Научная статья на тему 'The development of the foreign language learning motivation by university students'

The development of the foreign language learning motivation by university students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tadtaeva Anzhelika V., Avanesyan Viktoria S., Alborova Valeria V.

It is considered the most acceptable educational priorities, in particular, development of the motivation to the university students' foreign language learning and further, the future experts' professional mobility in the conditions of multilevel education. The purpose of the future experts' motivation at the present stage is the communicative competence development and readiness for cross-cultural communication with the use of the learned language as the instrument of this communication. The tasks for research are to identify the expansion of the vocational training experts' profile, and also to find the ways of the foreign-language communication skills development. Practical application of the motivation development for the students of higher educational institutions is focused on the formation of the students' academic mobility as the personal quality allowing future expert to develop their professional abilities by means of studying and getting foreign experience at the foreign language lessons.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The development of the foreign language learning motivation by university students»

DOI: 10.18522/2070-1403-2017-62-3-137-145


UDC 37

Anzhelika V. Tadtaeva, Viktoria S. Avanesyan, Valeria V. Alborova

Finance university of Russian Federation Administration Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation tanzhela2005@yandex.ru


[А.В. Тадтаева, В.С. Аванесян, В.В. Алборова Развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка у студентов университета]

It is considered the most acceptable educational priorities, in particular, development of the motivation to the university students' foreign language learning and further, the future experts' professional mobility in the conditions of multilevel education. The purpose of the future experts' motivation at the present stage is the communicative competence development and readiness for cross-cultural communication with the use of the learned language as the instrument of this communication. The tasks for research are to identify the expansion of the vocational training experts' profile, and also to find the ways of the foreign-language communication skills development. Practical application of the motivation development for the students of higher educational institutions is focused on the formation of the students' academic mobility as the personal quality allowing future expert to develop their professional abilities by means of studying and getting foreign experience at the foreign language lessons.

Key words: motivation, multilevel education, academic mobility, foreign-language communication, foreign-language competence.

The present stage of higher education development in Russia is connected with the processes of the domestic education system entry into the European educational space, at the same time keeping its cultural national and specific priorities. Crisis conditions of the modern development in Russia including the sphere of the higher education couldn't be more perfectly reflected in the contradictions in educational approaches to training and education of university students. It has historically developed that educational priorities are expressed through a prism public political and social relations of production. The situation of educational priorities formation is not an exception in this sense. Thus, there is such phenomena as lack of due quantity of jobs for young specialists, a regional not demand for a number of specialties, backwardness of production infrastructure in a number of branches. In this regard the Russian

universities are focused in the educational activity on the solution of the task connected with the reduction in compliance of the higher educational quality with the requirements and the modern level of the production and economy development.

The experts' "expansion of the vocational training profile" is defined by an objective tendency of modern society development [9]. In many respects the solution of this task is promoted by the socially reasonable system of the educational priority directions in higher education.

The most acceptable educational priorities at the present stage are the following:

• a multilevel education (bachelor degree, magistracy, doctoral studies);

• an additional vocational education in system of higher education;

• an education "through all life" [2];

• a cross-disciplinary integration of higher education.

In the context of the allocated priority directions to university standards for the new generation specialties the main educational programs according to which the specialties curricula, the corresponding working programs, educational and methodical complexes are developed.

At present, when Russian education enters a phase of integration into the unique European educational environment, the processes of rapprochement and harmonization of education systems in the countries of Europe and Russia are becoming more and more urgent. The European space creation in the higher education as a key direction of the citizens' mobility development as the intellectual, scientific and technical potential of Europe defines the main strategy of higher education ensuring the European higher education institutions competitiveness with other education systems [1].

The academic mobility of the university students represents various phenomena and can be treated from the positions of students' ability the in use of the European and domestic resource in the sphere of future professional activity. It means that students have a right for the choice of any educational institution. At the same time the personality's academic mobility development represents a system of the student's personal qualities in providing and optimizing his training within the international educational programs. Note that the provisions of the Bologna Declaration have advisory nature that gives the chance to the Russian higher education institutions creatively to approach development of converting strategy in the higher educational system [5].

In the context of students' academic mobility development, following the most priority educational reference points, one of the perspective directions should allocate students' training within additional qualifications. In particular, the formation and the subsequent academic development and further the future expert's professional mobility, an indispensable condition assumes the development of skills of foreign-language communication. The purposes of linguistic education of future experts at the present stage join the development of communicative competence and readiness for cross-cultural communication with the use of the language learned as the instrument of this communication [3].

A foreign languages acquisition is an obligatory component of higher educational content and a condition of the personality's entry into culture. At the same time the set of "knowledge", "abilities", "skills" is traditionally perceived as the expected educational result. However, for professional self-determination this educational result is not fundamental. The foreign-language competence expressing result of higher education unlike a set of knowledge, abilities, skills, provides readiness of the university graduate in various specialties to really use the gained knowledge according to the increasing requirements of society and the professional environment [12].

