TEXTILE INDUSTRY IN UZBEKISTAN DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
textile industry / foreign investment / cotton-textile cluster / textile industry / foreign investment / cotton-textile cluster

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Eraliyev A., Nasimov R.

The article describes the state of the textile industry in Uzbekistan and its development in recent years. The role of the cluster system in the development of the textile industry is highlighted.

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The article describes the state of the textile industry in Uzbekistan and its development in recent years. The role of the cluster system in the development of the textile industry is highlighted.


Eraliyev A. assistant SamlES Nasimov R. student SamlES


Abstract. The article describes the state of the textile industry in Uzbekistan and its development in recent years. The role of the cluster system in the development of the textile industry is highlighted.

Keywords: textile industry, foreign investment, cotton-textile cluster.

Uzbekistan ranks first in the world in the production of cotton, the main raw material of the textile industry. According to statistical data, Uzbekistan currently ranks 6th in the world in terms of cotton production, after China, India, the USA, Pakistan, and Brazil. Currently, there are 2.3-2.5 mln. tons of cotton are harvested. In the former Soviet system, Uzbekistan became a raw material producing region of the USSR.During those times, cotton was planted on all irrigated lands, and its gross yield was 5.0 million. exceeded tons. However, only a very small part of cotton raw material, i.e. about 6.0%, was processed in Uzbekistan (mainly at the Tashkent Textile Combine). More than 90.0% of cotton raw materials would belong to Russian enterprises. Uzbekistan prepared the main raw materials and became the republic that supplies them.

After Uzbekistan gained independence, choosing market relations in the economy, textile enterprises were taken out of state ownership and turned into open joint-stock companies and other forms of ownership.

At the end of 1991, the association «Uzbekyengilsanoat»was established in order to attract foreign investments to light industries, to provide existing enterprises with new equipment and technologies, and to further develop the industry. As a result, during 1991-2000, light textile enterprises with the participation of 22 foreign companies were launched. An example of these is «Kabul-Uzbek Co».It is possible to mention the joint enterprises «Asena textile»and «Kasansay-tekmen»in cooperation with the Turkish company «Aston»in Namangan, which produce cotton yarn and gauze, and «Gurlanteks»textile complexes in Gurlan district.

In order to further develop the textile industry, increase the production of finished products with high added value and make its quality meet international requirements and standards, expand the volume and geography of export of finished products, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 14, 2017 According to the decree «On measures for rapid development of the textile and sewing-knitting industry», the association «Uztoqimaliksanoat»was

established. The main tasks of this association are the sustainable development of the textile industry in Uzbekistan and the introduction of the cluster system, which is its effective form, the introduction of new modern techniques and technologies to the enterprises of the industry, and the increase of the export of finished textile products. As a result of the measures taken, the production of textile products in the country is steadily increasing year by year. This is proven by the numbers in the table below.

As we mentioned above, the textile industry, like other industries in our country, is developing day by day. As we can see in the table, as of 2015, the production of «Ip kalava»amounted to 326.1 thousand tons, and in 2019 this figure is 528.6 thousand tons. This indicates that 202.5 thousand tons or 62% more yarn was produced than in 2015.In addition, the production of gauze is an integral part of the textile industry. Based on the information in the table, the production of «Gas»in 2015 was 227.1 mln. square meters, in 2019 this figure is 470.4 million square meters. This means that gas production in 2019 compared to 2015 was 243.3 million. It shows that the square meter has increased by 107%.

In order to further develop the textile industry in our country, a number of reforms are being implemented by our state. Regulation of the cultivation and financing of quality seed cotton raw materials in cotton fields allocated to cotton-textile production clusters and the Cabinet of Ministers «On additional measures for the further development of cotton-textile production»2018- We can take as an example the decision No. 744 dated September 19 Several innovative projects are being implemented by our government in order to expand the network of textile industry and cotton processing industry in our country. One of the new projects currently used in the agricultural sector, including the textile sector, is the «Cluster»system. The cluster system was used for the first time to develop the same textile industry. The cluster system is the period before turning raw materials into products. It involves growing cotton, turning it into fiber to produce products, and in the next step, the fiber is turned into yarn, and the yarn into fabric. Currently, a lot of work is being done to increase the importance of the cluster system, its use in agriculture, and thereby further develop the production of high-yield, cheap and high-quality finished products. In particular, on October 27 of this year, the President held a video selector meeting on issues of cluster system development in agriculture. The head of our state emphasized the need to expand opportunities for the cluster in order to increase efficiency in agriculture and agro-industry. Many initiatives have been taken to strengthen the legal guarantee of cluster activities and their financing, export support, infrastructure and equipment provision. This indicates that great attention is being paid to the development of this sector.


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"Экономика и социум" №5(120)-2 2024



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