BORROWINGS FROM ROMANCE LANGUAGES IN THE TERMINOLOGY OF ECONOMICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Pllana S., Pllana E., Pllana G.

In the development and processing of terminology, one of the most discussed problems is that of borrowings. The problem of language contact is not a new topic in linguistics, but there are many issues that have not been adequately explained or have been explained in different or inappropriate ways. The terminology of economics is the linguistic material on which this paper is based. This paper aims to analyze the place of borrowings in this terminology, as well as the work that has been done to replace them with terms of Albanian origin. By addressing the characteristics of Roman borrowings in Albanian, we have tried to demonstrate the presence and influence of French and Italian on the terminology of economics. Other Romance languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Romanian, have not had a significant impact on the Albanian language.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18454/RULB.2020.22.2.19



Научная статья

Плана Садете1, Плана Едона2 *, Плана Гани3

1 3 Приштинский университет «Хасан Приштина», Приштина, Республика Косово;

2 Юго-восточный европейский университет, Тетово, Республика Северная Македония

* Корреспондирующий автор (eddona.p[at]gmail.com)


При разработке и обработке терминологии одной из самых обсуждаемых проблем является проблема заимствований. Проблема языкового контакта не нова в лингвистике, но есть много вопросов, которые не были должным образом объяснены или их объяснили различными или неуместными способами.

Терминология экономики - это лингвистический материал, на котором основан данный документ. Эта статья направлена на анализ места заимствований в данной терминологии, а также на работу, которая была проделана для их замены терминами албанского происхождения.

Рассматривая характеристики романских заимствований в албанском языке, мы попытались продемонстрировать присутствие и влияние французского и итальянского языков на терминологию экономики. Другие романские языки, такие как испанский, португальский, каталанский и румынский, не оказали существенного влияния на албанский язык.

Ключевые слова: заимствования, романские заимствования, терминология, терминология экономики, управление, финансы.


Research article

Pllana Sadete1, Pllana Edona2 *, Pllana Gani3

1 3 University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina", Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo;

2 South East European University, Tetovo, Republic of Northern Macedonia

* Corresponding author (eddona.p[at]gmail.com)


In the development and processing of terminology, one of the most discussed problems is that of borrowings. The problem of language contact is not a new topic in linguistics, but there are many issues that have not been adequately explained or have been explained in different or inappropriate ways.

The terminology of economics is the linguistic material on which this paper is based. This paper aims to analyze the place of borrowings in this terminology, as well as the work that has been done to replace them with terms of Albanian origin.

By addressing the characteristics of Roman borrowings in Albanian, we have tried to demonstrate the presence and influence of French and Italian on the terminology of economics. Other Romance languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Romanian, have not had a significant impact on the Albanian language.

Keywords: borrowings, Romance borrowings, terminology, terminology of economics, administration, finance.


Romanization has operated for many centuries in all countries of Western Europe and Southeast Europe, and it has been a long, political, historical-cultural, and linguistic process. Romanization in Southeast Europe began with the establishment of Roman rule in the Balkans, Illyria, Greece, Thrace, and Dacia, until the end of the 4th century. This was when the Roman Empire was divided into two parts — the West with the capital of Rome and the East with the capital of Byzantium. Illyria belonged to the Byzantine Empire. However, it maintained ties with Rome, so Latin influence continued even after this division [13, P. 317-320].

About the Roman borrowings in Albanian

Albanian, as an Indo-European language, is among the oldest languages in the Balkans, and it is the daughter of the Illyrian language. This language was spoken by the ancient Illyrians who inhabited the eastern shores of the Adriatic Sea. Throughout history, it has always been in contact with the Latin language of Rome, a language spoken in the provinces of the Roman Empire.

It is well-known that the influence of Latin on Albanian began quite early on and lasted for several centuries. The Latin element in Albanian was studied by many foreign and Albanian scholars [2]. Prof. Eqrem Cabej has stated, "One of the main tasks of Albanian linguistics, in addition to theoretical research, is and remains the enrichment of the language with elements of its own resources and its cleansing from the mass of foreign words that have flooded from abroad and that are flooding even nowadays. " [2, P.103].

Lyceum of Kor^a

The Lyceum of Korga, the first school of general culture in Albania, opened its doors on October 25, 1917, at the time when the Albanian Republic of Korga was functioning. The language used was French, with the exception of Albanian, which was given as a separate language. In the mid-1920s, German was introduced into the curriculum. The Lyceum of Korga was a

secular high school with a national character where boys and girls studied together regardless of social class or religion. From 1917 to 1943, 1,115 students from Albania and Kosovo attended the National Lyceum of Korga [20].

