Научная статья на тему 'The analysis of modern approach in teaching English'

The analysis of modern approach in teaching English Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Khakimova Shokhista Raimovna, Egamkulova Gulira'No Bakhtiyor Kizi

In this article authors strive to bring some evidence about the use of approach that is active in teaching English language. Throughout the whole article the authors’ focal point is on traditional approach. They could define their claims taking into account the theories done by different scholars.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The analysis of modern approach in teaching English»

language of the actors, the maximum penetration into the role, and thus serious training, research materials in the books and in the media. Glad to note that the potential for this in our students unlimited: excellent specialized bookstores, movies, TV shows, "talk shows", the Internet, personal contact with native speakers of a particular culture and language (student gatherings, and so forth.). We used role- playing games in the classroom dedicated to peculiarities of negotiations conduct in different countries, the role of the manager in his organization, centralization and decentralization in large corporations, strategic planning in large and small firms.

2. Croup messages or conversations in which the cultural characteristics of different countries in specific areas of life are compared and analyzed. Two, three or four students prepare at home a message, for example, about the peculiarities of the national cuisine of any country. The information must be correct, interesting, colorful presentation of a properly presented publicly and emotional.

Students use a variety of visual media: the computers that show videos, pictures, elements of folklore. We are very welcome to use the classroom posters, objects of folk costumes and even a description of unusual recipes of national dishes.

3. Colorful presentation on the topic. Since most of the business communication is currently taking place in a variety of presentations, our goal - to teach students to correctly and efficiently use this kind of work. Any public performance (response to the occupation of a site or at the blackboard, a toast to the table, the anecdote in a circle of friends - that is a small theatrical performance for which has its own rules. They may be common to all, but have some separate features in different countries and cultures.


1. Kincaid D.L., 1988. The convergence theory of intercultural communication. In Y.Y. Kim & W.B. Gudykunst (Eds.), Theories in intercultural communication (pp. 280298). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. P. 289.

2. Gudykunst W. & Kim Y.Y., 2003. Communicating with strangers: An approach to intercultural communication. 4-th ed. New York: McGraw Hill.

3. Teaching English as foreign of second language. Washington. DC. May, 1989.

4. The Effectiveness Of Role Play In Classroom. // Научный журнал. № 6 (19), 2017. Том 2.



1 2 Khakimova Sh.R.1, Egamkulova G.B.2


Abstract: in this article authors strive to bring some evidence about the use of approach that is active in teaching English language. Throughout the whole article the authors' focal point is on traditional approach. They could define their claims taking into account the theories done by different scholars.

Keywords: educational, competence, foreign, approaches, languages, tests.

In the modern educational space, a great place is occupied by authentic, educational-methodical complexes (EMC), created by the authors from the countries of the studied language, which E.N. Solovov is considered as the main means of training, as they develop not individual skills of various types of speech activity, but contributes to the formation of communicative competence at certain levels of knowledge of a foreign language.

No less important are the scientific and theoretical studies and description of the practical experience of foreign linguistic work in the field of teaching foreign languages. Hence the task of analyzing foreign scientific and methodological literature, comparing domestic and foreign approaches to the problem of the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages, and determining the main trends in foreign methods of teaching foreign languages, in particular, English as a foreign language, is very urgent.

The methodological approach to teaching English as a foreign language is influenced by many factors - such as: social order, basic goals and methods of teaching, specific technologies and techniques, dominant linguistic theories, and so on. Along with such well-known concepts as algorithm of teaching foreign languages, step-by-step formation of mental activity, developing and personality-oriented learning, one of the directions in teaching a foreign language still offered in foreign methods is the so-called traditional approach, which is understood as the organization of the teaching of foreign languages with the purpose of developing oral speech and non-readable skills. According to some foreign languages, this approach is still predominant in the system of teaching English in many countries. According to this method, students pay much attention to reading texts of varying complexity, performing exercises, writing tests and essays. In terms of oral speech, students listen to dialogue-samples, repeat them and learn them [1. 114].

