Научная статья на тему 'The distribution of indicator-saprobe algae along shakhimardonsoy-margilansoy rivercourses'

The distribution of indicator-saprobe algae along shakhimardonsoy-margilansoy rivercourses Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Yuldasheva Muattarkhon Pulatovna

The article contains information on the distribution and separation of indicator saprobic algae of poly-, mesoand oligosaprobic zones along the Shakhimardansai-Margilansai Rivers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The distribution of indicator-saprobe algae along shakhimardonsoy-margilansoy rivercourses»

Section 1. Biology

Yuldasheva Muattarkhon Pulatovna, PhD., researcher, the faculty of life sciences Fergana State University E-mail: muattarxon_yuldasheva@mail.ru


Abstract: The article contains information on the distribution and separation of indicator saprobic algae ofpoly-, meso- and oligosaprobic zones along the Shakhimardansai-Margilansai Rivers. Keywords: Fergana, algae, indicator, sarobic, Shakhimardansai, Margilansai.

According to AS Konstantinov, the water basins or thier individual sections are divided into poly -, meso - and oligosaprobic zones according to the degree of contamination [6, 407-410].

In polysaprobic zone, (wastewater) organic compounds that pollute the water are comminuted aerobically. The dissolved oxygen is less; proteins that are not dissolved yet, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide occur; biochemical processes continues in this zone. The species of algae found in this area are very low, and their biomass is very high.

In mesosaprobic zone degree of water pollution is relatively small, proteins are completely dissolved, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide occurs in small quantities. The oxygen dissolved in the water occurs partly, as well as nitrogen compounds that are not fully dissolved, namely ammonia, amino and amideocytes. Mesosaprobic area, in turn, is divided into a and p - small mesosaprobic zones. Organic compounds are dissolved under aerobic conditions, mainly by means of bacteria. Oscillatoria chalybea (Mert.) Gom., Phormidium uncina-tum (Ag.) Gom. of blue-green algae that are inherent to Alpha-mesosaprobic, Diatom algae - Cyclotella meneghiniana Kuetz., Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grun., Synedra tabulata (Ag.) Kuetz. and others occur frequently; of green algae - Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Link. are can be exampled too.

Next, namely fi - small mesosaprobic zone is characterized by the presence of ammonia and its derivatives (nitrogen acid). In this small zone, amino acids do not occur, hydrogen sulfide occurs in small quantities, the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water is very high, and mineralization is accomplished by the total disintegration of organic matter. In this small zone, there are many types of algae, but their numbers and biomass are much lower than the previous one. In this small zone, blue-green algae are not found; of diatom algae -Melosira varians Ag., Cyclotella kuetzingiana Thw., Fragilaria construens var.binodis (Ehr.) Grun, Navicula cinkta (Ehr.) Kuetz., Gyrosigma acuminatum (Kuetz). Raben, Cymbella aspera (Ehr.) Cl., C. sistula (Hemp.) Grun, C. prostrate (Berk.) Cl., Gomphonema constrictum Ehr., Nitzschia communis Rabenh., Surirella angustata Kuetz.; are found; of euglenous algae - Tra-chelomonas oblanga Lemm., Phacus parvulus Klebs.; of green

algae - Scendesmus bijugatus (Turp.) Kuetz., Ulotrix tenerrima Kuetz., Sladophora glomerata (L.) Kuetz., S. fracta Kuetz., Clo-sterium parvulum Naeg. can be exampled.

In oligosaprobic zone hydrogen sulfide does not happen, the mass of carbon dioxide is little, the degree of the saturation of the oxygen dissolved in the water is close to the norm, organic substances disintegrated in water almost do not happen, because they are fully digested by algae. This zone is characterized by a kind and variety of algae. However, their number and biomass are little. Cyclotella comta (Ehr.) Kuetz., Diatoma vilgare Bory., Fragilaria bicapitata A. Mayer., Neidium productum (W. Sm.) Cl., Cymbella affinis Kuets., Ulotrix ae-qualis Kuetz., Closterium navicula (Breb). Liitkom., Hyalotheca dissilins (Smith.) Breb. are peculiar to this zone.

Of the total (77 - seventy-seven) number of species and varieties of indicator-saprobe algae, in the upper areas of Shakhimardonsoy - Margilansoy 31 in the middle 39, and in the lower areas 37 species exist. The number of algae increases along with the rivercourse due to alpha -, oligo -, beta - mesosaprobic species and varieties. Indicator species of blue-green algae are not found in the upper part of the river.

In the middle and lower part of the Shakhimardansay -Margilansay 1 to 2 blue-green indicator-saprobe algae occur. Oscillatoria chalybea (Mert.) Gom., Phormidium uncinatum (Ag.) Gom. dominate in these areas.

The number of indicator - saprobe diatom species of algae increases in number from the upper parts (24), to the middle (32) and the lower parts reaching 31. Along the rivercourse, Cyclotella comta (Ehr.) Kuetz., Diatoma vilgare Bory., Synedra ulna (Nitzsch.) Ehr., Cocconeisplacentula Ehr., Navicula cinkta (Eer.) Kuetz., Cymbella venricosa Kuetz. are commonly spread.

