TAJIKISTAN RELATIONS WITH CHINA IN THE YEARS OF INDEPENDENCY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Karimzoda Bobonazar Muso

This political scientific article investigates the growth of China`s economic influence in Central Asia, specifically in Tajikistan since its sovereignty. This article also discusses the wider issues of region`s security, Tajikistan`s foreign policy, economic and educational cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan (RT) with People`s Republic of China (PRC). Because, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, China and Tajikistan have developed a stable relationship, initially economic and educational, but increasingly also political. The legal framework of the multifaceted cooperation of the two countries consists of more than 200 interstate and intergovernmental agreements.

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Karimzoda B.M.

Academy of Public Administration under the President of Republic of Tajikistan

Although Tajikistan is one of the three Central Asian republics that border on China, but it never developed direct relations with China during the Soviet Union's existence, because Beijing's official relations were channeled exclusively through Moscow. After gaining sovereignty, Tajikistan paid more attention to the development of relations with the countries lying in the north. However, the country is now establishing links with countries in the south and the east through the international transport networks. Construction of new roads, bridges and tunnels, growth of international trade, and migrations have helped interaction with the neighboring countries, particularly with PRC.

Diplomatic relations between the two friendly and neighboring countries were established on January 4, 1992. Embassy of PRC in Dushanbe had been functioning since March 13, 1992 and the Embassy of the RT in Beijing was established on April 7, 1997 [5].

In January 2007, Mr. President Emomali Rahmon officially visited PRC for the first time. This event opened a new political agenda and was very important in many respects, because China and Tajikistan signed the «Treaty on Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation» that greatly influenced their further political, economic and educational relations [1]. The main elements of the treaty were based on the principles of international law, mutual respect and mutual assistance in political, economic, commercial, cultural and educational spheres. Furthermore, Mr. President met Wu Bangguo, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China. At the meeting, they reconfirmed their mutual desire to develop interstate cooperation. Additionally, the sides commented on their shared approaches to the creation of a fair world order in the 21st century and their common contribution to the struggle against international terrorism, separatism and extremism.

Beijing' s objectives in relations with Tajikistan are twofold:

• to improve the links between Dushanbe and large provincial towns, such as Kulyab, which are viewed as key element in the country's political stability;

• to develop trade relations with bordering countries including Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Specifically, China wants to integrate Tajikistan into its already ancient partnership with Pakistan via the Karakoram Highway as well as into its more recent trade and investment relationship with Afghanistan [6].

With the intensification of political and cultural relations with China, people contacts are tremendously growing that makes China an important economic and strategic partner of the RT. Thus, strengthening and developing these friendly bilateral economic relation makes Chinese cooperation one of the priorities of foreign policy of Tajikistan.

In 2003, Mr. President Emomali Rahmon met Premier of the State Council of the PRC Wen Jiabao, at the Forum for Asia held in China. The two sides concentrated on the economic aspects of bilateral cooperation. The large-scale continental conference organized by China and attended by the leaders of Asian states demonstrated Beijing's far-reaching economic ambitions. Consequently, the economic ties were strengthened and became much more constructive through the low inter-governmental commission.

In July 2005, Chinese delegation headed by vice Premier Wu Yi signed four inter-governmental agreements in Dushanbe related to technical-economic cooperation between Huawei and Tajiktelecom and assistance in constructing the Shar-Shar tunnel. Some years later Mr. President Emomali Rahmon visited China. This visit opened a new economic year and was very important in many other respects. Tajik leader needed foreign investments to revive the ailing Tajik economy. It was more probable that Chinese money and Chinese technologies (rather than West European or American would reach the country.

Tajikistan has received sizeable loans and investments form China. The announced $10 billion economic fund, to operate under Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) auspices, will expand China's scope for economic influence even further. That is why the greatest projects supported by China in Tajikistan, in accordance with framework of SCO, are the construction of transport corridor and electric lines. Moreover, China is not just largest investor in Tajikistan, but also it is the largest trading partner. Therefore, China's trade and economic advance into RT is the most visible aspect of cooperation. Since 2002 and until 2014 the volume of trade between Tajikistan and China grew 27 times and in 2015 total trade turnover between the two countries has reached 2,5 billion USD. Therefore, China is among the three largest trade partners of Tajikistan [3].

Beijing also focuses on energy ventures in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and to lesser degree, Uzbekistan but even Kyrgyzstan. Energy, precious metals, and natural resources flow into China from the region. Investments flow the other way, as China builds pipelines, power lines and transport networks linking

Central Asia to its north-western province, the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. Cheap consumer goods from the province have flooded Central Asian markets.

