Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
UDC 582.824 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84/12
©Fatdayeva A., Institute of Botany Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan, ayten.fetdayeva@mail.ru
©Фатдаева А. Х., Институт ботаники НАН Азербайджана, г. Баку, Азербайджан, ayten.fetdayeva@mail.ru
Abstract. Among the widespread plant species in Azerbaijan, the genus Hypericum L. which dates back to the Cenozoic era and belongs to the family Hypericaceae takes special place. 80% of the total number of species belonging to the Hypericaceae family are concentrated in the genus Hypericum, which is distinguished by its many-sided areas of application, especially in the pharmaceutical, decorative and dye industries. This genus is considered one of the largest genera of flowering plants in terms of species diversity (22%). Although research on the systematics of the genus Hypericum has been conducted by many scientists around the world, the general characteristics and taxonomic composition of the species distributed in the flora of Azerbaijan have not been studied for the last 50 years. As a result of our research, it was determined that there are not 15 species, but 19 species, 1 subspecies and 1 variety belonging to the genus in the flora. The characteristics, descriptions and synonyms of sections, species, subspecies were given.
Аннотация. В Азербайджане среди широко распространенных видов растений особое место занимает род Hypericum L., восходящий от кайнозойской эры и относящийся к семейству Hypericaceae. 80% от общего числа видов, принадлежащих к семейству Hypericaceae сосредоточены в роде Hypericum, который отличается многогранностью применения, особенно в фармацевтической, декоративной и красильной промышленности. Этот род считается одним из крупнейших родов цветковых растений по видовому разнообразию (22%). Хотя исследования по систематике рода Hypericum проводились многими учеными мира, общая характеристика и таксономический состав видов, распространенных во флоре Азербайджана, не изучались в течение последних 50 лет. В результате наших исследований установлено, что во флоре насчитывается не 15 видов, а 19 видов, 1 подвид и 1 разновидность, принадлежащее к этому роду. Даны характеристики, описания и синонимы секций, видов, подвидов.
Keywords: Hypericum, genus, subspecies, flora, endemic species.
Ключевые слова: зверобой, род, подвиды, флора, эндемичные виды.
Material and Method
The research is based on own materials collected during 4 years of field research by us in different botanical-geographical regions of Azerbaijan and in 2015-2022. Also, in this study were used numerous herbarium specimens stored at the Institute of Botany of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (BAK), the Berlin Botanical Garden and Museum (BGBM), as well as in various herbarium funds of the world (GBIF). Stationary surveys were conducted in all available
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
areas from low mountain belt to high mountain belt in the administrative districts on different routes in 2015-2022. For the molecular-phylogenetic (2016-2018) and anatomical (2021) studies were used the controversial species of this genus which was collected from different regions of Azerbaijan.
Hypericum L. is a genus represented by more than 500 species, widespread in warm-temperate areas throughout the world, as well as on the Azerbaijan flora. This genus is represented in Azerbaijan by 19 species including two endemic species.
According to the classification of phylogenetic groups (APG IV) of angiosperm this genus was grouped as follows: Regnum Plantae Divisio Tracheophyta Classis Magnoliopsida Superordo Rosanae Ordo Malpighiales Familia Hypericaceae Subfamilia Hypericoideae Tribus Hypericae Genus Hypericum L.
The most important diagnostic features for the designation of the species of this genus are considered the structure of the flower organs, the shape of the secretor and transculent glands (dotted, striped, linear). These transculent glands, which are found in the vegetative (root — pericycle; stem — core, pericycle, phloem; leaf — phloem, veins) and generative (petal, sepal, ovary) organs, are divided into 3 groups that are anatomically different from each other:
The first group includes multicellular black or red glands connected with veins, consisting of a single or two rows of smooth cell layers, containing hypericin, pseudohypericin.
The second group includes spherical pale glands of schizogenic origin, containing hyperforin substance and essential oils. Third group includes resinous pale glands located in the ovary of the plant (especially in the wall of the ovary) and protecting the seed from external influences. The glands included in the first group play an important role in the process of photosynthesis.
