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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Тадтаева А.В.

Статья посвящена использованию коммуникативного подхода при обучении иностранному языку в неязыковых ВУЗах. Рассмотрено теоретическое обоснование данного подхода в контексте решения конкретных образовательных задач. Исследован потенциал коммуникативной методики при обучении студентов высших учебных заведений иностранному языку, предложен ряд методических рекомендаций с целью повышения эффективности урока иностранного языка в неязыковом ВУЗе.The article is devoted to the use of the communicative approach in foreign language teaching in non-language universities. The theoretical justification of this approach in the context of defining some specific educational objectives is observed. The potential of communicative approach in teaching university students on foreign language teaching is explored. A number of guidelines to improve the effectiveness of language lessons in non-linguistic universities are given.

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разработана Государственная программа Ростовской области "Развитие сельского хозяйства и регулирование рынков сельскохозяйственной продукции, сырья и продовольствия" на 2014-2020 годы. Ее подпрограмма направлена на поддержку производства животноводческой продукции; обеспечение снижения рисков в животноводстве (страхование); обеспечение доступности кредитных ресурсов на развитие производства и переработки животноводческой продукции; развитие переработки и реализации продукции животноводства; проведение противоэпизоотических мероприятий; оздоровление крупного рогатого скота от лейкоза.

Повышению эффективности и конкурентоспособности отрасли животноводства Ростовской области могут способствовать следующие направления: реконструкция животноводческих комплексов, обеспечение отрасли высококвалифицированными кадрами, увеличение финансирования отрасли.

Использованные источники:

1. Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Ростовской области [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: URL: http://www.don-agro.ru/mdex.php?id=58 (дата обращения 04.12.2016)

2. Официальный портал Правительства Ростовской области [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: URL: http://www.donland.ru/economy/APK/?pageid=75915 (дата обращения 04.12.2016)

3. Партолина Т.Г. Приоритетные направления развития АПК Ростовской области // Проблемы развития современной экономики в условиях глобальных вызовов и трансформации экономического пространства. Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых: в 4-х томах. Главный редактор А.И. Клименко. 2015. С. 222-224.

УДК 378.09

Тадтаева А.В., к.п. н.


кафедра «Общественные науки» Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации (Владикавказский филиал)

Россия, г. Владикавказ

ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ КОММУНИКАТИВНОЙ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТИ НА ЗАНЯТИЯХ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА КАК ОДНО ИЗ УСЛОВИЙ КАРЬЕРНОГО РОСТА ВЫПУСКНИКА НЕЯЗЫКОВОГО ВУЗА Аннотация. Статья посвящена использованию коммуникативного подхода при обучении иностранному языку в неязыковых ВУЗах. Рассмотрено теоретическое обоснование данного подхода в контексте решения конкретных образовательных задач. Исследован потенциал коммуникативной методики при обучении студентов высших учебных

заведений иностранному языку, предложен ряд методических рекомендаций с целью повышения эффективности урока иностранного языка в неязыковом ВУЗе.

Ключевые слова: иностранный язык; коммуникативный подход; мотивация; коммуникативная компетентность; эффективное обучение; ключевые компетенции.


Abstract. The article is devoted to the use of the communicative approach in foreign language teaching in non-language universities. The theoretical justification of this approach in the context of defining some specific educational objectives is observed. The potential of communicative approach in teaching university students on foreign language teaching is explored. A number of guidelines to improve the effectiveness of language lessons in non-linguistic universities are given.

Keywords: foreign language; communicative approach; motivation; communicative competence; effective education; key competences.

Nowadays special attention is paid to the concept of "competence" and a problem of competence-based training approach in pedagogical literature. Why has the problem of competence formation become especially urgent now? It is caused by the formation of the new economic relations in our society, a new paradigm of relationship between the employer and the hired employee which demands from the last one not only profound knowledge in the field of the profession but also the certain types of competence possession [1].

The analysis of pedagogical literature allows drawing a conclusion that competence-based approach is not absolutely innovative. Some elements of this approach are rather actively used and developed in teaching and educational process.

According to many authors the following can serve as working definition: communicative competence is an ability speaking to carry out speech communication, on the basis of the communication subject available knowledge, his styles, etiquette, realities of language in which there is a communication taking into account features of the current situation for achievement of desirable result (purpose) [16].

