ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ВЕБ-КВЕСТА В ОБУЧЕНИИ ИНОСТРАННЫМ ЯЗЫКАМ: СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ ЭТАП Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Агеенко Наталья Владимировна, Старцева Наталья Валерьевна

В статье актуализируется необходимость внедрения инновационных образовательных технологий для повышения эффективности учебного процесса. Отмечается, что использование инновационных компьютерных технологий является не только средством получения знаний, но и средством формирования профессиональных компетенций на современном этапе. Выделен ряд современных методик обучения иностранному языку и подробно описаны задачи веб-технологического квеста. Авторы приходят к выводу о целесообразности использования веб-квестов как одной из разновидностей инновационных технологий в образовательном процессе, эффективность которых подтверждается растущей познавательной активностью студентов, возможностью индивидуализации учебного процесса, повышением уровня социализации будущих специалистов, а также уровня профессиональной компетентности. Компьютерные технологии отвечают современным вызовам в образовании.

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In the article, the necessity to introduce innovative educational technologies to improve the effectiveness of the learning process is actualized. It is noted that the use of innovative computer technologies is not only a mean of gaining knowledge, but also a mean of forming professional competencies at the current stage. A number of modern methods of teaching of a foreign language are distinguished and a description of the tasks of the Web technology quest is given in detail. The authors come to the conclusion that it is expedient to use web quests as one of the varieties of innovative technologies in the educational process, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by the growing cognitive activity of students, the possibility of individualizing the learning process, raising the level of socialization of future specialists, and the level of professional competence. Computer technologies meet current challenges in education.



UDC 378.2

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Ageenko Natalia Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara);

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Startseva Natalia Valerievna

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education (Samara)


Annotation. In the article, the necessity to introduce innovative educational technologies to improve the effectiveness of the learning process is actualized. It is noted that the use of innovative computer technologies is not only a mean of gaining knowledge, but also a mean of forming professional competencies at the current stage. A number of modern methods of teaching of a foreign language are distinguished and a description of the tasks of the Web technology quest is given in detail. The authors come to the conclusion that it is expedient to use web quests as one of the varieties of innovative technologies in the educational process, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by the growing cognitive activity of students, the possibility of individualizing the learning process, raising the level of socialization of future specialists, and the level of professional competence. Computer technologies meet current challenges in education.

Keywords: innovative educational technology, efficiency, development of professional competencies, web quest technology, socialization, cognitive activity.

Аннотация. В статье актуализируется необходимость внедрения инновационных образовательных технологий для повышения эффективности учебного процесса. Отмечается, что использование инновационных компьютерных технологий является не только средством получения знаний, но и средством формирования профессиональных компетенций на современном этапе. Выделен ряд современных методик обучения иностранному языку и подробно описаны задачи веб-технологического квеста. Авторы приходят к выводу о целесообразности использования веб-квестов как одной из разновидностей инновационных технологий в образовательном процессе, эффективность которых подтверждается растущей познавательной активностью студентов, возможностью индивидуализации учебного процесса, повышением уровня социализации будущих специалистов, а также уровня профессиональной компетентности. Компьютерные технологии отвечают современным вызовам в образовании.

Ключевые слова: инновационная образовательная технология, эффективность, развитие профессиональных компетенций, технология веб-квестов, социализация, познавательная активность.

Introduction. Educational process efficiency is an urgent problem of modern society, which is due not only to the sharply increased complexity of the tasks to be solved in management, production, technology, science and other fields of activity, but also to the current trend in the world, the economic and social situation in Russia. In accordance with the concept of modernization of Russian education, the main goal of higher school is to prepare a qualified graduate of the appropriate level and profile, competitive, competent, and capable of effective work at the level of world standards. In the process of professional training the knowledge of foreign languages is updated due to the increasing integration of the world community and expansion of cooperation in the global market and economic system, becomes a key for successful professional activities.

