential / region / competitiveness / structure of tourist cluster / туризм / кластери / туристичні кластери / туристичний потенціал / регіон / конкурентоспроможність / структура туристичного кластеру

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Liudmyla S. Golovkova, Yuliya O. Yuhnovska

The research is designed to analyze the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine and its regions based on a cluster approach. The following research methods have been used in order to achieve this goal: dialectical method, analysis and synthesis (when forming the algorithm of the development of tourism industry of the region on the basis of a cluster approach), graphic method (to illustrate the results of the study); system-structural and expert analysis (for determining the composition of organizations of the tourism cluster of Zaporizhzhya region). This article explores the current state of the formation and development of the tourism industry of Ukraine and Zaporizhzhia region based on a cluster approach, as well as perspectives, advantages and problem solving by clustering the tourist industry of Ukraine and its separate regions. The analysis of the development of regions of Ukraine requires the use of new modern approaches in shaping and developing the potential of the tourism industry of the country and its regions, which we believe involves the formation of cluster associations of business entities in a certain region of the country. The algorithm of the formation and development of the tourism industry of the region based on a cluster approach is proposed; the structure of a tourism cluster of the region is proposed, which, unlike the others, should include enterprises (organizations, firms) that are geographically close, the tourism infrastructure, local labour markets, and a tourism product, which is a direct geographical and historical component of the region; a targeted model for the formation of a tourism cluster in Zaporizhzhya region is proposed, which, unlike the existing models, will facilitate the development of the existing models and the creation of new types of tourism (industrial tourism, therapeutic and recreational tourism, adaptive tourism and active recreational activities). Using the above suggestions will allow the management at various levels of the governance of the tourism cluster of Ukraine, and Zaporizhzhia region in particular, to take scientifically grounded and organizational decisions on the formation and the development of the tourism industry on the basis of a cluster approach, improve the economic situation (which is characterized by the lack of coordination of actions , which adversely affects the results of activities of the entire tourism industry of the country, obstructs the holding of joint festivals, exhibitions, etc., hampers marketing and scientific investigation, progress being held back by the lack of sufficient funding, the lack of qualified personnel of the given specialty, lack of managerial knowledge and the necessary information resources) through the establishment of interaction and cooperation.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.15421/111961
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Розвиток туристичної галузі України та Запорізького регіону на основі кластерного підходу

Дослідженo аналіз розвитку туристичної галузі України та її регіонів на основі кластерного підходу. Для вирішення поставленої мети у роботі використано такі методи дослідження: діалектичний метод, аналізу та синтезу (при формуванні алгоритму розвитку туристичної галузі регіону на основі кластерного підходу), графічний метод (для ілюстрації результатів дослідження); системно-структурний та експертний аналіз (для визначення складу організацій туристичного кластеру Запорізького регіону). У роботі досліджено сучасний стан формування та розвитку туристичної галузі України та Запорізького регіону на основі кластерного підходу, а також перспективи, переваги та вирішення завдань шляхом кластеризації туристичної галузі України та її окремих регіонів. Аналіз розвитку регіонів України потребує використання нових сучасних підходів у формуванні та розвитку потенціалу туристичної галузі країни та її регіонів, яким, на нашу думку, є формування кластерних об’єднань суб’єктів підприємництва певного регіону країни. Запропоновано алгоритм формування та розвитку туристичної галузі регіону на основі кластерного підходу, запропонована структура туристичного кластеру регіону, в якій на відміну від інших, повинні входити підприємства (організації, фірми), які географічно близько розташовані, туристична інфраструктура, місцеві ринки праці, а саме головне туристичний продукт, який є безпосередньо географічною та історичною складовою даного регіону, запропоновано орієнтовану модель формування туристичного кластеру в Запорізькому регіоні, яка на відміну від існуючих сприятиме розвитку існуючих та формування нових видів туризму (промисловий, лікувальнооздоровчий та рекреаційний туризм, адаптивний туризм та активні види відпочинку). Використання наведених пропозицій дозволить керівництву на різних рівнях управління туристичного кластеру України та Запорізького регіону зокрема приймати науково-обґрунтовані та організаційні рішення щодо формування та розвитку туристичної галузі на основі кластерного підходу, поліпшити економічне становище (яке характеризується майже відсутністю координації дій, що негативно впливає на результати діяльності всієї туристичної галузі країни, не дає можливості проводити спільні фестивалі, виставки тощо, маркетингові та наукові дослідження, відсутність достатнього фінансування, недостатністю кваліфікованого персоналу даної спеціальності, управлінських знань та необхідних інформаційних ресурсів) завдяки налагодженню взаємодії та співпраці.