Indicator species of pyrophyte algae are not found along the rivercourse in algae.

Indicator saprobe species of euglena algae are not found in the upper and middle parts of the river. Trachelomonas oblanga Lemm., Phacus parvulus Klebs. of algae are identified in the middle.

In algae, it is observed that ofindicator-saprobe ofgreen algae occur 7 in the upper, 4 in the middle, and 5 in the lover parts ofthe


river. Of them Scendesmus bijugatus (Turp.)Kuetz., Cladophora glomerata (L.)Kuetz., C. fracta Kuetz., Pediastrum boryanum (Turp.)Menegh., Ulotrix zonata Kuetz. are commonly spread.

In the middle and lower parts of the river, beta - mesosap-robic algae - Phormidium uncinatum (Ag.) Gom., Cerotoneis arcus (Ehr.) Kuetz., Synedra ulna var. oxyrhynchus (Kuetz.) VH, S. tabulata (Ag.) Kuetz., Cocconeis pediculus Ehr., Navicula cryptocephala var. veneta (Kuetz). Grun., N. radiosa var.tenella (Breb.) Grun., Cymbella affinis Kuets, C. prostrate (Berk.) Cl, Bacillaria paradoxa Gmelin., Surirella linearis W. Sm, Sladophora fracta Kuetz., Closterium parvulum Naeg. are found. In the in the lower parts of the river, xeno-saprobic algae that are peculiar to cold and clean waters are not met.

Bacillariophyta branch of algae dominated in the number of saprobe species and varieties. The number ofthe algae increases from the upper parts to the lower respectively (24-31-28).

It is observed that 7 xeno-saprobic algae are found in the upper part of the river. Due to the high degree of the contamination in the middle and the lower parts of the river, the number of the species and varieties of the xeno-saprobic algae are reduced for a few times. Xeno-saprobic species - Meridion circulare Ag., Diatoma hiemale (Lyngb.)Heib, Cerotoneis arcus (Ehr.)

Table 1. - Spread over the course

Kuetz., Synedra ulna (Nitzsch.)Ehr., S. tenera W. Sm, Cocconeis placentula Ehr., Achnanthes coarctata (Breb.)Grun., A. lanceo-lata (Breb.)Grun, Navicula radiosa var.tenella (Breb.) Grun., Cymbella helvetica Kuetz., C. venricosa Kuetz., Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngb.) Kuetz and others occur in the upper parts.

Oligosaprobic species and (18), varieties occur 8 in the upper, 8 in the middle, and 9 in lower parts. In oligosaprobic species and varieties, the leading algae are Cyclotella comta (Enr.) Kuetz, Diatoma vilgare Bory., Cymbella affinis Kuets., Ulotrix zonata Kuetz. and others.

Number ofbeta - mesosaprobic algae (35), makes up 14 species in the upper part of the river, in the middle 16, and 17 in the lower parts. It is observed that the number of the mesosaprobic species and varieties multiplies 3 to 4 times along the rivercourse. Out of Beta - mesosaprobic algae found in the upper parts of the river Melosira varians Ag., Synedra berolinensis Lemm., Navicula cryptocephala var. intermedia Grun., N. cinkta (Eer.) Kuetz., N. dracilis Ehr., Cymbella aspera (Ehr.) Cl., C. sistula (Hemp.) Grun., Gomphonema constrictum Ehr., G. tergestinum (Grun) Fricke., Nitzschia parvula Lewis., Tetraedron minimum (A. Br.) Hansg., Scendesmus bijugatus (Turp.) Kuetz, Ulotrix tenerrima Kuetz., Sladophora glomerata (L.) Kuetz. can be illustrated (see table).

of the tracer - saprobity algae

Department of algae upper middle lower

in all X 0 a ß P in all X 0 a ß P in all X 0 a ß P

Cyanophyta - - - - 1 - - 1 1 - - 1

Bacillariophyta 24 7 6 1 10 - 32 11 7 2 11 1 31 6 7 4 14 -

Euglenophyta - - - - - - 2 - - - 2 - - - - - - -

Chlorophyta 7 - 2 1 4 - 4 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 2 - 3 -

in all: 7 31 7 8 2 14 - 39 11 8 3 16 1 37 6 9 5 17 -

In the middle and the lower courses of the river Synedra vaucheriae Kuetz., Cocconeis pediculus Ehr, Stauroneis anceps Ehr, Navicula cinkta (Eer.)Kuetz., N. exigua (Greg.)Muell, N. gracilis Ehr., Gyrosigma acuminatum (Kuetz). Raben., Cymbella aspera (Ehr.)Cl., C. cistula (Hemp.)Grun., C. lanceolata (Ehr.)VH, C.

prostrate (Berk.)Cl., Bacillaria paradoxa Gmelin., Nitzschia communis Rabenh., Nitzschia communis Rabenh., Surirella angustata Kuetz., S. linearis W. Sm, Trachelomonas oblanga Lemm., Pha-cus parvulus Klebs., Cladophora glomerata (L.)Kuetz., C. fracta Kuetz., Closterium parvulum Naeg. are found.


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