The social and economic changes, a change of valuable priorities in the course of the foreign language knowledge aggravate contradictions in development of the personality by means of foreign-language culture. The traditional nature of education does not allow the university graduate to carry out the activity connected with foreign-language communication and real knowledge of foreign-language objects in full. The appeal to the foreign-language competence phenomenon in the course of valuable foreign-language reality perception allows to reconstruct educational process from the positions of higher educational achievement the result of which is foreign-language competence. The foreign-language reality and the identity of the student as the subject of educational process represents system joints, interaction between which is carried out on the basis of valuable orientations [4].

A foreign-language competence is a system and valuable personal new growth synthesizing a foreign-language, professional knowledge, foreign-language abilities and the valuable relations. A foreign-language competence is shown in valuable self-determination and readiness of the personality for the educational organization, cognitive, professional activity from statement of the purposes, the choice of know-

ledge ways before the control and assessment of the received results. A foreign-language competence is the result of object knowledge of the foreign-language reality for the personally and professionally significant activity implementation [6].

A foreign-language competence acquires intrinsic characteristics in the following case if:

• the dynamics of the valuable relations of the student to knowledge and self-determination in professional activity along with accumulation of the integrated foreign-language knowledge and development of abilities is provided;

• the content of linguistic education relies on objects studying of the foreign-language reality in a dialogue of the cultures transformed in the course of knowledge through a prism of the valuable relations;

• the process of training in foreign languages is continuous, developed in real time and space, structured according to stages of system and valuable technology of the foreign-language competence development (the first stage is an approximate and fact-finding, the second one is practically-focused, the third stage is professional and valuable);

• a pedagogical interaction "teacher-student" is valuably significant environment of the foreign-language competence development and provides the exchange of knowledge, ways of knowledge and values;

• the technology of the foreign-language competence development relies on the educational, communicative-and-pragmatical integration, personal-ly-and-professionally significant purposes values [9, 11].

From the positions of pedagogical interaction foreign-language competence can be considered as a process and as a result. A foreign-language competence as a result is a result of system and valuable knowledge of objects in the foreign-language reality. Objects of real foreign-language reality represent the multidimensional phenomenon expressed by oral and written texts, foreign-language information, concerning practical foreign language skills [13]. The elements of foreign-language reality learned in the dialogue of cultures, the regional geography, standards of behavior, paralinguistics represent the necessary material during which knowledge bases of foreign-language competence are formed. From the of foreign-language competence point of view effectiveness represents a special cut (cross-section) of integrative set of knowledge, abilities and the valuable relations of the student identity created during the educational process. Each cut can be con-

sidered as a certain educational result at a certain stage of the educational process. A conditional set of cuts is the individual's foreign-language competence which is rather finished in its development [10].

An again created foreign-language competence initiates further development of the student's identity as feedback acts. In this case foreign-language competence has such characteristics as stability, completeness, completeness, flexibility, openness. A foreign-language competence as a process is strengthening of the personality's projective activity and dynamics of the personality's development on the basis of objects knowledge in the foreign-language reality. By the time of entering a university the elementary level of foreign-language competence is already considerably created therefore high school linguistic education is a defining stage in the development of competences, including, foreign-language competence. It is the period of system and valuable personality's development in the aspect of informational cognitive potential, self-determination in the professional activity [15].

A foreign-language competence development is a dynamic nonlinear process of the personality's transformation from the positions of system and valuable development in the professionally significant foreign-language knowledge for the purpose of the educational and professional activity organization. The logic of the foreign-language competence analysis turns us to subjects of pedagogical interaction "the teacher - the student" which is the axiological environment of the studied system development [7].

A foreign-language competence reflects intrinsic characteristics of the purposes and results of linguistic education in the university not only at the level of subject but also as educational and upbringing aspect. The integration of the informative, activity, axiological significant results of the personality's development is a basis of formation and development of foreign-language competence and provides the achievement in practical professionally significant results of foreign language skills. A foreign-language competence reflects the personality's project-ive ability to designing of foreign-language professionally significant activity in the aspect of educational result [14].

Professionally significant foreign-language activity is a result of foreign-language competence development and it represents the subject embodiment of communicative function of language. Foreign language knowledge in the aspect of foreign-language competence development is socially caused value-oriented act which

updating relies on the set of internal and external aspects. It is necessary to refer to the internal aspects: linguistic features of this or that language, regularity of language units development in the concrete language, the rule and norm of the language units use in speeches, the personality's psychological features in the course of the foreign language development. The internal aspects of the foreign-language competence development correspond to external aspects which treat regional geographic and regional features of the concrete language, social-and-linguistic position of foreign and native languages, similarities and distinctions in the social-and-cultur-al maintenance of the native languages learned and valuable society's categories and the carriers' attitude towards the learned and native languages, the social order for the knowledge volume and the level of practical foreign language skills [8]. The communicative competence development is also focused on the formation of the students' academic mobility as the personal quality allowing the future specialist to develop his or her professional abilities by means of studying and familiarizing with foreign experience. Along with the professionally significant qualities development students have an opportunity to expand the world outlook horizons considerably that defines the future expert's further degree of competitiveness.


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_May 19, 2017

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