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Ключевые слова
texnika yo’nalishlari / kasbiy leksika / integratsiya / integrative yondashuv / integrative mashqlar / muhandis / texnikaviy fanlar. / технические направления / профессиональная лексика / интеграция / интегративный подход / интегративные упражнения / инженер / технические науки.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — B.Mamatkarimova

kasbiy leksika ko'nikmalari texnologiya bilan bog'liq sohalarda talabalar uchun juda muhim bo'lib, ularga maxsus terminologiyani tushunish va ulardan samarali foydalanish imkonini beradi.

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профессиональные лексические навыки необходимы студентам, изучающим технологические области, чтобы они могли эффективно понимать и использовать специализированную терминологию.



Original paper

© B.Mamatkarimova1^_

1O'zbekiston jahon tillari universiteti, Toshkent, O'zbekiston


KIRISH: kasbiy leksika ko'nikmalari texnologiya bilan bog'liq sohalarda talabalar uchun juda muhim bo'lib, ularga maxsus terminologiyani tushunish va ulardan samarali foydalanish imkonini beradi.

MAQSAD: ushbu tadqiqotning asosiy maqsadi texnologiya dasturlarida talabalarning kasbiy leksika ko'nikmalarini oshiradigan integrativ mashqlarni ishlab chiqish va baholashdir.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: ushbu tadqiqot aralash usullardan foydalanadi, jumladan integrativ mashqlarni loyihalash, miqdoriy so'rovlar va talabalar va o'qituvchilarning sifatli fikr-mulohazalari.

MUHOKAMA VA NATIJALAR: topilmalar bir nechta samarali integrativ mashqlarni va ularning kasbiy leksika mahoratini oshirishga ta'sirini ta'kidlaydi. Natijalar talabalarning texnik atamalarni tushunish va to'g'ri ishlatish qobiliyati sezilarli darajada yaxshilanganligini ko'rsatadi.

XULOSA: Ushbu tadqiqot integrativ mashqlar texnologiya talabalarining kasbiy leksika ko'nikmalarini samarali oshirishi mumkinligini ko'rsatadi. Kontekstli o'qish vazifalari, texnik yozish topshiriqlari, interfaol seminarlar, raqamli vositalar va amaliy amaliy loyihalarni o'z ichiga olgan holda, o'qituvchilar o'quvchilarning texnik lug'atni tushunish va qo'llash qobiliyatini oshirishi mumkin.

Kalit so'zlar: texnika yo'nalishlari, kasbiy leksika, integratsiya, integrative yondashuv, integrative mashqlar, muhandis, texnikaviy fanlar.


©Б.Маматкаримова1 н

1Узбекский университет мировых языков, Ташкент, Узбекистан Аннотация

Iqtibos uchun: Mamatkarimova B. Texnika yo'nalishidagi talabalarning kasbiy leksikasini takomillashtirishda integrativ mashqlar.// Inter education & global study. 2024. №5(1). B.219— 226.


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: профессиональные лексические навыки необходимы студентам, изучающим технологические области, чтобы они могли эффективно понимать и использовать специализированную терминологию.

ЦЕЛЬ: основная цель данного исследования - разработать и оценить интегративные упражнения, улучшающие профессиональные лексические навыки студентов по технологическим программам.

МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: в этом исследовании используются смешанные методы, включая интегративную разработку упражнений, количественные опросы и качественную обратную связь со студентами и учителями.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: результаты подчеркивают несколько эффективных интегративных упражнений и их влияние на улучшение профессиональных лексических навыков. Результаты показывают, что способность учащихся понимать и правильно использовать технические термины значительно улучшилась.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: данное исследование показывает, что интегративные упражнения могут эффективно улучшить профессиональные лексические навыки студентов технических специальностей. Включая задачи контекстного чтения, технические письменные задания, интерактивные семинары, цифровые инструменты и практические проекты, учителя могут улучшить понимание и использование технической лексики учащимися.

Ключевые слова: технические направления, профессиональная лексика, интеграция, интегративный подход, интегративные упражнения, инженер, технические науки.

Для цитирования: Б.Маматкаримова. Интегративные упражнения по совершенствованию профессионального словариата студентов техники.// Inter education & global study.2024. №5(1). С. 219- 226.


©Barno Mamatkarimova1H

1Uzbekistan University of World Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan._


INTRODUCTION: vocational lexical skills are essential for students in technology-related fields to enable them to understand and use specialized terminology effectively.

AIM: the main objective of this study is to develop and evaluate integrative exercises that improve students' professional lexical skills in technology programs.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: this study uses mixed methods, including integrative exercise design, quantitative surveys, and qualitative feedback from students and teachers.

©intereduglobalstudy.com 2024, ISSUE5(1)

Ilmiy-nazariyvametodikjurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: the findings highlight several effective integrative exercises and their impact on improving professional lexical skills. The results show that students' ability to understand and correctly use technical terms improved significantly.

