THE CULTURE OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION AS ONE OF THE GOALS AND META-SUBJECTS OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
culture / competence approach / speech culture / foreign language / speech skills and abilities / linguistic personality / culture of speech communication / культура / компетентностный подход / речевая культура / иностранный язык / речевые навыки и умения / языковая личность / культура речевого общения

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — N.Y. Buryak

The renewal of the socio-cultural space of Russian education is characterized by its growing autonomy of institutions and the strengthening of regional responsibility for the quality of education. This is taking into account the processes of globalization, integration into the global educational space, and growing human mobility. In connection with these processes in modern society and, accordingly, in modern education, the situation of meeting and interaction of different cultures is clearly manifested, which determines the multicultural nature of social processes.

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Обновление социокультурного пространства российского образования характеризуется его растущей автономизацией учреждений, усилением ответственности регионов за качество образования. Это происходит с учетом процессов глобализации, интеграции в мировое образовательное пространство, растущей мобильностью человека. В связи с этими процессами в современном обществе и, соответственно, в современном образовании явно проявляется ситуация встречи и взаимодействия различных культур, что определяет поликультурный характер социальных процессов.



N.Y. Buryak, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies - IMSIT (Russia, Krasnodar)


Abstract. The renewal of the socio-cultural space of Russian education is characterized by its growing autonomy of institutions and the strengthening of regional responsibility for the quality of education. This is taking into account the processes of globalization, integration into the global educational space, and growing human mobility. In connection with these processes in modern society and, accordingly, in modern education, the situation of meeting and interaction of different cultures is clearly manifested, which determines the multicultural nature of social processes.

Keywords: culture, competence approach, speech culture, foreign language, speech skills and abilities, linguistic personality, culture of speech communication.

With the development of cultural and economic ties between countries and peoples, the role of learning foreign languages is increasing. The demand for specialists who speak foreign languages is increasing every year. Currently, one of the most important areas of education development is the use of a competence-based approach, in particular, the development of skills and abilities related to the practical application of a person's communicative abilities, his cultural, and social and information competencies.

Experts note the insufficient level of foreign language proficiency among university graduates, and those who even have good knowledge cannot always effectively apply them in the field of household and professional communication. To this is added ignorance of the linguistic and cultural meanings of another language, traditions and modern features of the development of various peoples. In this regard, there is a need to educate students who are able to act as subjects of a dialogue of cultures. We can say that a foreign language carries not only a system of linguistic knowledge, but also a system of knowledge about social norms, spiritual values, and the totality of relations between people.

Humanity is now moving towards cultural pluralism, dialogue, polylogue, and the search for a harmonious balance between cultures. Integration into the pan-European educational

space in the field of learning a linguistic personality should take into account cultural differences, including in the methodology of teaching foreign languages [1]. Modern education presupposes, first of all, the development of the personality of students, their cognitive abilities, the formation of an integral system of universal knowledge, and not only the mastery of the sum of knowledge in certain academic subjects.

Obtaining high-quality education in higher education should take into account national interests and global development trends. The goal is not just to train a highly professional specialist in a particular field, but also a "cultural person" who is capable and ready to communicate and cooperate with people of different nationalities, races, faiths and cultures, peaceful fruitful coexistence in modern society. It is only through dialogue with another culture that a certain level of self-awareness can be achieved, since at a dialogi-cal meeting of two cultures, each retains its unity and open integrity, while enriching the other.

In a market economy and intense competition, a number of strict requirements are imposed on a modern specialist: in addition to professional knowledge, skills and abilities, it is necessary to possess a personal computer, foreign languages, as well as linguistic and ethical norms of the state language and methods of successful communication.

The culture of speech communication, understood by us as an integrative quality of personality, which manifests itself in the conscious selection and use of linguistic means that help to carry out speech perception, expression, impact in a real communication situation with maximum efficiency and nurturing a new attitude towards oneself, to other people, to the world as a whole, is defined as one of the goals and meta-subjects university education [2].

The purpose of the modernization of linguistic education in higher education institutions is to ensure the continuity of the process of obtaining and improving language training and general cultural personal development, corresponding to social and regional orders. The successful implementation of this goal is designed to ensure interactive interaction in cognitive and business communication in Russian or a foreign language, as a necessary precondition for any activity.

