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teaching and methodological work / psychiatry and drug abuse treatment / distance learning.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rusina S., Nikoryak R.

The teaching and methodological process at the course of psychiatry and medical psychology of the department of nervous diseases, psychiatry and medical psychology named after S.M. Savenko of Bukovynian State Medical University (BSMU) is carried out based on qualification characteristics in accordance with the academic qualification level "Master’s Degree". The effectiveness of professional training of future medical specialists largely depends on the level of teaching and methodological work at the university, namely the elimination of outdated methods that do not meet modern requirements and their prompt replacement by modern ones. There is a need on the part of the teaching staff to adjust their teaching of the subject using the formation and implementation of models of best practices, particularly distance learning. The system of teaching and methodological work at the course of psychiatry and medical psychology of BSMU is based on modern achievements of medical science, advanced pedagogical experience and educational process among student youth.

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Rusina S.,

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology named after S.M. Savenko, Higher educational institution of Ukraine "Bukovynian State

Medical University", Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Nikoryak R.

Ph.D. student of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupyk,

Kyiv, Ukraine


The teaching and methodological process at the course of psychiatry and medical psychology of the department of nervous diseases, psychiatry and medical psychology named after S.M. Savenko of Bukovynian State Medical University (BSMU) is carried out based on qualification characteristics in accordance with the academic qualification level "Master's Degree".

The effectiveness of professional training of future medical specialists largely depends on the level of teaching and methodological work at the university, namely - the elimination of outdated methods that do not meet modern requirements and their prompt replacement by modern ones. There is a need on the part of the teaching staff to adjust their teaching of the subject using the formation and implementation of models of best practices, particularly - distance learning. The system of teaching and methodological work at the course of psychiatry and medical psychology of BSMU is based on modern achievements of medical science, advanced pedagogical experience and educational process among student youth.

Keywords: teaching and methodological work, psychiatry and drug abuse treatment, distance learning.

Problem formulation. Integration of Ukrainian society in the field of education into the European educational space, rethinking medical science values, improving the educational paradigm of higher education and the introduction of new innovative educational technologies, determine the main directions of teaching and methodological work in higher medical educational institutions to form a modern professional clinician.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The system of teaching and methodological work in higher educational institutions is based on the achievements of pedagogical science, advanced pedagogical experience, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the educational process, and covers analytical, diagnostic, research, scientific and practical, and information activities.

Teaching and methodological work is implemented as a two-component and multilevel system, which provides for the simultaneous functioning of the methodological work of the department and the methodological work of the university.

In the process of teaching and methodological work, the quality of the following components is systematically monitored:

- academic achievements of students;

- the level of professionalism of the teaching staff;

- teaching and methodological support for disciplines.

Teaching and methodological work in higher educational institutions is realized through traditional collective (mass and group) and individual forms, i.e.:

- collective: meetings of the methodological council of the faculty and methodical commissions of the departments, permanent problem solving scientific-methodological seminars, the school for young teachers, lectures-consultations, pedagogical conferences on scientific-methodological issues, etc .;

- individual: mentoring, internships, counseling, attending classes and educational activities, self-education of teachers, etc. [3].

To improve the level and quality of education of high importance there are the issues of teaching and technological support of methodological work, which in combination with other areas of work: teaching, research and educational work creates a unique system of educational activities [2]. The focus on humanism in education, especially in medical institutions for the training of doctors, needs renovation and revising the priorities of the educational paradigm. In this regard, the importance of the personality of the teacher, who must combine scientific and practical knowledge in the most appropriate forms of its presentation. He/ She should renew the existing approaches to the organization of methodological work in the educational institution, and it is, as follows, the care about the level of education during work, mobility of graduates, individually oriented approach to training, the combination of higher qualification and professional competence, technologies in higher education, encouraging of innovative activity. [1]. Following the main ideas of the Bologna process, teaching and methodological work is aimed at implementing the European credit transfer system, which, in turn, ensures the formation of competitive graduates in accordance with the areas of training [4].

The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to improve the teaching and methodological work of the discipline "Psychiatry and Addictology" in accordance with the challenges of world problems to train competent medical professionals.

Highlighting previously unresolved issues. Problems of the modern world: the war and the pandemic have made and continue to make their adjust-

ments in the emergence and spreading of diseases, including mental ones, which were previously little covered in the discipline "Psychiatry and Addictology ".

Presenting main material.

An important component of the quality of teaching and methodological activities of the higher educational institution of BSMU is, first of all, theoretical training and pedagogical skills of the university staff. The treatment and research departments of Bukovynian State Medical University control this process. Every five years, each teacher attends advanced training courses at the academies of postgraduate education and every year submits a personal educational portfolio with the results of continuous professional development to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. This work at the university is organized and carried out as a holistic system of actions and activities and is aimed at improving the professional training and level of professionalism of the teaching staff of higher education. The university takes into account the licensing requirements for each teacher for compliance with the position. The minimum required number is four.

The scoring system for continuous professional development and licensing requirements encourage teachers to take thematic improvement courses, prepare scientific articles and abstracts in scientific journals, poster and oral presentations at scientific and practical conferences, congresses and symposia, both in Ukraine and abroad, issue educational and teaching manuals. In the presented works teachers cover their scientific achievements. Through printed materials and electronic resources, they get acquainted with the scientific work of colleagues, which helps them in their professional medical and pedagogical activities, thus activating the scientific and creative potential of both parties. In summary, it should be noted that the portfolio, as an innovative method of teaching and forming within it the IT competence of teachers is widely represented in the process of their professional development in higher medical institutions and, in particular, at BSMU.