CONCLUSIONS: this study shows that integrative exercises can effectively improve vocational lexical skills of technology students. By incorporating contextual reading tasks, technical writing assignments, interactive workshops, digital tools, and hands-on projects, teachers can increase students' understanding and use of technical vocabulary.

Key words: technical directions, professional lexicon, integration, integrative approach, integrative exercises, engineer, technical sciences.

For citation: Barno Mamatkarimova. (2024) Integrative exercises to improve professional dictionary student technology // Inter education & global study, (5(1)), pp. 219- 226. (In English).

Learning a language is usually done through practice. The main content of the exercises is focused on the formation, formation and development of skills in speech activities among language learners. Exercises are an educational tool that captures, facilitates and accelerates the types of speech activity.

E. I. Passov put forward the idea that any exercises have communicative, linguistic and psychological characteristics. In his opinion, communicative exercises are divided into real communicative exercises and conditional communicative exercises. Real communicative exercises appear in the process of communication, and conditional communicative exercises require the creation of a conditional communication situation during training.

Literature review. Achieving the growth of the professional lexicon of technical students, that is, representatives of the engineering field, is carried out through practical exercises during the lesson. In the researches of foreign and Uzbek scientists such as David Bonami, V.A.Bukhbinder, E.I.Passov, I.L.Bim, B.A.Lapidus, V.I.Andriyanova, J.Jalolov, M.Djusupov and E.Lagay on exercises in language learning and speech development. different opinions have been expressed.

I.V. Rakhmanov divided the exercise system into language and speech exercises, receptive and reproductive, aspectual and complex exercises, educational and purely communicative exercises, preparation and control exercises; according to the nature of exercises - oral and written, monolingual and bilingual, mechanical and creative, class and home exercises, individual, pair, choir exercises; based on the selected material -dialogic and monologic speech exercises proposed to be classified as

Research Methodology we will analyze how important is the system of exercises and assignments aimed at integrating the listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing types of speech activity in the engineering field in the field of engineering.


2024, ISSUE5(1)


D. Djusupov: Exercises are an important part of the learning process. Exercise is a regularly performed activity aimed at mastering some speech activity. There are different views on the types of exercises and their typology in the methodological literature, they are classified according to different criteria, therefore their types are also different. But the main three groups of exercises are noted the most: a) exercises aimed at learning the language structure; b) exercises aimed at learning language dynamics; d) exercises aimed at developing speech.

The three groups of exercises mentioned above can summarize all the theory of exercises. The types of exercise systems listed in Table 4 also include the above types of exercises.

There are the following types of exercises for learning aspects of language:

1. Phonetic;

2. Lexic;

3. Grammar.

Analysis and results There are two sets of exercises for the formation of grammatical competence, which teach the system of the language and guide to speech activity. In exercises aimed at teaching the language system, the following assignments can be given:

• Choose the correct form of the verbs;

• Write negative form of the verbs;

• Transform the active voice into passive...

In the sets of exercises guiding speech activity, the following tasks can be given (see Figure 2.1):

Figure 1. Tasks in sets of exercises that guide speech activity


• Answer to the questions using the Past tenses;

• Read the text and make up questions to underlined verbs;

• Make up a dialogue with your partner using conditional sentences....

It is necessary to be based on the basic principles when creating grammatical tasks that form speech activity. One of the main principles should be the goal of the learner to find a solution to the speech problem. The second principle is the principle of analogy, in which students should develop grammatical skills based on the examples and models shown by the teacher and textbooks. The third principle is based on the parallel acquisition of grammatical form and its function in speech.

In the formation of grammatical knowledge, exercises should be based on the following principles:

1. Situation-based communication;

2. Ability to attract students' attention (motivate);

3. Not only the form and structure of the information in the mentioned tasks, but also its use and meaning should make the student think;

4. A kind of Grammar provides automatic repetition and understanding of the event;

5. Exercises should be structured in such a way that the language learner should make minimal mistakes;

6. Each element of the exercises should be aimed at developing the communication process.

In most cases, exercises aimed at developing grammar skills are divided into three main types, which are as follows:

According to the definition given by Professor Djusupov, we noted that there are 3 main types of exercises in teaching all aspects of the language (a) exercises aimed at learning the language structure; b) exercises aimed at learning language dynamics; d) exercises aimed at developing speech activity). If we summarize all three types of exercises as 3 separate sets of exercises, we can call the first two preparatory and the last one the main group of exercises. A similar definition was given by the English scientist Littlewood (Littlewood, 1981:34). According to him, exercises leading to communication can be divided into two groups - pre-communicative and communicative -group of exercises. pre-communicative exercises are exercises that prepare students for the elementary, primary communication process, and communicative exercises are exercises that develop their skills to engage in communication and find a solution to a problem situation.

