Sobirova Dilafruz Akromqizi, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulughbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
E-mail: dilichka_7773@mail.ru
Abstract. The present article focuses on the analyzing of the features and functions of the coordinating conjunctions in English and Uzbek linguistics. Rather than writing the two sentences separately, we can condense it into a single sentence that highlights how the two qualities seldom go hand in hand by means of conjunctions. Conjunction is an auxiliary construction that links words, phrases, and clauses. The study of conjunctions has received considerable attention in modern linguistics. They have been studied under numerous labels such as linkers, coordinators, discourse markers, pragmatic markers, discourse connectors, and others by many scholars in the field of linguistics.
Key words: coordinating conjunctions, factitive, locative, coordinators, discourse markers, pragmatic markers, syntactic structure, semantic structure and communicative structure.
The historical traditions of each nation, first of all, are reflected in their own identities and capacities. It is not secret to any of us that language is the biggest treasure and the spiritual heritage of every nation, through which all the thoughts, feelings, and desire of the people have experienced in the past unlocked and released through words and sounds to be handed down as something sacred from one generation to another. People use sentences which consist of words and phrases to communicate with each other. Although the fact that the number of sentences is limitless they can be divided into small groups according to some general features. It is common knowledge that in the process of communication the owners of a language generate unlimited number of sentences. But no matter how numerous the generated sentences are, they are made up on very limited patterns. The smallest meaningful notion of the language is words. They can be considered as a tool of understanding and self-expression. Those are exciting and mysterious tokens of our thoughts, and like
human beings they are born, come to maturity, grow old and die, and sometimes they are even re-born in a new age. A word from its birth to death is a process, not a static thing. Words as defined have to be properly used. The right words have to be chosen to say exactly what one means. In contrast, without the connectors between freight cars, the train would not be able to go and transport its goods. The same goes for our sentences. We need conjunctions to keep our sentences coherent and running smoothly.
The conjunction as a structural part of speech serves to connect words, words combinations, and parts of the sentence, clauses, sentences and complicated syntactic units. It is like glue which helps things to stick together. Conjunctions are one of the most prospective, an integral and powerful part of the English language that keeps the communication in the same state or at the same level. If we use them properly, they can improve nearly any type of writing, from business writing to academic writing. Conjunction is an auxiliary construction that links words, phrases, and clauses. The study of conjunctions has received considerable attention in modern linguistics. They have been studied under numerous labels such as linkers, coordinators, discourse markers, pragmatic markers, discourse connectors, and others by many scholars in the field of linguistics.
In the English and Uzbek languages sentences are divided into declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory according to the aim of communication, moreover, in any language the sentence has three syntactic layers: 1. Syntactic structure (parts of the sentence) - consists of subject, predicate, object, attribute and adverbial modifier; 2. Semantic structure - actually presents the nominative aspect of the sentence. It is presented by the terms agent, patience, instrument, factitive, locative, benifactive and etc.; 3. Communicative structure - syntactic layer of the sentence is the theme - rhyme structure.
Accordingly, there are simple, composite and compound sentences in the English language. Within the composite sentence simple sentences become to some extent dependent. The degree of their dependence is different in complex and compound sentences. As simple sentences lose their quality within the composite sentence, English grammarians call them 'clauses, but not 'sentences'. [1; 2]
A compound sentence consists of two or more clauses coordinated with each other. In a compound sentence the clauses may be connected by means of coordinated and subordinated conjunctions.
Accordingly, its structure conjunctions fall into five groups. They are as follows:
- simple conjunctions;
- derivative conjunctions;
- compound conjunctions;
- composite conjunctions;
- paired conjunctions
Coordination is a frequently occurring complex syntactic structure that links together two or more elements in linguistic, known as conjuncts or conjoins. The presence of coordination is often signaled by the appearance of a coordinator,
e.g. and, or, but in English; ва, х^амда, билан, %ам, аммо, лекин in the Uzbek language. The totality of coordinator and conjuncts forming an instance of coordination is called a coordinate structure.
Generally, the functions of conjunction are to link or join words, phrases, and clauses. Linguist O.V. Kaminskaya sets out that «the functions of conjunction are parts of speech that connect words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The most common one: "and", "but", and "or". While, "because", "so", and "however" are also conjunctions. Coordinate conjunctions are used to link some words, phrases, and clauses. Besides that, coordinate conjunctions are used to link the elements of sentences that have equal level. The function of coordinate conjunction is to join to sentences that do not rely on each other for meaning together» [2; 4].
R. Nordquist said that «A coordinating conjunction is a conjunction (such as and) that joins two similarly constructed and syntactically equal words, word formations, phrases, or clauses within a sentence, also called a coordinator». [3;2] In some cases, a coordinating conjunction may be used as a transition at the beginning of a new sentence.
A common way to connect related words, phrases, and even entire clauses is to coordinate them that is connect them with a coordinating conjunction such as "and" or "but". The following short paragraph from Ernest Hemingway's Another Country contains several coordinated words, phrases, and clauses.
We were all at the hospital every afternoon, and there were different ways of walking across the town through the dusk to the hospital. Two of the ways were alongside canals, but they were long. Always, though, you crossed a bridge across a canal to enter the hospital. There was a choice of three bridges. On one of them a woman sold roasted chestnuts. It was warm, standing in front of her charcoal fire and the chestnuts were warm afterward in your pocket. The hospital was very old and very beautiful, and you entered through a gate and walked across a courtyard and out a gate on the other side. [4; 1]
The following simple sentence contains two nouns joined by and:
Max and David have gone to Buffalo.
Гуручва картошка доимий емишлардир.
These coordinated elements then act like the two coordinated elements would have individually. For example, we can take tow nouns "Bill and Ben", and we can coordinate them into a single element Bill and Ben. This coordinated element behaves exactly like each of the nouns in that it can appear as subject, object of a preposition or topic in a sentence:
I know Bill and Ben -Мен Биллни уам Бэнни уам биламан.
They sent a letter to Bill and Ben - Улар Биллга %ам Бэнга %ам мактуб юборишди.
Not just words can be coordinated however; we can also coordinate phrases and sentences. As long as the phrases and sentences are sufficiently the same, the result will be a phrase or a sentence which behaves in the same way as its coordinated parts:
[these boys] and [those girls]
[have sung] and [are now dancing]
[the boys have sung] and [the girls are now dancing]
The characteristic of coordinate conjunctions is faintly reminiscent of the joining or linking notion a rule that they can occur only between two words or phrases of the same type - two nouns, two sentences, and so forth.
Once again, rather than writing the two sentences separately, we can condense it into a single sentence that highlights how the two qualities seldom go hand in hand by means of coordinating conjunctions.
1. Hemingway E. Women, Men and the Great war - In another country. Hemingway's Original Text. olypen.com. Retrieved 2014-02-13
2. Nordquist R. English Word Grammar and Coordination in linguistics. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. 1990.
3. Yusupov O'.Q. Contrastive linguistics of the English and Uzbek languages. Tashkent, Akademnashr. 2013.