Научная статья на тему 'The analysis of some numerical words used in literary works'

The analysis of some numerical words used in literary works Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
numerical / sistematic / span / suffix / combine / meaning / pinch / stylistically / sack / fathom / EDUL / unit of measuring

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Aminova Nafisa

the article deals with the peculiarities of some numerical words of the Uzbek language on the basis of examples taken from Uzbek literature. The etimology of the numerical words which are discussed in the article is explained in it as well.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The analysis of some numerical words used in literary works»




Abstract: the article deals with the peculiarities of some numerical words of the Uzbek language on the basis of examples taken from Uzbek literature. The etimology of the numerical words which are discussed in the article is explained in it as well. Keywords: numerical, sistematic, span, suffix, combine, meaning, pinch, stylistically, sack, fathom, EDUL, unit of measuring.

UDC 801.8

The numerical words in the Uzbek language were established as a result of lasting historical development of lexical layer of our language. Numerical words are of high importance especially in the analysis of the language of literary works. Studying the language through systematic review rather than separating them from contexts helps to release the features of numerical words fully. Throughout the article we tried to analyze some numerical words further.

Qarich (span) - the length from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the pinkie of stretched palm, a unit of measuring. Also in the old Turkic language this word has the same meaning, originally this word was made up with the diminishing suffix -sh and the word qari which denotes the meaning of the length from the midst of breast to the edge of hand, later the suffix -sh was changed to the form -ch, the vowel i became softer: qarish<qarich. (EDUL) The word combination one span (or a span) (bir qarich) strengthens the meaning of manner when used with some words.(EDUL) Mostly and mainly it combines with the word one (bir).

Kechasi tashqariga bir qarich qor tushdi. The street has been covered with a span of snow tonight. Derazalarning oynaklari panjara gulchin singari g 'alati-g 'alati naqshlar bilan bezandilar. The windows has been decorated with strange patterns like a flower gates. Germaniya bizdan necha barobar kichik, odami bizning uchdan birimizcha ham kelmaydi! Germany is smaller for several times than our country, it is not even the third of ours! Ammo bir qarich yeri temir yo 'lsiz, tosh yo 'lsiz emas. ("Kecha va kunduz ") But even a span of its ground is not without railway or stoneway.(''Day and night'') Uning eti jivirlashib, sochi boshidagi ro'molini bir qarich ko'targanday bo'ldi. ("Dahshat" hikoyasidan). Her skin wrinkled, it seemed that her hairs lifted her shawl a span slowly. (short story ''Horror''). The numerical qarich (span) can be used in the sense of negativity as well. If we take the Uzbek phrase "bir qarich til" which means "one span tongue" (here it is translated word by word), its semantic meaning is strengthened by using this numerical word qarich (span). The tongue is not as long as the word qarich means - one span, of course, it can be half span phisiologically. But when the word tongue is combined with the numerical word qarich (span), the phrase "bir qarich til" (one span of tongue) is used to define the meaning of boasty, brave, disobeying and impolite person. Stylistically the numerical qarich can give the colour of both positivity and negativity either. For instance, in this example below the word combination "bir qarich tufli" (one meter high heeled shoes) is used in negative sense: Egnida yengsiz ko 'ylak, boshida popushakning tojiga o'xshagan, lekin qizil shlyapa; qo 'lidagi sumkasi, oyog'idagiposhnasi bir qarich tuflisi ham qizil ("To'yda aza" hikoyasidan). She wore a sleeveless dress, on her head it was red hat like the crown of the hoopoe, the bag in her hands and a span heeled shoes in her legs were also red. (taken from the short story "The funeral in the wedding")

The numerical word qarich (span) can be combined with the words snow, ground, tongue, shoes, atlas (Uzbek national fabric) mostly.

Fig. 1. Word combinations of the numerical word "qarich" (span)

The phrase "Bir qarich bola" (which can be translated into English as a tiny boy) is also used in the sense of diminishing and defines the meanings little, not grown up: Shu qizni bir qarichligidan tarbiyalab, yedirib, kiydirib, mana voyaga yetkazdim. (N.Safarov "Olovli izlar")

I brought up this girl feeding, clothing her since her early childhood. (N.Safarov "Fire footprints"). The word qarich is widely used in the Uzbek folks as well. It may be faced in the folklore proverbs, riddles. Bo'yi bir qarich, soqoli ikki qarich (Topishmoq "makkajo'xori"). Its height is a span, but its beard is two spans ("corn ").

