TEACHING ENGLISH TO PRESCHOOLERS 5-6 YEARS OLD WITH THE HELP OF DIDACTIC GAMES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Isakulova B.X.

Annotatation: This article examines didactic games in English lessons and their impact on the development of preschool children

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UDK: 10.02.08

Isakulova B.X.

English teacher

Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers


Annotatation: This article examines didactic games in English lessons and their impact on the development of preschool children

Key words: English, didactic games, preschool children, thinking, development, outlook

Early teaching of foreign language speech to preschoolers is relevant today. This is determined by the increased status of a foreign language in modern society.

The 21st century is the heyday of information technology. The increasingly expanding outwardly economic and cultural ties of our country form a social order for proficiency in foreign languages for their practical use in various spheres of the life of our society. As a result, there is a need for highly qualified specialists who speak foreign languages, and is determined by the increased status of a foreign (English) language as a means of intercultural communication, stimulating a powerful movement of society towards new forms and models of teaching it as a subject. Therefore, right now, the concept of early teaching of a foreign language is considered as a component of teaching not only at school, but also in a preschool institution, since the study of a foreign language at an early age is especially effective.

It is well known that preschool age is that period of human life when the basic qualities of a person are formed, the foundations of physical, emotional and mental development are laid.

Children of this age are distinguished by a special sensitivity to linguistic phenomena, they develop an interest in understanding their speech experience, the "secrets" of the language.

Preschoolers are especially sensitive to linguistic phenomena, they develop an interest in understanding their speech experience, the "secrets" of the language.

A foreign language at an early stage is considered as a means of forming a child's intellect and developing his abilities; as a means of realizing one's own "I" and self-expression; as a means of social interaction, with the help of which the child masters the social world.

It opens up to the child the perspectives of learning a new world with its own values: nature, environment, originality. National traditions, children's folk tales, folklore. Music, poetry and songs. All this contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in preschoolers4, education of tolerance towards

others4, instilling interest in learning a foreign language as a vital means of communication.

Children who learn foreign languages at preschool age develop better cognitive abilities, they master reading earlier, are able to learn the language flexibly and at an abstract level, which manifests itself in judgments about the grammar of the language, in understanding the play on words.

Early teaching of a foreign language to preschoolers allows for a flexible transition to in-depth study of it in primary school, allows you to maintain a positive motivation for studying this subject in the future.

To effectively solve the indicated problem in practical work with children, various forms and methods are used, aimed at the formation of mental operations, speech activity, at the desire to cognize the surrounding reality. A special place is occupied by play, which is a way of introducing adults to the world, a way of cognition.

For preschool children, play is of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of learning.

The ability to rely on play activity allows you to provide natural motivation for speech in a foreign language, to make even the most elementary statements interesting and meaningful. The more the child is immersed in the atmosphere of the game, following clear rules and improvising on the go, the more successful the learning is. Playing in teaching English is not opposed to educational activity, but is organically linked to it.

Therefore, the game technique, namely the use of didactic games, determines the basic principle of teaching preschoolers a foreign language, since it is the didactic game that contains both the teaching form and the game activity of preschoolers at the same time. Two tasks - didactic and playful reflect the relationship between learning and play.

The use of didactic games in pedagogical activity is determined by the fact that their content is based on strictly scientific knowledge and children, thus, learn the culture of scientific work.

In contrast to the direct formulation of a didactic task in the classroom, in didactic play it is carried out through a play task, determines play actions, becomes the task of the child himself, arouses the desire and need to solve it, activates play actions.

In didactic games, children not only develop speech activity, assimilate and consolidate lexical and grammatical material, but also develop mental processes: thinking, memory, voluntary attention, as well as important personality traits such as purposefulness, concentration, the ability to subordinate their behavior to certain rules and, of course, such social feelings as empathy, the ability to help, collectivism, friendship.

The game frees children from the fear of speaking a foreign language, leaves a vivid impression of the lesson.

For an effective solution of the indicated problem, the optimal pedagogical conditions, features of interaction with children and family were determined:

The organization of the educational process has been thought out through various types of children's activities: educational, play, creative, contributing to the unification of the mental, emotional, motor activity of children;

• Created an educational, subject - developing learning environment;

• Developed a system of long-term planning; synopses of specially organized integrated, thematic classes with the definition of game material;

• Didactic games were selected that corresponded to the subject of the lessons, they were classified into groups according to the types of speech activity of children.

An essential sign of the quality of education is interaction with parents, active participants in the pedagogical process. We organize both general and individual consultations, seminars - workshops. We invite them to classes, parent-teacher meetings, holidays.

Here is an example of a workshop for parents on the topic "Using didactic games in teaching children English."

Nowadays, knowledge of the English language is no longer a whim or a hobby, but often a necessity. Nobody doubts the need to know foreign languages. This is an important condition for the development of successful socio - economic, diplomatic and intercultural relations, it is a means and method of understanding the world, as well as an important tool for the harmonious development of the individual.

Teaching children English can be carried out not only in preschool institutions, but also in a family setting. To do this, it is not necessary to have a pedagogical education, it is enough to know how to organize and conduct didactic games with children at home.

Preschool childhood is a world of fairy tales and exciting games. Stories and songs. Peace. Where interest reigns to play with peers. Therefore:

- do not rush to deprive children of this joy;

-Do not be afraid that children who play too much will not learn seriousness and responsibility.

The child is perfectly able to distinguish the fictional world from the real world and to transfer the skills acquired in the game to real meaningful activity.

The playful method of teaching is the most effective, as it allows you to accustom you to mental work gradually. Making it fun and interesting.

The list of used literature:

1. Vaulina Y., Freidina E. Training of educators-teachers of the English language for preschool institutions // Preschool 1993

2. Gorelov I.N. the relationship of speech and non-speech actions in teaching a second language // preschool education. 1984

3. Tarasyuk N.A. Foreign language for preschoolers: communication lessons (using the example of English). M., 1999

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