УДК 37
Atalyyeva Y.Ch., Durdyyeva E.G., Alimowa S.A.,
Instructors of Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
This article explores the multifaceted creative heritage of Magtymguly and its enduring influence on Turkmen culture. It examines his poetic forms, thematic concerns, and the social and philosophical ideas embedded within his works. The analysis highlights how Magtymguly's poetry championed unity, justice, and moral values, becoming a cornerstone of Turkmen identity. Also it explores the ongoing relevance of Magtymguly's legacy in contemporary Turkmenistan, where his works continue to be celebrated and serve as a source of inspiration for artists and thinkers.
Magtymguly Pyragy, Turkmen literature, national identity, Turkmen culture, poetry, social justice, philosophy.
Аталыева Я.Ч., Дурдыева Э.Г., Алимова С.А.,
Преподаватели Туркменского государственного университета имени Махтумкули,
Ашхабад, Туркменистан
В данной статье исследуется многогранное творческое наследие Махтумкули и его непреходящее влияние на туркменскую культуру. Он исследует его поэтические формы, тематические проблемы, а также социальные и философские идеи, заложенные в его произведениях. Анализ показывает, как поэзия Махтумкули отстаивала единство, справедливость и моральные ценности, становясь краеугольным камнем туркменской идентичности. Также в нем исследуется сохраняющаяся актуальность наследия Махтумкули в современном Туркменистане, где его работы продолжают прославляться и служить источником вдохновения для художников и мыслителей.
Ключевые слова:
Махтумкули Фраги, туркменская литература, национальная идентичность, туркменская культура,
поэзия, социальная справедливость, философия.
The 18th century poet and philosopher Magtymguly Pyragy occupies a position of unparalleled importance within Turkmen culture. Often hailed as the «father of Turkmen literature,» his influence extends far beyond the realm of literary aesthetics. Magtymguly's poetry served as a potent force in shaping Turkmen national identity, fostering a sense of unity and purpose among a traditionally nomadic people. This article delves into the rich tapestry of Magtymguly's creative heritage, examining its thematic concerns, stylistic innovations, and lasting impact on Turkmen society. Magtymguly Pyragy stands as a towering figure in Turkmen literature, credited with laying the foundation for a written Turkmen language and shaping the national consciousness of his people.
The Poetic Voice of a Nation
Magtymguly's poetry broke new ground by employing a refined form of the Turkmen language, distinct from the spoken dialects used by nomadic tribes. This literary innovation provided a unifying element for a
geographically dispersed people. His poems, characterized by vivid imagery and a powerful use of metaphor, addressed a wide range of social and philosophical themes. He advocated for justice, condemned tyranny and corruption, and championed the importance of education and moral rectitude. Magtymguly's verses often expressed a deep love for his homeland and its rich cultural heritage, fostering a sense of national pride among his audience.
Beyond Verse: A Legacy of Social Commentary
Magtymguly's influence transcended the literary sphere. His poems served as a platform for social commentary, critiquing the injustices faced by ordinary people under feudal rule. He challenged the authority of corrupt leaders and advocated for a society based on fairness and equality. His call for unity among the Turkmen tribes resonated deeply, promoting a sense of shared identity that transcended tribal divisions. This social consciousness embedded within Magtymguly's poetry continues to inspire social movements and advocates for reform in contemporary Turkmenistan. Magtymguly in the 21st Century
Magtymguly's legacy remains vibrant in Turkmenistan today. His poems are recited, studied, and analyzed in schools and universities. National celebrations commemorate his life and work, and his image adorns public spaces. Contemporary Turkmen artists continue to find inspiration in his themes, reinterpreting his works through various artistic mediums. Magtymguly's enduring relevance lies in his ability to speak to universal human values, making his poetry resonate with audiences across generations and cultural divides. Conclusion
Magtymguly Pyragy's creative heritage stands as a testament to the power of literature to shape a nation's identity. His poems not only enriched the Turkmen language but also served as a catalyst for social and political consciousness. Magtymguly's legacy continues to inspire and challenge Turkmen society, ensuring his place as a timeless figure in the nation's cultural landscape. References:
1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. Ynsan kalbynyn ogmejek nury. - A§gabat: Turkmen dowlet ne§iryat gullugy, 2014.
2. Magtymguly. Eserler yygyndysy. I -jilt - A§gabat: Ylym, 2013.
3. Magtymguly. Eserler yygyndysy. II -jilt - A§gabat: Ylym, 2013.
4. Dowletmammet Azady. Eserler yygyndysy. - A§gabat: 2012.
© Atalyyeva Y.Ch., Durdyyeva E.G., Alimowa S.A., 2024
УДК 37
Dovletova S., Gurtgeldiyeva O., Myratgeldiyeva A., Rustemova E.,
Students of Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Scientific adviser: Annanurova A.R.,
Instructor of Magtymguly Turkmen State University,
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Magtymguly Pyragy, Turkmenistan's national poet, continues to resonate deeply with the country's young