Научная статья
Плана Садетe1 *, Плана Гaни2, Плана Eдoнa3, Плана Зам4
1 2 4 Приштинский университет «Хасан Приштина», Приштина, Республика Косово;
3 Юго-восточный европейский университет, Тетово, Республика Северная Македония
* Корреспондирующий автор (sadete.pllana[at]
Понятие синонимии в любом языке, включая албанский язык, рассматривается как позитивное явление, как выражение разнообразия и богатства языка. Синонимы основываются на семантической общности, семантической близости, а также на семантической эквивалентности. Последняя является основой для абсолютных синонимов (алб. Dysoret - англ. Doublet (дублет)), и в общеупотребительной лексике они находятся в ограниченном количестве.
В терминологии, в отличие от общеупотребительных слов и выражений, особенно при рассмотрении проблем экономической терминологии, синонимия рассматривается как вредное явление. Синонимия в терминологии позволяет рассматривать ее в рамках такой области знания, как полисемия и омонимия. С этой точки зрения дублеты изучаются как вредное явление и в процессе стандартизации терминологии их устраняют, заменяя одним стандартным термином.
В данной статье будут рассмотрены некоторые проблемы, касающиеся теории синонимии и терминологической дихотомии в экономической терминологии албанского языка, чтобы облегчить дальнейшую работу по построению терминов и составлению терминологических словарей.
Ключевые слова: синонимия, терминологические дублеты в экономике, терминология экономики, албанский язык.
Research article
Pllana Sadete1 *, Pllana Gani2, Pllana Edona3, Pllana Zana4
1 2 4 University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina", Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo;
3 South East European University, Tetovo, Republic of Northern Macedonia
* Corresponding author (sadete.pllana[at]
Synonymy, as a concept in the general language of Albanian, is seen as a positive phenomenon and as an expression of the diversity and richness of the language. Synonyms are based on semantic community, semantic proximity, and in semantic equivalence, also. The last one is the basis for absolute synonyms (Alb. Dysoret - Engl. Doublet), where in the general lexicon they are in limited quantities.
In terminology, unlike in the general language, during tackling of economic terminology problems, synonymy is considered a harmful phenomenon that is present. Synonymy in terminology makes it possible to be viewed within a field of knowledge, such as polysemy and homonymy. From this point of view, doublets are studied as a harmful phenomenon, and in the process of standardization of terminology, they constitute the main orientation of the work for their elimination, defining between them and the standard term.
This paper will address some of the theoretical problems of synonymy and terminological dichotomy in the terminology of economics in the Albanian language, in order for this article to serve for further practice of constructing terms and compiling terminological dictionaries.
Keywords: synonymy, terminological doublets in economics, terminology of economics, Albanian language.
Synonymy, as a linguistic phenomenon, is the result of practical human activity. As such, it represents extremely great linguistic richness [9, P. 163-166]. It enables a person to express more deeply, more clearly, and more beautifully thoughts, feelings, and the world around him/her. The appearance of synonyms in the language is directly related to the constant change and development of the language [8, P. 4]. At the general language level, it is difficult to study the terminological lexicon in synonymous relations as separate units, only if they are viewed as integrated lexicon in the general lexicon. [12, P. 210-211].
In the "Leksikologjia e gjuhes shqipe" [15] [Thomai], the notion "synonym" is given: "as words close in meaning but different in pronunciation". During the further elaboration of issues of synonyms, the synonymous words that express the same meaning are separated from these as a separate group. These are called absolute synonyms or lexical doublets. Thus, in synonymous relations between words, it is noticed, even when words are united on the basis of semantic value within the semantic structure of the word, as well as outside it (e.g., shoh — shqyrtoj — studioj = see — examine — study [an issue], shoh — ndjek = see — follow [an exhibition], etc.), they support and illuminate each other. This means that, in order to create synonymous relationships between words, they must be related in some way to each other on the basis of closeness or semantic value.
In addition to synonyms that are not words with a completely identical meaning but that are distinguished from each other by a certain point of view in language, there are also words with the same meaning, which are not distinguished from the current situation from any point of view. These synonyms are called absolute synonyms or lexical doublets. Absolute synonyms are fewer in number than other synonyms and are often temporary and transient in the language system,
e.g., linguistike — gjuhesi = linguistics, ortografi — drejtshkrim = orthography, llogaritje — te — llogariturit = calculation, hapje — te — hapurit = opening, veshtrim — te — veshtruarit = view, etc.
The term "dublet" (doublet) it is not included in the dictionary of 1980. Instead, the term "dysore" [4, P.395] is included in the dictionary of 2006 [5, P. 221]. From a synchronous point of view, dichotomies are an excessive burden on language, while from a diachronic point of view, they can become lexical means of differentiating the meaning of words and thus become relative synonyms.
