Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
Feruza Odilovna Djabbarova
Senior Teacher of the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages, Chirchik State
Pedagogical University feruzadj
This article has as main purpose to share the results of a small scale project based on guiding students in the use of idioms through dialogues and readings, in order to improve students' communicative skill. Idioms in and outside the classroom are widely believed to help teachers and students promote an innovative environment of communication.
Keywords: English language, idioms,context, idiomatic expressions, foreign language, the idiomatic meaning, etymological origins, jargon, phrases, idioms, Textbook English, Natural English.
Ushbu maqola talabalarning kommunikativ ko'nikmalami oshirish uchun dialoglar va o'qishlarorqali o'quvchilarni idiomalardan foydalanishga yo'naltirishga asoslangan kichik hajmdagi loyiha natijalarini baham ko'rishdan iborat.Sinf ichidagi va tashqarisidagi iboralar o'qituvchilar va talabalariga innovatsion muloqat muhitini targ'ib qilishda yordam beradi.
Kalit so'zlar: Ingliz tili, idiomalar, kontekst, idiomali iboralar, chet tili, idiomali ma'no, etimologik kelib chiqish, jargon, iboralar, idiomalar, Ingliz tili darsligi, tabiy ingliz tili.
The primary goal of this article is to present the outcomes of a limited-scale initiative focused on assisting students in utilizing idioms through dialogues and readings, aiming to enhance their communication abilities. The use of idioms, both within and beyond the classroom, is commonly seen as a means for educators and learners to foster a dynamic communication environment. However, the integration of idioms in the teaching and learning process may be difficult or ineffective for some learners or teachers because it is not relevant or necessary for carrying out educational goals. Furthermore, from teachers' perspectives, with a variety of activities based on idioms can help to facilitate needs and challenge students' learning process. The type of activities and how they are constructed in the classroom is found as one of the most
Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
important aspects that help to the success of using idioms in and outside the classroom and the appropriate teachers' role. The use of idioms has a great influence in the teaching and learning process of a foreign language, because it could be one of the ways to give students better conditions to improve communicative skill in the daily context. English is adaily context. English is a language particularly rich in idioms - those modes of expression peculiar to a language (or dialect) which frequently defy logical and grammatical rules.
Without idioms English would lose much of its variety and humor both in speech and writing. The background and etymological origins of most idioms is at best obscure. This is the reason why a study of differences between the idioms of American and British English is somewhat difficult. But it also makes the cases, where background, etymology and history are known, even more interesting. Some idioms of the "worldwide English" have first been seen in the works of writers like Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, Lewis Carroll or even in the paperbacks of contemporary novelists. Based on the above statements, it is vey important to know that native speakers of a language use idioms all the time. Students are often embarrassed and frustrated if they cannot understand the idioms a person is using.
A strong knowledge of idioms will help students be better speakers. The high number of idioms and their high frequency in discourse make them an important aspect of vocabulary. Finally, since idiomatic expressions are so frequently encountered in both spoken and written discourse, this issue requires special attention in language programs with the purpose of helping students improve their communicative skill. However, working with idioms has been difficult in the teaching and learning process of English. This issue is a challenge for teachers and students because it does not have an authentic context to support the educational process. An idiom is a combination of words that has a meaning that is different from the meanings of the individual words themselves. It can have a literal meaning in one situation and a different idiomatic meaning in another situation. It is a phrase which does not always follow the normal rules of meaning and grammar.
For instance, "To sit on the fence" can literally mean that one is sitting on a fence "I sat on the fence and watched the game".
However, the idiomatic meaning of "to sit on the fence" is that one is not making a clear choice regarding some issue. The politician sat on the fence and would not give his opinion about the tax issue. Many idioms are similar to expressions in other languages and can be easy for a learner to understand.
Other idioms come from ancient phrases which have changed over time. For example "To hold one's horses" means to stop and wait patiently for someone or something.It comes from a time when people rode horses and would have to hold their
Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
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horses while waiting for someone or something "Hold your horses", I said when my friend started to leave the store (Niergarth, 2007).
Other idioms come from such things as sports that are common in the United Kingdom or the United States and may require some special cultural knowledge to easily understand them. "To cover all of one's bases" means to thoroughly prepare for or deal with a situation.It comes from the American game of baseball where you must cover or protect the bases.
I tried to cover all of my bases when I went to the job interview. Most idioms are unique and fixed in their grammatical structure. The expression to sit on the fence cannot become to sit on a fence or to sit on the fences. However, there are many changes that can be made to an idiom. When you learn English idioms, you take English out of textbook and into the real world.The English language can be considered as being made up of two components: "Textbook English" and "Natural English". The textbook form of English is composed using proper English vocabulary, while strictly adhering to the rules of English grammar. The sentences in textbook English are necessarily grammatically correct and complete in all respects.
The natural form of English, on the other hand, allows liberal use of slang, jargon, phrases and idioms, lending a colorful hue to the language.
Natural English is spoken at an informal level, and it is the idioms in the language that give it a natural, conversational and creative feel. So, if you want to speak English fluently, just like a native speaker, it is important that you learn English idioms. It is necessary to mention that before developing the workshops, just a few students were able to recognize the importance and advantage of using idioms in a foreign language. Few of them were abroad; the participants were based on their own experiences. The majority of the learners who participated in the project were not ready to use idioms. After developing several workshops, it was clear that the use of idioms helped students learn new vocabulary, improve their communicative skill based on the use of idioms in their spoken/written English.
The learners were motivated in classes, also they felt happy because they were ableto make dialogues, make sentences and understand texts with idioms.
1. Campbell, J. (1968). A short guide to action research (without source).
2. Corelli, L. (2005). Idioms: Piece of Cake or Hard Nut to Crack? (without source).
3. Gillett, A. (2004). Speak English like an American. Learn the idioms and expressions that will help you speak like a native. Language Success Press.
4. Johnson, A. Action Research. Pearson (without source).
5. Niergarth, E. (2007). The Idiom book 1010 idioms (without source).