According to scientists, there is a number of competences, the key from which the Council of Europe distinguishes the following:

1. political and social competence;

2. cross-cultural competence;

3. communicative competence;

4. social and information competence;

5. personal competence.

The formation of the key competences demands integrative approach and is implemented during all teaching and educational process in which it is impossible to fix rigidly concrete disciplines or kinds of activity "responsible" for the solution of the called tasks. At the same time, the special role in this relation of different disciplines is obvious [11; 17].

The matter is that with globalization development the international contacts are becoming closer, and the practice of the international negotiations is becoming more and more intensive. Participants of the international communication follow uniform norms and the rules, nevertheless, national and cultural peculiarities can be very considerable at business relations [2; 4].

Modern psychologists have proved that verbal communication in a conversation occupies less than 35%, and more than 65% of information which are transmitted through nonverbal means of communication which have bright social-and-cultural coloring. For this reason in definition of national style of negotiating it is necessary to emphasize a role of nonverbal communications. Thus, national style of negotiating is understood as commitment to certain national cultural traditions and values, the specific nature of mentality, features of nonverbal communications which are shown in behavior of the negotiators belonging to different national cultures. The question of national styles of negotiating was raised in the theory long ago, but still has no standard decision [3; 10; 15].

Some authors believe that national peculiarities aren't so essential. They reason the opinion with the fact that if any business offer is interesting to both parties of negotiators, then the transaction will take place in any case. They mean that knowledge of culture and traditions has no influence the success of negotiations [14].

Others, on the contrary, attach them great value. They are sure that any kind of the international business relations means cross-cultural communication and understanding of culture of the country with which the bargain is concluded or negotiations are just conducted.

The third consider that in each case value of national peculiarities can differ significantly, for example, at coincidence of interests national peculiarities do not play an essential role, but at the conflict of interests national distinctions come to the forefront. The opinion is quite widespread that it is easier for representatives of one race to conduct negotiations. Meanwhile, it is not always right [6; 13].

Scientists have come to a conclusion that the closer people to each other ethnically, especially essential differences of opinion on this or that problem are presented to them the more people in the ethnic plan differ, especially for their representatives coincidence in opinions will be significant. At the same time it should be noted that at interest coincidence of the parties national distinctions are not noticed, but once the conflict arises, they begin to play an important role. I would join the second point of view as negotiations are a dialogue, and dialogue means respect for the partner and understanding of distinctions which exist between its participants [8].

The understanding helps to avoid mistakes and promotes the conclusion of transactions and development of long-term cooperation very much. In the present article the purpose is to show how difficult can be negotiations between representatives of a business community in various European countries. In spite of the fact that territorially all European countries were very compactly located on the continent, the geographical location, culture, religion, language of each country form national style of negotiators. Ignoring of it can complicate negotiating considerably, and knowledge of national peculiarities can serve as guarantee of their success [12].

From the specifics of nonverbal communications point of view, it is important to divide national styles into cultures with "a low context" and "a high context". In cultures with "a low context" (England, Germany and the Scandinavian countries) the influence of nonverbal communications is insignificant: ability to speak shortly is appreciated here, it is also clear on business, the ambiguity and uncertainty aren't welcomed, the pronounced words are perceived practically without the possible hidden sense. In cultures with "a high context" (the countries of the southern Mediterranean: Greece, Spain, Italy, and especially France) information is transferred by mainly nonverbal means: more saturated, huge value a personal contact, the status have communication here. Sometimes the sense hidden in words is capable to change on the opposite. From the time relation point of view, national styles can be divided into monochromic and polychromic that reflects degree of punctuality and dynamism of business partners. In England, Germany and the Scandinavian countries punctuality and observance of the negotiations schedule is considered a basis of business communication because these cultures are monochromic. Focused on achievement of certain purposes (in business, first of all, it is the conclusion of transactions), representatives of these countries consider that negotiations have to begin in due time, they do not assume that they were interrupted. They prefer to discuss the problems in a special sequence and hope to keep within the established time frames. On the contrary, in the countries of the southern Mediterranean people worry much less about time as these cultures are polychromic. Focused on relationship establishment, the negotiators from the polychromic cultures (Greece, Spain, Italy, France) can break time of the beginning of negotiations. They don't consider delay as a personal insult, can be interrupted if it is necessary and to discuss several questions at the same time therefore the time limit of negotiations is not very often observed [9; 19].