Since the two states established bilateral relations, the rapid development of economic and diplomatic interaction has also affected the improvement of mutual interests in culture, tradition, education, language and Chinese traditions medicine. Furthermore, both countries hold regular cultural shows and events. That is why in May of that year for the first time China organized days of Tajik culture, and later «Chinese Culture Corner» was opened at the National Library of Tajikistan [8].

In 2008, Xinjiang Normal University established a Confucius Institute in Tajikistan, which has set up seven languages teaching centers. Young Tajiks have also been swept up by the Chinese language-learning craze. In addition, Tajik Ambassador to China, Rashid Olimov said «200 Tajik students were in China, for primarily studying Chinese language». According to the latest statistics, the number of Tajik students who enrolled in Chines universities with the support of the Ministry of Education of China increased two-fold in 2011. As a result, more than 2000 Tajik students are trained in 112 different institutions on China. From the above mentioned amount of students 400 of them studying in China free.

As we observed before, educational cooperation between Tajikistan and China is slowly improving. Chinese Government is organizing training courses and seminars in various fields for Tajikistan's specialists. Chinese language centers have been opened also in a number of higher education institutions of the RT. Moreover, the citizens of PRC are also trained in various universities of our country.

The recapitulation of this scientific article - despite the fact that Tajikistan and Chinese relations were channeled exclusively through Moscow during Soviet Union s existence, but after the breakdown of the USSR and gaining Tajikistan's sovereignty Dushanbe and Beijing have confirmed that both are interested in mutual beneficial cooperation. Moreover, economic relations between the two countries rest on a firm of foundation of mutual trust. From the very first days of diplomatic relations between them, they have been involved in successfully developing trade and economic cooperation. According to statistics, Tajikistan's largest creditor is China and its debt levels toward its neighbor have reached dramatic proportions. For example, more than a third of Tajik debt is tied to Chinese credits, amounting to more than $700,000 million at the end of 2010. Additionally, 80 percent of Chinese investments in the country are offered in the form of credit.

From my perspectives, Chinese economic partnership cannot be fully advantageous for Tajikistan, because the figures of Chinese credits and huge amount of debt perhaps gradually will force to lose its economic independency. Anyhow, strengthening and developing bilateral relations and friendly cooperation with China is one of the priorities of foreign policy of Tajikistan. Thus, today good-neighborly relations between them continue to develop and it is obviously gives evidence that China will remain as the strategic partner of our government.


1. Donald T. China and Tajikistan signed Treaty on Good Neighborly Friendship, Cooperation. / http://www.newsgd.com/histories/200701160002.htm Accessed: 16.01.2007.

2. Emomali Rahmon, Tajikistan's independence and the revival of the nation/ Vol. 2. Dushanbe- 2010. p. 424.

3. Fan Xianrong, China.org.cn, Ambassador talks China-Tajikistan milestone/ http://www.china.org.cn/opinion/2012/02/13/content_24624980.htm Accessed: 13.02.2015.

4. Hamrokhon Zarifi, Tajikistan Diplomacy: The past and the present I / Dushanbe-2009.

5. Muzaffar Olimov, Saodat Olimov, Tajikistan and China Changing images/ Dushanbe-2007. PDF.

6. Peyrouse Sebastien, PONARS Eurasia Policy, Tajikistan's new Trade: Cross border Commerce and the China Afghanistan Link. No. 169, PDF.

7. Rashid Alimov, Tajik-China Trade-Economic Relations Increasing/ http://www.anctc.ru/inform/textnews/200709-07/?site=6 Accessed: 15.09.2008.

8. The New York Times, China Quietly Extends Footprints into Central Asia / 02.01.2001


В этой политической научной статье рассматривается рост и влияние экономики Китая в Центральной Азии, особенно в Таджикистане, с момента его суверенитета. В этом статье также обсуждаются более широкие вопросы безопасности региона, внешняя политика Таджикистана, экономическое и образовательное сотрудничество Республики Таджикистан с Китайской Народной Республикой. Потому что после распада Советского Союза Китай и Таджикистан установили стабильные отношения, вначале экономические и образовательные, но все более и более политические. Правовая основа многопланового сотрудничества двух стран состоит из более чем 200 межгосударственных и межправительственных соглашений.

Ключевые слова: дипломатия, внешняя политика, «Договор о добрососедстве, дружбе и сотрудничестве», международные отношения, Центральная Азия, Таджикистан, Китай, Шанхайская Организация Сотрудничества, Советский Союз, правовая база, экономический и стратегический партнер.


This political scientific article investigates the growth of China s economic influence in Central Asia, specifically in Tajikistan since its sovereignty. This article also discusses the wider issues of region s security, Tajikistan 's foreign policy, economic and educational cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan (RT) with People s Republic of China (PRC). Because, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, China and Tajikistan have developed a stable relationship, initially economic and educational, but increasingly also political. The legalframework of the multifaceted cooperation of the two countries consists of more than 200 interstate and intergovernmental agreements.

