Научная статья на тему 'Women’s Contribution is Vital: Many Problems Can be Eradicated by Intelligent Family Education'

Women’s Contribution is Vital: Many Problems Can be Eradicated by Intelligent Family Education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Women’s Contribution is Vital: Many Problems Can be Eradicated by Intelligent Family Education»





Today, women in Uzbekistan occupy a worthy place in all areas of life of the state and society. At the last elections, their number in the national parliament increased significantly for the first time in the country's history. 48 out of 1 50 elected members of the Legislative Chamber, or 32%, are women. In the Senate, they made up almost 25%.

0/ of members /0 of local Councils are also represented by energetic, active women. Owing to such an achievement the highest legislative body of Uzbekistan climbed up to 37th position in the number of women among 190 national parliaments. Five years ago the country ranked 128th. The changes demonstrate that the motto 'New Uzbekistan - New Elections' was implemented in life.

One might ask, "What is good about women being

leaders?" The answer is clear: they treat social issues with love and make decisions by passing them through the heart.

A woman feels deeper, because she is a keeper of the hearth, a teacher, a doctor who cares about health. In political life, these features help her making the laws vital, and solving various issues.

Conseguently, Uzbekistan pays close attention to women. Their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests are enshrined in the

Constitution and laws.

It has to be admitted that, unfortunately, many ideas in this area have remained on paper. In some cases, the action was impeded by insufficient conditions and stereotypes. For example, there was no preferential system if a woman intended to do business. Having a legal framework for creating preferences for women, we lacked a specific roadmap for their implementation. As a result, part of women's society remained passive.


In turn, there are many women in our society today, who have devoted their lives to family, spouses and children, being very talented and educated. Naturally, if the head of the family fully ensures financial well-being in the family, and the wife does her best to create favorable conditions for that, why should we force her to work? In fact, it is her right to choose.

A woman's worthy place in society to a certain extent depends on the

attitude of her parents. Coverage of the female part of the population with higher education plays an important role too. For instance, a student is getting married. How will her father-in-law and mother-in-law treat her studies? Someone will support, and someone not. The problems that have accumulated over the years and the fact that the rate of youth enrollment in higher education was only nine percent have become

an obstacle to educating female staff with a broad outlook and high potential.

What does gender

equality imply9

I am glad that more and more parents, mothers-in-law and grooms reflect in a modern way in relation to young daughters-in-law. Also, the state creates an enabling environment for girls to get education and profession, opportunities in real life, and not on


paper. Today, they openly talk about the democratic principle of gender equality, and respond appropriately to ensure it.

There was a time when the words "violence", "poverty" and related situations were hushed up, and leaders avoided the word "equality". These words were hardly pronounced publicly in the socio-political, socio-economic life of the country. Therefore, misconceptions about gender equality have formed in the minds of people.

The very concept of "gender equality" was perceived as if the status of women was higher than that of men, as if women were more important than

Uzbekistan has been a member

of the UN since 1992

men. However, gender equality is a very beautiful concept. In fact, it means giving men and women equal opportunities in everything. That is, education, choice of profession, equal opportunities for men and women in career advancement imply gender


Uzbekistan has been a member of the UN since 1992, but many of its requirements have not been fulfilled, because much could not be voiced. Poverty was not recognized, because everyone lived beautifully.

To date, the situation has changed dramatically.

Once the head of the republic took office, he has embarked on a policy of dialogue with the population. In the beginning, many executives, senior officials of all levels were confused, they did not understand how they should work.

Now, senators and MPs, local executives feel responsibility and carefully approach to problem

solution. This also applies to the issue of

gender equality.

In 2017, as Chairperson of the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan, I traveled to all regions. Although the leaders of territorial women's committees were equaled to the deputy governor of a region, district, or city, their financial capabilities

were limited. There was no money to support low-income women, to visit esteemed mothers.

There were many problems related to crime, migration issues, and joining extremist trends. To address these issues, the President approved a Decree 'On measures to fundamentally improve activities in support of women and strengthening the institution of the


family'. It was among the first steps to ensure gender equality.

The Decree empowered a system of allocating apartments for women in need, through which one and a half thousand representatives of our country annually received housing on preferential terms, and the first payment was paid by the state.

A Public Fund to

Support Women and Families has been established. A mechanism has been launched to support women who wish to start their own business through preferential loans and training courses, where they draw up a business plan.

Rehabilitation centers were organized to work with low-income women in difficult situations. For example, there are women who suffer from domestic disputes, who are suppressed or left in the wrong hands without the consent of the mother-in-law, who, in some cases, stay outdoors, commit crimes and cannot adapt to society. To work with them, local communities introduced a position of a Specialist on Women's

candidates for parliament, it did not work in practice. After that, all district, regional and municipal administrations were assigned with compiling a list of active women in their territories. As a result, the list included six thousand activists. To expand political knowledge, improve social skills and develop leadership skills, they underwent training at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its regional branches, and also gained skills on the culture of clothing and speech.

The efforts have brought fruits. The total number of women participating in 2019 elections increased

Despite the law provided a 30 percent quota for women when nominating candidates for

parliament, it did not work in practice


There was another urgent task ahead - to step up the socio-political activity of the fair sex.