One of the main problems of higher school learning is the diversity of the educational process, the activation of independent cognitive student activities. This requires the implementation of the latest forms, teaching methods and technologies. Interactive forms allowing engaging of all participants realize their creative abilities; embody existing knowledge and skills in practice become more and more popular. Using the newest information technologies in distant learning classroom activity also has big value, because a modern student deals with the latest gadgets. The teacher's task is to involve a student in the process of learning, facilitating creative activities, to give the ability to realize the potentials of each student. Current situation in the field of education motivates teachers to improve their knowledge, revise their views and look for new forms, techniques, technologies in organizing educational process with students. So, an educational quest or quest technology is rapidly gaining popularity not only among children, but and in adult community, since it allows to individualize the learning process, create the best conditions.

Background. According to researchers, innovative technologies in education provide great opportunities for the active involvement of students in the e-learning process today. Using innovative technologies, the education process is not only the way of gaining knowledge, but also a mean of forming professional competencies. The use of innovative technologies increases the cognitive activity of students, allows students to be involved in communication interaction, and increases the level of socialization.

Both state institutions regulating the educational process and the teachers themselves take part in the development of new educational technologies, setting the main educational goals: to form and develop the key competencies, to achieve a high level of knowledge and to increase motivation for professional training.

Experience shows that the latest researches in language teaching use both different technical devices and innovative systems for the implementation of the educational process with various level of interactivity. The use of computer technology in learning in the formation of a competent approach to education in a way that encourages the individualization of the learning process, the improvement of the visual presentation of the material, i.e. to provide visualization of education, a deeper and more comprehensive analysis of the processes taking place in different systems. The following possibilities of computer technology for training are obvious: learning automation; the use of computers as means of demonstrating various processes with the help of appropriate modeling programs; implementation of active learning systems (electronic textbooks, simulators, business simulation games, etc.); access to databases; remoteness of the educational process.

Results and discussion. To form all appropriate competencies it is necessary to take into account not only differentiation of training tasks, but also differentiation of teaching methods, methods of using computer technology in education [13]. These aspects of implementing computer technology in education should be considered as stimulating development of training systems focused on the specific area. The penetration of modern information technologies in the field of education allows changing the methods and organizational forms of training, making it more convenient and available [1].

Innovative teaching tools and methods include: web quests, online training, video conferencing, open source policies (the principle of "distributed" development), the method of specific situations, virtual reality technology.

Web quest - a problematic task with elements of a role-playing game, where the information resources of the Internet are used. The term WebQuest was first proposed in 1995 by Bernie Dodge, Professor of Educational Technology, and University of San Diego (USA). The author developed innovative Internet applications for integration into the educational process when teaching various subjects at different levels of education. Kenton Letkeman, the creator of a number of educational web quests, considers this to be a "super-learning tool, as a constructivist approach to learning is being applied". When completing web quests, students do not receive ready-made answers or solutions; they solve the task assigned to them independently. Therefore, web quest doing helps to organize an active independent or group search activity; contributes to the development of creative thinking and problem-solving skills; makes it possible to implement an individual approach; trains mental abilities (explanation, comparison, classification, allocation of general and particular). Creating a web quest requires a high level of subject, methodological and information and communication competence from the teacher. Themes of web quests can be very diverse, problematic tasks can vary in degree of difficulty. It is necessary to take into account web quest contains six stages: clearly represented short introduction, containing the necessary information; an interesting task; a list of necessary information resources; a step-by-step description of the task stages; guidance on how to organize material; presentation of a final lesson on a topic that summarizes the material in a wider, interdisciplinary context.

The results of the web quest, depending on the material being studied, can be presented in the form of an oral presentation, a computer presentation, an essay, a web page, etc. B. Dodge describes the following types of web quests tasks [9]: retelling; planning and design; compilation; creative task; consensus building; journalistic investigation; Scientific research. Analysis of modern requirements for graduates showed that the most significant types of tasks for professional development are creative tasks, consensus-building, journalistic investigations, and scientific research. These types of web quests tasks allow students to consider the problem being studied more comprehensively, to present a personal attitude to this topic, which helps to intensify the learning process.

