THE CREATIVE HERITAGE OF MULLA BEKJON RAHMON OGLU Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Rakhimov B.M.

Mulla Bekjan was born in 1887 in Khiva into an enlightened family. His father, Rahmonbergan Mahram, was a reformer who served as prime minister in the Khiva, ruled by the statesman Islam Khodja, and played an important role in the construction of a hospital, post office, telegraph office, as well as a number of madrasahs and minarets in Khiva. Growing up in this family, Bekjon grew up in the light of science and education, studied in schools and madrassas. The article is devoted to the creative heritage of Mullah Bekjon Rahmon oglu, who at the beginning of the 20th century in Khorezm collected, published and researched many works in the field of culture and education.

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Rakhimov B-М.

Rakhimov Botir Matyakubovich - Doctor of Philosophy in Art History, Head of the Department, DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMANCE AND CULTURE, URGENCH STATE UNIVERSITY, URGENCH, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: Mulla Bekjan was born in 1887 in Khiva into an enlightened family. His father, Rahmonbergan Mahram, was a reformer who served as prime minister in the Khiva, ruled by the statesman Islam Khodja, and played an important role in the construction of a hospital, post office, telegraph office, as well as a number of madrasahs and minarets in Khiva. Growing up in this family, Bekjon grew up in the light of science and education, studied in schools and madrassas.

The article is devoted to the creative heritage of Mullah Bekjon Rahmon oglu, who at the beginning of the 20th century in Khorezm collected, published and researched many works in the field of culture and education. Keywords: Khiva, Istanbul, Islamhoja, education, literature, musicologist, science, madrasah.


Рахимов Б.М.

Рахимов Ботир Матякубович - доктор философии по искусствознанию (PhD), заведующий кафедрой,

кафедра исполнительства и культуры, Ургенчский государственный университет, г. Ургенч, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: Мулла Бекджан родился в 1887 году в Хиве в просвещенной семье. Его отец, Рахмонберган Махрам, был реформатором, который занимал пост премьер-министра в Хивинском ханстве, управлял государственным деятелем Исламом Ходжей и сыграл важную роль в строительстве больницы, почты, телеграфа, а также ряда медресе и минаретов в Хиве. Выросший в этой семье, Бекжон вырос в свете науки и образования, учился в школах и медресе.

Статья посвящена творческому наследию Муллы Бекджона Рахмон оглу, который в начале ХХ века в Хорезме собрал, опубликовал и исследовал множество работ в области культуры и просвещения. Ключевые слова: Хива, Стамбул, Исламходжа, просвещение, литература, музыковед, наука, медресе.

Fig. 1. Photo by Mulla Bekjon Rahmon oglu

UDС 078

With the help of Mullah Bekjan's father Islamkhoja, he sent his son to study at the Istanbul seminary. In 1913-1918, Mulla Bekjan studied religious and secular knowledge. Earlier, Uzbek writers Fitrat, Abdurahmon Saadi, Usmon Khoja and others studied there. Mulla Bekjan's visit to Turkey introduced him to the idea of a movement of young Turks led by Ismail Ghaspirali. As a result, he came to Khiva, joined the Young Khiva and began to promote the Jadid movement.

After the dissolution of the Khiva Khanate in 1920, the Khorezm People's Soviet Republic was established, and on April 22, at the I Congress of the Khorezm People's Republic, Mulla Bekjon was elected for the first time as the Minister of Public Education. In turn, he also works as a culture supervisor. He was active in this work and "worked hard to open an orphanage for orphans in the khan's harem palace, together with Karim Qori-Niyazi, to find teachers and educators" [1, 212]. In October of this year, Mulla Bekjan was appointed inspector general.

He was the manager of the Khorezm Central Executive Committee and a member of the government. Actively participates in the conclusion of the economic and cultural agreement between the Republics of Bukhara and Khorezm.

In 1920-1924, when the Republic of Khorezm was functioning, for some time he also served as the country's Plenipotentiary Representative in Moscow.

In 1921, at the time of the coup d'etat in Khiva by the plenipotentiaries of the RSFSR, M. Bekjon was in Moscow and heard about these events through a foreign ministry. In order to take care of himself, he first went to Tashkent and then to Charjou and hid. "At the II Congress of the Khorezm People's Republic, M. Bekjon will again be sent as a member of the government, along with Muhammad Rakhimboy and Sobirbergan Kochkorov, as a government representative to Junaydkhan." On November 28 of this year, along with all the supervisors of the Khorezm People's Republic, "Mulla Bekjon Rahmon oglu was arrested and charged with" enemy of the Khorezm people, "first shot, then changed to ten years in prison" [1, 43] . Soon, some overseers will be involved in government work again. Mulla Bekjon Rahmon oglu was tortured in Turtkul prison until February 1923 on charges of "knowing and conspiring with" Mustafa Anvar Pasha and Turagul Risqulov at the Congress of Oriental Peoples in Baku in 1920, which was attended by representatives of more than 30 Muslim countries. He was re-arrested and later re-involved in government work as chairman of a commission consisting of V. Gorodetsky and Bobo Akhun Salimov, creators of textbooks for school children.