Terms borrowed from Roman languages in the terminology of economics

According to certain criteria, borrowed terms are of two types:

• foreign international terms

• foreign non-international terms

In terminological dictionaries, the Albanized words are reflected in different ways:

• terms that are given and also used only in Albanian

• Albanian terms that are accompanied by a foreign term, where the Albanian word is given as the norm

• Albanian terms that have been associated with or are given as synonyms alongside the foreign term, Albanized terms partially replacing foreign affixes with Albanian ones

The influence of the cultures of peoples who speak French and Italian is manifested in various forms, including almost all spheres of vocabulary and living environment, of space and time, and also in many areas of economics.

Below, we will present some examples. The first term is in Albanian and is compared with French and Italian in the general lexicon of Albanian, especially displayed as book lexicon, but used in various fields of economics.


Albanian - French

abonim, -i-abonnement ekonommi, -a-économie kredi,-a-crédit

abonohem-s'abonner eksport, -i-exportation kreditim,-i- créditeur

abonoj-abonner eksportim,-i-exportation (action d'exporter) kreditoj-créditer

abonues-i abonné eksportoj -exporter kupon,-i-coupon

aksionar,-e-actionnaire eksportues,-e-exporteur livroj-livrer

aksionar, -i-actionaire eksportues,-i-exporteur magazinë,-a-magasin

aksion-i-action ekspozim, -i-exhibition organizat/ë-a-organisation

ambalazh, -i-emballage ekspozit/ë-a-exposistion organizativ,-e-organisationnel

ambalazhim, -i-emballage ekspozoj-expose organizim,-i-organisation

ambalazhoj -emballer ekuipazh-i-équipage organizoj -organiser

ankand, -i-enchère ekzaminim, -i-examen organizuar (i,e)-organisé

anket/ë-a-enquète ekzaminoj -examiner organizues,-e-organisateur

anomali, -a-anomalie ekzekutim, -i-exécution plasman,-i-pacement

anonimi, -a-anonymat ekzekutiv,-e-exécutif rabat,-i-rabais

anonym, -e-anonyme ekzekutoj -exécuter reklam/ë-a-réclame

anulim, -i-annulation ekzemplar, -i-exemplaire reklamim,-i-réclame

anuloj-anuler ekzistoj-exister reklamues,-e-réclament

aprovim,-i-approbation emisar, -i-émissaire rekompensim, -i-récompense

aprovoj -approuver empirik,-e-empirique rekompensoj- récompenser

arbitrarisht-arbitrairement etiket/ë -a-étiquette rentabël-rentable

arbitraritet,-i-arbitraire etiketim, -i-étiquetage rentabil,-e-rentabile

arbitrazh,-i-arbitrage etiketoj-étiqueter rentabilitet,-i-rentabilité

arbitroj-arbitrer evidenc/ë-a- evidence rentë,-a-rente

asortiment,-i-assortimento furnizim-i-fourniture stabilitet, -i- stabilité

asortiment-assortiment furnizoj-furnir stabilizim, -i-stabilisation

balancim, -i-balancement furnizues-e-fournisseur stabilizoj -stabiliser

balancoj -balancer garanci, -a-garantie stabil-stable

bankë,-a-banque garant,-i-garant stazhist-stagiaire

bankënotë,-a-billet a banque garantim,-i-garantie stazh-stage

bankier,-i-banquier garantoj-garantir tarif/ë-a-tarif

debat,-i-debat intensivisht-intensivement tarifes (i)-tarifaire

debitor/-i-débiteur interes,-i-intérêt tarifoj-tarifer

ekonomik,-e-économique kontabilitet-i-comtabilité trezor,-i-trésor

ekonomik/ë-a- économique kontroll,-i-contrôle valorizim, -i-valorisati

ekonomikisht- économiquement kontrolloj -contrôler

ekonomiqar,-e-économe kontrollor, -i-contrôlleur

ekonomist,-i-économiste kontrollues,-i-contrôlleur






bankrot,-i -bancarotta



dogan/ё, -a-dogana

doganes (i,e)-doganale


doganoj -doganare


falimentoj -fallire



faturues, -i-fatturista



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financoj -finanziare



intensifikoj -intensificare

intensifikoj -intensifie





kaparoj -caparrare



konsum, -i-consumatione

konsumator, -i-consumatore



magazine,-a-magaszzinaggio magazinier, -i-magasinier magazinier, -i-magazziniere portofol, -i-portofoglio rabat,-i-rab/atto (-abasso) reform/e-a-riforma reformoj -rifondare

reformuar (i,e)-reformabile


revizion, -i-rexisione


rieksportim, -i-rieskortazione

rieksportoj -riesportare

rielaborim, -i-rielaborazione

rielaboroj -rielaborare

sabotim, -i-sabotaggio




skadim, -i-scadenza


skaduar (i,e)-scadente




Borrowing (as a process) leads to the birth of a wide chain of parallels. These parallels create inter-linguistic dependencies and a relative stability that makes it possible for them to etymologically preserve their origin. In this way, such borrowings gain the status of internationalisms (international words), which are mostly translatable. Compared to the foreign word, the borrowed word is completely integrated into the system of the receiving language. Foreign words should be used in those cases when they bring a new meaning, a new nuance of meaning, etc., which we cannot express with the tools of Albanian itself.

