TERRITORIAL-PRODUCTION CLUSTERS AS A BASIS FOR BALANCED INNOVATIVE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Voronina Evgeniya Vasilyevna, Zavedeev Egor Vladimirovich

The article considers the role of territorial production clusters in the socio-economic development of the regions at the present stage. The varieties of clusters are considered, their brief characteristic is given. It is concluded that the cluster approach is the basis of a balanced regional development, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of life of the population.

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Похожие темы научных работ по социальной и экономической географии , автор научной работы — Voronina Evgeniya Vasilyevna, Zavedeev Egor Vladimirovich

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Section 18. Economics

Voronina Evgeniya Vasilyevna, candidate of economics, associate professor of management and Business Department Surgut State University E-mail: ugine_v@mail.ru Zavedeev Egor Vladimirovich, candidate of economics, associate professor of management and Business Department E-mail: zavedeevev@mail.ru


The article is written with financial support from Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No.: 18-410-860009).

Abstract: the article considers the role of territorial production clusters in the socio-economic development of the regions at the present stage. The varieties of clusters are considered, their brief characteristic is given. It is concluded that the cluster approach is the basis of a balanced regional development, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of life of the population.

Keywords: cluster, socio-economic development of the regions, balanced development.

One definition of the term "cluster" is contained in Federal Law No. 116-FZ ofJuly 22, 2005 "On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation" [2]. It defines cluster as a set of special economic zones of one type or several types which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and which control is exercised of one managing company.

The Concept of Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation [1] states that after 2012, economic development hubs will play an important role in regional development. Those hubs will be predominantly composed of various types of clusters:

- tourism and recreational - areas with unique natural resources and natural landscapes, rich historical and cultural heritage;

- petrochemical - areas rich with mineral resources, primarily oil and gas, resources used in modern technologies;

- territorial-production - areas of transport, heavy, chemical, agricultural, power engineering and instrument making, production of medical equipment, metallurgy and chemistry;

- energy industry - areas with hydroelectric power plants;

- forest industry - areas of Siberia rich with forest resources.

Adopted as a strategy in 2008, the Concept of Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation [1] has established the transition to innovative economy (from the commodity economy). Key aspects of the new economy include: "formation of a new social development mechanism", "strike a balance of entrepreneurial freedom", "social justice and national competitiveness"

One of the long-term development concept goals is the transition to a new model of the spatial development of the Russian economy, including the following most significant, from our point of view, aspects:

- creation of territorial-production cluster network to develop full competitive capacities of regions (at least 6-8), focused on high-tech industries in priority sectors ofthe economy;

- reduction in living standards inequality of population of the Russian Federation.

The approach adopted is not exactly new in the international strategic planning practices of socio-economic development, but its implementation in the Russian Federation lead to the widespread introduction of the cluster concept into the documents of strategic territorial planning for the period up to 2030, whereas before, the term "cluster" was associated with the development of selected territorial complexes.

It is important to note that the legislation makes reasonable decision to not stop using the commodity sector of the domestic economy. It specifies that natural resources should be used to implement innovations in the regions [1].

One of the new legislative documents in the field of cluster policy implementation is the RF Government Decree No. 779 of July 31, 2015 "On Industrial Clusters and Specialized Organizations of Industrial Clusters". The document defines the purpose of creating an industrial cluster as a set of industrial objects producing manufactured goods and connected on the territorial proximity basis and functional dependence, located on the constituent territory of the Russian Federation or several constituent territories of the Russian Federation [3].

In our opinion, this interpretation of the goal completely ignores the synergistic nature of cluster effects per each region, that implements cluster policy of socio-economic development, supported by international practices that indicate its relatively high social and economic viability.

We agree with the author of [4] that the main advantages of cluster-based economy include:

- improved efficiency of investment, investment management (on the sectoral and (or) territorial principle);

- increased innovative potential of each sector (as well as related sectors) and (or) territory;

- promotion of entrepreneurial activity;

- possibility of targeted benefits provision;

- increased competitiveness;

- development of the region and its management;

- employment generation.