To improve the professional skills of teachers, especially young ones, the university has a school for young teachers, headed by experienced professors, which discusses the organization of the educational process, improving the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities evaluation, preparation of scientific publications, etcetera. The attention is paid to deepening international relations, teacher and student exchange, internships in the workplaces, holding international conferences at the university.

In the course of psychiatry and medical psychology, the teachers' main attention is aimed at ensuring the quality of professional training of students, improving their theoretical knowledge, skills, and practical abilities. Because the course of psychiatry and medical psychology is on the clinical basis of the regional psychiatric hospital, students in the pre-quarantine period trained practical skills at bedside (collecting anamnesis of life and illness, using the clinical and psychopatho-logical method, mental status assessing ). Subsequently, later in the classroom, they reported the data of that way of supervision, made a preliminary diagnosis,

ran differential diagnostics, determined the final diagnosis, and prescribed the treatment. The 4th year students studying Psychiatry and Addictology are currently deprived of cases due to quarantine measures. Therefore, the main work is to develop fundamentally new provisions for teaching and methodological work in the higher educational institution, namely - the elimination of outdated methods that do not meet modern requirements. There is a need for the teaching staff to adjust their teaching of the subject using the formation and implementation of models of best practices, in particular - distance learning. This technique is not the latest, but its widespread use in all educational institutions during the pandemic has become almost the only source of knowledge. For more than a calendar year, Buko-vynian State Medical University has been conducting online training. In the beginning, distance learning was not perceived positively by either teachers or students because medicine is a practical science of theoretical use of knowledge and skills.

The theory should be embodied in the practical application of the acquired knowledge in each practical lesson. There can be no professional medical specialist without training a practical skill. The postulate of a physician 'not to harm' works directly when conducting a clinical and psychopathological method, namely -during follow-up, when the student cannot do without deontological knowledge in the approach to the patient.

Modern patient supervising has shifted to online mode. Therefore, practical knowledge and skills were transformed into video follow-up. Demonstration of thematic patients by medical professionals helps students to work out a scheme of psychiatric analysis, which is consolidated in each practical lesson, during the discussion, when students use a sequence of collecting anamnesis of life and illness. A patient's complaints analysis and the psychiatric status are debatable for students in making a preliminary diagnosis, making a differential diagnosis with common symptoms and syndromes of similar diseases, which encourages the formation of clinical thinking.

The curriculum of the discipline "Psychiatry and Addictology" for the 4th year students includes treatment and rehabilitation measures, which are discussed at the end of the video follow-up including the use of groups of psychopharmacological drugs of appropriate doses according to symptoms and age. The most active students, who recognize in the details the mental disorders that have occurred in the patient, are assessed as "excellent". Thus, a healthy knowledge competition is created.

In the process of teaching and methodological work, the quality of educational and methodological support to the discipline and the educational achievements of students is systematically monitored. Accordingly, in each class, the student is evaluated on a five-point scale. The assessment is logged in the electronic register and it is the student rating that gives the chance to apply for a scholarship at good and excellent training. Teaching and methodological support for the discipline includes the availability of improved issues that meet the requirements of the Bologna process and are supplemented, in accordance with recent diseases

(Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders with crisis states - adaptation disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder and development non-psychotic and psychotic mental disorders that arose because of the coronavirus pandemic). Methodological instructions are included in the Moodle system in each subject and are used by all students of Bukovynian State Medical University. Lectures are also entered into the Moo-dle system in accordance with the calendar plan with presentations and texts to them.

The course of psychiatry and medical psychology from the first days of the introduction of the credit-module system in BSMU was actively involved in this process, respectively, these issues often were and still are the subject of discussion at the methodological councils of the faculty and academic councils of the university. As a result of the carried out work, the curriculum plans are developed. There are also published teaching and methodological manuals to separate educational disciplines on psychiatry, addictology, psychology, psychophysiology, mental health, etc. and for carrying out various practical tasks (in the test format) in the conditions of the credit-module system are developed.

In the process of teaching psychiatry and addictol-ogy, the teaching staff uses different methods and forms of teaching and learning the subject (online lectures regardless of the quarantine area), practical classes (offline and online depending on the quarantine zones in the form of dialogue, business game, discussion, etc.), consultations (individual -twice a week and collective - before passing the module), and also uses various forms of current and final assessment (testing, solving situational problems, writing essays). The results of their participation in the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in Psychiatry and Addictology, Medical Psychology show a high level of training. Students won prizes in Psychiatry and Addictology in 2013 - 3rd prize place, in 2016 - 1st team place in Ukraine, and in 2017 - 2nd prize places in the II round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads in Psychiatry and Addictology. For

two years, 2016 and 2017, students in the subject "Psychiatry and Addictology" won two second prizes in the All-Ukrainian Olympiads of student research.

So, healthy competition among students is the driving force in gaining professional knowledge and skills as well as research skills that they will be able to use in their further professional activities.

Conclusions and offers. Thus, the effectiveness of educational and methodological work in the higher educational institution depends on its organization with the awareness of the purpose and objectives, the quality of teaching staff and motivation of their activities aimed at improving the quality of education of student youth. For many years, Bukovynian State Medical University, improving new technologies and teaching methods, has followed approaches aimed at solving important tasks of teaching and methodological work, thus ensuring a high competitive level of student training.


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