When considering Albania's relations with Italy, relations that also derive from geographical proximity, the linguistic influence that came from Italy continued even after the end of Roman rule. Also, in Albania, there were schools in the French language in Korga and its surrounding areas during the years 1931-1939. At the same time, a number of Albanians graduated from French universities and brought with them many words and terms of the French language.

As economics is a field with a wide scope of practice that you could say is part of people's daily lives, the terminology of economics should help them in communication with specialists to ensure accurate judgments and actions.

In reality, the Albanian language resisted the strong influence of Latin and Romance languages and was not assimilated by them.

Borrowed words from Romance languages in Albanian are adapted from a phonological point of view according to the principles and phonological habits of the Albanian language.

Therefore, work should continue in regards to supplementing and revising dictionaries for specific areas of the economy, to improve the shortcomings carried over so far, and especially to solve the problems of the time in this terminology.

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

Список литературы / References

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18. Pllana, G. Termat e huazuar nga italishtja dhe frengjishtja ne terminologjine e mekanikes ne gjuhen shqipe / Pllana. G. -KËRKIME GJUHËSORE III Konference shkencore nderkombetare (11 korrik 2014), Tirane, 2015.

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Список литературы на английском / References in English

1. Bejta, M. Fjalor frengjisht-shqip [French-Albanian dictionary] / Bejta, M. -ETMM, Prishtine, 1985.

2. Cabej, E. Studime gjuhesore IV [Linguistic Studies IV] / Cabej, E. -RILINDJA, Prishtine, 1977, -103 p. [In Albanian]

3. Cabre-Castellvi M.T. Theories of Terminology. Their description, prescription and explanation, in Terminology / Cabre-Castellvi M.T. -John Benjamins Publishing Company, 9(2)/2003. -165 p.

4. Deanovic, M.; Jernej, J. Talijansko hrvatski ili srpski rjecnik (Vocabulario Italiano Croato o Serbo) / Deanovic, M.; Jernej, J. -IRO "Skolska knjiga", Zagreb, 1989.

5. Felber, H. Terminologie als angewandte Sprachwissenschaft (Gedenlschrift für Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eugen Wüster) / Felber, H.; Lang, F., Wersig, G. -K^G^Saur München, New York, London, Parsi, 1979. -16 p.

6. Fjalor i gjuhes se sotme shqipe A-M [Today's Albanian Language Dictionary], - RLINDJA, Prishtine, 1981. [In Albanian]

7. Fjalor i termave te bankes 32 (shqip-anglisht-frengjisht-italisht-rusisht) [Banking terminology/Scientific and technical terminology 32 [Albanian-English-French-Italian-Russian] ]- AKADEMIA OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA, Tirana, 2014. [In Albanian]

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9. Kokona, V. Fjalor shqip-frengjisht [Albanian-French dictionary] / Kokona, V. -RILINDJA, Prishtine, 1989. [In Albanian]

10. Kostallari, A. Gjuha letrare kombetare shqipe dhe epoka jone [Albanian national literary language and our era]/ Kostallari, A. - "Sf", nr. 4, Tirane, 1984. [In Albanian]

11. Leka, F. Aspekte te zhvillimit te terminologjise tekniko-shkencore pas Clirimit, - "Sf', 1970/1, IGJL, Tirane, 1970. [In Albanian]

12. Luboteni, G. Menaxhmenti bankar [Banking Management] / Luboteni, G., Prishtine, 2015. [In Albanian]

13. Mansaku, S. Studime per historine e gjuhes shqipe Vellimi I [Studies on the history of the Albanian language Volume I] / Mansaku, S. -ASA IGJL, Tirane, 2018. -317p; -315 p. [In Albanian]

14. Marza N. E., The specialised lexicographical aproach a step further in dictionary-making, -Peter Lang, 2009. -83 p.

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18. Pllana, G., Termat e huazuar nga italishtja dhe frengjishtja ne terminologjine e mekanikes ne gjuhen shqipe [Borrowed terms from Italian and French in the terminology of mechanics in the Albanian language] / Pllana, G. -Linguistic Research III International Scientific Conference (July 11, 2014), Tirana, 2015. [In Albanian]

19. Xhuvani, A. Pastertia e gjuhes, Vepra 1, Tirane, 1980, -110 p. [In Albanian]

20. Liceu Francez, historia e shkolles se famshme dhe fati i ish-nxenesve [French Lyceum, the history of the famous school and the fate of former students] [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www.panorama.com.al/liceu-francez-historia-e-shkolles-se-famshme-dhe-fati-i-ish-nxenesve/ (accessed: 05.06.2020) [In Albanian]

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