IN UZBEKISTAN, THE RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF WOMEN ARE PROTECTED BY LAW Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Karimova Shoxsanam

This article highlights the situation with violations of the rights and freedoms of women in the world in recent years and the increase in violence against them during the COVID-19 pandemic, the measures taken in our country on gender policy, a number of presidential decrees, decisions based on tasks, put in state programs, was analyzed and given a reaction to the large-scale work to increase the participation of women in the life of society and the state.

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local self-government. 2018. Vip. 2. pp. 92 (pp. 89 - 94).

11. Tchaikovsky RY The reasons for the existence of the shadow economy in the region bordering the European Union // p. 100

12. Shilin K. Shading and de-shadowing... p. 98 Shilin K. Shadowing and de-shadowing of the economy of Ukraine: tendencies and dominant factors in the conditions of information shifts // Modern history of Ukraine: analysis of stages of formation: conference materials on the results of the All-Ukrainian competition of research works of schoolchildren and students to the 28th anniversary of independence of Ukraine, Dnipro.

13. Prishchenko NA Shadow economy: essence, manifestations, socio - economic consequences Gus O. Kaiden O. Why is the fight against corruption in Ukraine so slow? Kinakh AK Ukrainian breakthrough - Kyiv: VIRA INSIGHT, 2004. P. 111 (320 p.).

14. Gods of the Angel, Povoroznyuk V. Shadow economy in Ukraine: causes and ways to overcome.

East European Scientific Journal #4(68), 2021 17 ICPS, 2014. - p.2 (7p.) Group for organizational support of the Coordination Committee for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime under the President of Ukraine, documents of the Committee meetings (transcripts, minutes, decisions) April 8, 1994 - May 30, 1994 // TsDAVO Ukr. F. 5233, Op 1, Ref. 482, p. 61

15. Nevmerzhytsky E. Shulzhenko F. Corruption and national security p. 33. Branovytsky Mechanism of redistribution of property as a condition for sustainable development // Economy and State. 2014. - № 3.p. 98

16. Mikhalchenko M., Mikhalchenko O. Nevmerzhytsky E. p. 167 Pyasetska - Ustyg SV Corruption and the shadow economy in the system of socio - economic relations of society // Economic theory and history of economic thought. 2016. Vip. 10 s. 35 - 36 (pp. 34 - 39) Shadow economy in Ukraine: state, tendencies, ways of overcoming. with. 34 Shadow economy. Strategic Research Agency.

Karimova Shoxsanam

2nd year student of Faculty ofHistory, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan


Abstract. This article highlights the situation with violations of the rights and freedoms of women in the world in recent years and the increase in violence against them during the COVID-19 pandemic, the measures taken in our country on gender policy, a number of presidential decrees, decisions based on tasks, put in state programs, was analyzed and given a reaction to the large-scale work to increase the participation of women in the life of society and the state.

Keywords: gender equality, Convention on the Rights of the Child, A / 75/773, early marriage, human trafficking, women, business and law 2020, COVID-19, Beijing Platform.

Women make up half of the world's population, which is half of the human potential. Gender equality, which is one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, is very important for all countries. This is not in vain, because achieving gender equality lays the main foundation for achieving sustainable development in all spheres of society. The inclusion of women in public life has been proven to lead to increased productivity and economic growth. Unfortunately, the ancient culture and traditional view of women as mothers and wives drastically worsen their position, especially rural women, further limiting their opportunities. Gender theory emerged to address shortcomings in this area in order to make women equal participants in civil society based on new democratic principles.

Gender is derived from the English word "gender", which defines the concept of gender as a social device based on physiological reality.36 It is a social aspect of the relationship between women and men that is reflected in all spheres of life and activity in

society, including politics, economics, law, ideology and culture, education and science.37

Although the term "gender" is a relatively new concept (1975), it has long been associated with science. In particular, we would like to quote the following views.

Plato's attitude towards women is contradictory. On the negative side, it is manifested in the fact that a woman is considered a lowly being, and a man's love for a woman is low, and a man's love for a man is low in the face of friendship. Plato calls a man's love for a woman "Razil Aphrodite" and friendship between men "Heavenly Aphrodite". He believes that if a man lives a cowardly miserable life, his soul will pass to the woman after his death. Plato's positive attitude towards women is reflected in his doctrine of the ideal state. In this country, women are equal with men in all spheres, apart from domestic affairs, they are active in public affairs, and men and women are equally responsible for raising children.

36 Э.Гнд,ценс СоцноflOгнн. - TomKern\ "fflap^". 2002., 185-6.

