IMPROVING INNOVATIVE MARKETING STRATEGIES IN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rakhmatova Sh.O.

In the article is provided classification of modern marketing conceptual methods which has to play form of the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of marketing strategies in the textile industry, the role of the textile industry in the country's economy and proposals for its development, as well as an eight-step sequence of marketing strategies network, potential and existing problems have been studied, template for developing marketing strategies processing in the textile industry has been developed.

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Rakhmatova Sh. O. researcher

Tashkent state university of economics Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Annotation. In the article is provided classification of modern marketing conceptual methods which has to play form of the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of marketing strategies in the textile industry, the role of the textile industry in the country's economy and proposals for its development, as well as an eight-step sequence of marketing strategies network, potential and existing problems have been studied, template for developing marketing strategies processing in the textile industry has been developed.

Keywords: industry, innovation marketing strategies, main strategic directions, sequence of marketing strategy implementation, cost-effectiveness, modern approaches.


The current state of the world market textile products shows that the rapid penetration of countries into the world textile markets is mainly carried out by national companies integrated into the global textile network. Also, the importance of improving marketing strategies in the textile industry is growing13. In particular, in 2019, world exports of textile products amounted to 291.4 billion US dollars, and in this assessment, the role of Asia is high. However, the share of Uzbek textile exports in the top 10 textile exporters in the world in 2019 will be only 0.41%, which requires improving marketing strategies in the textile industry.

Research methodology

In order to increase the economic efficiency of industrial enterprises and improve marketing strategies in the textile industry in our country, the main indicators of transport in developed countries, the cluster model of railway transport system development have been improved.

Analysis and results

An industrial enterprise is obliged to adapt to the influence of external factors, including unpredictable factors, in its economic activity. Therefore, one of the most important principles of marketing activities is to regularly monitor all changes in the external environment, evaluate them and develop appropriate measures to reduce the negative impact of the environment in the event of

13Boltabaev MR Marketing strategy for the development of export potential of the textile industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan: ikt. science. doc. diss. author. - Tashkent: TSU, 2005. - 35 p.

adverse external conditions, especially to ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Meeting the needs of the population in textile products is one of the priorities of the economy of the republic. In this regard, the study of the textile market on the basis of marketing research is an important factor in determining the development prospects of the industry.

Marketing research in industrial enterprises is in two directions:

• first, by forming a group of marketing research within the marketing departments of enterprises;

• secondly, the implementation of marketing research is organized by ordering a company or organization engaged in special marketing research.

At the same time, the practice of developing marketing strategies in industrial enterprises shows that the use of only some of its components, such as product research or market forecasting, does not yield the expected results. Only a complex approach will allow the company to enter the market with its own product, especially if it is related to a new product. For this reason, the key to a textile enterprise focused on the concept of marketing strategy is the integration of entrepreneurship, management, production and sales.

In the operation of industrial enterprises, the strategy consists of a set of medium and long-term rules, directions and mesons. In assessing the current state of industrial development in the country, we used the indicators of the share of industry in GDP, the share of the textile industry in GDP, the share of industry in industry. In particular, the analysis shows that in 2019, the share of light industry in GDP will be 6.6%, the share of the textile industry - 9.0% and its share in the gross industrial output - 15.7% and the share of light industry -95.2%. formed (Table 1).

Table 1

The role of he texti e industry in the country's economy14

Indicators 2000 y. 2005 y. 2010 y. 2015 y. 2017 y. 2018 y. 2019 y.

The share of light industry in GDP 11,1 11,5 8,8 9,2 9,6 10,6 6,6

The share of the textile industry in GDP 10,3 10,9 8,7 8,6 9,0 9,1 9,0

The share of the textile industry in industry 17,7 15,7 15,7 15,2 15,4 15,5 15.7

The share of the textile industry in light industry 92,7 94,6 98,5 93,8 94,2 94,6 95,2

In general, the share of the textile industry in GDP is much lower than in developed countries, the main reasons for which are as follows:TyKHMa4anH^ara кластер тизими бугунги кунда мамлакатимизда ривожланмаган, шунинг учун янги тукимачилик-пахта кластерларини яратиш стратегиясини ишлаб чикиш лозим;

14 Based on data from the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

- Lack of a system of geographical indicators that meet international standards for the production and evaluation of textile products;

- Insufficient capacity of modern textile and dyeing and decoration due to the relatively low profitability of the textile industry and the short duration of the turnover;

- lack of qualified management staff, low level of skills of managers and employees, lack of motivation to work, low reputation of workers and engineers;

- It is explained by the ineffectiveness of marketing activities in textile enterprises.

