Научная статья на тему 'Systematic analysis of indicator saborbine species of alcohols of the Sangzar River'

Systematic analysis of indicator saborbine species of alcohols of the Sangzar River Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Ismatova Zulaykho Asadovna

The indicator saprobic algal species of the Sangzar River have been investigated and systematized for the first time. Identified 522 algae from them, 134 indicator saprobic species and varieties that belong to 53 genera, 28 families, 17 orders, 11 classes and 6 department (Cyanophyta, Xanthopyta, Chrysophyta, Bacillariophyta, Euglenophyta, Chlorophyta).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Systematic analysis of indicator saborbine species of alcohols of the Sangzar River»

Ismatova Zulaykho Asadovna, teacher, of the Jizzakh State University pedagogical Uuniversity E-mail: anvar.ilmiy@mail.ru


Abstract: The indicator saprobic algal species of the Sangzar River have been investigated and systematized for the first time. Identified 522 algae from them, 134 indicator saprobic species and varieties that belong to 53 genera, 28 families, 17 orders, 11 classes and 6 department (Cyanophyta, Xanthopyta, Chrysophyta, Bacillariophyta, Euglenophyta, Chlorophyta).

Keywords: Sangsar River, algae, systematic analysis, indicator, Cyanophyta, Xanthopyta, Chrysophyta, Bacillariophyta, Euglenophyta, Chlorophyta.

Since ancient times, mankind has been using natural The indicator saprobic algal species of the Sangzar

resources for its needs and increasingly taking them from River have been investigated and systematized for the

nature. This contributes to a partial change in nature. Es- first time. Identified 522 algae from them, 134 indicator

pecially, improper use of water, emissions of industrial saprobic species and varieties that belong to 53 genera,

waste leads to an increase in the pollution of the river. 28 families, 17 orders, 11 classes and 6 department (Cy-

As a result, the species composition of aquatic flora and anophyta, Xanthopyta, Chrysophyta, Bacillariophyta,

fauna is reduced. This poses a great threat to their de- Euglenophyta, Chlorophyta) (Table 1).

velopment and spread and helps to reduce species and The content of the indicators is about 25.67% of the

varieties. Algae that are widespread in nature are of great total number of algal taxa discovered by us (522).

importance, since they are used in many branches of the The main species among the saprobic organisms can

national economy. be considered representatives of diatom algae - 93 spe-

We researched 522 species and varieties in the Sang- cies or 69.40% of their total content (134). Then follows

zar River and studied their distribution along the river, the green algae - 18 species, or 13.43%, blue - green -

seasonal development, with the help of indicator sapro- 15 or 11.19%, euglenic - 6 or 4.48%, Xanthopyta, and

bic algae, the degree of water pollution was revealed. Chrysophyta - 1 species or 0.75%.

Table 1.- Systematic analysis of indicator saprobic species and varieties

of algae of the Sangzar River


Department of algae Classes Order Family Births Species Variation The form Total Percentage of total number of species

Cyanophyta 2 3 6 10 14 1 - 15 11.19%

Rhodophyta - - - - - - - - -

Xanthophyta 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 0.75%

Chrysophyta 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 0.75%

Bacillariophyta 2 4 8 26 76 16 1 93 69.40%

Euglenophyta 1 1 1 3 6 - - 6 4.48%

Chlorophyta 4 7 11 12 17 1 - 18 13.43%

Total: 11 17 28 53 114 18 1 134 100%

Taxonomic analysis of the composition of the Sangsar indicator saprobic algae shows that 93 noted species and varieties of diatoms are united into 26 genera, 8 families, 4 orders, 2 classes (Table 2).

The class Pennatophyceae unites only 69 indicator saprobic species and varieties in the department, and Centrophyceae - 7 species [3].

Table 2.- The systematic composition of the indicator saprobic algae of the Bacillariophyta of the Sangzar River

Among the orders Raphinales includes 5 families and 22 genera. Naviculaceae West has a large number of species among the families.- 40 species and varieties. The most generous genera are: Navicula Bory.- 14, Nitzschia Hass. - 12, Cymbella Ag.- 9.

Classes Order Family Births

Melosira Ag.

Centrophyceae Discoidales Coscinodiscaceae Kuetz. Cyclotella Kuetz.

Stephanodiscus Ehr.

Solinioidales Soleniaceae Schutt. Rhizosolenia Ehr.

Meridion Ag.

Diatoma D.C.

Araphinales Schutt. Fragilariaceae (Kuetz)D.T Fragilaria Lyngb.

Ceratoneis Ehr.

Synedra Ehr.

Cocconeis Ehr.

Achnanthaceae (Kuetz) Grun. Achnanthes Bory.

Rhoicosphenia Grun.

Stauroneis Ehr.

Navicula Bory.

Pennatophyceae Pinnularia Ehr.

Caloneis Cl.

Naviculaceae West. Gyrosigma Hass.

Raphinales Amphora Ehr.

Cymbella Ag.

Didymosphenia M. Schmidt.

Gomphonema Ag.

Epithemiaceae Hust. Denticula Kuetz.

Nitzschiaceae Hass. Bacillaria Gmelin.

Nitzschia Hass.

Surirellaceae (Kuetz.) Grun. Cymatopleura W. Sm.

Surirella Turp.