From the relation to space point of view, national styles can be divided into formal and informal that is reflected in borders of social space which is necessary for negotiators. The distance plays very significant role at which partners talk in negotiations. In formal cultures (the Northern European countries) the personal zone is much more, than in informal cultures (the Southern Mediterranean countries): 120 cm against 80 cm. For example, attempts of partners from Italy and Greece to approach Germans or Swedes too close cause discomfort. As the increase in the distance accepted in culture of one of interlocutors can be

interpreted by him as excessive formality, or even to suggest an idea that they are physically unpleasant or they are avoided.

In spite of the fact that the European countries is possible to unite, from their relation at the right time and to space point of view, on northern and southern, each people in the context of these associations have distinctive, lines only inherited by him. For example, the English businessmen are one of the most qualified negotiators in the business world of the West. They have developed a certain ritual of business communication to which it is necessary to adhere strictly. Punctuality in Great Britain is a tough rule. They are absolutely unshakable in all these concerns observance of the accepted rules and furthermore laws. They have a highly developed sense of justice therefore at business management they profess the belief in fair play [18].

The English style of conducting commercial negotiations is characterized by a pragmatical approach to business and traditional ability to avoid acute angles. The English partners find not enough time for questions of preparation of negotiation process, believing that depending on the partner's position at negotiations it will be possible to find the optimal solution. At the same time they are rather flexible and willingly respond to an initiative of the opposite side. Trade political factor which sometimes forces the English firm to cross through obvious commercial benefit is very important for definition of a position of the English firms at negotiations on the conclusion of contracts both on export, and on import and to refuse the contract. At commercial negotiations British pay special attention to the duration of the period of contacts with partners. The relationship which besides is supported with purely friendly attitudes towards the partner, the easier English businessman is longer to conclude the bargain if not to the detriment of themselves, then with very small benefit.

By tradition the Englishman is reserved in judgments, avoids categorical statements, diligently bypasses in a conversation any personal moments, which can be regarded as invasion into private life of the others. An inherited ability in the British is patience to listen to the partner, without objecting him. They simply consider self-control as the main advantage of human character.

The Irish are unpretentious, passionate, natures fond of different things. Externally they look open but are very cunning. During negotiations they are kind, show comprehension. They have rich imagination, are able to speak beautifully therefore it is necessary "to filter" their speech not to get on tricks and to understand the essence. The Irish businessmen are considered as the most difficult negotiators in all Western Europe. Owing to certain historical reasons they developed special behavior model in relation to foreigners: to make a deal from the first time so not to solve the same problem for the second time. Stealthiness, non-obligation, mistrust, aspiration to conceal any information, hostility to "strangers" make business communication simply impossible. By the way, they perfectly know the shortcomings, speak about them with a smile and are even proud of them a little [7].

The German style of conducting commercial negotiations is characterized

by dryness and a pedantry. Besides, the German partners are always very prudent. They enter negotiations only when they are firmly convinced that they will come to some agreement with the partner. The German partners usually study the position even before negotiations very carefully and like to discuss questions at negotiations consistently, one by one, also carefully considering all their details. The German businessmen are known for the honesty, frankness and addiction to accuracy. They like to give the facts and examples very much. The Germans are not indifferent to figures, schemes and charts. In the course of discussion with such partners of their positions it is necessary to strive for clarity, clearness and brevity and not to use empty words and expressions without definite meanings. All offers and remarks ought to have especially business and concrete character.

The Germans are always very accurate and scrupulous as business partners. At the conclusion of transactions they will insist on rigid implementation of the assumed obligations, and also payment of high penalties in case of their nonperformance. If you doubt that you will be able to meet all conditions of the arrangement with them, it is better to refuse the offers in advance. When negotiating the Germans are extremely serious and, as a rule, don't accept humour or jokes of other countries. They just don't understand them.

The Swedes are known in the world for the business ethics which is close to the German one, but it is not so dry. Diligence, accuracy, punctuality, decency and reliability in every respect belong to its characteristic features.