With the traditional approach to learning a foreign language, as is known, much attention is paid to teaching its components, namely, the grammatical, lexical and phonetic components of the language. It is known that language in its essence is not some kind of dead, static phenomenon. Language, as we know, is a living, constantly changing and evolving phenomenon. Simultaneously with the development of society, science, art and other spheres of human activity, there are huge changes in the language. The teacher's task is to teach the student to operate not only familiar, established units of the language, but also newly appeared ones, moreover develop his ability to act independently under changed conditions [2.68]. In connection with the changes occurring in the language, the approach to learning linguistic material also changes. Hence, within the framework of the traditional approach to teaching English as a foreign language, the so-called "Context Approach" is distinguished, which is as follows. Thus, all grammatical rules are illustrated by examples taken from real contexts, both oral and written, of various functional styles. Examples show how this or that language phenomenon manifests itself in different contexts, as it is used by native speakers in appropriate communicative situations. The contexts should be chosen in such a way that, after studying a few examples, the trainee could come to a conclusion about how and when, this form is used [3. 21].

Earlier examples were cited from fiction or were invented artificially. Naturally, educated people in the countries of the studied language are now speaking and they write quite differently, as their predecessors said and wrote for a century or even 50 years ago back. It is obvious that the speech of alien studying English in such patterns of speech sounds somewhat out-of-date. According to David Kristall, a foreign accent is more felt not in the field of phonetics, but in the field of vocabulary and grammar. Learners of English as foreign learners are often spoken and written as though in English.

The works of English classics are constantly cited in the field of vocabulary, according to Michael Lewis and Jimmy Hill, the main emphasis is to make the use of those lexical combinations that are used in real communications. At the same time, we must avoid the other extreme: excessive use of day, colloquial English, especially in combination with "slang", in the official or semi-official situation [2.87].

Great importance in teaching English as a foreign language has "communication-approach ", which appeared after the traditional approach. The purpose of is to train communicative skills in all types of speech activity for the purpose of communicating in real life situations that are relevant for trainees. The development of this approach, directed, as it was often noted, to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, including theoretical justification, the definition of the hierarchy of skills, methods of formation, monitoring and evaluation. The peculiarity of the method is manifested in an attempt to bring the language learning process closer to the process of real communication. The linguistic concept of the method is based on the ideas of communicative linguistics, and exactly:

♦♦♦ the unit of communication are speech acts, i.e. verbal actions performed in a certain ♦♦♦ speech situation and having an addressee;

♦♦♦ as the unit of selection of speech acts is the speech intent of the speaker and listening, which organizes and regulates their verbal behavior;

♦♦♦ mastering the language as a means of communication involves not only knowledge of the system of language, but also the ability to correctly use the units of language to realize the goals of the generalization.


1. Asher J. Brainswitching: Learning on the Right Side of the Brain. 2nd. Edition. California, 2000.

2. Bates A. W. Managing Technological Change: Strategies for College and University Leaders. San-Francisco, 2000.

3. Carter Ronald, Hughes Rebecca, McCarthy Michael. Exploring Grammar in Context. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

4. Council of Europe. Modern Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. A Common European Framework of Reference. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

5. CrystalD. The English Language. 2-d edition, 2002.

WAYS OF TEACHING WRITING FOR YOUNG LEARNERS Tadjibaeva Sh.R.1, Fayzieva K.I.2, Sattorova M.R.3

1Tadjibaeva Shokhsanam Rasulbekovna - German Language Teacher; 2Fayzieva Kamola Ibadullaevna - Student;



Abstract: the following article talks about the possible methods to be implemented into practice while teaching English for young learners in writing scope. Authors made an effort to bring the evidence of the effectiveness of several methods in teaching writing. They cited two methods of teaching beneficial writing so called copying and dictating. Keywords: letters, sentences, words, imitate, teacher, pattern, teaching.

The methodological principles as a precise approach should be the fundamental to form and develop teaching writing skills, visualization and activity of pupils. If learners understand what they write, they learn to write letters, words and sentences in the target language more efficiently. Training in penmanship should proceed by steps. Special cards may be used for the purpose. On one side of the card the letters are written. On the other side there is a word in which this letter occurs. The teacher shows his pupils how to write

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