Научная статья на тему 'Structure and taxonomic analysis of soil algae steep areas of northern Ferghana in winter'

Structure and taxonomic analysis of soil algae steep areas of northern Ferghana in winter Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Onarkhon G., Khusanova Kh., Alimjanova X.A.

The article analyzes the distribution of soil algae in winter soils in tropical regions of northern Fergana. The first 77 species of soil algae were detected and their taxonomic analysis was performed. Algoflorada contains 4 species of algae (Syanophyta, Xanthophyta, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Structure and taxonomic analysis of soil algae steep areas of northern Ferghana in winter»

Onarkhon G., Khusanova Kh., Alimjanova X. A., Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent



Abstract: The article analyzes the distribution of soil algae in winter soils in tropical regions of northern Fergana. The first 77 species of soil algae were detected and their taxonomic analysis was performed. Algoflorada contains 4 species of algae (Syanophyta, Xanthophyta, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta).

Keywords: algoflora, taxon, tour, northern Ferghana valley.


The northern Ferghana valley extends from west to east 130 km, from north to south, from 35 km to 80 km. The area is 7.4 thousand km2. The region ranks first among the Ferghana Valley regions. The north and northeast are bordered by the Jalal-Abad and southern-western regions of the Republic of Tajikistan from the southern Khujand region of the Fergana region of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Andij an region to the east.

A. M. Muzafarov (1965), A. E. Ergashev (1974), M. A. Kuchkarova, S. X. Halilov (1976), A. E. Elmuratov (1991), X. A. Alimjanova (2008) and others have been devoted to the study of water basins algae and research on soil algae has not been carried out so far.

At present, one of the pressing issues is stabilization of the balance between nature and society, the identification of soil conditions, the study of soil microorganisms, detection and distribution of soil microorganisms, and the assessment of their ecological and sanitary condition. First of all, it is important to identify and analyze the current composition of soil algae in the northeastern Fergana valley, to make a general list of soil algae of Uzbekistan, as well as to evaluate local biodi-

Research area and methods

During the research, laboratory analyzes were carried out, statistical methods and methods were used in general algorithm. The low plain of the western and eastern regions of the northern Ferghana Valley received soil samples from 10 monitoring points at altitudes ranging from 400-450 m to 1700-2800 m above sea level. A total of 20 soil samples were obtained for taxonomic and quantitative study of soil algae. Samples of soil samples were obtained from 0-3 cm of the surface and 3-30 cm deep. Algorithmic detectors, monographs, and Gollerbax M. M., Polyanskiy V. I. [1] (1951) was used. The composition of the types of the collected algorithms was determined and analyzed in the Laboratory of Microbiology and Algaology of the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Analysis of the results

During the winter months of the northern Ferghana valley, 77 species and species (51 varieties of 2 varieties and 24 forms) were detected in the soil algae. They consist of 8 classes of 12 classes in 4th grade families with 32 families (Table 1).

versity objects and conduct monitoring studies.

Table 1. - Taxonomic composition of the soil algae in the winter season of the northern Ferghana valley (2016-2018)

Departments The number of taxa

class order Family Category tour variety of varieties total:

variation form

Cyanophyta 2 4 8 13 27 - 23 50

Xanthophyta 2 3 5 6 6 - - 6

Bacillariophyta 2 3 6 7 11 1 1 13

Chlorophyta 2 2 5 6 7 1 - 8

total: 8 12 24 32 51 2 24 77

Syanophyta - 50 species (64.9% of total species), Xan-thophyta-6 species (7.8%), Bacillariophyta-13 species (16.9%), Chlorophyta-8 species (10.4%). According to the results of the analysis, the blue-green algae branch has shown superiority in the number of species.

The Syanophyta department consists of 2 class, 4 students, 8 families, 13 categories (Table 2).