Mulla Bekjan is a literary critic, and very little is known about his scientific and creative biography. According to Naim Karimov, a well-known Khorezmian poet, "one of the victims of repression, Kurban Beregin, has completed 15 printed plates depicting the events of the 1920s in Khorezm, including the lives of intellectuals such as Mulla Bekjon Rahmon oglu. However, when Kurban Beregin was arrested, the work was also burned "[2, 45]. Unfortunately, none of his works has survived, except for the "History of Khorezm music." However, according to some reports, a close colleague of Abdurauf Fitrat, son of Bekjan Rahmon, was even one of the leaders in some places. According to Fitrat scholar, professor H. Boltaboev, the poem "Begijon" (1916), which belonged to Fitrat and was highly valued in his time and criticized the system and life of the Bukhara Emirate, was dedicated to Bekjon Rahmon's son. However, this work has not reached us.

In his short life, Mulla Bekjan managed to do a lot of creative work. "Father's word", "Folk literature", "Khorezm musical history" in music, "Adult alphabet" in pedagogy, "Reading book" in linguistics, Latin script in linguistics. "," Essays on Uzbek orthography "," Essays on the history of Khorezm "," Poems run "on literature. In the field of printing, he was the first editor-in-chief of the first newspaper in Khorezm, the Sun of the Revolution.

He initiated the emergence of such newspapers as "Kizil Khorezm", "Khorezm Khabarlari", "Maorif", "Yoshlar ovozi", "Ishchilar ovozi", "Yordam", "Qopqon". He tried to set up a paper mill and did a lot of work in this area. In collaboration with AN Samoilovich, a Russian orientalist, he translated many works of folklore and written literature into Russian and published them in St. Petersburg.

Mulla Bekjan's talents and abilities were extensive and he was also well versed in the science of musicology. In 1923, a music school was founded in Khiva, and the development of textbooks and programs for the school became a topical issue. In early 1924, on behalf of the Committee for the Study of Uzbeks, Muhammad Yusuf Devonzoda, a prominent intellectual of his time, wrote a book "History of Khorezm Music" in Uzbek.

This work is remarkable not only because it is a symbol of a new history, but also in other scientific and artistic-aesthetic aspects, and most of the documents and information contained in it are still relevant today.

One of the great merits of Mulla Bekjan is that after the end of the khanate he established and headed the People's Museum in the building of Tashhovli and built the State Museum, collecting many national treasures that could be plundered.

One of the main goals of Mulla Bekjan was to build a national state, to develop values, to study secular knowledge. For this reason, his activities were condemned during the Soviet era. G.M.Bilolov, who studied the enlightenment history of that period, using the policy of the Soviets, mentions Mulla Bekjan as a person who promoted the idea of bourgeois nationalism.

The book "Memories" by Turkish public figure Ahmadzaki Validiy Togon, translated from Turkish in Bashkortostan in 1996 (translated by Amir Yuldashbaev), speaks warmly of Mulla Bekjan: "Mulla Bekjan showed great devotion to the development of modern culture in Khiva. If Russia had not interfered, they would have done a great service to the young Khiva government "[3, 3 80]. Mulla Bekjon was closely acquainted with Zaki Validi, and in the late 1920s Z.Validi visited his house when he came to Khiva with his wife Nafisa and his three-month-old son Irismuhammad. Ms. Nafisa briefly worked as a teacher in one of the Khiva schools.

Consequently, Mulla Bekjan's relations with Turkey, his work in shaping national policy in the country and in the field of Jadidism led to his expulsion from the government.

It is well known that life in those days was extremely complicated. It is now clear to everyone how the fate of many patriotic intellectuals ended. Such a fate did not bypass Mulla Bekjan. In his memoirs, Z.Validi writes about the tragic end of his life: "After the dissolution of the Khiva government, he came to us in Bukhara, but did not deviate from the official path, became a communist, and finally was repressed in Tashkent during the repressions of 1937" [3, 380].

References / Список литературы

1. Yusupov Polvonniyoz Hoji. Yosh Xivaliklar tarixi. Urganch, 1999.

2. Karimov N. Qurbon Beregin qismati. Toshkent, 2006.

3. Ahmad Zakiy Validiy Tugon. Hotiralar. Bashkiria, I996.

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