Текст научной работы на тему «The development of the tourist sphere of Ukraine and Zaporizhzha region based on the cluster approach»

Journal of Geology, Geography And Geoecology

Journal home page: geology-dnu-dp.ua

ISSN 2617-2909 (print) ISSN 2617-2119 (online)


Geology, 28(4), 640-648. doi: 10.15421/111961

Liudmyla S. Golovkova, Yuliya O. Yuhnovska

Journ. Geol. Geograph. Geoecology, 28(4), 640-648.

The development of the tourist sphere of Ukraine and Zaporizhzha region based on the cluster approach

Liudmyla S. Golovkova, Yuliya O. Yuhnovska

Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Dnipro, Ukraine, g. liudmila22@gmail. com

Received: 22.05.2019 Abstract. The research is designed to analyze the development of the tourism industry in

Received in revisedform: 12.06.2019 Ukraine and its regions based on a cluster approach. The following research methods have Accepted: 10.07.2019 been used in order to achieve this goal: dialectical method, analysis and synthesis (when

forming the algorithm of the development of tourism industry of the region on the basis of a cluster approach), graphic method (to illustrate the results of the study); system-structural and expert analysis (for determining the composition of organizations of the tourism cluster of Zaporizhzhya region). This article explores the current state of the formation and development of the tourism industry of Ukraine and Zaporizhzhia region based on a cluster approach, as well as perspectives, advantages and problem solving by clustering the tourist industry of Ukraine and its separate regions. The analysis of the development of regions of Ukraine requires the use of new modern approaches in shaping and developing the potential of the tourism industry of the country and its regions, which we believe involves the formation of cluster associations of business entities in a certain region of the country. The algorithm of the formation and development of the tourism industry of the region based on a cluster approach is proposed; the structure of a tourism cluster of the region is proposed, which, unlike the others, should include enterprises (organizations, firms) that are geographically close, the tourism infrastructure, local labour markets, and a tourism product, which is a direct geographical and historical component of the region; a targeted model for the formation of a tourism cluster in Zaporizhzhya region is proposed, which, unlike the existing models, will facilitate the development of the existing models and the creation of new types of tourism (industrial tourism, therapeutic and recreational tourism, adaptive tourism and active recreational activities). Using the above suggestions will allow the management at various levels of the governance of the tourism cluster of Ukraine, and Zaporizhzhia region in particular, to take scientifically grounded and organizational decisions on the formation and the development of the tourism industry on the basis of a cluster approach, improve the economic situation (which is characterized by the lack of coordination of actions , which adversely affects the results of activities of the entire tourism industry of the country, obstructs the holding of joint festivals, exhibitions, etc., hampers marketing and scientific investigation, progress being held back by the lack of sufficient funding, the lack of qualified personnel of the given specialty, lack of managerial knowledge and the necessary information resources) through the establishment of interacti on and cooperation.

Keywords: tourism clusters; tourist clusters; tourist potential, region, competitiveness, structure of tourist cluster.

Розвиток туристичноУ галуз1 Украши та Запор1зького регюну на основ1 кластерного пщходу

Л.С. Головкова, Ю.О. Юхновська

Днтровський нацюнальний ymieepcumem зал1зничного транспорту шет aKadeMiKa В. Лазаряна, м. Дтпро, Украта, g. liudmila22@gmail com

Анотащя. Доонджено анатз розвитку туристичнм rany3Î Украши та ïï регютв на ochobî кластерного тдходу. Для виршення постaвленоï мети у робота використано таю методи доондження: дiaлектичний метод, aнaлiзу та синтезу (при формувант алгоритму розвитку туристичноï rary3i репону на ochobî кластерного тдходу), грaфiчний метод (для шюстраци результата дослвдження); системно-структурний та експертний анатз (для визначення складу оргатзацш туристичного кластеру Зап^зького регюну). У робота дослвджено сучасний стан формування та розвитку туристичнм Ta^i Украши та