Innovative educational tasks that ensure the development and self-development of a personality in linguistic education based on the formation of a culture of verbal communication between a teacher and a student are the following:

- formation of the need to identify oneself with one's own culture (the culture of the country of the studied language) in communication with native speakers of native (foreign language) culture and the development of a sense of social responsibility and involvement in the manifestations of human culture;

- awareness of the value of culture as a means of carrying out verbal communication and mastering the personality system of value orientations (in moral, political, aesthetic, etc. spheres), life goals, beliefs and principles;

- recognition of the value of subject-subject relations in the culture of speech communication;

- mastering linguistic knowledge, knowledge about the natural, social world and oneself, as well as about the culture of speech and behavior, used adequately in the situation of communication orally and in writing in native and foreign languages;

- mastering the skills to regulate the relationship of interlocutors, finding not one, but many ways of speech expression, predicting

the consequences of statements, understanding the mood of another person, his position and preventing the rupture of speech communication;

- mastering mental operations for productive speech activity, the ability to create emotional comfort for yourself and the interlocutor;

- formation of the ability to adequately assess the level of linguistic education, consciously control speech communication and find ways to improve the culture of speech communication through introspection and self-assessment, preferring a positive assessment of the interlocutor and realizing the need for tolerance in the culture of speech communication.

The concept of modernization of linguistic education in higher educational institutions includes the main ideas reflecting the value of the culture of speech communication as a culture of personal activity and its role in the formation of such personal formations as cognitive interest, activity, independence, the ability to choose in solving communication problems and responsibility for it. The realization of value-oriented, informative-cognitive, communicative, stimulating and reflective functions of the culture of speech communication is reflected in the professional pedagogical process, in the communication of teachers and students, regulating interpersonal relations.

The modernization of linguistic education in higher educational institutions is determined by three main directions, namely: conceptual and substantive, normative and organizational, scientific and methodological [4].

The conceptual and substantive direction involves increasing the status of linguistic, psychological, pedagogical, and methodological science as one of the main factors in ensuring high-quality linguistic education based on the formation of a culture of speech communication; organizing work at all faculties to strengthen motivation to improve professional and personal mobility by means of a culture of speech communication in linguistic education; as well as improving the theoretical and practical training of the teaching staff of departments that ensure the ability and willingness to engage in teaching activities in a mul-

ticultural environment and determine the level of culture of speech communication using diagnostic techniques to improve the culture of speech communication.

The regulatory and organizational direction recommends making changes to the curricula and their corresponding work programs in order to increase the number of hours of classroom work in various linguistic disciplines in Russian and a foreign language; the inclusion in the curricula of a workshop on the culture of speech communication in Russian and a workshop on the culture of foreign language speech communication as their basic or optional components during the all years of study in order to ensure the continuity of linguistic education; creation of multifunctional linguistic centers aimed at ensuring a continuous process of obtaining and improving the linguistic and general cultural training of students, postgraduates and teachers; professional development of teachers to improve the culture of speech communication; holding Olympiads, contests and other extracurricular activities in Russian and foreign languages, providing increased motivation and assessment of the competitiveness of participants in the culture of speech communication; organization of internships for undergraduate students, graduate students and teachers of non-

order to improve the quality of linguistic, special professional and general cultural training in a language environment.

The scientific and methodological direction provides for the construction of a methodological system for teaching languages and culture of speech communication, capable of overcoming contradictions between organizational learning models and the level of students' need for successful dynamics of personal development, based on a system of guidelines representing the unity of goals, knowledge, experience, principles, incentives; defining the educational process as the main source of the formation of a culture of speech communication using information, interactive and other modern technologies, improving the effectiveness of quality control of language teaching and culture of speech communication; defining tasks and developing technology for the formation of a culture of speech communication [3].

Thus, the implementation of the linguistic culture modernization project makes it possible to significantly improve the general literacy, speech culture and culture of speech communication of university students, which determines the ability of a person to be socially mobile in society, freely navigate in an open information space.

linguistic specialties in foreign countries in


1. Buryak N.Yu. The formation of a culture of a new type of linguistic personality in the context of globalization // Society: philosophy, history, culture. - 2020. - № 5 (73). - Pp. 93-96.

2. Buryak N.Yu., Fomenko L.N. Lacunary phenomena in periodicals when translated from one language to another (using the example of English and Russian) / Prospects of Science and Education. - 2018. - № 4 (34). - Pp. 283-286.

3. Kovalchuk M.A. Discussion as a means of teaching foreign language communication. Methodical manual for a teacher of foreign languages. - M., Higher School, 2008.

4. Solovova E.N. Methods of teaching foreign languages: Basic course of lectures: A manual for students of pedagogical colleges and teachers. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.



Н.Ю. Буряк, канд. культурологии, доцент

Академии маркетинга и социально-информационных технологий - ИМСИТ (Россия, г. Краснодар)

Аннотация. Обновление социокультурного пространства российского образования характеризуется его растущей автономизацией учреждений, усилением ответственности регионов за качество образования. Это происходит с учетом процессов глобализации, интеграции в мировое образовательное пространство, растущей мобильностью человека. В связи с этими процессами в современном обществе и, соответственно, в современном образовании явно проявляется ситуация встречи и взаимодействия различных культур, что определяет поликультурный характер социальных процессов.

Ключевые слова: культура, компетентностный подход, речевая культура, иностранный язык, речевые навыки и умения, языковая личность, культура речевого общения.

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