Total: 2 4 8 26

The results of the analysis of the species composition of representatives of the Chlorophyta department found in the Sangzar River indicate that 18 indicator saprobic species and a variety of algae are combined into 12 genera belonging to 11 families, 7 orders and 4 classes [4, 7, 8] (Chlorococcophyceae, Ulotrichophyceae, Si-phonocladophyceae, Conjuga-tophyceae) (Table 3).

The families of Ulotrichaceae Kuetz are the most numerous species of saprobity (4), Cladophoraceae

(Hass.) Cohn. (3), the rest of the family is represented by a small number - from 2 to 1 species.

Among the genera of green indicator saprobic algae are rich in species of Ulothrix Kuerz (4), Chlorella Bei-jerinck (2), Cladophora Kuetz (2), Spirogyra Link (2); the rest of the genera consist of 1 species.

According to the structure of representatives of the department of Cyanophyta, it can be judged that the detected species and forms of indicator saprobic algae

(15) belong to 10 genera, 6 families, 3 orders and 2 classes [1, 6] (Chroococceae and Hormogoniophy-ceae) (Table 4).

The Chroococceae class includes 8 species or 53.33% of the total number (15).

The family of Oscillatoriaceae (Kirchn.) Elenk is the most numerous species of saprobity (6), Merismopedia-ceae Elenk (4).

Among the genera, the largest number of species in Merismopedia (Meyen.) Elenk. emend. (4), Spirulina Turp (2), Phormidium Kuetz (2).

Table 3.- The systematic composition of the indicator saprobic algae of the Chlorophyta department of the Sangzar River

Classes Order Family Births

Chlorococ cophyceae Chlorococcales Hudrodictyaceae S. F. Graydumortier orth. Mut. Mohn. Pediastrum Meyen.

Dictyosphaeria ceae (Detoni.) G. S. West. Dictyosphae rium Naegeli.

Oocystaceae Bohlin. Chlorella Beijerinck.

Scenedesmaceae Scenedesmus Meyen.

Ulotrich ophy-ceae Ulotrichales Ulotrichaceae Kuetz. Ulothrix Kuerz.

Ulvineae Ulvaceae Lamour. Enteromorpha (Link.) Harvey.

Chaetophoraceae (Harv.) De-Toni. et Levi. Stigeoclonium Kuetz.

Microsporales Microsporaceae Thur. Microspora Thuret.

Siphonocla dophyceae Cladophoralis Cladophoraceae (Hass.) Cohn. Rhizoclonium Kuetz.

Cladophora Kuetz.

Conjugato phyceae Zygnematales Spirogyraceae Randh. Spirogyra Link.

Desmidiales Desmidiaceae Ralfs. Cosmarium Corda.

Total: 4 7 11 12

To the department ofEuglenophyta are 6 species ofin-dicator saprobic algae belonging to 3 genera (Trachelomo-nas Ehr., Strombomonas Defl., Euglena Ehr.). Among the genera, Trachelomonas Ehr is the largest number (4).

In the department of Xanthophyta there are only 1 species belonging to the genus Tribonema Derb. et

Sol., the family Tribonemataceae Pasch., the order of Malleodendrales and the class Heterocapsophyceae [2]. The department of Chrysophyta also has only 1 species - Chromulina Cienk [5].

Table 4.- The systematic composition of the indicator saprobic algae of the Cyanophyta section of the Sangzar River

Classes Order Family Births

Chrooco cceae Chroococcales Coccobactreaceae Synechococcus Naeg. Rhabdoderma Schmidle et Laut.

Merismopediaceae Elenk. Merismopedia (Meyen.) Elenk. emend

Microcystidaceae Elenk. Microcustis (Kuetz.) Elenk.

Gloeocapsaceae Elenk.et Hollerb. Gloeocapsa (Kuetz.) Hollerb. emend.

Hormogo nio-phyceae Nostocales (Geitl.) Elenk. Nostocaceae Kuetz. emend. (Kirchner) em. Elenk. Nostoc Adanson.

Oscillatoriales Elenk. Oscillatoriaceae (Kirchn.) Elenk. Oscillatoria Vauch. Spirulina Turp. Phormidium Kuetz. Lyngbya Ag.

Total: 2 3 6 10

Thus, in the Sangzar River there are 134 species and are algae Bacillariophyta, followed by Chlorophyta, Cy-varieties, indicator saprobic algae, leading from which anophyta, Euglenophyta, Xanthopyta and Chrysophyta.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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4. Kursanov L. I., Zabelina M.M, Meyer K. I., Roll Ya. V., Peshinskaya N. I. The determinant of lower plants.- Volume I. Algae.- M.: Science.- 1953.- 396 p.

5. Matvienko A. M. The determinant of freshwater algae of the USSR. Golden algae.- M.: Soviet Science, -1954.-188 p.

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7. Moshkova N. A., Hollerbach M. M. The determinant of freshwater algae of the USSR. Issue. 10 (1) Green algae. Order Ulotriksovye-Ulotrichophyceae. - Leningrad: Science,- 1986.- 357 p.

8. Palamar G. M., Mordvintseva G. M. The determinant of freshwater algae of the USSR. Issue. 11 (2) Green algae. The order of Desmidia-Desmidiales (2). - Leningrad: Science,- 1982.- 620 p.

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