Запорiзького регiону на основi кластерного щдходу, а також перспективи, переваги та вирiшення завдань шляхом кластеризаци туристично! галузi Украши та и окремих регiонiв. Аналiз розвитку регюшв Украши потребуе використання нових сучасних пiдходiв у формуваннi та розвитку потенщалу туристично! галузi кра!ни та 11 регiонiв, яким, на нашу думку, е формування кластерних об'еднань суб'ектiв пiдприемництва певного репону кра!ни. Запропоновано алгоритм формування та розвитку туристично! галузi регiону на основi кластерного подходу, запропонована структура туристичного кластеру регiону, в якш на вiдмiну вiд iнших, повинш входити тдприемства (оргашзацп, фiрми), яю географiчно близько розташованi, туристична шфраструктура, мiсцевi ринки пращ, а саме головне туристичний продукт, який е безпосередньо географiчною та iсторичною складовою даного регiону, запропоновано орiентовану модель формування туристичного кластеру в Зап^зькому регюш, яка на вiдмiну ввд iснуючих сприятиме розвитку iснуючих та формування нових видiв туризму (промисловий, лжувально-оздоровчий та рекреацiйний туризм, адаптивний туризм та активнi види вiдпочинку). Використання наведених пропозицiй дозволить керiвницгву на рiзних р1внях управлшня туристичного кластеру Украши та Заж^зького регiону зокрема приймати науково-обrрунтованi та оргатзацшш рiшення щодо формування та розвитку туристично! галузi на основi кластерного пiдходу, полiпшиги економiчне становище (яке характеризуется майже вiдсутнiстю координацп дш, що негативно впливае на результати дiяльностi вае! туристично! галузi кра!ни, не дае можливостi проводити спiльнi фестивалi, виставки тощо, маркетинговi та науковi дослiдження, вiдсутнiсть достатнього фiнансування, недостатнiстю квалiфiкованого персоналу дано! спещальноста, управлiнських знань та необхiдних iнформацiйних ресурсiв) завдяки налагодженню взаемодй та спiвпрацi.

Ключовi слова: туризм, кластери, туристичш кластери, туристичний потенщал, регюн, конкурентоспроможтсть, структура туристичного кластеру.

Introduction. Today, in a fast-moving economy, the tourism industry in Ukraine is viewed as an important economic sector, which will increase the country's economic level. But the approach to managing the tourism industry in Ukraine can be considered as insufficiently effective. Therefore, the relevance of the research is determined by the rapid development of the tourism industry in Ukraine in recent years, which manifests itself in a multidisciplinary nature and is closely interrelated with other related industries of the national economy in each specific territory, which makes it necessary to take into account the particularities of the territorial unit under the current conditions of uncertainty and instability of the internal and external environment.

The aim of the study. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the tourism industry of Ukraine and Zaporizhzhya region in particular, and to substantiate the expediency of the development of this industry on the basis of a cluster approach. Materials and methods. The research was carried out on the basis of regulatory documents that regulate the tourism activity of Ukraine in general and Zaporizhzhia region in particular, as well as on statistical data of the Main Department of Statistics of Zaporizhzhya Oblast, Zaporizhzhya City Council, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, etc. The theoretical and methodological basis was the position of the theory of tourism, the study by leading foreign and domestic specialists on the development of the tourism industry in the country and its individual regions on the basis of a cluster approach. For accurate research, official data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine was used. The following research methods were used in the article: dialectical method, analysis and synthesis

(when forming the algorithm of development of the tourism industry of the region on the basis of a cluster approach), graphical method (to illustrate the results of the study); system-structural and expert analysis (for determining the composition of organizations of a tourism cluster of Zaporizhzhya region). Results and discussion. The issues of functioning and the development of regional clusters of the tourism industry, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises of the tourism industry of Ukraine and its regions, in particular, have been dealt with by both domestic and foreign scholars. In particular, the work of foreign scholars deserves special importance, first of all, the work of M. Porter, the founder of the cluster approach ,should be noted (Porter, 2001). Contribution to the development of this problem has also been made by T. Andersson (Andersson & Schwaag-Serger & Sorvik & Hansson, 2004), E. Braun, van W. Winden (Leo van den Berg & Erik Braun & Willem van Winden, 2001), D Soulie (1989), M. Steiner, JA Tolenado (Tolenado, 1978), C.Cooper and M.Hall (Cooper & Hall, 2002) and many others.