Keywords: diplomacy, foreign policy, «Treaty on Good-neighborliness, Friendship, and Cooperation», international relations, Central Asia, Tajikistan, China, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Soviet Union, legalframework, economic and strategic partner.

Сведение об авторе:

Каримзода Бобоназар Мусо — преподаватель кафедры дипломатия и международных отношений, Академия государственного управления при Президенте Республики Таджикистан, 734003, город Душанбе, улица Саида Носира 33, тел.: (+992) 934797992, E-mail: karimzoda8oan2@gmail.com

About the author:

Karimzoda Bobonazar Muso- Teacher of the Department of Diplomacy and international relations of the Academy ofPublic Administration under the President of Republic of Tajikistan, 734003, Dushanbe city, Said Nosir street 33, phone: (+992) 93 479 7992, E-mail: karimzoda8oan2@gmail. com


Одиназода Б.Э., Пиров Т.М.

Донишкадаи давлатии санъати тасвирй ва дизайни Тоцикистон

Мусаллам аст, ки санъати хдкикй новобаста аз макон ва замони зу^ури худ хдмеша ба инсон равшану фах,мо ва дастрас буд, хдст ва хох,ад монд. Хунарх,ои мардумй бо тамоми шаклу намуди мавчудияташон ма^з аз шумори чунин санъат буда метавонанд, зеро ки ощо бо салохдиди Каламкаш, бадохдтан, дар фаъолияти инсоният мавкеият пайдо намуда, тайи сайри таърихии башарият то ба имруз дар шакли мукаммал омада расидаанд. Алокаи бевоситаву ногусастанй бо сарзамини авлодй ва табиате, ки худ бозгукунандаи тамоми навъу шаклх,ои эчоду созандагии имконпазири инсонанд, нишонах,ои асосии он буда метавонанд. Х,ануз аз айёми гузаштаи дур писандидатарин ва макбултарин сох,аи санъати тасвирии точикон санъати ороишй - амалй ба х,исоб мерафта будааст.

Зери маф^уми санъати амалй истифодаи зиёди ранг ва накшу нигор дар гулдузихд х,аккокии руйи чуб, сикказанй, ороиши бадеии ^учрах,о ва мах,сулоти сафолй фах,мида мешавад. Табиат ва олами атрофи дар вучуди ^унарманд завки зебоишиносиро бедор сохта, онро тавсеа мебахшад, саликаи бадеии уро ривоч медихдд ва, них,оятан, бар оммаи мардум василаи таъсиргузори бадей буда метавонанд.

Бозёфтх,ои бостоншиносон, ки аз кухднбунёдии санъати амалй дар ^удуди Точикистони имруза маълум менамоянд, метавонанд хдмчун сарчашмах,ои муътамади таърихй хизмат намоянд. Меъмории бостонй ва асримиёнагй, хдккокии мах,сулоти сафолини кадима, деворнигорах,ои мунаккаш ва бозёфтх,ои кулолгарии даврах,ои гуногуни таърихй аз рушду тарвичи марх,илавии ^унарх,ои мардумй гувох,й медихднд. [1.с 5-8]

Гулдузии асрх,ои П-Ш, ки феълан дар Осорхонаи мардумшиносии Институти таърих, бостоншиносй ва мардумшиносии ба номи А. Дониши Академияи миллии илмх,ои Точикистон махфуз аст, яке аз бозёфтх,ои мух,име дар ин сох,а ба х,исоб меравад. Он дар ташаккули аъанах,о хдмчун сарчашмаи муфиду асосии таърихи бунёди санъати ороишй - амалии точик буда метавонад.

Тавре ки Г. Майтдинова ишора намудааст: «матоъпорах,ое, ки соли 1973 зимни хдфриёти гуристони кадимии «Иттифок» - и нох,ияи Фархор ба бозёфт шуда буданд, ба давраи ибтидоии сулолаи Кушониён (асри Ill пеш аз мелод) мансуб мебошанд. Дар мадфуни занона либоспорах,ои бокимонда гулдузих,о бокй монда будаанд. Дар порчах,ои матои пахтагини хокистариранг кисми хдмон як накш мушох,ида гардида буд. Аз порчах,ои бозёфтшуда накшу нигори мукаммали гулдузии кадимй баркарор карда шуд. Ин накши баркароршуда шакли классикии накши «дарахти х,аёт» буд. Аносир (шохах,о) - и асосии накши мазкур бо сими биринчй ва нахх,ои абрешимини нуки шохах,ояшон кирмизиранг духта шуда буданд. Шохах,ои борик бо гули растаних,ои лубиёй хотима меёфтанд. Дар кисми болоии дарахт аз ду тарафи он парандах,о кашидадузй шуда буданд. Композитсияро се кабате,

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