The skill level of the Swedish businessmen is very high (as a rule, they know several European languages, first of all, English and German) therefore, they especially appreciate professionalism of their partners. The Swedish businessmen like to plan affairs in advance therefore it is better to agree about business meetings beforehand. They prefer to know the list of negotiators. The Swedes are reserved, do not express the emotions brightly. They previously and comprehensively study the received offers and like to consider all questions in the smallest details. Friendly relations and the relations play a special role in business development. Their work is not limited with walls of the office and has continuation behind a friendly dinner at the restaurant or on a visit. Home invitations are given only to the closest or important partners.

Having considered features of businessmen of such countries of Northern Europe as England, Ireland, Germany and Sweden in details, we will be transferred to the countries of the Mediterranean: Greece, Spain, Italy and France. The Greek culture of business is extremely various. Thousands of the enterprises in Greece belong to families; many of them are run throughout several generations. Each enterprise has its own style of business management and communication. Doing business with Greeks, it is necessary to face a set of various approaches, rules and criteria.

However from the 90-th businessmen of the Greek origin gradually come back to the country from the European countries and America, introducing the European style of business. Punctuality is not peculiar to the Greeks. They seldom come to business meetings in time, their delay can be made from 10 minutes till 1

o'clock. Besides, cancellations of meetings happen quite often. There is often no agenda at all or it is made just before a meeting, but then all the same do not adhere. They constantly jump on different subjects (sometimes speak all together at the same time), and partners have a feeling that they spray the attention in tens of various directions. The matter is that the Greeks are sure that decisions are made not at a meeting, and has no special value to what decision you will come now. However, the Greeks can agree quickly if they see that the transaction unambiguously is favorable to them. The Greeks have got used to expressional communication. They too often repeat and give many excess examples therefore, for the discussion of a question or information transfer which takes more time than usual. Real actions not always correspond to oral arrangements: everything can be changed day by day [21].

If the Greeks say that something "is signed", then it means that they simply "announce the transaction" and for this moment many decisions can be still not final. The consideration of papers bothers the Greeks quickly. They do not especially show consideration for drawing up the contract, preferring to record only necessary information, but not to provide all options of event succession. The Greeks are inclined to consider the contract rather as a preliminary sketch, than as the last word which should be observed sacredly. The Greeks are ambitious and possess heightened sense of own advantage and independence of judgments. If you manage to keep contact and readiness for the dialogue, the Greeks will show a surprising ingenuity to cut off "acute angles" and to find alternative solutions. Despite certain difficulties it is pleasant to run business in Greece. Business in this country always goes hand in hand with hospitality which helps to forget about all problems.

The Spaniards are sincere, warm, open, have sense of humour and ability to work in team. Style of conducting business negotiations with representatives of the Spanish firms is not really dynamic as they are big fans of message verbose discussions. The Spaniards treat those people who meet the stranger on clothes; they will appreciate faultless appearance of the partner in negotiations: a classical suit, a white shirt, the corresponding tie, dark socks and to gloss the polished footwear. In Spain it is not accepted to invite business partners home. However, if such offer has arrived, then bring a gift flowers and wine with you. Avoid expensive gifts which can be apprehended as a bribe and will offend the partner. There is something more. A siesta for them is sacred time therefore this hour no appointments are made and not any negotiations are conducted.

The Italian style of behavior at negotiations differs in very active establishment of partnership. They are expansive, like to discuss personal subjects, welcome the atmosphere of trust and benevolence. Informal contacts with partners including in not working hours have important value for them. They believe that in an informal situation it is possible to state more freely critical remarks concerning business proposals of the partner without risking offending him. The Italians attach great value to the negotiations which are conducted between people of approximately equal social status. Before negotiations they seek to learn,

whenever possible, as much as possible about the partners in all aspects. At meetings the Italian businessmen do not adhere strictly to the agenda. They begin to discuss questions which have to be considered later, come back to already solved problems again. At the communication with the Italians it is necessary to consider that they are polite, friendly, sensitive to observance of business etiquette rules in general. They are proud of their country, and they are imposed by that attention which their business partners show to Italian history and culture.