In recent years, interest in the cluster approach has grown among academics - economists of Ukraine, Russia and the countries of the near abroad. This problem was developed by: M. Voynarenko (Vojnarenko, 2011), T. Tsyhan (Cihan, 2003), I. Filip Filchuk (Filippchuk), S. I. Sokolenko (Sokolenko, 2004), Yu. O. Nikolayev ( Nikolaev, 2012), A. T. Okhrimenko (Okhrymenko, 2013) and others.

Theoretical aspects and practical solutions to the problems of creating and operating tourist clusters in Ukraine and its regions are reflected in the studies of V. Blagodatnogo, L. Zaburannaya, A. Kulik, T. Pinchuk, M. Rutinsky, L. Teblyashkina, T. Tkachenko, L Shulgina and others. Hayduk A.B. (Ghajduk,

2006) in his studies highlights the key aspects of the formation and functioning of integrated tourist groups in Ukraine.

The scientific results of these works have become sufficiently distributed and have been further introduced in the process of formation and development of tourist clusters in Ukraine, namely: the authors have formed clusters of the tourism industry, which include: natural and cultural heritage, tourist infrastructure, educational, design and scientific institutions, insurance and financial organizations, etc. The authors have proved the important role of clusters in the development of regional economic tourism systems, and so on. Despite the large number of theoretical and practical studies on the significance of cluster functioning in the tourism sector, there is no general idea of the model for its implementation.

The tourist industry can be considered as one of the elements of the mechanism aimed at overcoming the crisis situation, a promising direction of socioeconomic development of the country. This can be achieved by consistent and responsible actions of the government, its continuous interaction with the public and business (Shupyk, 2014).

Effective management and development of the potential of the tourism industry in Ukraine and its regions can be achieved through the search, implementation and adaptation to the current economic conditions of operation, innovative tools and methods for improving the processes of making management decisions (Herasymchuk & Bilyk, 2014; Komlichenko & Rotan, 2014).

Therefore, in order to ensure the development and successful operation of the tourism potential of the region, new methods of management of the industry are needed. Many researchers consider the most effective model to be the use of a cluster approach to the management of the tourism industry.

It is the cluster approach that can accelerate the process of structuring and modernizing the tourism industry of Ukraine and its regions and turn it into an effective segment of the national economy.

In order to form and develop the tourism industry, in our opinion, it is advisable to use an approach which uses a comprehensive assessment of the country's tourism industry and its individual regions.

Taking into account Ukrainian and foreign studies on the formation and development of the cluster approach to the tourism industry and the concept of cluster policy of the country, we propose some methodological aspects of the clusterization of the tourism industry in Ukraine and its individual regions, the general scheme of which is presented in Fig. 1.

The structure of the tourist cluster should include enterprises (organizations, firms) that are geographically close, tourist infrastructure, local labour markets, and the most important is a tourist product, which is directly the geographical and historical component of the region. The interaction of these participants in the tourist cluster is aimed at the release of target products for the cluster (Tymoshenko, 2017).

The main participants of the tourist cluster include: organizations and institutions that are directly related to the development and implementation of a tourist product (travel companes and travel agencies), sanatoriums, health-improving establishments and tourist accommodation establishments (hotels, recreation centers, campsites and etc.), skiing complexes, national natural parks; organizations supplying products (food products, resource base for medical and sanitary procedures), excursion, transport and licensing enterprises, transport infrastructure; trade enterprises, insurance and financial organizations, educational and research establishments, mass media, state regulatory bodies (Figure 2).

The tourist cluster objects proposed in the investigaton can be supplemented depending on the connections and the level of the cluster formation.

Uniting enterprises and related sectors of the tourism industry into a cluster should facilitate improvement of the economic situation (which is characterized by lack of coordination of actions , which negatively affects the results of the entire tourism industry of the country, and obstructs the holding of joint festivals, exhibitions, etc., marketing investgatons and research , the situation being characterized by lack of sufficient funding, the lack of qualified personnel of this specialty, lack of managerial knowledge and necessary information resources) through the establshment of interaction and cooperation (Danjko, 2014).