37 M.M.HocnpoBa "Y36eKHCTOHga reHgep TeHram: xoTHH-KH3^ap ypTacnga ^HHoaTHH^HKHHHr opra6

6opnmn yHHHr o^gHHH ojam nopa^apn //Theoretical& applied science. USA, Philadelphia. 2019. P.49

18 East European Scientific Journal #4(68), 2021

Aristotle (384-322 BC) in his works "Politics", "On the Origin of Animals", etc. he expressed his views on the relationship between men and women, their status in society, division of labor between them, regulation of the population on issues such as. According to him, a couple's relationship should be a master-slave relationship. Women and men are not equal. A woman gives birth to a child, and a man gives a soul, which is essentially higher. The man rules and the woman obeys.38

The process of equal rights for women and men has been gaining momentum in our country since the beginning of the 20th century. Leading educators of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. M.Behbudi, A.Fitrat, A.Avloni talked a lot about the role of women in society. For example, in his book "The Family" Fitrat said: "Women's social and political activity is necessary for national freedom, and women should not be busy only with household chores and raising children."

While some progress has been made over the past decade, it is clear that humankind still has a long way to go to achieve full equality between men and women in terms of their rights and opportunities. Gender inequality persists in the economic and political spheres. Today, on average, women in the global labor market earn 24% less than men. As of August 2018, only 24 percent of members of national parliaments worldwide were women. In 1995, the figure was 11.3 per cent, which indicates an unsatisfactory positive trend in this regard. 39 As noted in the World Bank Group's Women, Business and Law 2020: Equal Opportunity, Better Economy. Indeed, it is estimated that women lagging behind in employment and entrepreneurship account for 15 percent of global GDP.

Today, at least 155 countries around the world have laws on domestic violence, and 140 countries have laws on sexual violence in the workplace. However, even if these laws do exist, this does not mean that they will always be implemented or enforced in accordance with international standards and recommendations. 40 For example, Article 1 (1) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child provides that, for the purposes of this Convention, any person under the age of 18, child". However, in 2019, one in five women in the world between the ages of 20 and 24 married before the age of 18. Today, the risk of getting married before reaching adulthood is highest in sub-Saharan Africa, where one in three women between the ages of 20 and 24 marries before the age of 18. Marriages of underage girls often lead to early pregnancies and social isolation, prevent them from attending school and increase the risk of domestic violence for girls.41

Every day 137 women are killed at the hands of their families around the world. It is estimated that

more than half (50,000) of the 87,000 women deliberately killed worldwide in 2017 were killed by their loved ones or family members. More than half of the victims of international human trafficking are women. Adult girls make up 49 percent of trafficking victims worldwide. More than 23 percent of victims of trafficking in young children are also girls. Together, women and girls make up 72%, with the majority of women and girls being trafficked for sexual exploitation. In addition, lower or loss of income from employment, loss of income from remittances and other sources, an increase in the burden of housekeeping, and an increase in domestic violence also affect low-income families in urban and rural areas. health and living conditions of women. The World Health Organization estimates that one in three women in the world experiences violence in their lives.

The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating this process. Restricted movement, marginalization and economic problems exacerbate women's vulnerability to domestic violence around the world. In some countries, the number of calls to hotlines has quadrupled. Many national reforms are under way around the world to improve the status of women in the workplace, in marriage, and in particular to protect women from violence. Specifically, by September 2020, 48 countries have included measures to prevent and combat violence against women in their plans to tackle COVID-19. In addition, 121 countries have taken steps to increase support and assistance to women survivors of violence during the global crisis. 42 The World Bank has been publishing country rankings on gender equality since 2017. Last year, the sixth training series, Women, Business and Law 2020, was published, which analyzed 190 laws and regulations affecting women's economic opportunities. Countries have eight chapters on women's legal wages, employment, doing business, managing women's assets, pensions, freedom of movement, marriage and motherhood, which are assessed based on the index. The study established the relationship between the level of economic development and gender equality. Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Sweden and Canada are in the top 100 countries in the ranking.

In recent years, ensuring gender equality, protecting the family, motherhood and childhood, and developing entrepreneurship among women has become one of the priorities of state policy in our country. In particular, the action strategy includes issues of enhancing the role and place of women and youth in society, ensuring their rights and interests, creating all conditions for them. About half of the country's population - 17 million - are women. Over the

38 B. R. Ahmedov "O'zbek tilida Gender tadqiqi" Magistr darajasini olish uchun tayyorlangan dissertatsiya. Andijon 2012. 11-12-b

39 (https://www.un.org/ru/sections/issues-depth/gender-equality/)

40 https://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-


41 Организация Объединенных Наций, Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам, Статистический отдел (2020 г.). Добейтесь тендерного равенства и расширения прав и возможностей всех женщин и девочек .

