TEACHING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS TO PREPARE HOMEWORK INDEPENDENTLY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
challenge / innovative methods / primary / encourage / organize / feedback / skills / rules / expectations / independent.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Makhmudova Diyora, Sapayeva Marhabo, Svetlana Jontoshevna Samadova

Teaching young generation has been essential issue through centuries. Many scientists worked on the problem and created methods, games and techniques that help primary students to learn better. In this article we discussed how to teach young children to do their home task independently, what problems they may face up while learning and how to solve them.

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Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik



Makhmudova Diyora Sapayeva Marhabo

Students of Primary education (2nd higher education) Group 22/3 Svetlana Jontoshevna Samadova

English language teacher at the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages

Chirchik State pedagogical university


Teaching young generation has been essential issue through centuries. Many scientists worked on the problem and created methods, games and techniques that help primary students to learn better. In this article we discussed how to teach young children to do their home task independently, what problems they may face up while learning and how to solve them.

Keywords: challenge, innovative methods, primary, encourage, organize, feedback, skills, rules, expectations, independent.

In the article that was written by G'ulomova X. outlined the methodology of reading in primary school should be used as a method of literary education, the method of reading in primary school should be taught as a preparatory subject for a systematic course of teaching literature, the methodology of future primary school studied the experience of others, who can take an independent conscious approach to the content of literary education and its teaching. It is also said that they will be able to consciously analyze the results of their activities and draw the right conclusions. [1] In the article "Use of modern innovative methods in teaching primary school students" which was written by Akmal Izamov, provided information on the use of modern innovative methods and their types in teaching primary school students and also talked about their importance today. [3]

Young learners can face a variety of psychological and physical problems when it comes to doing homework. Some common ones include: Lack of motivation - children may struggle with finding the motivation to complete their homework, especially if they find the tasks boring or challenging; difficulty concentrating - young learners may have trouble focusing on their homework due to distractions at home or difficulty sustaining attention; procrastination - putting off homework until the last

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


minute can lead to stress and poor-quality work; perfectionism - some children may be perfectionists and become overly stressed about completing their homework perfectly, which can lead to anxiety and avoidance; fatigue - after a long day at school, children may feel tired and lack the energy to complete their homework assignments; learning disabilities - conditions such as dyslexia, or processing disorders can make it difficult for children to complete homework tasks effectively; physical discomfort -poor ergonomics or uncomfortable workspaces can lead to physical discomfort while doing homework, such as back or neck pain; family stressors - home environments that are chaotic or stressful can make it challenging for children to focus on their homework.

Addressing these issues often involves creating a supportive environment, establishing routines, providing appropriate resources and support, and addressing any underlying learning or psychological difficulties through interventions such as therapy or educational accommodations. Teaching young children to do homework independently can be a gradual process that involves fostering responsibility, building skills, and providing support. Here are some strategies teachers can implement to help young learners develop independence with homework:

- Establish Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate homework expectations to pupils and their parents/guardians. Explain the purpose of homework, the specific tasks to be completed, and any guidelines or deadlines.

- Start Small and Gradually Increase Complexity: Begin with simple homework assignments that are manageable for young children. As students demonstrate proficiency and confidence, gradually increase the complexity and length of assignments.

- Provide Explicit Instructions: Break down homework tasks into clear, step-by-step instructions that are easy for young children to understand. Model how to complete each task and provide examples as needed.

- Foster a Positive Homework Environment: Create a supportive and conducive environment for homework completion. Ensure students have access to necessary materials, such as pencils, paper, and reference materials. Minimize distractions and provide a quiet, organized workspace.

- Teach Organization and Time Management Skills: Help students develop organizational skills by teaching them how to keep track of homework assignments, materials, and deadlines. Encourage the use of planners or calendars to schedule homework and other activities.

- Encourage Self-Monitoring and Reflection: Teach students to monitor their own progress and reflect on their learning. Encourage them to check their work for errors, ask questions when they need clarification, and seek help when necessary.

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


- Offer Guidance and Support: Be available to provide guidance and support as students work on their homework. Offer assistance, answer questions, and provide feedback to help students stay on track and overcome challenges.

- Promote Independence and Responsibility: Encourage students to take ownership of their homework and be responsible for completing it independently. Reinforce the importance of effort, perseverance, and personal responsibility.

- Celebrate Progress and Success: Acknowledge and celebrate students' efforts and achievements with homework. Offer praise and positive reinforcement to encourage continued growth and development.

- By implementing these strategies, teachers can help young children develop the skills and confidence they need to successfully complete homework independently.

When parents teach their children using different methods or rules than what the teacher employs, it can create challenges in the learning process. In such situations teachers can use some strategies to address this situation: Foster open communication with parents to understand their teaching methods and expectations; share your own teaching strategies and goals for the child's learning, collaboratively discuss how to best support the pupil's academic progress; consistency is key for young learners; try to align teaching methods and expectations between home and school as much as possible; clearly communicate classroom rules and expectations to both students and parents to create a cohesive learning environment; clearly communicate your teaching methods, rules, and expectations to students and parents at the beginning of the school year or semester; provide written guidelines or handouts outlining classroom procedures and expectations for homework, behavior, and learning activities; organize parent workshops or provide resources to help parents understand your teaching methods and how they can support their child's learning at home; offer tips and suggestions for reinforcing classroom learning through activities and practice at home; recognize that each child learns differently and may benefit from a variety of teaching methods; be flexible in your approach and adapt your teaching strategies to meet the individual needs and learning styles of your students. Encourage students to communicate with both parents and teachers about their learning experiences and any challenges they may encounter. Foster a supportive environment where students feel comfortable seeking help and clarification from both home and school. Keep the focus on the child's learning and academic progress rather than on differences in teaching methods between home and school. Collaborate with parents to set learning goals and monitor progress towards achieving them. Consider attending professional development workshops or courses focused on parent-teacher communication and collaboration. Learn effective strategies for working with parents to support student

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari

learning and address any challenges that may arise.

By maintaining open communication, establishing consistency, and focusing on the child's learning goals, teachers can effectively navigate differences in teaching methods between home and school to create a supportive learning environment for their students.


1. Akmal Izamov, Boshlang'ich sinf o'quvchilarini o'qitishda zamonaviy innovatsion metodlardan foydalanish, "Science and Education" Scientific Journal / Impact Factor 3.848 May 2023 / Volume 4 Issue 5

2. Bakiyeva H. Boshlang'ich sinflarda so'z ustida ishlash metodikasi. -T.: Istiqlol. 2013.

3. G'ulomova X. Boshlang'ich sinfda o'qish darslarini tashkil etish metodikasi, Academic Research In Educational Sciences, VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 3 | 2020

4. Qahhorov S.Q., Hayitov U.H. "Boshlang'ich sinf matematika darslarida innovatsion texnologiyalar" Durdona nashriyoti, Buxoro. 2022.


April 23-24, 2024

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