Научная статья на тему 'Ways of teaching writing for young learners'

Ways of teaching writing for young learners Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tadjibaeva Shokhsanam Rasulbekovna, Fayzieva Kamola Ibadullaevna, Sattorova Malokhat Rakhmatullo Kizi

The following article talks about the possible methods to be implemented into practice while teaching English for young learners in writing scope. Authors made an effort to bring the evidence of the effectiveness of several methods in teaching writing. They cited two methods of teaching beneficial writing so called copying and dictating.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Ways of teaching writing for young learners»

Great importance in teaching English as a foreign language has "communication-approach ", which appeared after the traditional approach. The purpose of is to train communicative skills in all types of speech activity for the purpose of communicating in real life situations that are relevant for trainees. The development of this approach, directed, as it was often noted, to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, including theoretical justification, the definition of the hierarchy of skills, methods of formation, monitoring and evaluation. The peculiarity of the method is manifested in an attempt to bring the language learning process closer to the process of real communication. The linguistic concept of the method is based on the ideas of communicative linguistics, and exactly:

♦♦♦ the unit of communication are speech acts, i.e. verbal actions performed in a certain ♦♦♦ speech situation and having an addressee;

♦♦♦ as the unit of selection of speech acts is the speech intent of the speaker and listening, which organizes and regulates their verbal behavior;

♦♦♦ mastering the language as a means of communication involves not only knowledge of the system of language, but also the ability to correctly use the units of language to realize the goals of the generalization.


1. Asher J. Brainswitching: Learning on the Right Side of the Brain. 2nd. Edition. California, 2000.

2. Bates A. W. Managing Technological Change: Strategies for College and University Leaders. San-Francisco, 2000.

3. Carter Ronald, Hughes Rebecca, McCarthy Michael. Exploring Grammar in Context. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

4. Council of Europe. Modern Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. A Common European Framework of Reference. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

5. CrystalD. The English Language. 2-d edition, 2002.

WAYS OF TEACHING WRITING FOR YOUNG LEARNERS Tadjibaeva Sh.R.1, Fayzieva K.I.2, Sattorova M.R.3

1Tadjibaeva Shokhsanam Rasulbekovna - German Language Teacher; 2Fayzieva Kamola Ibadullaevna - Student;



Abstract: the following article talks about the possible methods to be implemented into practice while teaching English for young learners in writing scope. Authors made an effort to bring the evidence of the effectiveness of several methods in teaching writing. They cited two methods of teaching beneficial writing so called copying and dictating. Keywords: letters, sentences, words, imitate, teacher, pattern, teaching.

The methodological principles as a precise approach should be the fundamental to form and develop teaching writing skills, visualization and activity of pupils. If learners understand what they write, they learn to write letters, words and sentences in the target language more efficiently. Training in penmanship should proceed by steps. Special cards may be used for the purpose. On one side of the card the letters are written. On the other side there is a word in which this letter occurs. The teacher shows his pupils how to write

the letter. He can use the blackboard. Whenever the teacher writes the letter on the blackboard he gives some explanations as to how the letter is made and then how the word is written. His pupils follow the movements of his hand trying to imitate them, they make similar movements with their pens in the air looking at the blackboard. The teacher asks pupils to write the first letter, then the word in their exercise- books. When pupils are writing he walks round looking at the work they are doing and giving help to the pupils who need it. Since habits are formed and developed through performing actions, pupils are told to practice in writing the letter and the word at home [1. 56].

The teacher should bear in mind that pupils are told to write only those letters of the English alphabet which really present some difficulties to other pupils and he need to show them how to write a or c or e nor ask pupils to write two or three lines of such letters at home, as some teachers sometimes do. They probably forget that the difficulty is not in writing but memorizing the name of the letter and the sound it stands for. In spelling instruction the teacher should take into consideration the difficulties of English spelling and instruct pupils how to overcome these difficulties. The following exercises may be suggested for the purpose.

Copying. The aim of this exercise is to allow the pupils to practice what has been taught in listening and speaking. Writing does this because the movements of the muscles of the hand are now called in to help the ear, the eye, and the muscles are nerves of the throat and tongue. The "look" and the "feel" of the word are used to help the memory. Copying applies equally well to the phrase pattern and the sentence pattern with the same purpose to help the memory, for pupils should not be asked to write, at least in the first two years, anything that they do not already know thoroughly though speech and reading. Every new word, phrase or sentence pattern, after it has been thoroughly learnt, should be practiced by copying. Copying may be carried out both in class and at home. In copying at home the pupils must be given some additional task preventing them from performing the work mechanically [2.67].