Let us dwell on the possible types of tasks when doing this kind of web quests. The essence of the compilation task is that students should take information from various sources and bring it to a single format. The final compilation can be published on the Internet or presented in the form of any tangible or non-digital product. For example, it can be a cookbook composed of recipes collected on the Internet, a booklet, an album with postcards for tourists, etc. A web quest created on the basis of a riddle task requires the synthesis of information from a set of sources and the creation of a puzzle that cannot be solved simply by searching for an answer on any particular Internet page [3].

In journalistic web quests (journalistic tasks), students must collect facts and organize them in the genre of reporting, interviews or other journalistic genres. The design web quest (design task) requires students to create a product or action plan to fulfill a predetermined goal within a certain framework. For example, plan a kitchen that meets the needs of a particular family or find a job and plan a career for fictional university graduates, etc. Creative web quests (creative products task) require students to create a product in a given format (picture, play, poster, game, song, website, multimedia presentation, etc.). Creative projects are similar to design ones, but are more free and unpredictable in their results. Consensus building task web quests involve finding and presenting different, sometimes opposing, opinions on the same problem and trying to bring them to consensus.

A persuasion task is aimed at creating a product that can convince someone of something. This task goes beyond the usual retelling and requires students to develop arguments in favor of any statement, opinion, solution to the problem based on materials obtained when working with the quest. The final product of such a project may be a letter, article, press release, video recording, multimedia presentation, web page, etc.

Web-based quests focused on self-knowledge (self-knowledge tasks), have as their goal a better self-consciousness, which can be developed through online research. Such projects are rare, but examples still exist, for example, a web quest aimed at studying Internet resources by students related to their future careers and employment. An analytical web quest (analytical task) explores the interdependence of things in the real world within a given topic. Such tasks provide the basis for students to gain knowledge in conditions under which they must carefully study one or more things and find similarities and differences in them, as well as calculate the hidden meaning of these similarities and differences, understand the connection between cause and effect and discuss their significance [6, 7, 8]. For example, when comparing the cultures of two countries or peoples, it is necessary not only to identify their similarities and differences, but to reflect and speculate on what they mean, what their causes and consequences are.

Evaluation web quests (judgment tasks) present a number of subjects to students and ask them to rate or classify, or choose a solution from a huge list. Often, but not necessarily, students are encouraged to play a role in such quests, for example, judges in a lawsuit. Scientific web-quests (scientific tasks) are used to introduce and familiarize students with scientific research in various fields of knowledge. Themes of web quests can be very diverse, problematic tasks can vary in degree of difficulty [2, 5, 12].

It should be remembered that the use of web quests and other tasks based on Internet resources in teaching a foreign language requires students to have an appropriate level of language proficiency to work with authentic Internet resources. In this regard, the effective integration of web quests in the process of teaching foreign languages is possible in cases where the web quest: is a creative task that completes the study of a topic; accompanied by training lexical and grammar exercises based on language material authentic resources used in the web quest. Performing such exercises can either precede the work on the quest, or be carried out in parallel with it.

Conclusion. Currently many students are engaged in the distant independent work, so, it is obviously they use the Internet resources for performing individual and group research works; though, it refers to independent research work. The research methodology hardly fits into the time frame of a regular lesson but in the situation of distant learning it is an integral part of training process. Most of the time spent on searching information, processing and analyzing it, as well as preparing the results of the study for presentation at the lesson, falls on extracurricular time. Thus, a web quest, using the information resources of the Internet and integrating them into the educational process, helps to effectively solve a number of practical problems, as a number of competencies develop in the process of working on a web quest:

• use of information technology to solve professional problems;

• self-training and self-organization;

• teamwork;

• the ability to find several ways to solve a problem situation.

Web quest is an educational technology that stimulates and intensifies the process of acquiring new knowledge. Web quests develop critical thinking: such skills as the ability to compare, analyze, classify, and think abstractly. Pupils not only collect information, but also transform it to complete tasks and solve a proposed problem.