Clustering of the tourist industry of Ukraine and its individual regions will provide significant advantages and will solve the following tasks: to increase the tourist flow to the region; to increase the sales volume of a tourism product; to create more opportunities to reduce prices by increasing group purchases of tourism products;

to make a transition from sales of certain types of services to joint solving complex task - a 'turnkey' system, providing the entire list of services;

to minimize costs due to joint activities in the field of marketing, advertising, management, acquisition or the development of innovative products of a tourism package;

Fig. 1. An algorithm for the formation and development of the tourism industry in the region on the basis of a cluster approach

to increase the portfolio of orders, to expand the sales market, to take leadership positions, to dictate the rules of the game on the sales markets for services; to improve the quality of services offered, and thus to attract customers not only to the range of services but, above all, to the quality of services, their novelty and the level of servicing;

to increase the investment attractiveness of each of the participants in the cluster;

to form a model of effective management of the industry enterprses, which will include the best

of the existing models in organizations (due to the interpenetration of corporate cultures, the adoption of the most valuable ideas and concepts by the management personnel);

to create a new common brand that will be supported by the already existing reputation of all cluster-based organizations that will enhance the reputation of both the cluster as a whole and individual organizations in particular, which will further promote products and services (including international markets);

Companies that directly produce h lid sell tourist

Tour operators, travel agents, entities carrying out excursion activities

Collective means of accommodation

Hotels and similar accommodation, specialized accommodation facilities, sanatoria, holiday homes, children's recreation facilities and family-friendly rest homes, hostels, green tourism bases, private sector

Catering facilities

Restaurants, confectioneries, cafes, coffee shops, snack bars, buffets, bars, canteens, fast food, original (author's thematic) establishments of cooking and food distribution, dietetic centers cenlcrs. ctc.

Enterprises that provide viability of enterprises

Advertising and information

Legal and Audit

Marketing, Logistic

Transport infrastructure

Bus stations, railway transportation, air carriers, sea ports, river ports, own means of tourist transportation enterprises, taxi service, private carriers

State authorities

Production of souvenirs

Enterprises of culture

Museums, theaters, cinemas, classical orchestras, concert halls, exhibition halls, circuses, etc.

Enterprises of the entertainment


Casino, water parks

Publishing House

Books, maps, guides, brochures

Supporting organizations

Companies for manufacturing tourist equipment, media, marketing (PR) agencies, cartographic factory, souvenir production enterprises, printing companies, regional development agencies, international and state funds and programs, andvest agencies, workshops for restoration of architectural and cultural monuments

Fig. 2. The structure of the tourist cluster of the region

Service organizations

Consulting companies

Higher educational institutions

Research cenlcrs. innovative laboratories, control and inspection services for forest protection

Banking and credit institutions Control and revision services for the protection of water

Insurance institutions

Educational establishments in the specialization, communication companies, innovative laboratories

Border Guards, Security Services

I lighways authorities, public organizations, leasing companies, business centers, audit firms

Post offices and shipping companies, notary offices

to reduce expenses for exhibitions, festivals, fairs, presentations, etc.;

to increase competitiveness; to provide mutual support in concluding contracts; to give the possibility of purchasing equipment and materials at lower prices;

to promote the development of such types of tourism as green, rural, health-improving, adaptive, etc., because they are the most promising forms of tourism of the country and its regions, which offer a high level of natural beauty and will promote the development of this industry;

to improve the quality of existing competitive tourism products and expand the range of tourist and recreational services (Javorsjkyj, 2015).

Clustering of the tourism industry in the regions

of Ukraine should intensify business by concentrating business activity, promote the creation of workplaces, improve the quality of tourist services, increase incomes, and increase the competitiveness of the tourism industry by combining financial, labour, intellectual, natural and medical and recreational resources. The tourist cluster should promote greater use of innovation and information technologies, establish a relationship between cluster organizations, reorganize and attract more visitors, strengthen the image of the region and improve the quality of travel services.

According to Ocheretina D.V. , improper attention is paid to the development and use of all elements of the tourist potential, the restoration of the growth of the flow of domestic tourism through the study

and promotion of individual regions of Ukraine, the development of new promising areas that wll increase interest in domestic tourism and increase tourist flows (Ocheretin, 2015).

The promotion of the tourism product of certain regions of Ukraine, in particular Zaporizhzhya, is of great importance in the domestic and foreign markets. The image, advertising and marketing of the offered products, as well as the creation of tourist clusters play a significant role in this. To create a tourism cluster in Zaporizhzhya region, it is necessary to assess the tourism potential of the region, to identify the main directions of the current perspective of tourism activities.