When creating a set of exercises, the researcher was based on the following factors:

• When explaining a certain topic to the student, emphasis was placed on the similarities and differences between their mother tongue and the grammatical units of the languages being studied;

• Exercises aimed at preventing this situation were created in the subjects where the problem of interference may arise;


• In the set of exercises, a sequence of tasks was created based on a systematic approach (principle sistemnosti), that is, from easy to complex, from preparatory (pre-communicative) exercises to basic (communcitive) exercises.

• As much as possible, English and Uzbek culture-specific contexts and texts that teach English grammar through technical and medical topics based on the principle of integration were selected and included in the exercises.

• In accordance with the state educational standard and the knowledge indicators of students, exercises of difficulty suitable for the B2 level were given.

A set of exercises for teaching English vocabulary to first-year Uzbek audience students. The Verb. Passive Voice

The following features of the organization of educational material by module type are relevant for our research:

- the possibility of providing non-linear information;

- the ability to assimilate information in offline mode;

- the ability to learn subject information from various subjects;

- the ability to combine lessons based on working with text materials and working with video materials.

Conclusion/Recommendations. Analyzing the theoretical issues of modular teaching, it can be noted that it is appropriate to teach vocabulary to engineers at the general professional level through a modular course, in which the texts of color scientific and popular publications and exercises, developments are organized for them, video lessons and a selection of texts for home study is made.

Exercise 1. It is aimed at forming the first understanding of the grammatical unit or phenomenon that is expected to be taught to the students and the ability to distinguish its use in a certain context. Exercise 1.

Read the first extract below. And answer to the question "according to what feature are the texts differentiated?"

Then read both articles and underline any differences you notice in the extracts.

In which extract are the engineering m ore important?

Extract1 Extract 2

Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. It applies the principles of physics and material science for analysis, design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems. Mechanical engineers use the core concepts of engineering like mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, material science and structural analysis along with the tools like computer aided engineering and product life cycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices and more. Mining Engineering is an engineering discipline that involves the science, technology and application of extracting and processing minerals from a natural environment. In India, mining engineering courses includes extraction of valuable ores from the ground for processing and utilization. It involves all the phases of mining operations starting from exploration and discovery, feasibility, development, production, processing, and marketing. After that it is also required to restore and rehabilitate the land from where the extraction was done.


2024, ISSUE5(1)

Ilmiy-nazariyvametodikjurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


We want to present the given exercises in the form of module training, as they are specific to the technical direction. In the exercises (course) we offer, there are 3 courses in one module. Each part of the module consists of three parts, including: Reading part -two reading lessons, Video part - two lessons on working on video film (video fragments) and Presentation - engineers' a report lesson on the results of independent work (presentations on a selected topic, slides based on additional texts read, stories about watched films, discussion of written works) - a total of 5 lessons (Lessons). The module ends with a vocabulary test. As an example, Figure 2.3 shows the components of the M1 module - "Types of Engineering", including the objectives of the module, its thematic content and a description of the structure.

Module 1. History of engineering

Objective of Module I

1. To give an understanding of the main stages of the development of the field of engineering, the importance of engineering in the process of the historical development of human society; forming a conscious positive attitude towards the future profession.

2. To ensure the collection of vocabulary in the following thematic groups: providing information about countries, types of engineering and its definition, discoveries, current changes, new stages.

3. To contribute to the formation of individual communicative qualities in the process of developing professional speech through the implementation of educational and creative tasks.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


1. David Bonamy. 67. "English for technical students".-Longman.

2. Knowles M., 113.The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species, Gulf Publishing , Houston, Texas, 1973.

3. Keating D.A., 114. Stanford T.G., Cope R.S., Leadership of Systematic Technology Innovation and the Advanced Professional Education of Engineers, IEE Conference Proceedings No 435: Fifth International Conference on Factory 2000, Churchill College, Cambridge University, p. 362-369 (1997).

4. Джусупов М. 73.Билингвальное образование: подходы, методы (неродной язык в тюркоязычной аудитории). От билингвизма в транслингвизму: про и контра. Материалы III международной научно- практической конференции. РУДН. -М., 2017.- 191 c.

5. Doniyorov R. 16 Zamonaviy ta'lim( ilmiy-ommabop jurnal) №7,2020.ISSN2181-6516/www.ITM.uz.26b.

6. Jalolov J.J., 85.Makhkamova G.T., Ashurov Sh. S. English Language Teaching Methodology (Theory and Practice). - Т.: 2015. - 336 p.


2024, ISSUE5(1)

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Barno Mamatkarimova, doktorant, [Барно Маматкаримова, докторант,] [Barno Mamatkarimova, doctoral student]; manzil: O'zbekiston,J Toshkent shahri, Kichik Xalqa Yo4i ko'chasi, G-9a mavzesi, 21-a uy [адрес: Город Ташкент, улица Кичик Халка йули, квартал Г-9а, дом 21.], [address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Kichik Khalka Yo4i street, district G-9a, house 21.]

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