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Ключевые слова
gender equalitiy / motherhood and childhood / family / higher education / social protect

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ravshanova G.A, Zulkhaydarova F.U

In our country, comprehensive reforms are being carried out to improve the status of women in society in order to help them get a decent education. Expanding women's access to higher education is one of the most important factors in improving the well-being of families, increasing the intellectual potential of the next genera-tion and the development of society. This article discusses these issues in detail.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2020-12153
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PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES / <<€©yL©qUQUM~J©U©MaL>>#24I76)),2©2©


Ravshanova G.A

The teacher of the "National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education " department of Gulistan State University, Gulistan,

Uzbekistan. Zulkhaydarova F. U The teacher of the "National Idea,

Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education " department of Gulistan State University, Gulistan,





In our country, comprehensive reforms are being carried out to improve the status of women in society in order to help them get a decent education. Expanding women's access to higher education is one of the most important factors in improving the well-being offamilies, increasing the intellectual potential of the next generation and the development of society. This article discusses these issues in detail.

Key words:gender equalitiy, motherhood and childhood, family, higher education, social protect.

I. Introduction. It is well known that the cultural level of any society is determined by its attitude towards women. Therefore, from the first days of independence, the issue of ensuring the rights and interests of women, creating decent working and living conditions for them, the realization of their abilities and potential has risen to the level of state policy in our country. On this basis, great work has been done to protect motherhood and childhood, to support the institution of the family, to educate women and increase their prestige in society.

First of all, this issue is legally enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In particular, Article 46 of the Constitution states that "women and men have equal rights", and Article 63 states that "... motherhood and childhood are protected by the state."

Especially in recent years, the attention paid to women and the created opportunities are widely recognized by the international community.

II.Methods. The Action Strategy for 2017-2021 prioritizes the issues of increasing the socio-political activity of women, strengthening their role in the state and society, employment of women, entrepreneurship and strengthening the family foundation. In accordance with this, on February 2, 2018, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to radically improve the activities in the field of support of women and strengthening the institution of the family" was issued. In addition, in his speech at the twentieth plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 21, 2019, the President emphasized the role and prestige of women in the political and social life of the country and he added that "In the current era of globalization, the protection of the rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of women is becoming increasingly important. In particular, increasing the socio-economic and political-legal activity of women is becoming a requirement of the time'' [1] . In general, the issue of social support, protection of the

rights and interests of women is recognized at the level of public policy, which is a key feature of building a democratic principle and a free civil society, on the one hand, is also the most important factor. The main purpose of the above legal documents is to provide appropriate assistance to women in raising a healthy and harmoniously developed generation, ensuring their active participation in the family and public life. Studies have shown that a child's intellectual abilities are passed on more from the mother. Therefore, paying special attention to women's education, helping them to get adequate education means preparing for the future. If we look at the statistics of the United Nations for 2018 on gender equality, literacy and women's participation in the labor market, we can see 58 countries with the "highest" results of all the indicators. These include Sweden, Austria, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Uzbekistan is among 58 countries with high results, including Iran, Turkey, Mexico, Albania and China. In summary, the country's index is 105th, with the "lowest" literacy rate being 16.4% of women members of parliament and the "highest" literacy rate among the population over the age of 25, according to which 99.9% of the population is literate. In addition, 53.8% of women and 77.9% of men participate in the labor market [1].

III. Results. Nevertheless, the level of higher education among women in our country is lower than among men. This can be explained by the following factors. First of all, it is not important for girls to get higher education in the family, there is a belief that they can only do housework, early marriage of girls, banning girls from studying in the family according to their wishes and abilities, financial problems and so on. However, in today's rapidly evolving information age and various ideological attacks, in order to ensure the stability of the family, to protect our children from various harmful ideas, first of all, we need to train mothers to educate our children in accordance with our national

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mentality, modern knowledge, healthy and harmonious. One of the important factors in the development of society is the promotion of women's access to higher education, the creation of opportunities for them to show their talents and further improve the quality of preparation of girls for family life in higher education. This view does not lead to the view that only mothers with higher education can bring up their children in accordance with modern requirements. However, the wide involvement of women in higher education and the creation of adequate conditions for their education provide effective results for the development of society. Our highly educated women resolutely mobilize their knowledge and skills, life lessons not only for the welfare of their families, but also for the development of society and the welfare of the country. The content of the idea of enlightenment against ignorance is also in harmony with the education of women. According to the State Statistics Committee, 40.9 percent of the 440,959 students currently enrolled are women. This is an increase of only 4% compared to 2011, which is almost 9 years. We know that expanding access to higher education will increase employment among women. One of the five initiatives put forward by President Mir-ziyoyev is aimed at employment of women. Because the root of many problems and the solution to them is the problem of unemployment.

In addition, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev in his address to the Parliament in 2020 stressed that in the framework of reforming the higher education system, special grant quotas should be allocated for girls, the Women's Committee should develop criteria for selection and selection of candidates [3]. This, in turn, will pave the way for further expansion of women's access to higher education.

IV. Conclution. Promoting women's higher education is also a key task of higher education institutions. In this regard, we would like to draw attention to another aspect of the issue. Most girls in higher education get married and have children on the eve of marriage, or in the process of education. They may take academic leave depending on their current circumstances. But in most cases, our girls want to finish their studies on time

without academic leave. Given these circumstances, we would like to offer the following:

First, it is necessary to create a separate "Mother and Child Room" in higher education institutions. This has a positive impact on the educational process of women students in higher education. It is necessary to allocate separate rooms for mothers and provide them with the necessary equipment, toys, posters and visual aids, as well as relevant literature. The room is used by female students-mothers when necessary. That is, they will have the opportunity to come with their children under 3 years old. We know that most children under the age of 2 are breastfed. Once the Mothers' and Children's Room is established, there will be an opportunity for our student mothers to feed their children during breaks. This serves to keep the child physically healthy. It also has a positive effect on the quality of education. Firstly, mothers are psychologically calm and listen to the lessons well, and secondly, the number of absences due to having a breastfed child is reduced. That is, attendance increases.

Second, to create conditions for women to pursue higher education as well as occupations. At the same time, it is expedient to establish vocational centers for women in higher education institutions and to involve girls in these vocational centers in their areas of interest, as well as to apply modern innovations in the activities of the center.

Third, it is necessary to develop and establish appropriate regulations for the organization of family-neighborhood-educational cooperation on a new scale in the higher education system.

References :

1. https//kun.uz./news/2019/06/22/ the 20th plenary session of Shavkat-Mirziyoyev-Oliy Majlis-Senate

2. The impact of women above the political glass ceiling:Evidence from a Norwegian executive gender quota reforms www.elsevier.com

3. Mirziyoev Sh.M. - Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Parliament on the most important priorities for the development of our country in 2020 // Xalq so'zi

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