THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
communicative function / the functioning of language / linguistic pragmatics / a communicative situation / communicative approach / methodical system / methodological concept / recreate / the situation / the real situation. / коммуникативная функция / функционирование языка / лингвистическая прагматика / коммуникативная ситуация / коммуникативный подход / методическая система / методологическая концепция / воссоздание / ситуация / реальная ситуация.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Pidaeva, Shahnoza Bahtiyarovna

In this article substantiates the idea that the communicative approach has caused a real revolution in the methods of teaching languages

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В данной статье обосновывается мысль о том, что коммуникативный подход произвел настоящую революцию в методике обучения языкам.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



Pidaeva Shahnoza Bahtiyarovna

Interfaculty department of the English language National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek,

senior teacher


In this article substantiates the idea that the communicative approach has caused a real revolution in the methods of teaching languages

Keywords: communicative function, the functioning of language, linguistic pragmatics, a communicative situation, communicative approach, methodical system, methodological concept, recreate, the situation, the real situation.

В данной статье обосновывается мысль о том, что коммуникативный подход произвел настоящую революцию в методике обучения языкам.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативная функция, функционирование языка, лингвистическая прагматика, коммуникативная ситуация, коммуникативный подход, методическая система, методологическая концепция, воссоздание, ситуация, реальная ситуация.


Due to the development of a pragmatic approach in linguistics, in particular the theory of speech acts, interest in the mechanisms of communication through language and its communicative function has increased. The processes of direct implementation of the language system and norms in practice have come into the orbit of linguists' attention. It became clear that during the functioning of language in communication, not some abstract norm or system is implemented, but those variants of them that are represented by speakers, listeners, readers and writers in everyday communication. The object of research has thus become what is commonly called speech in linguistics — any written or spoken text. It is important to note that speech was considered not by itself, but in the totality of the factors of its generation: who, with whom, how, and for what purpose communicates. The central concept of linguistic pragmatics, and with it the methodology, has become a communicative situation, including all of the above and other factors affecting the nature, goals and methods of communication. This led to a real revolution in the methodology of language teaching, namely, to the development and formation of a communicative


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

approach, the purpose of which was to teach communication in a foreign language, close in its qualities and characteristics to how native speakers use this language. Since all operations with language are understood in line with pragmatic theory as an action, the methodological system of the communicative approach also considers the learning process as an action performed with and in language. It follows from this that this methodological concept assumes greater activity of students and loading the maximum number of channels for receiving information as a prerequisite for successful memorization and further use of language information. The concept of a communicative situation is adopted by the methodology as a phenomenon that determines the logic of presenting the material on the pages of the textbook and in the lesson. All exercises of the communicative approach are somehow connected with the need to recreate the situation of real communication, assimilate its parameters and develop the skill of transferring the learned material to all similar situations. Hence the surge of interest in various dialog exercises, situations of role-playing communication, role-playing games, simulations of real communication.


Of course, such an active practice is based on linguistic material — vocabulary and grammar. The choice of material is carried out for purely practical reasons. It is known, for example, that any traditional textbook of a foreign language has a paragraph (unit, Lecture, etc.) and a corresponding topic at the heart of its structure. Communication-oriented textbooks partially overcome these traditions. The new thing is that the basis on which the "paragraph" is built is not the "topic" (family, food, school, etc.), but the verbal intention (what I want to say/write). The verbal intention, for example: to request information, to ask a question / request, to express gratitude, is brought into line with possible communicative situations in which it is necessary to be able to implement such a verbal intention. This is how the relationship arises: intention — situation. However, since the same intention can be expressed in different ways within the same situation (more or less politely, in literary language or jargon, more difficult or more simple in linguistic terms), the "intention -situation" pair is supplemented by the "language/speech means" component. It is assumed that all alternative possibilities cannot be assimilated at once, within the framework of "one paragraph". Consequently, the logic of the textbook must include an inevitable return to the material, but with the use of new language tools. In this case, the methodology speaks of a "cyclic progression", that is, an increase in complexity according to the spiral model: with each turn of the spiral, we move further away from the starting point, inevitably, nevertheless, returning to it.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Thus, the verbal intention determines the choice of both the situations themselves and the lexical and grammatical means necessary to solve the problem of communication "here and now".

The goal of teaching communication "as in life" defines a number of other points that are extremely important in the communicative methodology.

• Real communication situations are connected not only with "spoken" texts, but also with other sign systems (road signs, pictograms, etc.) and printed texts (advertising, questionnaires, menus, train schedules, etc.). These texts are included in the learning process in order to operate with them in the context of the proposed situations. Consequently, in parallel with studying a foreign language proper, we study what surrounds native speakers of this language in their everyday life, learn to work with these types of texts — we fill out real questionnaires, choose travel routes according to real train schedules, read real ads from newspapers. The knowledge of life in the country of the language being studied goes "naturally" during the process of learning a foreign language. This concept is called integrated country studies.

• Within the framework of a communicative situation, we act not only as speakers, but also as listeners. The thesis that there is no speaking without listening leads to the realization of the need to develop not only speaking skills, but also listening (listening) skills with the help of a special system of exercises and authentic audio materials (radio announcements, radio ads, radio plays, answering machine information, etc.).

Despite the fact that this approach is firmly established in the teaching methodology, it has not remained a frozen system. Over time, adjustments were made to the communicative methodology, taking into account the criticism to which it was subjected at the first stages of its existence.

One-sided orientation exclusively on the situation of speech communication and increased attention to speaking did not allow paying sufficient attention to such types of speech activity as reading and writing. In addition, it predetermined the nature of most of the selected texts in the communicative textbooks. There was a need to return the literary text to the textbook, since it makes it possible to diversify approaches to reading through understanding for what purpose the text is being read. If it is necessary to understand the content only in the most general terms, to determine the subject of the text, that is, to find out "what is the text about?", we use the so-called global reading strategy; if we want to delve into the content, we will adopt a detailed reading strategy; if we need specific data, facts, quotes, etc., we we will stick to a selective reading strategy. These approaches have been transferred to educational

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 4/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

texts. So there was a coherent system of teaching strategies for receptive activities — reading and listening. In addition, the need to return to using the native language of students as a basis for comparison or, which is very important for the teacher, as a basis for predicting possible errors was gradually realized. Today, methodists do not so categorically reject the use of the native language in teaching.

Along with the reliance on the native language, it was necessary to rely on the native culture, on the personal experience of the students. Awareness of the specifics of the culture of the language being studied also comes through awareness of their national and cultural characteristics and traditions. The authors of the textbooks came to the need to create on the pages of the textbook, as far as possible, an objective picture of someone else's reality. Under the motto of the intercultural approach to teaching, new goals were set: comparison of two or more cultures, search for common points of contact and differences, reaction to differences taking into account political and cultural correctness.


The new principle of material selection and work with it is based on the processes of mandatory awareness and understanding. It is through understanding the text, the situation, the phenomenon of someone else's reality that students come to the need to formulate a statement. Speaking is not understood and is not planned as a repetition or simulation of dialogues, but as a conscious activity, for example, in a discussion, in finding and bringing an argument, in the ability to convince or refute the interlocutor, to share your thoughts.

At the lesson, such forms as working in small groups in order to find a joint solution to the task with the subsequent discussion of the proposed solutions, project-type tasks that go beyond the educational process and represent a kind of collective creativity are widely used.


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2. Passov E.I. "The concept of communicative teaching of foreign language culture" Enlightenment, Moscow 1993.

3. Громова О.А. Аудиовизуальный метод и практика его применения. М., 1997.

4. Костера П. Обучение иностранному языку в языковой лаборатории. М.,


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