TECHNOLOGY-ENHANCED LEARNING: THE ROLE OF TECH IN MODERN EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Technology-Enhanced Learning / Digital Education / E-Learning / Interactive Learning / Educational Technology / Student Engagement / Teacher Training / Online Learning / Educational Accessibility / Virtual Classrooms.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yuldashaliyev Z.F.

Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) is revolutionizing the educational landscape by integrating digital tools and platforms to enrich the learning experience. This transformation extends beyond mere digitization of traditional methods, offering interactive, personalized, and accessible learning opportunities. TEL's impact on student engagement, teacher effectiveness, and educational accessibility is profound.

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Yuldashaliyev Z. F.


Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute



Abstract. Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) is revolutionizing the educational landscape by integrating digital tools and platforms to enrich the learning experience. This transformation extends beyond mere digitization of traditional methods, offering interactive, personalized, and accessible learning opportunities. TEL's impact on student engagement, teacher effectiveness, and educational accessibility is profound.

Keywords. Technology-Enhanced Learning, Digital Education, E-Learning, Interactive Learning, Educational Technology, Student Engagement, Teacher Training, Online Learning, Educational Accessibility, Virtual Classrooms.

Technology-Enhanced Learning encompasses the use of digital technologies to support and improve teaching and learning processes. It represents a shift from traditional classroom-based instruction to a more flexible, interactive, and student-centered approach. TEL includes a wide range of technologies such as online learning platforms, educational software, virtual classrooms, and digital resources. This integration of technology in education aims to enhance student learning experiences, improve educational outcomes, and provide equitable access to quality education. The emergence of TEL is reshaping the roles of teachers and learners, necessitating new skills and pedagogies.

Evolution of Technology in Education: Tracing the evolution from basic computer-assisted instruction to sophisticated AI-driven learning platforms, this section explores the historical context and technological advancements that have shaped modern TEL.

Pedagogical Shifts in TEL: TEL introduces significant pedagogical shifts, emphasizing active learning, collaborative problem-solving, and personalized instruction. It challenges traditional teaching methods and promotes a learner-centered approach, adapting to individual learning styles and needs.

Digital Tools and Resources: Examining various digital tools such as learning management systems, interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and online resources, this section discusses how these tools enhance learning experiences and facilitate various educational activities.

Impact on Student Engagement and Achievement: TEL has been shown to increase student engagement, motivation, and participation. This section analyzes research findings on the impact of technology on student achievement and learning outcomes.

Challenges and Barriers: Despite its benefits, TEL faces challenges including digital divide, privacy concerns, and resistance to change. This section addresses these challenges and discusses potential solutions and strategies to overcome them.

Future Trends in TEL: Looking forward, this section speculates on emerging technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, and their potential impact on future educational practices.

Technology-Enhanced Learning is a dynamic and transformative aspect of modern education. It has the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience, making it more interactive, accessible, and personalized. While TEL presents certain challenges, its benefits in terms of student engagement, achievement, and educational equity are significant. The future of TEL is promising, with continual advancements in technology offering new possibilities for innovative educational practices.


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