The following tasks may be suggested:

7. Underline a giving letter or a letter combination for a certain sound.

8. Underline a certain grammar item.

9. Underline certain words depicting, for example, the names of school things.

The additional work the pupil must perform in copying a text or exercises make him pay attention to the sound and meaning of the words. This kind of copying is a good way of ensuring the retention of the material. It must be extensively applied in the junior and in the intermediate stages.

Dictation. This kind of writing exercise is much more difficult than copying. Some methodologists think that it should never be given as a test to young beginners. It is a means of fixing of what is already known, not a puzzle in which the teacher tries to defeat the pupil. Dictation is valuable exercise because it trains the ear and the hand as well as the eye; it fixes in the pupils mind the division of each sentence pattern because the teacher dictates division by division.

Dictation can vary in forms and in the way they are conducted:

10. Visual dictation.

11. Dictation drill aims at consolidating linguistic material and preparing pupils for spelling tests. Writing sentences on a given pattern. This kind of writing exercise is more difficult because pupils choose words they are to use themselves.

The following exercises may be suggested:

12. Substitution: Nick has a sister. The pupils should use other words instead of a sister.

13. Completion: How many ... are there in the room? He came late because ...

14. Extention: Ann brought some flowers (the pupils are expected to use an adjective before flowers). Writing answers to given questions.

The question helps the pupil both with the word and with the pattern required for the answer. Progress in writing a foreign language is possible on condition that pupils have

adequate preparation for writing. This preparation should always be carried out orally, except late at the senior stage when it can be done from books independently as at this stage oral questioning need not precede writing. Since writing is a mighty means in learning a foreign language pupils should write both in class and at home. For this they need (1) exercise-book for class and homework (the teacher collects the exercise-books regularly for correcting mistakes and assigns marks tor pupils' work in the exercise-books); (2) a notebook for tests (the teacher keeps the notebooks in class and gives them to the pupils for a test and corrections.

Teachers should strive to avoid becoming bogged down with worries about curriculum coverage and allow pupils sufficient time to study a text in depth, squeezing as much learning as possible out of this single, well chosen, high quality piece of literature. As many of the novels written for students with elementary levels, teachers should refrain from seeing it« their duty to slavishly read through an entire text in class. This is simply not feasible Instead, they should focus on key extracts - these are the ones that are introduced to children in lessons [2. 79].

Summarizing the events of the chapters that are not read, or allowing children to read these independently, ensures that narrative continuity is not compromised. This entails teachers knowing the text well and choosing their extracts with great care. Teaching how to write effectively is one of the most important life-long skills educators impart to their students. When teaching writing, educators must be sure to select resources and support materials that not only aid them in teaching how to write, but that will also be the most effective in helping their students to write.


1. Ilyish B.A. The methods of writing, 2005.

2. Fries Ch. The structure of English, 2009.

3. Alderson J.C. & Urquhart A.H. (Eds.) (1984). Reading in foreign language. London: Longman.

4. Anderson N.J. (1991). Individual Differences in strategy use in second language reading and testing. Modern Language Journal. 75. 460-472.

5. BarnettM. (1989). More than Meets the Eye. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.

6. Brantmeier C. (2003a). The role of gender and strategy use in processing authentic written input at the intermediate level. Hispania. 86(4). 844-856.

7. The Effectiveness Of Role Play In Classroom - Научно-Методический Журнал -Научный журнал № 6 (19), 2017. Том 2.


Ольховатова А.В.

Ольховатова Александра Викторовна - магистрант, кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации, факультет лингвистики и журналистики, Ростовский государственный экономический университет (РИНХ), г. Ростов-на-Дону

Аннотация: в статье анализируются особенности туристического текста. Кроме того, рассматриваются проблемы, с которыми переводчик может встретиться во время работы с таким видом текста. А также в данной работе представлены примеры из электронных источников англоязычных СМИ. Ключевые слова: перевод, туристический текст, проблемы, реклама.

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