The Chroococcophyceae Class of the Syanophyta Division consists of 2 layers, 4 families, 4 families, 11 species and

species. Chroocosales sequence was identified in 10 species: Soccobactreaseae, Synechococcus Naeg turkum 2 species from Elenk family, Microcystis Kuetzing family from Micro-cystidaceae Elenk family, Gloeocapsaceae Elenk, Holloch Gloeocapsa (Kuetz.) From the Hollerb family. 4 species of Emendium: Entophysalidales Geography Chlorogloeaceae Geligli family Chlorogloea species has been composed of 1 species.

Table 2.- Taxonomic composition of syanophyta species species

class order Family Category variety of varieties the number

Chroococcophyceae Chroococales Geitler Coccobactreaceae Elenk Synechococcus Naeg 2

Microcystidaceae Elenk Microcystis Kuetzing. 4

Gloeocapsaceae Elenk., et Hollerb Gloeocapsa (Kuetz.) Hollerb. Emend 4

Entophysali-dales Geitler Chlorogloeaceae Geitl. Chlorogloea Wille. 1

Hormogo-niophyceae Nostocales (Geitl.) Elenk Nostocaceae Kuetz. emend. (Kirehner) emend Elenk. Nostoc Adanson 7

Oscillatoriales Elenk Oscillatoriaceae (Kirchn.) Elenk Oscillatoria Vauch.. 8

Phormidium Kuetz. 8

Symploca Kuetz 1

LyngV Ag 3

Schizothrichaceae Elenk Schizothrix (Kuetz.) Gom. 5

Hydrocoleus Kuetz 2

Microcoleus Desmaz. 3

Plectonemataceae Elenk Plectonema Thur. 2

total:2 4 8 13 50

Hystogoniophyceae Class of the Syanophyta Division Nostocales (Geitl.) Elenk Mode Nostocaseae Kuetz. emend (Kirehner) emend Elenk. The Nostoc Adanson family consisted of 7 species.

The Oscillatoriales Elenk was the most common Oscilla-toriaceae (Kirchn.) And algoflorada from the family of Elenk 8 species of Oscillatoria Wow, Phormidium Kuetz 8, Symploca Kuetz 1 and Lyngbya Ag 3 species.

Schizothrixaceae Ezenk family Schizothrix (Kuetz.) Gum Series 5, Hydrocoleus Kuetz 2 rounds, Microcoleus Desmaz 3 species. Plectonemataceae Elenk family of Plectonema Thur has been identified in 2 species.

Taxonomic analysis of species ofXanthophyta revealed 6 (7.8%) species: class 2, 3, 5 families, 6 families and 6 species (Table 3).

Table 3.- Taxonomic composition of species of Xanthophyta

class order Family Category variety of varieties the number

Heterococ-cophyceae Elenk Heterococcales Pleurochloridaceae Pasch Botrydiopsis Borzi 1

Chlorocloster Pasch 1

Botryochloridaceae Pasch Botryochloris Pasch 1

Centritractaceae Bumilleriopsis Printz 1

Heterotri-chophyceae Tribonematales Heterotrichaceae Pasch Bumilleria Borzi 1

Heteroclonia-les Heterocloniaceae Pasch Heterococcus Chod 1

total: 2 3 5 6 6

Heterococcophyteae Elenk Class of Xanthophyta Division consists of 3 families, 4 families, 4 species and species varieties. They include: Boturdiopsis Borzis family of Pleuro-chloridaceae Pasch family, 1 species of Chlorocloster Pasch, 1 Botryochloridaceae, Botryochloris Pasch family from Pasch family, 1 species of Centrimractaceae family, Bumilleriopsis Printz.

The Bacillariophyta department consists of 2 classrooms, 2 families, 5 families, 6 families, 13 species and species. They are: Discoidales Order from the Centricae Class, Coscinodis-caceae Family, Melosira Ag Category 3 rounds, Pennatae Class Araphinales Schbrett Mode Fragilariaceae (Kuetz.) D. T. Fragilaria Lyngb family, Family of Raphinales Achnanthaceae (Kuetz.) Achnanthes Bory family of Grun family 3 rounds,

Chlorophyta division Protococcophyceae class Chloro-coccales sequence Chlorococcaceae Black family Dictyococ-cus Gerneck Em. 2 species of Korchik species, Protococcus Agardh family of Protococcaceae Wille family, Scenedesmus family of Scenedesmaceae Oltmans family 1 species, 1 species ofAnkistrodesmaceae Korschh family and Chlorolobion Korschh and Ankistrodesmus Corda species were identified.