Modern goals of education force us to choose methods and forms of organizing work that contribute to an active process of cognition that develop the ability to learn: find the necessary information, use various information sources, remember, think, decide, organize yourself to work. That is why the use of computer technology in education opens up new possibilities while distant learning. The effectiveness of using innovative technologies is confirmed by the growth of students' cognitive activity in foreign languages, the possibility of individualizing the learning process, increasing the level of socialization of future specialists, and the level of professional competencies. An important feature is also the teacher's ability to use innovative technologies in the educational process, his ability to select the most optimal learning tools based on the level of students' development. However, when using these tools, one should not forget about classical teaching methods, it is necessary to strike a balance between the classical methodology and innovative technologies that make the educational process more modern, change the structure of the lesson and the role of the teacher.


1. Andreeva M.V. Technologies web quests in the formation of communicative and sociocultural competence. Information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages. Theses of the reports of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference. M., 2014. pp. 45-49

2. Bauer-Ramazani Chr. WebQuests Resource Page. 1998-2005.

3. Dodge B. A Rubric for Evaluating WebQuests. 2001.

4. Dodge B. Creating A Rubric for a Given Task. 2001.

5. Dodge B. Some Thoughts About WebQuests. 1995-1997.

6. March T. Web-Quests for Learning. 1998.

7. March T. What's on the Web? Sorting Strands of the World Wide Web for Educators. 1995-2001.

8. March T. Working the Web for Education. Theory and Practice on Integrating the Web for Learning. 1997-2001.

9. Nikolaeva N.V. Educational quest projects as a method and means of developing the skills of information activity of students. Questions of Internet education. 2002, No. 7. pp. 23-40

10. Pavlova A.M, Seer E.F. The problem of studying the professional and personal potential: the results of exploratory research. Education and Science, 2012. - No.1. - P. 103-115

11. Shulgina E.M. Algorithm for working with web-quest technology at the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students - Tambov, 2013. p. 167

12. The WebQuest Page. Reading and Training Materials. 1998-2005. http://webquest.sdsu.edu/materials.htm

13. Vakhrusheva S.N. Competence approach in the linguistic education of bachelors. Achievements and prospects for the development of vocational education: Sat. sci. Art. Chelyabinsk: Izd. Center of SUSU, 2016. pp. 91-95.


УДК 378

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Акимова Елена Анатольевна

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Калужский государственный университет имени К.Э. Циолковского (г. Калуга); кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Прокофьева Ольга Николаевна

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Калужский государственный университет имени К.Э. Циолковского (г. Калуга)



Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме нравственного воспитания будущих учителей как неотъемлемой части их профессиональной подготовки. В статье представлены результаты исследования интереса к морально-нравственным проблемам, проведенного среди студентов КГУ им. К.Э. Циолковского. Анализируются причины изменения нравственного восприятия действительности в кризисные периоды. Особое внимание уделяется вопросу нравственной воспитанности и профессиональной этики учителя.

Ключевые слова: морально-нравственные проблемы, нравственное воспитание, волонтерство, профессиональная подготовка, нравственные качества учителя, профессиональная этика.

Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of future teachers moral education as an integral part of their professional training. The article presents the results of a study of interest in moral issues conducted among students of KSU after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The causes of changes in the moral perception of reality in crisis periods are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the issue of moral education and professional ethics of teachers.

Keywords: moral problems, moral education, volunteering, professional training, moral qualities of a teacher, professional ethics.

Введение. Наиболее актуальная тенденция сегодняшнего дня в образовании и педагогике, как науке -цифровизация, внедрение современных компьютерных технологий в учебно-воспитательный процесс. Особенно тесно мы столкнулись с необходимостью внедрения информационных технологий в период самоизоляции, когда были вынуждены перейти дистанционное обучение. Однако практика показала, что в период всеобщего психоза и паники, связанных с пандемией короновируса не менее важными, чем проблемы цифровизации оказались проблемы нравственности.

Во всём мире сегодня на второй план уходит вся проблематика экономики, и, к сожалению, социально-экономической сферы. На первый план выходит гуманитарная проблематика, а здесь огромную значимость приобретает проблема морали и этики в обществе и общественных отношениях как таковых. Со всей очевидностью тема морали и нравственности - определяющая в момент всеобщей драмы.

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