Chimdim (pinch) - a quantity which is pinched with the help of two or three fingers. This noun of measuring existed in the Old Turkic language before. It was formed with the prefix chi- which had the meaning "a little" revelead from the verb chim and the suffix -m. (The verb chim had defined the meaning "to make a wrap" before). Later the latter consonant ch was changed into d, hard vowel i became softer: (hmm- +hbi = hhmhh-) + m = HbiMHbiM> HbiMgbiM> hmmahm. (In the Kyrgyz language the first of this word "chimchim" exists now).

Nodirmohbegim Unsinning savoliga javob bermadi, tovush chiqarmay yana ham qattiqroq yig'lab, uning boshini siladi, yuzini yuziga qo'ydi; so'ng, o'sha chog'i odam yuborib go'ristondan oldirgan ikki chimdim tuproqni yarim payola suvga chayib unsinga tutdi.( "Dahshat"). Nodirmohbegim did not answer Unsin, she cried voicelessly, rubbed her head, faced her

face then handed two pinches of ground washing it with a half mug of water.

Stylistically it is used in the meaning of strengthening. The numerative chimdim (pinch) can be connected with the numerals such as one, two, three and others, when it is used with them it can sense the time of pinching, for example, two pinches of salt means pinching salt two times to take it. When the numerical chimdim (pinch) is used with eating large amount of food, it gives diminishing meaning. Ikki chimdim osh yedi-yu, bir ho 'plam choy ichdi. (O',Umarbekov. "Yulduzlar") He ate only two pinches of pilaf, drank a little tea.

The numerical chimdim is used to denote time as well, it may be used in the the sense of little, short period of time when it is combined with the word one. Yo 'lchi bir chimdim uxlab ko 'zini ocharkan, tong otgan edi. (Oybek) It was already morning when Yulchi opened his eyes after a (one) pinch of sleeping.

Sack (Qop) - a small household substance made of fabric which is used to put strewing products in it. In the Old TuTurkic language it was pronounced as qap and it had wide range of meanings like barrel, cover, case. The shortening occured in the meaning and today it means only a sack. In many languages it means a unit of weight measurement. Samovarga bir qop ko 'mir tashlaylikmi?» deb o'shqirib ham oladi. ("Kecha va kunduz") Should we throw a sack of coal into the samovar?'' he shouted.

When this word is combined with the word talk it defines a negative meaning. He never could finish his sack of talk. Here it is used for the people who talk much. Sometimes instead of the numerical qop (sack) its synonyms like bag (to'rva), poke (xalta): bir qop un/ bir xalta un (a sack of flour/a poke of flour). Samples for the Uzbek folkloric proverbs: Gap desang qop-qop, ish desang Ko'hiqofdan top. If talking get several sacks of talk, but if doing it disappears to the Kuhikof. Qopi hisobmi, sopi hisobmi? Which is necessary a sack or a handle?

Fathom (Quloch) - length between tips of two middle fingers of stretched hands. In the Old Turkic language this word had the same meaning as today. Mahmud Koshgariy says that this numerical was formed with a noun qo'l (hand) and a verb ach

(open). First and foremost, in the Turkic language the vowel sound in the verb ach was short, the vowel sound in the word qo'l was long. It is not possible to conclude that a noun and an imperative verb combined together with each other and produced a numerical, this kind of definition looks like a folklore etimology. Although it is not proven yet we are in favor of other definition: this word was made of the word qo'l (hand) and the word uch (three), later the vowel o changed into u and the vowel u into a: qo:l uch= qo:luch> quluch> qulach. In the Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Yugur languages it is used in the form of qo'loch.

When this numerical is used repeatedly it has ap sense of strengthening: Burgutday balandparvoz bo'lish uchun quloch-quloch qanot kerak. (Oybek)

In order to fly highly as an eagle one should have long (fathom) wings.

Quloch-quloch ariza. Ikkala boy bir bo'lib eng yaxshi advokatga ikki quloch ariza yozdirishib, to'ppa-to'g'ri hokim to'raga tutibdilar. ("Kecha va kunduz")Mana shu yigitlar guvoh. Aytdim-qo'ydim, ikki quloch arqon... ("Jonfig'on")

Fig. 2. Word combinations of the numerical word "quloch"


A fathom of request. Two rich people ordered to a solicitor to write two fathom of request and directly handed the chief. These boys are witnesses. I just said, two fathoms of ropes...


1. The Etymological Dictionary of the Uzbek language.

2. Rahmatullayev Sh. Etimological dictionary of the Uzbek language. (Turkic words). T. University, 2000.

3. Hamdamov P. Numericals in the Modern Uzbek language. T. Science, 1983.

4. Shomaqsudov A., Rasulov I., Qo'ng'urov R., Rustamov H. Stylistics of the Uzbek language. T. O'qituvchi, 1983.

5. Cho'lpon. Kecha va kunduz. T. Sharq, 2000.

6. Qahhor Abdulla. Dahshat (hikoyalar to'plami).

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