The emergence of synonymous terms (doublets) in the terminology of economics
Given the fact that the term expresses the notion, and the notion is also presented in elaborated linguistic forms, then terminological doublets are terminological formations which, in the composition of the pair (range), can be both one-word terms and phrase terms. Thus, existing native language words raised in level of terms create pairs of doublets with foreign terms, like: i luget - konkav (concave), i myset - konveks (convex), dukuri - fenomen (phenomenon), trajte - forme (shape), lakore - kurbe (curve), shtyse - impuls (impulse), kusht - kondite (condition), aplikoj - zbatoj - implementoj (implement), denduri - dendesi - densitet (density), trust - mirebesim (trust), kliring - spastrim - shlyerje (clearing), boshatisje - zbrazje -shterje (emptying), kolateral - garanci e kredise (credit guarantee), procesim direkt - perpunim i drejtperdrejte (direct processing), broker importi - ndermjetes i importit (import broker), etc. Therefore, by unambiguously marking the object, phenomenon or notion, one of the doublets pairs can be definitively removed from use, and one of them can be left for the permanent naming of the notion. This is one side of the problem. The other, more important question is which of the two should be removed.
Reasons for synonymous terms (doublets) of synonymy in the terminology of economics are different [9, P. 163-166]:
1) They can be created in the course of the development and formation of terminology when an attempt is made to introduce into language the most appropriate foreign or native term. Here can be brought cases of doublets connections, which can be the most extreme manifestations of the creation of synonymy in the relevant field, due to the competition of both foreign and native terms in the course of time, like: asistence sociale kujdes shoqeror (social care); arketime nga shitja likuiditete te shitjes (sales liquidity); bilanc perfundimtar bilanc inventari (final balance); ekonomi shumeformeshe ekonomi shumesektoreshe (multi-sector economy); koeficient normativ koeficient i planifikuar (normative coefficient); mall send artikull (article); mbiproduksion mbitakse (overproduction); kundervlere kunderpagese (counter-value); parapagese parapagim paradhenie (prepaid); qarkullim monetar qarkullim Iparase (cash circulation); shpronesoj zhd oganoj (expropriation), etc.
2) They emerge as a result of the development of concepts, the rise of new concepts, and the emergence of old concepts from language: avanse paradhenie (advance payments), cirkulacion qarkullim (circulation), inkasim arketim (collection), likuidim shlyerje (liquidation), reduksion (i gmimeve) zbritje (e gmimeve) — ('discount of prices), etc.
3) During efforts to introduce native terms into terminology that, as a process, can be doubly assessed:
As an overload of terminology, which creates confusion in communication, but also as a way of perfecting terminology, when native terms are actually more appropriate than foreign terms and thus respond to the terms attributes, such as ambiguity, accuracy, etc. As an example in Albanian, we can bring the gradual avoidance of doublets units following the times until today, but also their zigzag path: abandonim braktisje (abandonment); abrogim shfuqizim (abrogation); adaptingpershtatje (ad aptation); preference parapelqim (preference); priorityperparesi (priority); kompensim perplotesim (compensation); legal-e i ligjeshem (legal); grand fond ndihme (grant); evazion fiskal shmangie nga pagimi i taksave (tax evasion); tender oferte sipermarrjeje (tender) ; seleksionim Iperzgjedhje (selection); interpelance kunderpergjigje (motion); donacion dhurim (donat ion); multilateral-e shumepalesh (multilateral); advisor keshilldhenes (advisor); analize e performanses analize e sendertimit (performance analysis); banke nacionale banke kombetare (national bank); gmim fiks gmim i prere (fixed price); gmim variabil gmim I ndryshueshem (variable price); ekonomi nacionale ekonomi kombetare (national economy); for mular blank formular i paplotesuar (blank form); grup representativ grup perfaqesues (representative group); grup target grup i synuar/grup-cak (target group); kamuflazhe maskim (camouflage); klasifikim inicial klasifikim fillestar (initial classification); kontroll sanitare kontroll shendetesore (sanitary control); supervizor mbikeqyres (supervisor), etc.