Euclorophyceae class Ulotrichales mode The Oedogonia-ceae family, Oedogonium Link, has been composed of 2 species

Heterotrichophyceae Class 2 consists of 2 families, 2 families and 2 species. Tribonematales Mode, Heterotrichaceae Pasch Family, Bumilleria Borese Series 1, Heterocloniales Mode, Het-erocloniaceae Pasch Family, Heterococcus Chod Dose 1.

Taxonomic analysis of the Bacillilarophyta division revealed 13 (16.9%) species, consisting of 2 classes, 3 modes, 6 families, 7 families, 13 species and species varieties (Table 4).

Frustulia Ag of Naviculaceae West. category 1 tour, Amphora Ehr turkum 1 tour, Nitzschiaceae Hass. family Nitzschia Hass. 3 rounds, Surirella Turp from the Surirellaceae family. The category is 1 species.

The taxonomic analysis of the species of chlorophyta was 8 (10.4%), which consisted of 2 classes, 2 modes, 5 families, 6 families and 8 species and species varieties (Table 5).


1. In the winter season 77 species and species (4 divisions, 8 classes, 12 categories, 23 families, 32 families) of soil algae of the rocks of the northern Ferghana valley have been identified.

2. The most part of the soil algae in the winter was Syanophyta (50 species, ie 64.9%), Xanthophyta (6 rounds 7.8%), Bacillariophyta (13 species 16.9%) and Chlorophyta (8 rounds 10.4% species).

Table 4.- Taxonomic composition of Bacillilarophyta branch species

class order Family Category variety of varieties the number

Centricae Discoidales Coscinodiscaceae Melosira Ag З

Araphinales Schütt Fragilariaceae (Kuetz.) D.T. Fragilaria Lyngb 1

Achnanthaceae (Kuetz.) Grun Achnanthes Bory З

Pennatae Raphinales Naviculaceae West Frustulia Ag Amphora Ehr 1 1

Nitzschiaceae Hass Nitzschia Hass З

Surirellaceae Surirella Turp 1

total: 2 3 6 7 13

Table б. - Taxonomic analysis of species of chlorophyta

class order Family Category variety of varieties the number

Chlorococcaceae Black Dictyococcus Gerneck Em. Korschik 2

Protococ- Chlorococcales Protococcaceae Wille Protococcus Agardh 1

cophyceae Scenedesmaceae Oltmans Scenedesmus Meyen 1

Ankistrodesmaceae Korschh Chlorolobion Korschh Ankistrodesmus Corda 1 1

Euchloro-phyceae Ulothrichales Oedogoniaceae Oedogonium Link 2

total :2 2 S 6 S

3. In the winter months of the northern Ferghana valley, 4. In the winter months of the northern Ferghana val-

the most part of the soil algae was formed by the Syanophyta ley, at least a small part of the soil algae was formed by the division. According to literature data, the types of Syanophyta Xanthophyta division. According to the literature: Types of are flexible to all environmental conditions and maintain their Xanthophyta are not flexible to all environmental conditions, livelihood during the hottest and coldest months of the year, and quickly stop living in the hottest and coldest months of and are widely shared not only in reservoirs, but also in all the year. water basins, with other types of species [6; 7].


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2. Muzafarov A. M., Ergashev A. E., Khalilov S. / Opredelitel sinezelenyx vodorosley Sredney Azii.- V 3-x t.- Tashkent: Science, 1987.- T. 1.- 405 p.

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6. Muzafarov А. М. He geograficheskom raspredelenii vodorosley.- Tashkent: Fan, 1981.- 240 p.

7. Temirov A. А. Dominiruyushchie hydrogenated Kayrakkumskogo vodokhranilishcha // Tezisy nauchnoy konferentsii posvyashchennoy 75-let Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteti.- Tashkent, 1995.- P. 94-95.

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