The tourist potential of Zaporizhzhya region has the following components:

picturesque landscape - the Sea of Azov, the Dnipro, 4 estuaries: Bilozersky, Utlyuk, Tubalsky and Molochniy;

mineral and medicinal waters - Berdyansk mud seaside resort, Kyryllivsky balneoclimatic mud seaside resort;

historical and architectural attractions -Zaporizhzhya Sich ("Warriors of the Lower Zaporizhzhya"); National Reserve "Khortytsia" and National Historical and Archaeological Reserve "Stone Grave" (XV-XVI centuries); 8,436 historical and cultural monuments, of which 6,654 are archeological monuments, 1,725 are historical, and 37 are of monumental art; 20 - of science and technology, 25 museum establishments;

- a network of sanatoria, where it is possible to recover and heal, and so on.

The main areas of work in the sphere of tourism development in Zaporizhzhya region are:

1. Manufacturing (industrial) tourism focused on the productive use of the special industrial heritage of Zaporizhzhya, as well as the branch of industry that was historically formed as the basis of the modern economy of the city.

2. Cognitive (historical) tourism, the basis of which is the historical component of the city's development and the ethno-cultural diversity of Zaporizhzhya.

Event tourism, which involves organizing and holding annually several events at the national and international levels of an entertainment and sports direction.

4. Extreme tourism. In Zaporizhzhya region it is possible to make parachute jumps and go hang gliding. In Zaporizhzhya there is also bungee-jumping - jumping from height with a rope. (Zaporizhzhya: kudy skhodyty i shcho podyvytysya)

5. Rural (green) tourism. There are 32 agritourism objects in the region, of which 15 have already applied for certificates in the framework of EU projects. There is a historical and cultural complex "Ethnoselo" of two green estates: "Aquazoo" in the village of Petropil and "Yenotova Khata" in the village of Chervony Yar. Soon it is planned to open another one - with a real Ukrainian colouring - "The House of True Patriots". The mansion "Sea Breeze" is located in the village of Novokostyantynivka in Zaporizhzhya region. on the coast of the Sea of Azov, surrounded by saline lakes with therapeutic mud, an analogue of the mud of the famous resort on the Dead Sea in Israel.

6. Therapeutic and health (medical) tourism. In Zaporizhzhya there is a favourable climate, the presence of therapeutic mud and mineral waters, sanatoriums and prophylactic clinics on the shore of the Azov Sea and the Dnipro River.

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7. In contrast to many regions of the country, Zaporizhzhya region has a significant natural potential for the development of geological tourism. In Zaporizhzhya region among the 33 objects of the geological heritage of different types (petrographic, mineralogical, geomorphological, etc.) 9 geological monuments are classified into stratigraphic and paleontological objects ("Lysa Hora" (Bald Mountain) in Vasylivka village of Zaporizhzhya region, Khortytsky granite massif (Dnipro Rapids), granite massif "Kamiani Mohyly" (Stone Graves) in Melitopol district, "Lantseva Mogila" (Lantseva Grave) in Kuybyshevsky district, Tokmak-Mohyla (Blue Mountain), "Urochysche Skedy" (Skedy Trail) (Chernihiv district), Veseliansky stratotype of the Konkovo layer, Lugovske and Tokmak location of "Pivdenni sklony" (Southern slopes), the outcrop of Tomakiv strata in Baburka village, etc. (Manyuk, 2008). The Western Azov Sea territory is one of the most attractive regions for the development of geotourism with the largest number of unique objects of geological heritage .Researchers have determined that the most promising place for the development of tourist routes are Proterozoic non-ore quartzites lying along the Berdata Berestovaya river and in the adjoining territories. (Khomenko & Isakov & Manyuk, 2018)

After analyzing the tourism potential of Zaporizhzhya region, we proposed a focused model for forming a tourist cluster in Zaporizhzhya region (Fig. 3).

The main advantages of creating a tourist cluster in Zaporizhzhya region are:

uniting efforts to attract more tourists from the regions of Ukraine and in the struggle against foreign

The governing body of the tourist cluster of Zaporizhzhya region


Participants of tourist cluster

Educational Establishments KZVO "Khortytsya National Educational and Rehabilitation Academy" Zaporizhzhya, ZNU, ZNTU

Local bodies of self-government (Zaporizhzhya Regional Council, Zaporizhzhya City Council, Department of Culture and Tourism)

Advertising and PR establishments

Public organizations (Zaporizhzhya Regional Tourist Association, Zaporizhzhya Regional Public Organization "Dyvosvit")

Tour operators, travel agencies: Intourist, Sam, SVIFT TRAVEL, Bayda Tour, Vilena Travel, Symbol, Magi Tour, etc.