They are annual or perennial bare, hairy grass, shrub, semi-shrub, and rarely short trees. The stem is cylindrical, rounded, ribbed, erect, straight, creeping, 2-4-stalked, woody base, simple or dichotomic branching, pale, hairy, scabrid, glandular. The leaf is wide egg-shaped, ovoid, lanceolate or lancet-shaped, whorled, simple, papillose, hairy, vesicular, veiny, sessile or short-stalked, plain, without stipula, alternate, opposite or verticillate, twisted at the edges, black dotted or pale glandular, vascular branches are simple perforated, densely triangular spiral. The flowers (Ca4-5 Co4-5 A5-® G(3-5)) are located mainly in the axils of the leaves, gathered in monosexual, spirocyclic or cyclic, diecious, actinomorphic, cyme-like, cylindrical, spike-like, pyramidal broom or racemose peltate flower groups. Seeds are small, cylindrical, elliptical, numerous, dotted-porous or linear porous, yellowish-brown, reddish-brown or dark purple-brown porous, hairy, tip nose-shaped, narrow-winged base, without endosperm, large, fleshy, straight or wrapped embryo. The fruit is a red or black dehiscent or non-dehiscent capsule or berry.
Results and Discussion
It was determined that the genus Hypericum distributed in the flora of Azerbaijan consists of 19 species, 1 subspecies and 1 variety belonging to 7 sections. Brief information on each section, species, subspecies and variety are given (Table 1).
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
Label data of herbarium copies belonging to 12 species (1 subspecies, 1 variety) included in the genus and stored in the Herbarium Fund (BAK) of the Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan NAS were analyzed, and an electronic database of these species was created. As a result of the analysis of the herbarium copies stored in the fund, it was revealed that there were 298 herbarium specimens on the genus. It has been established that these specimens were collected by prominent botanists such as A. A. Grossheim, I. I. Karyagin, L. Prilipko, R. Rzazade, G. Gurvitch, I. Beydeman, T. Heydeman, I. Isayev, G. Akhundov, I. Hajiyev, N. Shipchinskiy, M. Sakhokia etc. [1-11].
Table 1
Sections Species Subspecies and variety
Androsaemum (Duhamel) Godr. H. androsaemum L.
Coridium H. asperuloides Czern. & Turcz.
Inodora Stef. Hypericum xylosteifolium (Spach) N. Robson
Hypericum H. tetrapterum Fries H. perforatum L. H. elegans Steph. ex Willd. subsp. veronense (Schrank) H. Lindb.
Adenosepalum Spach. Hypericum formosissimum Takht.
Hirtella Stef. H. scabrum L. H. lydium Boiss. H. pseudolaeve N. Robson H. karjaginii Rzazade H. elongatum Ledeb. H. helianthemoides (Spach) Boiss. H. davisii N. Robson var. micranthum Boiss.
Taeniocarpium Jaub. et Spach. H. hirsutum L. H. venustum Fenzl H. linarioides Bosse H. theodorii Woronow H. nummularioides Trautv.
We collected 80 herbarium specimens belonging to the genus from different regions of the republic for 2015-2022 years and handed them over to the herbarium fund (http://hypericum.myspecies.info). Of these 298 samples collected from botanical and geographical regions of the republic in different years (1925-2022), 25 belong to H. androsaemum, 12 to H. elongatum, 9 to H. hirsutum, 1 to H. karjaginii, 49 to H. linarioides, 6 to H. lydium, 138 to H. perforatum 13 to H. perforatum subsp. veronense, 33 to H. scabrum, 1 to H. scabrum var. micranthum, 3 to H. tetrapterum, 4 to H. theodorii, 2 to H. helianthemoides, 2 to H. formosissimum species (Figure).
In Azerbaijan flora was registered 19 species of Hypericum. These are H. androsaemum, H. davisii, H. elongatum, H. formosissimum, H. hirsutum, H. linarioides, H. lydium, H. nummularoides, H. perforatum, H. pseudolaeve, H. scabrum, H. tetrapterum, H. theodorii, H. venustum, H. karjaginii, H. xylosteifolium, H. asperuloides, H. elegans, H. helianthemoides (http://www.worldfloraonline.org).
According to the "Red List of endemic plants of the Caucasus" was determined that 3 (H. formosissimum, H. nummularioides, H. xylosteifolium) out of 19 species are endemic species to Caucasus and 2 (H. karjaginii., H. theodorii) are endemic species to Azerbaijan. Also, 2 out of this species are relict (H. androsaemum, H. xylosteifolium) plants from the glacial period
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
(https://www.gbif.org; http://ww2.bgbm.org).