The French also highly appreciate knowledge of history and culture of their country in partners. They are very attentive in keeping their independence and do not like to use English or German as the working languages at negotiations, believing that it restrains their self-respect thus, preferring their language. The French businessmen carefully prepare for the forthcoming negotiations. The great value is attached to achievement of preliminary arrangements by them. The French prefer to discuss all possible changes of questions in advance as they do not like to face unexpected changes in positions of partners during the negotiations. The French like to begin business negotiations at 11:00 o'clock in the morning, but do not differ in accuracy and are not always punctual. They try to avoid official discussions of any questions in private. Like to study all aspects and consequences of the arriving offers thoroughly therefore negotiations take place in much slower speed with them. Any attempts to accelerate negotiations can only do much harm to business.

The French negotiators try to avoid official discussions of any questions "in private", traditionally are guided by logical proofs and proceed from "the general principles". They conduct negotiations rather rigidly and, as a rule, have no "a spare position". They quite often interrupt the interlocutor to state critical remarks or counterarguments. Choosing confrontational type of interaction, the French partners seek to keep, however, at the same time lines of behavior, traditional for the French nation: courtesy, politeness, courtesy, tendency to a joke and ease in communication [5].

The development of transport and modern methods of communication have led to the intensification of negotiations as the known national borders washing out takes place. There is a mutual penetration of national styles into practice of negotiations. As a result the special subculture of negotiators with the rules of conduct which can differ from the accepted national norms considerably is gradually formed in the world. And it is still not necessary to exaggerate value of the last factor. The similar subculture is formed mainly at those who constantly participate in negotiations, for example, at diplomats.

In spite of the fact that negotiations between the commercial organizations or representatives of the northern and southern European countries have regular character and concern the most different fields of business, it would be wrong and inexpedient to dump national peculiarities of negotiating from the account. As practice shows, those negotiations which participants attentively treat cross-cultural distinctions before starting establishment of business contacts and study national peculiarities of the potential business partner will be successful. The

national style means the characteristic rather for the countries than for nationalities. But it is absolutely different when you read the brief information on customs of the country with which representatives it is necessary to hold business negotiations, and when you have to adopt approach of the opposite country. It is expensive strategy because similar work, certainly, demands big expenses of time and means (for example, holding trainings) [20].

Thus, application of competence-based approach in professional education assumes understanding the educational process of an ultimate goal of the activity by all subjects: training of the expert owning key competences capable to solve various problems in professional practice, ready to innovative activity in the communicative sphere, realizing the public importance of the profession and the career development prospect. In the course of training all types of competence created as a key by the Council of Europe, can be formed actively. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the development of communicative competence on foreign language lessons, creating especially favorable conditions. They are training by means of an educational situation, one of the most important factors of which is the teacher and student creative educational interaction.

To conclude, having communicative competence as one of the key types of competence, the university graduates will be able to become successful in their professional activity.

Использованные источники:

1. Ахсарова М.И., Техова А.Р., Тадтаева А.В. Завтрашний день образования в России // В сборнике: Образование: традиции и инновации. Материалы V международной научно-практической конференции. Ответственный редактор: Уварина Н.В. 2014. - С. 65-67.

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Черневская Ю.В. студент магистратуры Новосибирский государственный педагогический университет



В статье рассмотрены основные понятия, характерные для проблемы патриотического воспитания школьников во внеучебной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: патриотическое воспитание, внеучебная деятельность, образовательный туризм.

Проблема патриотического воспитания школьников сегодня является одной из приоритетных проблем образования. Такое воспитание направлено на развитие любви к Родине, родной земле и культуре. Актуальность проблемы подтверждается государственными программами, направленными на создание условий для дальнейшего развития патриотического воспитания граждан Российской Федерации, обеспечение соответствия его содержания новым историческим реалиям. Патриотическое воспитание школьников сегодня приобретает столь значимый характер во многом из-за высокого уровня информированности молодого поколения и значительного разнообразия источников информации - иногда прямо противоречащих друг другу. Источников, в которых довольно сложно найти истинную сущность понимания патриотизма. Ещё не сформировавшееся представление школьника о любви к Родине может стать легкой мишенью для неверной информации. К тому же весь опыт, накопленный за прошлые периоды развития в данном направлении невозможно использовать в полной мере в новых условиях, а, значит, необходимо нарабатывать качественно новый опыт, создавать новые возможности для развития патриотизма.

Достаточно сложным для восприятия является только теоретическая

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