CLOUD-BASED EDUCATION: THE IMPACT OF CLOUD TECHNOLOGY ON LEARNING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Cloud-Based Education / Cloud Technology / E-Learning / Scalability / Accessibility / Collaborative Learning / Digital Resources / Personalized Learning / Educational Innovation / Technology Integration.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Qurvonboyev B.I.

Cloud-based education, leveraging cloud technology, is reshaping the educational landscape by offering scalable, flexible, and accessible learning environments. This technological advancement facilitates collaboration, resource sharing, and personalized learning experiences. It addresses challenges such as limited physical resources and geographical barriers, democratizing access to education. This article examines the impact of cloud technology on learning, discussing its benefits, challenges, and future implications for students, educators, and educational institutions.

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Qurvonboyev B.I. assistant

Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute


Abstract. Cloud-based education, leveraging cloud technology, is reshaping the educational landscape by offering scalable, flexible, and accessible learning environments. This technological advancement facilitates collaboration, resource sharing, and personalized learning experiences. It addresses challenges such as limited physical resources and geographical barriers, democratizing access to education. This article examines the impact of cloud technology on learning, discussing its benefits, challenges, and future implications for students, educators, and educational institutions.

Keywords. Cloud-Based Education, Cloud Technology, E-Learning, Scalability, Accessibility, Collaborative Learning, Digital Resources, Personalized Learning, Educational Innovation, Technology Integration.

Cloud-based education signifies a significant shift in how educational content and experiences are delivered and accessed. By utilizing cloud technology, educational institutions can offer a more dynamic, flexible, and student-centered learning experience. This approach supports a range of educational activities, including content delivery, collaboration, and resource sharing, irrespective of physical location.

Fundamentals of Cloud-Based Education: This section introduces the concept of cloud-based education and its underlying technology. It explains how cloud computing works in an educational context and the types of cloud services used in education.

Personalization of Learning: The ability of cloud-based systems to support personalized learning paths is explored. This includes adaptive learning technologies, customized content delivery, and data-driven insights into student performance.

Challenges in Adopting Cloud-Based Education: Despite its benefits, the adoption of cloud-based education faces challenges such as data security concerns, digital divide issues, and the need for infrastructure and training. This section addresses these challenges and suggests potential solutions.

Impact on Educational Institutions: The impact of cloud technology on the operational and educational strategies of institutions is analyzed. This includes cost implications, scalability, and the transformation of traditional educational models.

Cloud-Based Tools and Applications: This section reviews various cloud-based tools and applications used in education, including Learning Management Systems (LMS), educational apps, and collaboration tools.

Future Trends in Cloud-Based Education: The future prospects of cloud-based education are discussed, speculating on emerging technologies and potential advancements in cloud computing that could further transform the educational landscape. Conclusion

Cloud-based education offers a paradigm shift in the delivery and accessibility of education, providing numerous benefits in terms of scalability, flexibility, and collaboration. It facilitates a more personalized and engaging learning experience, breaking down geographical and resource barriers. While there are challenges to be addressed, the potential of cloud technology in education is vast and continuously evolving. As technology advances, cloud-based education will play a critical role in shaping the future of learning.


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