Business incubators in Zaporizhzhya

Tourist information center of Zaporizhzhya

Insurance organizations, supervisory bodies

Enterprises selling souvenir products



Types oftourism

I lealth-improvement and rehabilitation tourism (sanatorium and resort facilities in the village of Kyrylivka, Berdyansk, Primorsk, Zaporizhzhya, Khortytsia Island)

Industrial tourism (PJSC "Zaporizhstal", I'JSC

"Dniprospetsstal", Zaporizhzhya iron ore combine in Dniprorudne city, etc.)

Cognitive (historical) tourism (the museum of the history of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, the school of fighting Cossack art "Spas", the historical and cultural complex " Zaporizhzhya Oak", the horse theater " Zaporizhzhya Cossacks")

Educational tourism (ZNTU, ZSMU)

Adaptive tourism

(arboretum of Khortytsya Island}

Geological tourism (Khortytsya National Reserve, Historical and Archaeological Museum, "Stone Grave" Reserve, destroyed Taurian Mining Enrichment Plant (Stepnogirsk), "Kamyani Mohyly" Nature Reserve (Rozivsky district))

Rural tourism (historical

and cultural complex "Ethnoselo", "The Estate of Tnie Patriots", estate "Sea Breeze", etc.)



Museums (Zaporizhzhya Regional History Museum, Museum of Retro-cars "Phaeton", Museum of the History of Weapons, Zaporizhzhya Regional Museum of Local Lore, Museum of t echnology of Boguslaev, Museum-complex of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks) Sanatoriums, dispensaries ("Oreanda" "Arktika", "Berdyansk", Wellness Center "Raduzhny"in Berdyansk; "Primorsky" in Primorsk; "Great Meadow" in Zaporozhye; "Motor Sieh" in Novoandriivka, "Kyrylika" in smt. Kyrylika, etc. Transport (railway, aviation (Airport of Zaporizhzhya), automobile, river, sea transport)

Hotels, motels, bases, hostels (hotels: "Khortytsya", "Intourist", "Theater", "Venice", etc.). Catering companies: "Monica Bellucci', "Shelest", "Veranda", "San City", "Panska Hata" and others. Financial institutions (banks, etc.) Establishments of communication

Fig. 3. Approximate model of forming a tourist cluster in Zaporizhzhya region

competitors having similar recreational resources;

increasing competitiveness and creating interesting competitive tourism products; mutual support in concluding contracts; reduction of advertising costs; assistance in the development of existing types of tourism and the formation of new ones (industrial tourism, health-improving and recreational tourism, adaptive tourism and active rest).

The process of creating a tourist cluster in the regions of Ukraine is a long and very complex process, which unfortunately may not bring the expected results.

Therefore, we consider it necessary to propose one of the methods of assessing the economic efficiency of a tourist cluster, in which the main indicator is the revenue from the sale of the corresponding products (services) of the tourism industry of the regional cluster, in particular from the tourist rent (monopoly, differential, absolute, quasi-rent, consumer rent, ecological antirents) (Boyko, 2010), which is defined as follows:

Xj = S-(1/n - b^ - p))

where X. - revenue from the sale of services (/) revenue from the tourist cluster (j);

S - revenue from the sales of services () in general in the country (in the region, in the destination);

n - number of tourism companies providing these services;

bij - demand variable indicating the dependence of the market share of the tourist cluster on the price of its services;

p - the price of a particular cluster service; p - the average price of competing analogous services in other regional (international) tourist clusters.

Conclusions. The formation of tourist clusters in Ukraine and in its regions should be directed, first of all, to the development of domestic tourism. However, the development and formation of the tourist cluster faces many problems, namely the underdeveloped and outdated transport infrastructure; seasonality of functioning, which increases the cost of tourist services and reduces the competitiveness of Ukrainian clusters in the international market; the long period of formation of a cluster, that is, the time lag in obtaining benefits from it; insufficient number of skilled personnel; imperfect legal framework and so on.

Solving these problems, even at the regional level, should contribute to the creation of a modern,

competitive national tourism product.At the same time, the regional cluster policy should focus on the effort of the interaction between the cluster participants, which is aimed at increasing the competitiveness and strengthening the links between them; increasing consumer demand for services offered by the cluster; attracting additional investment flows, effective use of natural and man-made recreational resources, historical and cultural heritage, and significant increase in the influence of recreation and tourism on the region's economic development.


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