H.formossisimum H.helianthemoides H. theodorii H.tetrapterum H.scabrum var.micranthum H.scabrum H.perforatum subsp.veronense H.perforatum H.lydium H.linarioides H.karjaginii H.hirsutum H.elongatum H.androsaemum ■ 2015-2022 ■ 2000-2010
Ы ъ 1
12 12
Figure. Quantity of herbarium samples belonging to the genus Hypericum stored in the Herbarium Fund of Azerbaijan NAS
The classification adopted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was used to assess rare and endangered species of this genus distributed in the flora of Azerbaijan (Table 2). According to this classification system, the status of rare and endangered species of the Hypericum L. distributed in Azerbaijan flora has been clarified.
Table 2
IUCN Species
VU A3C (Vulnerable) H. karjaginii
DD (Data Deficient) H. nummularioides
VU A3C (Vulnerable) H. lydium
CR A3c (Critically Endangered) H. linarioides
VU A3C (Vulnerable) H. theodorii
EN B2 ab (II, III) (Endangered)
H. formosissimum
According to the quantitative criteria which used in the assessment of rare species (A, B, C, D, E), out of the species of the genus found in our flora, 1 is defined as being critically endangered (CR), 1 as endangered (EN), 3 as weakened population, vulnerable to adverse effects (VU), and 1 as data deficient (DD).
1. Boissier, E. (1867). Flora Orientalis. Genevae, I, 1017-1025.
2. Flora URSS (Flora Unions Rerumpublicarum Sovieticarum Socialisticarum) (1934-1964). Leningrad. (in Russian).
3. Rzazade, R. (1955). Rod Hypericum L. In Flora Azerbaidzhana. Baku, 248-259.
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Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №11. 2022
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84
4. Clapham, A. R., Tutin, T. G., & Moore, D. M. (1990). Flora of the British Isles. CUP Archive.
5. Davis, P. (2019). Flora of Turkey, Volume 8. Edinburgh University Press.
6. Smith, A. R. (1968). Euphorbia L. Flora Europaea, 2, 213-226.
7. Robson, N. K. (1990). Studies in the genus Hypericum L (Guttiferae) 8. Sections 29. Brathys (part 2) and 30. Trigynobrathys. London: Brit. museum (natural history), 151.
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10. Asgarov, A. M. (2016). The flora of Azerbaijan. Baku.
11. Schatz, G. E., Shulkina, T., & Solomon, J. C. (2014). Red list of the endemic plants of the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Russia, and Turkey.
Список литературы:
1. Flora orientalis, Ed. by Boissier E. 1867. Genevae, Vol I. P. 1017-1025.
2. Флора СССР. Л.: Акад. наук СССР, 1934-1964.
3. Рзазаде Р. Род Hypericum L. // Флора Азербайджана. 1955. Баку: Изд-во АН Азерб. ССР. C. 248-259.
4. Clapham A. R., Tutin T. G., Moore D. M. Flora of the British isles. CUP Archive, 1990.
5. Davis P. Flora of Turkey, V. 8. Edinburgh University Press, 2019.
6. Smith A. R. Euphorbia L // Flora Europaea. 1968. V. 2. P. 213-226.
7. Robson N. K. Studies in the genus Hypericum L (Guttiferae) 8. Sections 29. Brathys (part 2) and 30. Trigynobrathys. London: Brit. museum (natural history), 1990. 151 p.
8. Бондаренко С. В., Бялт В. В., Васильева И. М. Конспект флоры Кавказа. М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2012. 630 с.
9. Зернов А. С. Иллюстрированная флора юга Российского Причерноморья. М.: КМК, 2013. 587 с.
10. Asgarov A.M. The flora of Azerbaijan. Baku, 2016. 444 p.
11. Schatz G. E., Shulkina T., Solomon J. C. Red list of the endemic plants of the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Russia, and Turkey. 2014.
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в редакцию 29.09.2022 г. 09.10.2022 г.
Ссылка для цитирования:
Fatdayeva A. Systematic Review of the Genus Hypericum L. in Flora of Azerbaijan //
Бюллетень науки и практики. 2022. Т. 8. №11. С. 92-96. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84/12
Cite as (APA):
Fatdayeva, A. (2022). Systematic Review of the Genus Hypericum L. in Flora of Azerbaijan. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 5(11), 92-96. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/84/12
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