In previous articles [5; 6 for example], the authors considered issues and features of the socio-economic development of territories with sector-specific economy on the example of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District - Yugra (hereinafter referred to as "KMAD - Yugra") as significant from the point of view of its contribution to the industrial sector of the Russian economy. Let us take a closer look at the implementation of the cluster approach in the strategy papers of the KMAD - Yugra.

The strategy of socio-economic development of the KMAD - Yugra - 2030 intends to use the cluster development paradigm for the purpose of implementing the principle of marketing thinking [7]. The innovative scenario of socioeconomic development is based on a gradual decrease of the share of oil and gas sector in the economy.

Table 1. - Strategic focus of territorial production cluster development of the KMAD - Yugra

Cluster Description, strategic focus

Medical Includes medical facilities, medical institutions of higher education, specialized medical centres; small enterprises (palliative care centres, medical equipment production enterprises). Evolves into intersectolar technological cluster of healthcare (or biomedical cluster) as related industries integrate into the cluster (medical tourism, health-resort treatment, production of medicines, dietary supplements and other biotechnological products manufactured using wild plants and agricultural raw materials, etc.).

Oil and gas procession, and forest industry Increases the complexity of advances processing of raw materials and the production of final consumer products. Emergence of wooden housing after its reimagination, implementation of innovative technologies and design solutions. Includes possible emergence of a mining cluster based on mineral processing.

Oil and gas extraction Modernization of oil and gas production, modernization of the oil service industry, development of domestic technologies for the development of tight resources, new technologies for oil and gas production and geological exploration. Prevention of productivity losses through the use of modern mining technologies.

Science and innovation The total of innovative components of other clusters is created on the basis of existing research institutes, universities, support and development of science and innovation cluster in the autonomous district (including existing and planned: science park, industrial estates, innovation and educational complex, Quantoriums - science parks for children).

Agribusiness and tourism Long-term formation after 2030. Inclusion of individual agribusiness enterprises (biotechnological and organic food production) and tourism (health-resort facilities) into the emerging intersectoral biomedical cluster (technological cluster of healthcare) without forming specialized sectoral clusters.

Based on data in [5]

Historically, the development of the industrial sector production: the share of mineral production in the industrial of the KMAD - Yugra is determined by the dynamics of oil output in 2016 is 81%, in 2017 - slightly less than 80%, in

January-March 2018-79.6%. Beyond that, the share of petroleum production for this period is 10%, 12.3% and 12.7%, respectively [8; 9; 10]. This data indicates lack of decrease in the share of the oil and gas sector in the regional economy, but the share of the petroleum production is increasing at insignificant rates, which should be considered as a positive development.

The most effective for generating innovations are inter-sectoral clusters.

In order to implement the cluster strategy in the district in the field of industrial policy and innovation development, the cluster definition in the document [7] is "the form of territorial organization of economic activity in which the institutional environment (demand, level of competition, a system of related and auxiliary production, a system of material and intangible resources) provides competitive advantages for a certain type of economic activity". On that basis, the defining feature of the cluster is the territorial concentration of economic activity.

Presently, the Strategy [7] has declared the formation of the following eight territorial and sectoral clusters: oil and gas extraction; oil and gas procession; forest industry; mining industry; science and innovation; tourism and recreational; medical; agribusiness. A brief description of the strategic direction of territorial production cluster development of the KMAD - Yugra is presented in the (Table).

In summary, means of regional cluster policies implementation aimed at the development of full competitive capacities of the regions are defined as the focus of regional policy. Considering that the strategic goal of the socio-economic development of the territory is to improve the quality of life of the population, the cluster approach should be considered as the basis for balanced regional development and viewed as a combination of economic growth, competitiveness, and environmental safety.


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