The process of overcoming the above-mentioned problems and the development and implementation of marketing strategies in the textile industry is proposed. These include external and internal analysis, clear definition of the purpose of the strategy, definition of the goals of the strategic directions and pre-decision-making on them, selection and implementation of the marketing strategy based on the strategic direction, and the announcement of the marketing process, and increase its share in GDP (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Sequence of implementation of marketing strategy in textile

enterprises 15

Based on the above, we analyze the current state of production and export of textiles in the country (Table 2).

15 Author's development

Table 2

Volume of production and export of textile products in Uzbekistan16

Types of goods Units 2012 y. 2013 y. 2014 y. 2015 y. 2016 y. 2017 y. 2018 y. 2019 y.

Catton thousand tons 201,3 146,8 174,3 218,3 257,8 307,2 302,4 354,1

Finished yarn fabric mln. m2 107,5 85,3 107,2 120 154,9 182,9 179,1 196,1

Non-woven fabric mln. m2 23 21,3 25,1 25,5 32,5 37 18,3 26,2

Fluffy thousand tons 9,2 10,2 10,8 13,1 25,4 27,5 12,3 13,4

Knitted fabrics thousand tons 23,91 5 25,00 1 32,8 40,6 47,4 53,4 62,1 65,9

Ready goods thousand tons 94,3 99 110,2 143,6 152,6 184,3 133 178,1

Socks products thousand tons 15,2 24 22,5 25,5 29,2 38,9 25,2 27,6

Export mln. dollars 619,1 660,5 705,3 827,3 861,9 868,2 1150,1 1160,6

The analysis shows that the production of semi-finished textile products -yarn, cotton and silk fabrics - increased between 2012 and 2019. In particular, in 2019, compared to 2012, the production of cotton decreased by 18.2%, cotton -by 17.5% and silk - by 22.2%. The main reason for this is the rapid growth of the production of ready-made textile products (clothing) with high added value.

The novelty and diversity of the proposed model are: 1) the separation of the initial stage, which determines the characteristics of the assessment of the external and internal environment of the enterprise; 2) to indicate the factors based on the analysis of the study of the marketing environment of the enterprise; 3) a new block "Implementation of a marketing strategy specific to the textile industry", which is distinguished in the process of developing two traditional strategies.

The proposed blocks will lead to the timely implementation and monitoring of the implementation of strategic decisions in response to the changing marketing environment. According to the results of the study of strategic marketing operations, it is expedient to use a system of high quality and quantitative indicators in this model.

12 features are taken into account for the effective development of the enterprise:

- Strategic nature of a significant share of management decisions;

- the need for up-to-date, adequate and complete information;

- high level of justification of strategic marketing decisions and speed of their adoption;

- economic risks in the field of strategic marketing;

16 Based on data from the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, calculated by the author.

- market normality (compared to other markets).

Factors that stimulate the development of marketing strategies in the textile industry are, first of all, the level of marketing opportunities in the textile industry in the country, the competitive environment, the wide range of marketing opportunities of enterprises, the expansion of marketing opportunities, it is necessary to determine the level of service to enterprises.

In the context of Uzbekistan, the factors influencing the development and implementation of marketing strategies in industrial enterprises are the participation in the value chain of industrial enterprises. According to the results obtained, the scope of internal and external marketing of enterprises, the volume of use of marketing services should be identified as the most important factors in increasing the capacity of enterprises to develop marketing strategies.

Based on the results of the analysis, it is expedient to develop a marketing strategy for industrial enterprises to determine their current position and position in the market, strategic directions of development, taking into account internal and external factors affecting the risk environment. Also, the decision to develop a marketing strategy is made individually for each enterprise, not only on the basis of general requirements, but also by defining the specific parameters of a particular enterprise, as well as the formation of a specific innovation strategy and the formation of each specific should be found.

Conclusions and suggestions

The following main strategic directions in the development and improvement of marketing strategies in industrial enterprises are proposed:

- Concluding and increasing cooperation agreements with international fashion and design agencies;

- conclusion of long-term contracts with manufacturers of large branded products for the production of textile products;

- adoption of international quality criteria, elimination of the problem of slave labor;

- training of qualified technicians for the industry;

- use of new generation sewing machines to automate the technological part of production;

- creation of conditions for partial localization of garment and footwear products, as well as support for the development of local brands;

- Segmentation of promising new product markets, expansion and diversification of sales markets (countries in Asia, Africa and America). Development of product marketing and advertising, image advertising and PRevents;

- production and turnover of industrial products in the consumer market.

In short, the improvement of marketing strategies in industrial enterprises

will allow to increase the value added of finished industrial products compared to textile raw materials and reduce the payback period of investments in projects, thus ensuring a naturally rapid growth of profitability, profitability and exports.


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