The terminology of economics in Albanian as a terminology of the language of a developing country, in comparison to developed languages (English, French, German, and Russian) as languages of developed countries and with international reach, should be characterized, as well as realistically characterized, from a multivariate of terms for marking different concepts that appear in the form of doublets pairs, but sometimes also of doublets ranges, as we have illustrated above [10, P. 59]. If this terminology is viewed in its current state, it can be observed that, in general, the amount of doublet terms has been decreasing, especially compared to the past, when it was in the process of development and consolidation. However, some terms were introduced, especially in texts, creating a new situation in the creation of doublet terms, since both types of terms, both foreign and Albanian, were used in parallel or with each other as primary and the other as secondary, for example: llogarites and kalkulator (calculator), ndihmes drejtori and asistent drejtori (assistant director), transaksion dypalesh and transaksion bilateral (bilateral transaction), organizate biznesore and organizate afariste (business organization), kesh biznes and tregti me para ne dore (cash business), databaze and baze e te dhenave (database), benefite ekonomike and perfitime ekonomike (economic benefits), menaxher gjeneral dhe drejtues i pergjithshem (general manager), gmim inicial and gmim fillestar (initial price), limit gmimi and kufi i gmimit (price limit), reduktim gmimi and ulje gmimi (price reduction), aprovim i projektit and miratim i projektit (project approval), target and pikesynim (target), etc.
In order to more clearly observe the functioning of the phenomenon of synonymy, by putting the Albanian language first, it is necessary to look at the emergence of synonymous terms in dealing with each other in one language (Albanian) and in dealing with another language (English), as follows:
Terma emra ose terma me bazë emërore - Noun terms or terms with nominative base
Terma shqip-shqip fjalë-fjalë (të ndryshme) Terma në anglishte fjalë-fjalë (të ndryshme)
pakësim - zvogëlim reduction
i përsosur - i përkryer perfid
mbështetje - përkrahje suport
boshllëk - mospërputhje gaP
mohim - mospranim disclaimer
Togfjalësh-togfjalësh Word-group
investim i përfunduar - investim i maturuar mature investment
pjesë e tregut - segment i tregut market segment
información i brendshëm - información i privilegjuar inside information
investim në proces - investim i papërfunduar immature investment
zbritje e këmbimit (të valutave) - lirim në këmbimin (valutor) exchange discount
rritje e hovshme e shpenzimeve - gufim i shpenzimeve expenditure flight
program për postë elektronike - program i emailit e-mail programme
shkelje ekonomike - kundërvajtje ekonomike economic violation
kontratë e lidhur - kontratë e kushtëzuar tying contract
kredi e lidhur - kredi e kushtëzuar tying contract
çmim i synuar - kosto e synuar target cost
Terma shqip-shqip - Albanian-Albanian term Terma në anglishte - English terms
shënim - regjistrim record
kundërshtim - prapësim - mospranim objection
Term shqip (fjalë shqipe) - fjalë e huaj Albanian term (Albanian word) - foreign word English term (English word) - foreign word Term anglisht (fjalë angleze) - fjalë e huaj Albanian term (Albanian word) - foreign word English term (English word) - foreign word
gyp - tub pipe - tube
qëndresë - rezistencë strength - resistance
ndërfutje - interferencë catching - interference
vegël - instrument tool - instrument
Folje Verb
menaxhoj menage
skanoj scan
selektoj select
sponsorizoj sponsor
At the general language level, it is difficult to study the terminological lexicon in synonymous relations as separate units, only if they are viewed as integrated lexicon in the general lexicon. With time, one of the synonyms can go out of use or be meaningfully removed from the other word, becoming a synonym with a close meaning to it.
In the terminology of economics, synonymous relations are built on the basis of semantic equivalence, and as such, they affect the system, although they appear for intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic causes, which lead to their inevitable appearance.
The terminology of economics in the Albanian language followed step-by-step the development of economics and socioeconomic sciences in the entire Albanian area. It was built, developed, and enriched continuously in the lexical-semantic direction, as well as in the structural-word-formation direction, always using the word-forming tools of Albanian and its rich treasure, in addition to rebuilding the meaning of words and terms and expanding, narrowing, or re-understanding them.
Unfortunately, it can be noted that after the opening of Albania to the world (1990) and Kosovo (1999), the introduction of market economy and globalization processes, there is some limitation in the work for the standardization of the field in question, which has led either to the banning of work for the elimination of doublet terms or the return of foreign terms, especially derived from English and Italian (or parallel uses of both foreign and Albanian terms).
Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest
Не указан. None declared.
Список литературы / References
1. Gauger, H-M. Zum Problem der Synonyme (Avec un résumé en francais: Apport au problème des synonymes. Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik 9) Gauger, H-M., Tübingen. 1972.
2. Hanxhari, A. Vëzhgime për termat sinonimë në dy fjalorët e terminologjisë së spaecialiteti / Hanxhari, A. -"Sf.", nr. 12, Tiranë, 2000.
3. Duro, A. Terminologjia si sistem / Duro, A. -PANTEON, Tiranë, 2001.
4. Fjalor i gjuhës së sotme shqipe, ASH RPS TË SHQIPËRISË, IGJL, Tiranë, 1980.
5. Fjalor i gjuhës shqipe, ASHSH, IGJL, Tiranë, 2006.
6. Pasho, H. Terminologjia e ekonomisë në gjuhën shqipe (nga Rilindja deri në vitet '80 të shek. XX) / Pasho, H. AKSHSH IGJL, Tiranë, 2005. -59p.