Meanwhile, despite the fact that the law provided for a 30 percent quota for women when nominating

comparing to previous ones. The more thoroughly women get prepared for such processes, the more the state, and especially the people, will benefit from cooperation with them.

Consequently, the


number of women in parliament has risen drastically. Six women have been appointed as district governors. This is a great progress. The Senate will support women leaders. Together we will develop and implement regional development programs.

I am sure that in the near future ministers will be appointed from among the women, they will occupy high posts, a worthy place in society. They will justify the trust of the head of state and people, they will strive to achieve their goals, fully tapping their potential. This is one of the main aspects of gender equality.

Broad opportunities have opened up for women to implement decisions regarding the fate of the state and society, specifically, their direct participation in the development and adoption of laws, and active engagement in the implementation of reforms. The stereotype about female leadership is a matter of the past. Now they fulfill the assigned tasks with honor.

Meanwhile, the

established Commission on Gender Equality is ready to provide women with comprehensive support. In turn, the Senate opened a Committee on Women and Gender Equality. Both structures simultaneously study all the norms of the current legislation from the point of view of equality between women and men.

Based on the studies, they are considering the

opportunity of creating advisory councils on gender equality at workplaces. It is also provided for in relevant legal acts. What will it give?

First of all, an advisory council wi be managed by deputy heads of organizations departments or institutions on social issues. Seven more members will be elected. The main function of the Council will come to ensuring

equal opportunities for women and men in all departments, territorial structures, from top to bottom. The

Council will conduct regular analysis and give conclusions on such issues as determining

"Many problems that women face today take roots from the lack of knowledge"

salaries, ensuring equal rights for women and men in terms of recommendations and positions, inclusion of men and women in the reserve database in each enterprise or organization, preparing them for senior positions. In addition, the Council will monitor the conditions created for women in the field.

The need for a mandatory medical examination of employees when hiring is another aspect. An employer has to change his mind about this, feel responsible. It has to be admitted that women care more about children, their health, family, forgetting about themselves. Unfortunately, it is no secret that due to the workload, the number of women with cancer has increased nowadays.

Strengthening the work of such councils and commissions, increasing the responsibility of employers in ensuring gender equality, regular medical examinations and checkups will benefit not only women, but the whole society.

Today, our women are

insufficiently aware of laws, and their rights. Often after a divorce, they are left without housing and financial support for children from their ex spouse. What can society and the state do to prevent this?

As a woman, I can pass these problems through my heart. Overcoming such an unpleasant situation, I try to find legal ways together with my colleagues. We have sufficient opportunities for that. Based on this, what should be done?

First of all, much attention should be paid to providing girls with education,, knowledge and profession.

There is a need of regular and extensive outreach on various topics with girls. The whole system should be equally responsible for preparing young women


for life. If the whole society is involved in this, there will be no need for a special department dealing with

women s affairs.

To date, Uzbekistan has developed a draft Gender Equality Strategy. Based


on the above, the Strategy reflects all the measures that should be taken by the state and society in this direction. It covers the period from 2020 to 2030. First of all, the measures are consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Not only members of the relevant committee and commission of the Senate developed the Strategy. The process of its preparation involved many non-governmental organizations and members of the public. These studies are ongoing.

Uzbekistan has

been pursuing the most progressive policies on gender issues among Central Asian states. Therefore, the UN is considering practical proposals for creating a gender

platform for

Central Asia in Uzbekistan. Currently, negotiations are underway with the UN.

As a country that actively promotes gender equality, Uzbekistan is expected to bring the activities on building a Central Asian platform to a new level in cooperation with the UN and neighboring countries. The main goal is to create a platform in the Central Asian region, exchange knowledge, opinions and experience on the key issue. The Presidential Decree 'On the State Program on implementation of the National Action Strategy on Five Priority


Development Areas 2017-2021 in the Year of Science, Education and Digital Economy also pays close attention to protecting women's rights and their further enrollment in higher education.

It stands to reason that the head of state referred the name of the year to the development of science, education, and digital economy. It is built upon the goal of the scientific education of the Uzbek nation, upon the expansion of their thinking, worldview. That will trigger the development of the digital economy. People, especially expectant mothers, will gain confidence in their future fate.

The opportunities are endless for women too, where intelligence and innovation are combined. Advanced technologies will enable them to study and gain a profession without leaving their home.

Extensive activities are gaining momentum

to ensure active involvement of girls in the One Million Uzbek Coders project, which has opened up opportunities for exploring the potential in the field of information technology not only among boys, but also among girls. Girls have thin fingers, imagination, creativity, and their potential can be revealed. Their abilities can be applied not only in software, but also in such areas as jewelry, phone repair.

One-time employment is another relevant issue. This field needs fresh views, structures. It is necessary to organize

agencies, monocenters of social protection and enlightenment in order to protect women from violence, fraud, negative influence. Time has passed to remedy the consequences of the problems. It is time to firmly begin their prevention. It needs to be started from families, and much remains to be done in this area.

The reason is that for many years this issue has not been approached comprehensively. The problem still exists. Most often, government agencies remedy the consequences of emerging problems, while preventive measures are needed. In fact, all of them can be solved by the proper organization of family education. Increasing the sense of belonging, changing people's attitude towards the state, family and society, making them responsibile requires mutual politeness, mutual understanding and cohesion within the framework of the policy of Uzbekistan.

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