42 ООН-женщины и ПРООН (2020).COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker .



past four years, significant work has been done to increase the social and political activity of women and expand their participation in public administration. In particular, the Presidential Decree "On measures to radically improve activities in the field of supporting women and strengthening the institution of the family" was adopted. This was one of the first steps towards a consistent approach to gender equality. Also, the creation of the Committee on Women and Gender Equality in the Senate, a presidential decree "On measures to further strengthen guarantees of women's labor rights and support for entrepreneurship", "On the protection of girls from oppression and violence", On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men", "Support for women, their active participation in the life of society". The adoption of a number of decrees, resolutions and laws "On measures to further improve the participation system" has stepped up work in this area to a new level. In addition, at the initiative of the President, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, active work is underway to create the Republican Public Council of Women. One of the main priorities of this Council is the full support of women, as well as the provisions of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Beijing Platform (1995 4). Fourth World Conference on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment convened by the United Nations in Beijing, China, 15 September. More than 30,000 activists and delegates from 189 countries gathered to discuss the global legal equality known as the Beijing Platform for Action, those who developed a comprehensive roadmap of achievement. ) is to coordinate the implementation of the National Action Plan. In 2020 alone, Uzbekistan adopted 15 normative legal acts aimed at increasing the role of women in government and society, ensuring their employment, developing women's entrepreneurship and supporting women in need. 43 Over the past period, 950 girls in need of social protection were admitted to higher educational institutions, and 166.3 thousand women were offered a permanent job. At the same time, "Women's Entrepreneurship Centers" have been created in each region, preferential loans have been allocated by trust funds and commercial banks, more than 224 thousand women have been provided with preferential loans totaling 6.9 trillion. Sums for the development of entrepreneurship. purposeful work with women, a "women's book" was published, the living conditions of more than a thousand women in a difficult social situation were improved.44

It should be noted that a solid legal basis for gender policy has been created in our country. Our work to advance the interests of women in all fields is widely recognized throughout the world. For example, at the UN headquarters, information on Uzbekistan's experience in ensuring the rights and freedoms of women within the framework of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals was disseminated as an official

East European Scientific Journal #4(68), 2021 19 document of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly on February 23, 2021. The document has been published in all the official languages of the United Nations and distributed to member states, as well as placed in the system of official documents of the organization under the number A/75/773. (https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3903580) Secretary General of the International Interparliamentary Assembly Martin Chungong noted that the experience of Uzbekistan will become an experience for other countries. The fact that Uzbekistan has been entrusted with the chairmanship of the dialogue of the leaders of Central Asia this year also indicates that gender policy in our country is being pursued in the right direction.

Thus, today the share of women in public administration has reached 26.6%, and in the last elections in the country for the first time in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis women accounted for 32%, in the Senate and local councils -25%. Currently, about 1,400 women hold leadership positions at the national and regional levels, more than 43,000 at the district and city levels. In particular, the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis - Tanzila Norbaeva, Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on economic development, investments and foreign trade policy, economist - Galina Saidova, Minister of Preschool Education - Agrepina Shin, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Svetlana Artikova, Director of the Center for Family Research - Dilorom Tashmukhammedova, Senator, Deputy Khokim of Samarkand Region, Chairperson of the Women's Committee - Gavkhar Alimova, Deputy Director of the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the only woman in Uzbekistan who works in the field of information management - Saida Mirziyoyeva, Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of the Youth Union, Chairman of the children's organization "Kamalak" - Dilnoza Kattakhanova - are the most active and prominent women of New Uzbekistan today.

Today, Uzbek women are active in all spheres. The recent admission of a simple Uzbek girl Aziza Shonazarova to the permanent post of professor at Columbia University, professor for life, filled our hearts with pride. It is necessary to organize regular meetings with schoolchildren who occupy a worthy place in such a society and achieve high results in all areas. In turn, it serves as a high role model in the formation of students' love for science, social activity, and initiative. In fact, every girl raised in an Uzbek family has the potential to achieve such lofty goals. Only in order to realize our potential, we need the support of parents and the whole community. However, the main goal of the gender policy of our country is focused on this issue.

43 Yangi O'zbekiston. №38(294), 2021-yil 23-fevral

44 Yangi O'zbekiston. №36(292),2021-yil 19-fevral

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12. https://www.unwomen. org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women

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