7. Hidi, A. Pasurimi i vargjeve sinonimike në gjuhën letrare shqipe / Hidi, A. -ASH RPS SH IGJL Sektori i leksikologjisë dhe i leksikografisë, në STUDIME PËR LEKSIKUN DHE PËR FORMIMIN E FJALËVE NË GJUHËN SHQIPE III, Tiranë, 1989.
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9. Memushaj, R. Hyrje në gjuhësi / Memushaj, R. -BOTIMET TOENA, Tiranë, 2004. -163-166p
11. Pllana, G. Group word terms in the terminology of the theory of mechanics in Albanian and English" 2nd Symposium of Social Sciences and Humanities PhD Students "Education Culture and Society / Pllana, G.; Pllana, S. - Nowadays Challenges", in Wroclaw on 14th-17th of October 2013 at the University of Wroclaw (Poland), 2013.
12. Pllana, S. Terminologjia bazë e mekanikës në gjuhët shqipe dhe angleze / Pllana, S. -QSA IGJL, Studimet Albanologjike, Tiranë, 2014. -210-214p.
13. Rexha, N. Dictionary of business, economics and finance English-Albanian Albanian-English / Rexh, N. -ASAU Prishtinë, 2009.
14. Thomai, J. "Leksikologjia e gjuhës shqipe / Thomai, J. Tiranë, 1974.
Список литературы на английском / References in English
1. Gauger, H-M. Zum Problem der Synonyme (Avec un résumé en francais: Apport au problème des synonymes. Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik 9) / Gauger, H-M., Tübingen. 1972.
2. Hanxhari, A. Vëzhgime për termat sinonimë në dy fjalorët e terminologjisë së spaecialiteti [Observations on synonymous terms in both terminology dictionaries of the specialty] / Hanxhari, A. -"Sf.", nr. 1-2, Tiranë, 2000. [In Albanian]
3. Duro, A. Terminologjia si sistem [Terminology as a system] / Duro, A. -PANTEON, Tiranë, 2001. [In Albanian]
4. Fjalor i gjuhës së sotme shqipe [Dictionary of today's Albanian language] -ASH RPS TË SHQIPËRISË, IGJL [ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA, INSTITUTE OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE], Tiranë, 1980. [In Albanian]
5. Fjalor i gjuhës shqipe [Dictionary of the Albanian language], ASHSH, IGJL, Tiranë, 2006. [In Albanian]
6. Pasho, H. Terminologjia e ekonomisë në gjuhën shqipe (nga Rilindja deri në vitet '80 të shek. XX) [Terminology of economics in the Albanian language (from the Renaissance to the 1980s)] / Pasho, H. AKSHSH IGJL, Tiranë, 2005. -59p. [In Albanian]
7. Hidi, A. Pasurimi i vargjeve sinonimike në gjuhën letrare shqipe [Enrichment of synonymous verses in the Albanian literary language] / Hidi, A. -ASH RPS SH IGJL Sektori i leksikologjisë dhe i leksikografisë, në STUDIME PËR LEKSIKUN DHE PËR FORMIMIN E FJALËVE NË GJUHËN SHQIPE III, Tiranë, 1989. [In Albanian]
8. Islamaj, Sh. Çështje të sinonimisë në gjuhën shqipe [Issues of synonymy in the Albanian language] / Islamaj, Sh. -Instituti Albanologjik i Prishtinës, Prishtinë, 1985. -4-18p. [In Albanian]
9. Memushaj, R. Hyrje në gjuhësi [Introduction to linguistics] / Memushaj, R. -BOTIMET TOENA, Tiranë, 2004. -163-166p. [In Albanian]
11. Pllana, G. Group word terms in the terminology of the theory of mechanics in Albanian and English" 2nd Symposium of Social Sciences and Humanities PhD Students "Education Culture and Society / Pllana, G.; Pllana, S. - Nowadays Challenges", in Wroclaw on 14th-17th of October 2013 at the University of Wroclaw (Poland), 2013.
12. Pllana, S. Terminologjia bazë e mekanikës në gjuhët shqipe dhe angleze [Basic terminology of mechanics in Albanian and English languages] / Pllana, S. -QSA IGJL, Studimet Albanologjike, Tiranë, 2014. -210-214p. [In Albanian]
13. Rexha, N. Dictionary of business, economics and finance English-Albanian Albanian-English ASAU Prishtinë, 2009.
14. Thomai, J. Leksikologjia e gjuhës shqipe [Lexicology of the Albanian language] / Thomai, J. Tiranë, 1974. [In Albanian]